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January-February 2013 Volume 43, No. 1

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Snow Ball Oyster Festival Super Bowl Valentine’s Day Trivia Night Classic Movie Night Bubba Gump Shrimp Festival RAIN at DPAC

Dear Members of the Chapel Hill Country Club, Let me start by wishing all of you a happy New Year and thank you for all of your support over this past year. You have all been very kind to my family and me, and we are very grateful to you all. I would like you to know what I have been working on for this coming year. I have made a few changes in my rst year, but mostly I have been observing in an effort to better understand you and the staff. I have met with members representing each demographic group of the Club to see what areas need the most work. I started with a focus group of our senior members to gain a better understanding of the history of the Club and have been interviewing newer members about their early experiences. This has led us to many new goals, and what I have learned is that planning needs to take place for each age and afnity group within the club to promote the value of the membership. As we move into this year we will promote events and do a better job of clarifying the target groups for each event such as adults, families, or singles. This will help ensure comfort for all of our members. We have made a lot of progress as a Club this year with increases in member usage in every department. The rst big task of the year was to hire a new chef and solve some systems issues in the food program. We were operating slowly with ticket times sometimes averaging 30 minutes, and a menu that had very few changes in the last couple of years. Over the past year, we have improved to 12 minute averages with few exceptions. We are very happy to have hired Chef Reale. He has brought a new level of creativity to our cuisine, and has made great strides in evolving our food and beverage programs. No change like this is ever smooth, and honestly the rst few weeks was a little tough, but now we are running pretty smoothly and the food is great. The results of this hard work are in and we are seeing increased usage overall and happier membership. Our work in this area is not complete. For the next few months we will be working on the banquet food and service in efforts to increase our service and value to you for your personal, charity and business events. As we move forward, we will be thrilled to have your comments, both positive and negative, because it is all for you and we want to get it right. Tennis has seen great growth in play and programs. This year alone saw a 57% increase overall. This is arguably the most active private club tennis program in the state. Lindsay and his team have 22 State ranked juniors and we are very proud of what they have accomplished. The Club currently has 147 USTA competitors which is an increase from 132 just one year ago. If you are interested in being on a team, Lindsay would be happy to help you connect with our many captains to nd a good spot for you. It was a good year for golf, as well. We have helped build up momentum in rounds to 27,000 by adding more events to the schedule. For accomplished players, we have provided some great events such as club tournaments, SMGA and the gross group. From the low handicappers to the average player, the Tuesday Night Men’s League was a big hit and added 576 rounds to the year. We expect that the Men’s League will be a sellout this year. One of the things we are most proud of is introducing 120 new players to the game of golf this year, most of which are ladies and children whom had never swung a club. The staff and I believe many of these new players are sticking with the game and will be moving up through the ranks. For the good of the game, we are working hard to keep everyone involved in golf and the results in 2012 have been good.

January 1, 2013

A big contributor to all of the growth in participation is due to the increased playability of the course, which was assisted by an increase to the nancial budget for grounds. Craig and his staff have done a great job improving the playability of the course this year despite it being one of hottest summers on record. I feel like the course fared well and we will continue to make strides towards a best-in-class standing over the next two years with our long term project plan for the course. From the membership standpoint, 2012 was a building year. Our goal was to make special efforts to build the membership in efforts to strengthen the club for the long term. We did this by involving and incenting the membership to bring their friends into the club. Our goal was to bring in 60 new members. As of today we have surpassed that number by 22 bringing in a total of 82 new members this year. On behalf of the Board and the Membership Committee, many thanks to those of you that referred your friends and associates to us, and I personally want to thank Jeff Earley for his efforts in taking these prospective members to club member status. Great job, team! This year we introduced a new position to the Club, the Activities Director, Leea Murphy, to add value to your membership by expanding our overall offerings. Leea has had much success with her programs offering theater trips, wine tours, and children’s activities she developed with an advisory group of moms. Our hope for the coming year is to begin offering some light tness classes, painting classes and best of all, a full summer camp for our youngest members that will include golf, tennis, tness, shing, soccer, cooking and much more! We have spent all year planning this camp and the program will be introduced later this month. We are almost ready for the big unveiling! Leea will continue to work with the members to build new programs for every demographic. If you are interested in helping your club in this process, please reach out to Leea. Financially, we are doing well and better than most clubs. With the incentive programs this year, we took some short-term losses in hopes for long-term gains. Our dues income will be signicantly higher in 2013 compared to one year ago. With those increases, we will continue to pay down our debt and reinvest in the assets of the club as we strive to develop the most desirable club in our place in the market. The Club’s current assets, such as the clubhouse and tennis courts, are currently in great shape, but we will have some big ticket items such as major tree removal, collar repairs, replacement of the putting surfaces with Bermuda greens, building a new playground, changing the pool from chlorine to salt water, and much more. All of these items are on the ve-year nancial plan and it looks as though we are on track to deliver them. In closing, the staff and I would like to thank you all for providing us with this great opportunity to serve you and your family. It is an honor and a pleasure! Sincerely, Don Hunter, COO The Chapel Hill Country Club, Inc.

