11 minute read
Local Plan explained
Harlow’s local plan explained
Harlow’s Local Plan is set to be adopted this summer. This follows its examination over the last year by a government appointed planning inspector.
He’s agreed that the plan can move to the next stage, which involves public consultation on his modifications to the plan. It’s expected that his final report will be issued in early summer.
You can read the latest on our website’s local plan section. Why do we have to have a local plan? Developing the plan has been a government requirement since 2012, as a strategy to ensure that councils make provision for building the new houses the country needs, linked to the provision of land for jobs and the necessary infrastructure, as well as safeguarding the wider natural environment.
The plan has been a hugely complex piece of work which we’ve committed significant resources to over the last 4 years.
What is “duty to cooperate”? Duty to cooperate is a government requirement. It’s designed to make neighbouring councils work together, so that local plans complement each other and the infrastructure needed to deliver the housing is provided.
Harlow Council has cooperated with Epping Forest, East Herts, Essex and Hertfordshire councils as part of Harlow and Gilston Garden Town project.
What happens if councils do not meet government targets for housing or fails in its “duty to cooperate”? Planning would be taken out of the hands of the local council. Instead a local plan would be imposed upon that district by government.
What are the benefits of the plan for Harlow? More housing to help those on Harlow’s housing needs register. Economic development bringing future growth and new jobs to the town. A better public transport system, and a thriving town centre. What has guided the development of the plan? We currently have over 4,000 families on Harlow’s housing needs register.
We’ve set a housebuilding target in the plan which is above the minimum required by government. We’ve established a policy that requires 30% of new housing to be deemed as ‘affordable housing’ over the plan period, so as many homes as possible are made available to those on the register.
We’ve pledged to preserve the garden town nature of Harlow by protecting the play areas, green wedges and the green fingers of Gibberd’s original design. So that new developments do not significantly increase congestion we are promoting sustainable public transport corridors to encourage people to leave their cars at home when travelling around town.
Where will new housing go? Most of the housing will be built east of Harlow. Because there is little land within Harlow, some housing will be built on sites like unused garages and redundant commercial buildings.
Why are you building to the north, south and west of Harlow? Harlow Council is not building in these areas. These developments are in Epping and East Herts and will be part of the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town project.
We’ve worked with Epping and East Herts to make sure that these developments extend the green wedges through them so that residents can still access the countryside.
Harlow and Gilston was designated as a Garden Town by the Ministry for Homes, Communities and Local Government in January 2017. This is an exciting transformational growth and regeneration project, comprising new and existing communities in and around Harlow.
Garden Town Objectives:
• Building well designed homes in neighbourhoods created for communities
• Enabling businesses to grow and create jobs
• Enhancing green spaces and the natural environment
• Revitalising existing and creating new walking/cycling infrastructure
• Developing a new integrated, quick, safe and affordable public transport system that connects the Garden Town
Harlow Enterprise Zone
New Communities & Neighbourhoods
New Public Travel Routes
• Supporting town centre enhancements to create vibrant culture and thriving commerce
• Delivering infrastructure and stewardship to support communities and neighbourhoods
• Supporting the arrival of Public Health England’s new world class science facility in Harlow and new jobs across the local area
• Supporting the development of a new state-of-the-art hospital for the Garden Town
Bush Fair
Councillor Mark Ingall Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07900 256403 Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Eugenie Harvey Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07966 014122 Email: eugenie.harvey@harlow.gov.uk DEPUTY LEADER
Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07464 719579 Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk
Harlow Common
Councillor Emma Toal Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07885 881255 Email: emma.toal@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mark Wilkinson Labour 56 Sakins Croft, CM18 7BP Tel: 07718 696429 Email: mark.wilkinson@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Maggie Hulcoop Labour 330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA Tel: 452252 Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder VICE CHAIR
