1 minute read
Neil Warren
Wisconsin Annual Blues Harmonica Festival: 19 November, 2021, USA. Currently planned to be a physical festival: www.eventbrite.com/e/wisconsin–annual–blues–harmonica–festival–2021–tickets–84058736945
HarmonicaUK Lockdown Sessions: typically run weekly, virtually: www.harmonicauk.com/lockdown–sessions/
Mundharmonika Live, 14–19 September, Germany: https://mundharmonika–live.de/
Fédération Internationale de l’Harmonica presents United In Music: The 9th World Harmonica Festival goes online, November 5th & 6th 2021. Following the cancellation of the World Harmonica Festival 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many of the festival artists will appear at United In Music, a live Zoom event over two days from the Music School in Trossingen, featuring a combination of live performances, streams and exclusive video material. Live interviews with performers, breakout rooms and a virtual bar offer visitors the opportunity to meet online, interact with the artists and enjoy the festival atmosphere. On Friday evening, the WORLD OF CHROMONICA offers an exciting programme featuring some of the world’s finest chromatic harmonica artists and groups from Europe and Asia, including Sigmund Groven, Long Deng Jie and the Sirius Harmonica Ensemble. On Saturday, INTERNATIONAL HARP MASTERS presents a selection of today’s leading diatonic harmonica performers from the USA and Europe, among them Jason Ricci, Joe Filsko, Dennis Gruenling and Steve Baker. Full details here: www.world-harmonica-festival.de