A message from our President... Happy New Year to everyone! The New Year is a time for resolutions and fresh starts. It’s a great opportunity to try a new experience at the club. Instead of staying in the same old routine, how about trying something new? Come on out to Trivia Night on the 2nd and 4th Thursday nights at 6:00 p.m. Schedule your next all-day staff retreat or board meeting at the club. The lunch buffet has been upgraded, so invite someone out for a quick and delicious lunch.

In this issue: General Manager’s Message


If you’re in the spirit to work off those Holiday pounds, stop by the Golf and Tennis Pro Shops and chat with the Pros. Perhaps you’ve been staring at the tennis courts or the golf course wishing you knew where to start. The Golf and Tennis Pros would love to help you whether you’ve never touched a club or racquet, haven’t in a while, or need help with your expert swing. There are many ways to participate, and lessons offered for all ages and levels.

President’s Message


Oyster Festival


Snow Ball


Golf News


Kicking off the member events of 2013 is the Snow Ball Gala on Saturday, January 12th. Festivities will begin at 6 p.m., and I hope to see you there dressed in your nest. Chef Reale has planned an outstanding menu, live music will keep you dancing all night, and it should be very memorable. I hope you won’t miss it.

& SMGA News


Tennis News




Stay current on upcoming events and menus with the bimonthly newsletters, weekly e-news, Facebook and Twitter. Regularly scheduled events such as Trivia Night, Bridge Group, and occasional social activities such as DPAC performance trips are great ways to meet new friends and enjoy all the club has to offer.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Fest 12

We had a very strong year at the Chapel Hill Country Club in 2012. I look forward to working with you in building upon our great community. Your input is valued, so please feel free to share your ideas. We are fortunate to be adding four excellent new members to the Board of Directors. We welcome Tradd MrCrary, David Baddour, Andrea Kottong, and Neely McLaughlin. Committees of the Board will be announced by e-news in February. Let’s make 2013 the best year yet at the Chapel Hill Country Club.

WGA, Nifty Niners,

Super Bowl 2013


Valentine’s Day


Club Calendar


Kendrick Vinar, Club President


Membership News 2012 was a great year for membership at the Chapel Hill Country Club. We are excited to have welcomed 82 new members to the Club this year, and we look forward to making the Club even stronger in 2013. In December, we welcomed James and Melissa Miller and their three children to our Club family. Please say hello, and help us show the Miller Family all the CHCC has to offer. Please contact me if you ever have any questions or concerns regarding membership. We are happy to help you with current memberships as well as new ones. Jeff Earley, Assistant Manager & Membership Director (919) 945-0410; jearley@chapelhill-cc.com

Wine Society

Save the Date: January 31st !"#$%&'%(')$%*+%,'-%#$%



The Chapel Hill Country Club Invites You to Attend the Inaugural Winter

Snow Ball Saturday,

January 12th

Cocktails and hors d’ouevres at 6 o’clock ckk Dinner served at 7 o’clock Dancing & live music to follow! Hors d’Ouevres

