Arrive Alive steers students to safety
In wake of ISIS strikes on major cities, students communicate unity, support
kshithija mulam news editor
Students had the opportunity to experience a virtual driving simulation when the Arrive Alive tour visited the upper school campus on the basketball courts outside Rosenthal Field on Wednesday. The driving simulation intended to reproduce the effects of driving under the influence or driving while texting.
Spirit to host beach clean-up, hang-out meena gudapati & ria gupta
copy editor & reporter
Spirit club will host an open community beach hangout and service trip at Santa Cruz tomorrow. The bus will leave from the upper school campus at 2:30 p.m., and will return around 9 p.m. Activities at the beach include making food, cooking smores and having a bonfire.
JUMP FOR JOY Liana Wang (11) leaps during a varsity dance routine at the Santana Row tree lighting ceremony.
Performing arts light up Santana Row
aneesha kumar & ruhi sayana reporters
Dazzling visitors to Santana Row with an hour long performance, the Varsity dance troupe, JV dance troupe, Kinetic Krew and Downbeat performed at the Santana Row Tree Lighting Ceremony on Tuesday. Santana Row celebrates the holiday season annually with the Tree Lighting Ceremony which includes a variety of performances and the lighting of a 40-foot Christmas tree. Kinetic Krew had their first performance, dancing to a dubstepped version of “Jingle Bells.” This is the first allboys dance team at Harker. It was created this year to give male dancers the opportunity to be part of a dance troupe. “It’s nice, considering that before we didn’t have a high school dance team for boys, but now we do, and I enjoy it,” Timothy Wang (9), a member of Kinetic Krew, said. The JV dance troupe performed routines to the Christmas classic “Let it Snow” by Michael Buble and Lady Gaga’s hit “Applause.” Downbeat prepared an up-tempo jazz routine of “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas” and a jazz rendition of “Deck the Halls.” The Varsity dance troupe performed a swingy jazz number to an upbeat big band version of “Jingle Bells.”
Choral concert, A2
HEART TO HEART Timothy Wang (9) makes a heart to paste onto the French National Honor Society board to show solidarity. Around 129 people were killed and 352 people were injured in Paris last Friday.
kshithija mulam & raveena kapatkar & meena gudapati news editor & Aquila news editor & copy editor
Paris, Beirut and Baghdad faced terrorist attacks last week, killing hundreds of people and wounding hundreds more in bomb explosions and hostage crises. Approximately 129 people were killed and 352 are injured in Paris. Men with assault rifles attacked people at the Bataclan theater and took survivors hostage. The second coordinated attack took place at the Stade de France, a stadium where a soccer match between France and Germany was taking place. Shooters conducted the third attack at various restaurants in central Paris. The Islamic State group has claimed responsibility for all three attacks in Paris. “I don’t know anybody who
Mizzou & Yale, A4
died in these attacks,” Upper school French teacher Galina Tchourilova said. “But I do take it very personally. Because this attack is not just on the French people or the Parisian people, it is an attack on humanity.” Bérengère Foulquier, who lives about one kilometer from Bataclan, commented on the environment in Paris after the attacks.
[In Paris] there is an atmosphere of rebellion, and because of that, the roads aren’t empty. BÉRENGÈRE FOULQUIER PARIS RESIDENT “We went to work Monday, and there [was] a very particular ambience,” she said in an interview translated from French. “That is to say that people [were] a bit gloomy. Because Paris is mostly inhabited
College Counseling, B1
by youth, there is an atmosphere of rebellion and the roads aren’t empty.” In addition to terrorist attacks in Paris, Baghdad and Beirut faced turmoil on Friday. A double suicide bombing in a Shiite residential area in southern Beirut killed at least 43 people and injured at least 200, according to the Lebanese Health Ministry. The Islamic State has also claimed responsibility for this attack. In Baghdad, an Islamic State militant allegedly self-detonated a bomb at the funeral of a Shiite pro-government fighter, killing at least 18 people and wounding 41. To commemorate the Paris attacks, various countries around the world lit up buildings and monuments with the French flag. Facebook created a filter of the French flag that users could place on their profile pictures to show support. Some felt that the Paris attacks were getting more atten-
Fall sports make CCS, B5
tion in comparison to the Beirut and Baghdad bombings. “I understand why [the West] is more acknowledged and more well-known because it’s Paris, but I find it a little disrespectful that Beirut, where these same acts of terror are happening, is going unrecognized,” Matthew Hajjar (9), whose family is from Lebanon, said. Middle school French teacher Denise Sorkin believes that the amount of attention that Paris is receiving is reasonable because of America’s connection to France. “Many people in this country have a very personal relationship with the city of Paris; [the attack] strikes a nerve in a much more personal way than most,” she said. To support those affected, French National Honor Society (FNHS) posted heart-shaped notes onto a board, and Upper School students wore black yesterday. Additional reporting by Melina Nakos