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A Tale of Two Greats of the Harmonica World

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News Update

In August of this year, SPAH awarded Jim a Lifetime Achievement Award at their convention in of recognition for his lifelong contribution to the harmonica community as a performer, teacher, twice world champion, and writer (teaching books). In addition to this was his re-invention of the harmonica festival, following the one he organised in Jersey in 1987 and subsequently for the Hohner Championships in Trossingen, which take place every four years. In 2012, HarmonicaUK also awarded Jim with a similar award. On a personal note, I have to say that I’ve always been in awe of Jim for his brilliant playing, with a tone, A TALE OF TWO accuracy and musicality that belongs to him. He is simply mind-blowing. Well done Jim, GREATS OF THE you have certainly inspired me and other players from around the globe. HARMONICA The Jim Hughes Story - https://vimeo.com/587163443 WORLD

Pete Hewitt HarmonicaUK Chair


Roger Trobridge

In the summer of this year and following an unanimous vote by our committee, it was agreed that Roger should receive our Lifetime Achievement Award. This is HarmonicaUK’s highest award. Roger joined the committee in the late 90s, and was elected as Chairman in 2000, a position he held until 2012. It has to be mentioned that during the period leading up to 2019, he was also Editor for 18 years. This in itself is an extraordinary achievement. However Roger continues his work as an archivist of all things harmonica. Roger jokes that many of the world’s top players have spent a night in his spare bedroom at his home in Maidenhead. This is a fact! Once again and on a personal note, I have never heard Roger play the harmonica, but this fact is somewhat irrelevant compared to his achievement in his position as Chairman, Editor, researching, reporting and archiving the top players that ever lived. It is an honour to present Roger with this prestigious award and, I stand to be corrected, but I believe he is in a league of his own. Well done Roger, you are a most worthy recipient! I look forward to an invitation for a night in your spare room, although I didn’t find your shed too uncomfortable last time.

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