Fig Compote Crostini with Chevre & Green Onion Beef Tenderloin on Crispy Wonton with Black Truffle Aioli, Pink Peppercorns & Micro Greens Tuna Tartar Spoon with Ginger Wasabi Crème Fraiche

First Course

North Carolina Sweet Potato Chowder with Tasso and Lobster

Second Course

Red & Yellow Beet Carpaccio, Red Heirloom Spinach, Truffled Goat Cheese, Toasted Macadamia Nuts, Orange Vanilla Vinaigrette and Pomegranate Syrup


Lamb Osso Bucco with Green Olive Pesto, Saffron Risotto, Broccolini, Roasted Red Peppers and Natural Jus or Pan Seared Scallops with corn, bacon, Spinach, Pickled Red Onions, Peppers, Red Potatoes, Shrimp Bisque and Caviar Cream or Pan Seared Beef Tenderloin, Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Asparagus, Julienne Carrots, and Roasted Shallot Demi Glace


Enjoy a variety of desserts including chocolates, pies, cakes and petit fours


Please R.S.V.P. for this black tie event with choice of entre: Pl

stop o by y the front desk, call (919) 967-8201, or email reservations@chapelhill-cc.com


Golf at the Chapel Hill Country Club !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Direct line to the Pro Shop: (919) 932-2857 Golf Shop & Driving Range Winter Hours: 8:30 am-5 pm Tuesday - Sunday Happy New Year from the Golf Staff ! We look forwrad to a great 2013 golf season. The full schedule of events will be mailed to you in early March.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNLIMITED CART USAGE PLAN The price of the Unlimited Cart Usage Plan has been set for the year. The Price is $1000.00 if your interested please contact the golf shop. BAG STORAGE Space for bag and cart storage is still available for this year. If you are interested the cost will be $100.00 per bag and $100.00 per cart. If you store both your bag and cart the rate is reduced to $150.00. Please contact the golf shop!

Please Save these Da Dates! tes! May 16-17: June 6-7: June 13-15:

RULES OF PLAY Winter Rules are in effect. You may lift, clean, and place the ball one club length no closer to the hole in the fairway only. This rule will be in effect until we start playing the ball down again in the spring of 2013. PLEASE RETURN DEMO CLUBS We’d like to ask anyone who still has demo clubs out to please return them to the golf shop immediately. We need to send these clubs back to the manufactures as soon as possible. Please check your bags, garages, closets, car trunks, etc., to see if you have any of these demo clubs. It would greatly be appreciated if everyone could make an effort to return these clubs to the golf shop as soon as possible. Thanks you for your assistance in helping us locate these clubs!

SMGA Member-Guest Carolina Classic Ladies’ Member-Guest The Tradition - Men’s Member-Guest

January Course Conditions Winter projects continue on schedule. Leaf removal is winding down as we start to make our nal sweep. Tree work has been the focus for the last month and will be for the next few months. Certain species and unhealthy trees are being removed, while pruning continues on others. The overall aesthetics of various areas along the rough will greatly improve as a result. Bunker reconstruction and landscape improvements are also in the works. The summers of 2010 and 2011 were wake-up calls for courses in this area of the country. Higher than normal temperatures and continuing higher expectations of golfers is not a winning combination for Bentgrass greens in the South. Therefore, preparations will continue throughout this year for the Ultradwarf

Session Session Session Session

1: June 17-20 2: June 24-27 3: July 9-12 4: July 22-25

All Camps are open to children 5-15 years of age Call the Pro Shop for details! (919) 932-2857

Bermudagrass transition of the greens scheduled for 2014. Lowering the collars for proper surface drainage and selective tree removal are on the top of the list. During such time, the current greens will be treated with the same care as in the past.


Craig S. Thompson, CGCS

PRO SHOP WINTER CLEARANCE Begins January, 2nd! Stop by the golf shop for some special deals and great savings!


WGA News

As I write this newsletter, just before Christmas, I’ve been very pleased with the extremely mild weather throughout December, but winter is starting to show its metal as the wind and cold show up. I’m sure we are all looking forward to a year of golf as we continue to improve our course.