Councillor Shannon Jezzard Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07850 861905 Email: shannon.jezzard@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Mike Danvers Labour 65 Tunnmeade, CM20 3HN Tel: 425934 / 07398 160081 Email: mike.danvers@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder
Councillor Nancy Watson Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07908 518862 Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk
Church Langley
Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative 78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Simon Carter Conservative 71 Mark Hall Moors, CM20 2NF Tel: 429443 Email: simon.carter@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Tony Hall Conservative Fullers End, Kingsdon Lane, CM17 9AB Tel: 445897 Email: tony.hall@harlow.gov.uk
Little Parndon & Hare Street
Old Harlow
Councillor Jean Clark Labour 4 Rushmead Villas, CM20 2QE Tel: 423474 Email: jean.clark@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Chris Vince Labour 188 Rivermill, CM20 1PA Tel: 07903 189211 Email: chris.vince@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Tony Durcan Labour 329 Rundells, CM18 7HN Tel: 414357 Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder
Councillor Sue Livings Conservative 15 Seeleys, CM17 0AD Tel: 422339 Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Brook House, Wyldwood Close, CM17 0JD Tel: 437401 Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Joel Charles Conservative 86 Jocelyns, CM17 0BU Tel: 07752 096765 Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk
Sumners & Kingsmoor
Councillor Russell Perrin Conservative c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Clive Souter Conservative 227 Longbanks, CM18 7PB Tel: 07850 667900 Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Nick Churchill Conservative 215 Brockles Mead, CM19 4QA Tel: 621094 Email: nick.churchill@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Phil Waite Labour 1 Spruce Hill, CM18 7SR Tel: 07740 407323 Email: phil.waite@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Tony Edwards Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07544 374168 Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Frances Mason Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07517 992133 Email: frances.mason@harlow.gov.uk
Cabinet Members
Councillor Mark Ingall - Leader of the Council Councillor Eugenie Harvey - Deputy Leader & Portfolio Holder for Community & Wellbeing Councillor Mike Danvers - Portfolio Holder for Resources Councillor Tony Durcan - Portfolio Holder for Economic Growth Councillor Danny Purton - Portfolio Holder for Environment Councillor Lanie Shears - Portfolio Holder for Governance, Equality and Diversity Councillor John Strachan - Portfolio Holder for Regeneration Councillor Mark Wilkinson - Portfolio Holder for Housing
Ward Surgeries: Please contact your Ward Councillors for details of up-coming Ward Surgeries. For more information on who your Councillors are visit: www.harlow.gov.uk Great Parndon
Mark Hall
Staple Tye
Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 312195 Email: eddie.johnson@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Shona Johnson Conservative 78 Mallards Rise, CM17 9PL Tel: 865673 Email: shona.johnson@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor David Carter Conservative 23 Greygoose Park, CM19 4JL Tel: 420340 Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor Lanie Shears Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07906 870935 Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder
Councillor Danny Purton Labour c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07923 422747 Email: danny.purton@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder
Councillor Bob Davis Labour 5 Commonfields, CM20 3QE Tel: 300582 Email: bob.davis@harlow.gov.uk
Councillor John Strachan Labour 100 Seymours, CM19 5NH Tel: 323656 / 07941 829965 Email: john.strachan@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Stefan Mullard Labour 312 Northbrooks, CM19 4DW Tel: 07951 401128 Email: stefan.mullard@harlow.gov.uk Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative 64 Great Brays, CM18 6DW Tel: 07775 925274 Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk Portfolio Holder
Essex County Councillors
County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools.
Harlow North Councillor Michael Garnett Conservative Email: cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk
Harlow West Councillor Michael Hardware Conservative Email: cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk
Harlow West Councillor Clive Souter Conservative Email: cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk
Harlow South East Councillor Eddie Johnson Conservative Email: cllr.eddie.johnson@essex.gov.uk
Which council does what?