Greetings from the WGAIn the words of Mr. Shelley, “if Winter comes, can Spring be far behind?” Living in North Carolina we know spring is never far behind and our winters can make for some pretty decent golng weather. Ron Johnston tells us this new year we’ll start seeing preparations being made for the new Bermuda greens going in during 2014. I guess we’ll see some tree removal and attening of the ridges around the greens – with apologies on my unscientic description of that process!

Changes to the SMGA Board this year include Terry Flynn as Vice President and new board members Franklin Lamm, Andy Mayer, Tony Oberschall, Dan White, and Jim Williams. I want to thank the members that are leaving the board for all their ne work, Don Bolton, Lou Hightower, Jerry Gschwind, Rick Lessard, and Jim Pease. It has been a good year of golf and the SMGA is solvent, and membership is holding steady at just over 100. Our spring season starts on March 13 with the Opening Day Breakfast at 7:30 am followed by a superball tournament at 9:00 am. The event is complimentary, and we invite all members for breakfast whether they wish to play in the tournament or not. I wish a Happy New Year to everyone. Dick Ellgen, SMGA President

In the blink of an eye our 2013 golng season will be upon us with our Camaraderie Day opening on Thursday, March 28th. We and the Nifty Niners take turns hosting this event with the honors this year going to the Nifty’s – so it’s sure to be a great opening! We’ll plan on our rst regular WGA play day being Tuesday, April 2nd with a brief business meeting to follow. And back to Camaraderie Day- we are looking for a WGA member to work with the Nifty Niner team on planning and also have several other plum positions open throughout the year namely Play Day Chairs for September and October. Please let me know if you are interested in any of these coveted spots. Finally a big thank you to my fellow WGA ofcers, Carolyn Hightower, VP, Diane Koenigshofer, Secretary and Shere Stone our Treasurer and in particular past President Linda Johnston – she remembers everything! These ladies are the best, a delight to work with and I’m happy to say will be remaining in their roles for 2013. Happy New Year to you all and look forward to seeing you out on the golf course!

Nifty Niners News

Laura Ellgen, WGA President p.s. Don’t forget our Winter Party, January 11th, 2013!

Welcome to 2013The Nifty Niner Christmas party was a huge success! Lisa Gabriel and Karen Lazarus did a stellar job with organization, decorations and food selection! The club staff moved furniture around and set up the food display creating a cozy and festive venue enjoyed by all. The kitchen put out fabulous food, which was also enjoyed by us all. Weather permitting, we will continue to gather for play at 10:00 on Thursday mornings. Sign up, phone up or show up to play. There will be a board meeting at Noon on Thursday, January 24 to which the membership is welcomed. If the weather is agreeable, we can play 9 holes of golf and then have our meeting.

The NNGA is hosting the Opening Day/

Camaraderie Day activities this year. This event will be held on Thursday, March 28 with a 9:00 shotgun start. Lunch will follow play and the Nifty Niners will have their opening business meeting to follow lunch. Kate Eifrig, Nifty Niner President


Tennis at the Chapel Hill Country Club ______________

Contact the Pro Shop: (919) 932-2855 Court Conditions Hotline (919) 932-2855 & press “1” when you hear the message Tennis Court Hours: 8:30 am – 7:30 pm daily (weather permitting) Tennis Pro Shop Hours: Tuesday - Sunday: 9 am - 5 pm (Closed Mondays) ______________



We have recessed lighting on the clay courts which will illuminate the court you’re playing on just ne with no need to light up the adjacent court, as well. To help reduce our power bill, please be sure to only turn on the lights for your court and turn them off when you leave. The court lights will be turned off when not in use at night. There is a timer that will also turn them off at night to help. The court light box is outside of court #7. (Turn the handle up to open the door and ip the necessary court lights on or off).

The Clay Courts will be resurfaced beginning February 23 to get them ready for our busy spring USTA season here at CHCC. All 10 clay courts will have the lines ripped up, and the old material will be raked off the court and hauled off. Once that is complete, new material will be evenly dispersed and rolled perfectly to get them ready for the brand new lines to be nailed to the ground. We will block off courts 1-6 or 7-10 to allow members the chance to still play on either side during this time. Please check with the pro shop for further details as this time approaches.

WINTER CLAY COURT CONDITIONS For the winter months, the court conditions phone message will be posted by 7:30AM (or later in the event of inclement weather – rain, snow, sleet, or temperatures in the teens or 20’s). If the temperature drops below 32 degrees, the soft courts will freeze and will be unplayable in the morning until after 12:00PM. If we have a hard freeze (mid to low 20’s or below), the courts will be unplayable until mid afternoon and possibly all day.


MEN’S & WOMEN’S USTA LEAGUES It’s that time of the year again! The 2013 USTA Season is just around the corner, so I’m sure you have all started your e-mails and getting your list going for the upcoming season which will begin March 1st with team registration beginning January 1st. Communication with the pro shop is key! BEFORE you begin registration of your team, please let us know you are captaining a team so we can start making our list of who to contact in case we have extra players in need of a team. Rosters are here in the pro shop, if needed. Anyone needing more information must contact the Pro Shop at 932-2855 or via e-mail to lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com or jmontalvo@chapelhill-cc.com. The USTA Leagues offer a variety of ability levels with both day and night leagues. Listed below is the list of possible Spring USTA Teams that could be formed at CHCC this upcoming season: Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Women Men Men Men Men Men


3.0 Day 3.5 Day 4.0 Day 3.0 40+ Day 3.5 40+ Day 4.0 40+ Day 3.0 55+ Day 3.5 55+ Day 4.0 55+ Day

15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players

Thursdays Tuesdays Mondays Mondays TBD Thursday Tuesday Friday Friday

9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM 9:30-11:30 AM

3.5 Night 4.0 Night 4.0 40+ Day 4.5 Night 5.0 Night

15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players 15 players

Tues/Thurs Mon/Wed Friday M/W/Thr Tuesday

6:30-8:30 PM 6:30-8:30 PM 9:30-11:30 AM 6:30-8:30 PM 6:30-8:30 PM

2013 Calendar of Tennis Events February 20-21

Ladies USTA 2.5/3.0 Team Camp 9am-12pm

February 28- March 1

Ladies USTA 3.5/4.0 Team Camp 9am-12pm

April 13

Adult Spring Team Challenge

April 19-21**

Annual USTA CHCC/The Farm Junior Championships

May 4

Charles House Benet

May 18

Adult Singles Championships

May 27

Memorial Day Parent/Child Round Robin

July 4

Adult Round Robin

August 30-31

CHCC Junior Club Championships

September 2


Labor Day Round Robin

Due to the high turnout for ladies playing in our annual Spring Tennis Teams (USTA and Triangle Tennis), it is almost impossible to combine our Spring Ladies Camps, so each spring we offer camp days for each team and hope those participating on the teams can participate in camp at least one day.

CHCC Men’s/Women’s Member Guest

3.0 Team Camp Wednesday, Feb. 20th & Thursday, February 21st 9:00AM - 12:00PM 3.5/4.0 Team Camp Thursday, Feb.28th & Friday, March 1st 9:00AM - 12:00PM Camps will consist of stroke production, conditioning, as well as strategy and tactics. The rst day of each camp will focus on singles and the second on doubles. Drinks and refreshments will be provided. The cost for two days is $90.00 or $50.00 for one day. Camps will be limited to the rst 18 players to sign up.

September 7 October 6

Adult Golf/Tennis Biathlon

November 3

Adult Doubles Championships

** Some dates may change. We will keep you informed with ALL changes **


2013 CHCC Summer Tennis Camps

2013 JUNIOR USTA TEAM TENNIS LEAGUES Online registration for teams will begin on January 7th and continue through February 23rd for the Durham Parks and Recreation League. If your child is not a member of the USTA, the year enrollment is only $19, and for those 10 & under who are new to tennis, the USTA is offering the 1st year free to juniors! Any questions, please contact the Pro Shop: (919) 932-2855.