• Abandoned vehicles • Antisocial behaviour • Bus station • CCTV • Council car parks * • Council Tax and business rates collection • Elections and electoral register • Environmental health - noise/air pollution, food safety inspections, health and safety at work • Events – town centre, fireworks and carnival • Graffiti, flytipping, broken glass and litter • Grass cutting and landscape maintenance • Housing benefits • Housing register • Housing repairs ** • Homelessness • Licensing – taxi/private hire, alcohol and entertainment, animal establishments, street trading, gambling, houses in multiple occupation • Parks, open spaces and allotments • Picking up dead animals on the highway • Planning and building control • Playhouse, playgrounds and paddling pools • Residential parking • Sports pitches and multi-use games areas • Stray dogs • Street cleaning and emptying bins • Supported housing • Waste and recycling collections
www.harlow.gov.uk Phone 01279 446655
• Adoption and fostering • Adult and children social care • Births, ceremonies and deaths • Blue badges • Cycle tracks • Disability support services • Essex Outdoors • Essex Record office • Gritting of main roads • Household Recycling Centre (the tip) • Libraries • Pavement repairs • Potholes • Road safety • Schools and adult learning • School transport • Street lights • T rading standards • Traffic information • Traffic lights, traffic signs and bollards • Transport – buses and bus passes • Underpasses • Youth service
www.essex.gov.uk www.essexhighways.org Phone: 0345 743 0430
* Parking enforcement is carried out by the North Essex Parking Partnership. Please call 01206 282316
** Council housing repairs are carried out by HTS (Property & Environment) Limited. Please call 01279 446666
Discover Harlow this spring
Here’s a selection of events and activities taking place in Harlow this spring. For more information visit www.harlow.gov.uk/events
Various Easter family events:
Sat 4 April, 11.30am-2.30pm Thur 9 April, 10am-12noon Thur 9 April, 10.30am-12.30pm Sat 11 April, 11.30am-2.30pm Tue 14 April, 10am-12.30pm
Harlow Museum and Walled Gardens
Gibberd Gallery 01279 446404 gallery@harlowarttrust.org.uk www.gibberdgallery.co.uk The Gibberd Gallery is based at Harlow Civic Centre and is open to the public Monday to Friday 9am-4.45pm and Saturdays 11am-4pm. Closed on Bank Holidays. 20 x 20 Harlow Open Until 4 April The Harlow Open is an established exhibition that showcases and encourages the talent of Harlow and beyond. Participants were invited to submit entries in any medium that measured 20cm x 20cm (x 20cm for sculptural work). There were a record number of entries, all of which you can enjoy in the Gibberd Gallery until Saturday 4 April. FREE
Harlow Museum and Walled Gardens www.harlow.gov.uk Tuesdays and Thursdays 9.30am-3.30pm Saturdays 11am-3.30pm Exhibition: ‘Made In Harlow’ Women who influenced change in the town Until 18 April FREE
Essex Book Festival events Saturday 21 March The Gallery at Parndon Mill Off Elizabeth Way Harlow CM20 2HP 01279 426042 info@parndonmill.co.uk www.parndonmill.co.uk Facing Forward Until 5 April Portraits painted by Lorna Brown, Martyn Burdon, Corrina Dunlea, Jon Farningham, Caroline Lumb and John Sellings, with sculpture by Christy Symington each artist with a very different approach to portraiture. FREE
Harlow Town Park Events www.harlow.gov.uk Harlow parkrun Every Saturday 9am Before your first run, register: www.parkrun.org.uk/harlow FREE
Harlow junior parkrun Every Sunday from 9am Before your first run, register: www.parkrun.org.uk/harlow FREE
Social Strollers Friday 13 March and Saturday 14 March 10am-11.30am Meet at the Greyhound car park.
Town Park volunteers Every Thursday 10am-2pm Meet at entrance to the Walled Garden. FREE
For more information about volunteering in the park contact Mike Levett on 01279 446834 mike.levett@harlow.gov.uk
Get ready to line the streets!
Sunday 28 June 2020 Route to be announced
Town Centre events Harlow Makers Market Saturday 28 March, 11 July, 26 September and 5 December 2020 11am-4pm Market Square.
The Gibberd Garden Marsh Lane www.thegibberdgarden.co.uk Easter Trail Sunday 12 April, 2pm-6pm
Art and the New Town 23 April, 28 May, 11 June Cultural tour. Jazz Evening Friday 19 June 6.30pm-10pm
Beer Festival by CAMRA Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 June 2020 12noon-8pm
Parndon Wood Nature Reserve 01279 430005 info@ecco.org.uk www.ecco.org.uk Twinkle & Snug Saturday 21 March and 11 April
Mother’s Day Afternoon Tea Sunday 22 March
Spring Trail 8, 9, 10, 12, 15 and 16 April
Bug Hunting Afternoon Friday 17 April
Sunset Sessions Saturday 9 May
CREATE ENJO Y FOR A LL harlow playhouse
The Wizard of Oz
Friday 3 April 2020 to Tuesday 7 April 2020 Join Dorothy as she goes on a magical adventure to the land of Oz. Along the way she makes new friends with the Scarecrow who longs for a brain, the Tin Man who really wants a heart, and the very cowardly Lion who is desperate to be brave and have some courage.
We are giving away a family ticket (four tickets) for the performance on Monday 6 April 2020 at 6pm. Email your name, address and telephone number* to kirstie.brough@harlow.gov.uk (one entry per household). The entry deadline is Friday 27 March 2020. After this date the winner will be randomly selected.
*For more information on how we collect, use, process and protect personal information please contact Harlow Playhouse.
Box Office 01279 431945 www.harlowplayhouse.co.uk