Session 1: June 10-14th 9am-12pm Cost: $190 Members 5 day camp, Ages 8+

Session 2: June 17-20th 9am-11am Cost: $145 Members 4 day camp, Ages 4-7

QUICKSTART TENNIS Ages 10 and under. We had another successful season in 2012 with 2 teams advancing to the State Championships and look forward to another great year in 2013 with our up and coming juniors here at CHCC. We are hoping to add teams in the 8 & under and 10 & under leagues. Check with the Pro Shop for more information. Matches will begin the weekend of April 14th- 15th.

Session 3: July 8-12th 9am-12pm Cost: $190 Members 5 day camp, Ages 8+

Session 4: July 22-25th 9am-11am Cost: $145 Members 4 day camp, Ages 4-7

* Session 5: Aug 5-8th

9am-12pm Cost: $150 Members 4 day camp, Ages 10+ * This camp is designed for advanced players only who are scheduled to play in the NC State Closed Tournament the same weekend. Members will be charged a non-refundable $35 registration fee for 4-day camps, and a $50 non-refundable registration fee for 5-day camps when registering. The remaining balance will be charged upon completion of the week camp. Register your child with Jaime Montalvo ONLY.

JUNIOR USTA TEAM TENNIS Ages 10 +. We have had this league for the past 3 years at the club with great success each season. We are hoping for another great year from our Junior Teams. We are hoping to add junior teams to compete in the 12 & under and 14 & under divisions once again this year. Matches will begin the weekend of April 14th-15th.

Course and Courts Camps Tennis, Golf, Arts & Crafts, Snacks, Lunch and Swimming for ages 5-10

Cost: $285 Members Day Camp 1 June 24th-June 27th 8:30am-2:30pm


Day Camp 2 July 15-18th 8:30am-2:30pm

Day Camp 3 July 29th- Aug. 1st 8:30am-2:30pm

The Chapel Hill Country Club has a summer of fun in store for our young members! Contact Jaime to register, and get your young ones ready to play! There’s no better way to keep the kids entertained and active so close to home. Please contact Jaime if you have any questions! A deposit is required to register for these camps.

2013 JUNIOR TENNIS CLINICS We will do our best to keep our junior program going through the cold winter months here at CHCC. If the weather gets to be too cold (below 35) and cancels a day or two of clinics, we will pro rate your child’s attendance for the session.

WINTER SESSION Tuesday, January 8th – Thursday February 28th Registration Deadline: January 5th Pee Wees: ages 4-7 $120 for 8 clinics; $240 for 16 clinics 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM Future Stars: ages 8-12 $145 for 8 clinics; $265 for 16 clinics 4 PM – 5 PM Player Development & Tournament Training: ages 10-16 $165 for 8 clinics; $320 for 16 clinics 5 PM – 6:30 PM _____________________

SPRING SESSION 1 Tuesday, March 5th – Thursday, April 11th Registration Deadline: February 26th Pee Wees: ages 4-7 $90 for 6 clinics, $180 for 12 clinics 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM Future Stars: ages 8-11 $105 for 6 clinics, $210 for 12 clinics 4 PM – 5 PM Player Development: ages 10 + up $135 for 6 clinics, $270 for 12 clinics 5 PM – 6:30 PM


This team event, our most popular for years now, can make you, an ordinary tennis player feel like one of the members of the Davis Cup team! Every game you and your partner win is good for the team, and the fate of the team can rely on your nal doubles match! Format: The uniqueness of the format is the reason for the popularity of this event. There are six teams, 3 men and 3 women per team. On each team there are 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 players. Each round will consist of all doubles (men’s, women’s and mixed) and you will play with each of your teammates before the event is over. The most consistent team each year ends up in victory lane. The Spirit: What makes this weekend so special is that all different levels of players are represented on each team. The teams will be assigned by Lindsay, Derek, Jarrod and Jaime, with the utmost attention paid to equality. Schedule and Pricing: Saturday Tennis from 9 AM - 12 PM Lunch from 12 PM-1 PM Final rounds from 1 PM-3 PM Award presentation to follow the completion of the nals. The cost is $35 for each player (includes lunch, snacks, awards, and balls). Sign Up: Slots are limited so please sign up in the Tennis Pro Shop or e-mail Lindsay at lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com or Jaime at jmontalvo@chapelhill-cc.com. jmontalvo@chapelhill cc. c co com. m.

Rain Days: Tuesday April 16th and Thursday April 18th _____________________

SPRING SESSION 2 Tuesday, April 23rd – Thursday, May 30th Registration Deadline: April 16th Pee Wees: ages 4-7 $90 for 6 clinics, $180 for 12 clinics 3:15 PM – 4:00 PM Future Stars: ages 8-11 $105 for 6 clinics, $210 for 12 clinics 4 PM – 5 PM Player Development: ages 10 + up $135 for 6 clinics, $270 for 12 clinics – 5 PM – 6:30 PM Rain Days: Tuesday June 4th and Thursday June 6th _____________________ You may register for Tuesdays, Thursdays or both. For more registration and further information, please contact the Pro Shop at 932-2855.


Activities for All Ages KIDS CLUB TRIVIA NIGHT THURSDAYS 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month 6:00 pm: child care opens 7:30 pm: children’s trivia begins

Starting January 10th, child care on Thursday nights will only be available on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Child care will begin at 6:00pm and children’s trivia will begin at 7:30pm. Parents are encouraged to join in the fun of Trivia Night in Lawson’s Bar at the same time. Children are invited to come to child care while parents dine or meet friends at the club, and child care hours are extended for those attending Trivia Night. Please let us know if your child will be attending when making your dinner & Trivia reservations: (919) 967-8201

VALENTINE’S DAY CHILD CARE Thursday, February 14th

Child care will be provided if you will be dining at the club! Please make reservations for child care when making dinner reservations: (919) 967-8201

FAMILY BINGO NIGHTS- NEW! Please plan to join us for Family Bingo Night! Be on the lookout in your weekly e-news for details and dates. Call (919) 967-8201 for reservations, or email Leea Murphy for details: lmurphy@chapelhill-cc.com


Tuesday, March 12th $106.00 per person includes your choice of Orchestra or Grand Tier seating, transportation to and from the show, heavy hors d’oeuvres, and intermission refreshments. Contact Leea Murphy for tickets and details lmurphy@chapelhill-cc.com or (919) 967-8201


“Together longer than The Beatles, RAIN has mastered every song, gesture and nuance of the legendary foursome, delivering a totally live, note-for-note performance that’s as infectious as it is transporting!” (dpacnc.com)


Starting Tuesday, January 8th You are invited to play bridge every Tuesday at 7 PM! Come out and test your skills and have a great time! Bridge group is a great social activity for these colder months, and a great way to meet new friends in the Club. We hope to see you there! Bridge is open to all Club members.


Every rst Thursday of the month starting March 7th: 7 PM We’ll be creating our own CHCC movie theater downstairs complete with popcorn, candy and drinks. Get ready to reminisce and enjoy the movies like never before! Be on the lookout for further details in your e-news!


Class time will be determined by the schedules of interested membersplease call Alisa: (919) 967-8201 Whether you currently specialize in stick gures or would like help expanding your abilities, this class is for you! Alisa will share her knowledge and love of drawing and painting. You may participate in one class or many - each session will be tailored to those attending. Even if you don’t think art is for you, come give it a try! It’s a great way to meet and mingle with club members of all ages, stay out of the wintery cold, and work on your hand/eye coordination.


Weekly Dining Sunday Brunch

Our Sunday Brunch bu!et features wa"es, an omelette station, a selection of salads, breafast and lunch items, and a variety of desserts. Sunday brunch is available from 10 am until 2 pm.

The Club is closed on Mondays Family Night Wednesdays

A bu!et of family friendly items in the Dining Room is accompanied by a children’s bu!et on Isaac’s Porch. (The Porch is warm and cozy with the heaters and replace blazing.) Children will enjoy healthy kid-friendly bu!et and an ice cream and cookie bar. Adults can look forward to special weekly selections by Chef Reale.

Trivia Night Thursdays

Kids Club child care is available every 2nd and 4th Thursday for Trivia Nights. Parents can dine, attend Trivia, or visit with friends while young members have fun together with kids’ activities and Children’s Trivia. Trivia sessions for adults and children start at 7:30 PM.

Friendly Fridays & Kids Club

Valentine’s Day Thursday, February 14th 6:30 cocktails * 7 o’clock dinner Make reservations now to enjoy an enchanting evening at the Club! Chef Reale will present you with elegant courses to delight the senses and inspire romance!

Chef Jimmy Reale and his culinary team prepare a feast every Friday featuring carved Prime Rib, and an array dishes highlighting Chef Reale’s expertise with the freshest seasonal seafood and produce. Chef Robert always presents a delectable array of desserts. KIDS CLUB starts at 5:30, and features a special children’s bu!et and fun activities for our younger members. Contact Leea Murphy for Kids Club information: lmurphy@chapelhill-cc.com

Weekday Lunch Bu!et

In addition to the soup and salad bar, the Club now serves a lunch bu!et of one hot entree, one hot side dish and a dessert. The kitchen always presents something great on the bu!et. but If you’re in the mood for one of your old favorites, or yearning to try one of Chef Reale’s new menu items, you may always order a la carte!

Our lunch bu!et is available Tuesday through Friday, 11-2

Child care will be available. Call (919) 967-8201

Follow us for menus and other quick updates! Chapel-Hill-Country-Club Chapelhillcc1




















Kids Club Trivia Night: 6 pm

WGA Winter Party

Snow Ball Formal Dinner & Dance










Oyster Festival









Trivia Night in Lawson’s Bar: 7:30 Kids Club Trivia Night: 6 pm, 7:30 27




31 Wine Society
















Super Bowl Party: 5:30 10

Valentine’s Dinner & Child Care 6-9 pm 17








USTA Ladies 2.5/3.0 Team Camp

USTA Ladies 2.5/3.0 Team Camp




USTA Ladies 3.5/4.0 Team Camp

USTA Ladies 3.5/4.0 Team Camp

Trivia Night in Lawson’s Bar: 7:30



Kids Club Trivia Night: 6 pm, 7:30 3











Classic Movie Night: 7 pm 11



RAIN Experience the Beatles at DPAC




14 Trivia Night in Lawson’s Bar: 7:30 Kids Club Trivia Night: 6 pm, 7:30



Bubba Gump Shrimp Festival





28 WGA/NNGA Camaraderie Day Trivia Night in Lawson’s Bar: 7:30 Kids Club Trivia Night: 6 pm, 7:30






Staff Directory Don Hunter General Manager (919) 945-0419 dhunter@chapelhill-cc.com

Pat Clark Accounting (919) 932-2851 pclark@chapelhill-cc.com

Craig Thompson Course Superintendent (919) 932-2854 chccturf@gmail.com

Jeff Earley Assistant Manager, Membership Director (919) 945-0410 jearley@chapelhill-cc.com

Bernadette Degnan Accountant (919) 945-0420 bdegnan@chapelhill-cc.com

Lindsay Benton Head Tennis Professional (919) 932-2855 lbenton@chapelhill-cc.com

Chad Tuttle Clubhouse Manager (919) 945-0410 ctuttle@chapelhill-cc.com

Jimmy Reale Executive Chef (919) 967-8201 jreale@chapelhill-cc.com

Leea Murphy Activities Director (919) 945-0411 lmurphy@chapelhill-cc.com

Jean O’Daniel Controller (919) 932-2848 jodaniel@chapelhill-cc.com

Rick Brannon Head Golf Professional (919) 932-2857 rbrannon@chapelhill-cc.com

Walt Pierce Locker Room Manager (919) 945-0413 lockerroom@chapelhill-cc.com

Club Reception & Reservationss (919) 967-8201 reservations@chapelhill-cc.com

Golf Pro Shop (919) 932-2857

Tennis Pro Shop (919) 932-2855

Alisa Minshall Communications Director (919) 967-8201 aminshall@chapelhill-cc.com

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Golf Camps Tennis Camps USTA Registration Junior Tennis Clinics Pro Shop Clearance Family Bingo Bridge Painting & Drawing

103 Lancaster Drive Chapel Hill, NC 27517

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