A Publication of Harmoni Productions September, 2013
United We Stand In Memory of 9-11
Celebrating the Everyday Working Mom!! Inside this Issue: The Traveling Motherhood of Natalie Cunningham Working at The Art & Culture Center of Hollywood Grandma’s Laying Hens - A Tribute to National Grandparents Day
Letter from the Editor Hello Mamas! We are so happy to celebrate the Everyday Working Mom! She’s a unicorn on so many counts. Fearless, tireless, selfess - who can match her moxie and wit? She is truly fit for a King! So, let’s unravel this month’s many wondrous stories! First up, we’ll meet the fabulous salesstriss, Natalie Cunningham - mother extraordinaire and successful sales woman. Next up, we’ll look into the inner workings of a local Art & Culture Center and some of the multi-faceted moms that work there, including our Editor! We’ll read Debra Nelson’s winning poem for our contest, What It Means to Be a Mom; we’ll meet Deanna Wolverton, mother of five, selfemployed contractor, and huge part of the ScreaminMamas team; we’ll enjoy a slice of Humble Pie in an uproarious installment written by our Social Network Circle on Facebook; and then we’ll wander into the imagination of Greta Reichenbach, a 10-year old Brownie that shares some whimsy. We’re also delighted to continue featuring the work of Marcella Kumer, Terry Preuss, Rachael Rockwell, and Book Two of Grandma’s Daydreams by Sandra Lemire in Honor of National Grandparents Day. As always, we proudly feature the work of Patricia Zollmann Kissinger, her photography truly helps bring our pages alive, and the super fun illustrations of Susan Kissinger.
the Editor, Darlene EDITORIAL STAFF/ADMINISTRATION Darlene Pistocchi - Editor in Chief Denise Weatherby - Postmaster/Bookkeeper/Writer Deanna Wolverton - Writer/Blogger Director of Operations/Georgia Corinne Thereza Ramos - Public Relations Lena Luig - Submissions Coordinator/Marketing CREATIVE CONTENT Patricia Zollmann Kissinger - PZKPhotography/ Writer/Blogger Susan Kissinger - Illustration/Design Studio Marcella Kumer - Short Stories/Poetry Sandra Lemire - Writer/Consultant Darlene Pistocchi- *Design/Layout/Graphics
*Please note that some images may become slightly distorted to compensate our layout.
SEPTEMBER CONTRIBUTORS Mandy Cerrone, Susan Rakes, Debra Nelson, Michelle Riu, Natalie Cunningham, Greta Reichenbach, Rachael Rockwell SOCIAL NETWORK CIRCLE Patricia Lynn Clark, Olivia Giacomo, Sara Stravinsky, Denise Weatherby, Darlene Pistocchi, Deanna Wolverton-Livingston
TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 3 Labor Day Page 4-6 Art & Culture Center Page 7 Contest Winner! Page 8 Contractor Anyone? Page 9 Humble Pie not for the squeamish! Page 10 Poetry/SKDS Art for All Page 11 Traveling Motherhood Page 12 Grandma’s Laying Hens Page 13 A Miracle Page 14 Cloud Foxes Page 15 Kid Quotes/Design Studio Page 16 Terry Preuss Page 17 Library - Share Your Voice Page 18 In Loving Memory Page 19 9-11 Tribute Page 20 Back Cover Do you have a story to share? Poem to tell? Rant to let out? Visit us screaminmamas.com, blog with us screaminamamas.blogspot.com, like us on FB, follow us on Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and Join us on Linked In! We are also offering promotional rates on advertising and sponsorships. Please send inquiries, ad specs and submissions to: screaminmamas@gmail.com.
A TRIBUTE IN LIGHT A view of the World Trade Center seen from New Jersey on the 10th anniversary of the attacks.
The building on the left lit up in red, white, and blue is the new One World Trade Center - formerly known as The Freedom Tower.
courtesy - Flickr
Buffalo, New York, 1900
Yes, Labor Day is here again! We had some of our ScreaminMamas dig up some history and it appears that the reason Labor Day was initally brought forth was to “dedicate the social and economic achievement of American workers and the well-being of our country.” Right on! It was also established to give workers a needed break and to “honor them for their strengths, freedom and leadership” but nowhere does it mention any kudos for the LABOR it takes to push out a couple of kids! I want to say if they only knew, but hey, Rosie knows! (pictured above) You go girl! Though celebrated on the first Monday of September, the first Labor Day celebration was actually held on a Tues-
day. The date was September 5, 1882, in New York City and it was held in accordance with the plans of the Central Labor Union. Some 10,000 workers assembled to participate in America’s first Labor Day parade. After marching from City Hall, past reviewing stands in Union Square, and then uptown to 42nd Street, the workers and their families gathered in Wendel’s Elm Park for a picnic, concert, and speeches. Today, New York City continues to hold the country’s largest Labor Day celebration each September, with Pittsburgh holding the second largest annual Labor Day parade. More than 50,000 union members and their families march the streets of downtown Pittsburgh. In Crown Heights, Brooklyn, the Labor Day Parade (or West Indian Carnival) attracts one to three million people each year. You’ve got to love Brooklyn! In 1884, the first Monday in September was selected as the holiday, as originally proposed, and the Central Labor Union urged similar organizations in other cities to follow the example of New York and celebrate a “workingmen’s holiday” (we’ll add “working moms” because moms juggle a full plate everyday) on that date. The idea spread with the growth of labor organizations, and in 1885 Labor Day was celebrated in many industrial centers of the country. In the year 1894, President Grover Cleveland passed the bill into legislation, under pressure from voters, and the holiday was established. After 100 years, debate still continues as to who originated the idea of a workers’ holiday, but it definitely emerged from the ranks of organized labor at a time when they wanted to demonstrate the strength of their burgeoning movement and inspire improvements in their working conditions. Ironically, Labor Day today is also one of the largest sales events of the year, meaning retail employees actually work more on this day. In many states, it also marks the end of summer and the last chance for a summer vacation with family and friends. To this ScreaminMama, it means a little something extra. It’s that special time when moms go into labor and push new bundles of joy into this fascinating life. Happy Labor Day, Mamas! Take the day off, kick back and relax cause you sure do deserve it!!! Foundation of this article contributed by Marcella Kumer. Additional info gather from Department of Labor Washington, D.C. –
The Traveling Motherhood of
Natalie Cunningham
It was the spring of 1994, my grandmother died, my second husband told me he wanted a divorce, and I was starting a new job. All in one week, I became the single parent of two children earning only $25,000 a year. I had no education and was desparately hoping for an annual raise of $1,000. I had taken a few college courses but didn’t finish, due to my children, or making excuses not to pursue my dreams. My husband forced us to move immediately with only our clothes and wouldn’t allow me to take one candlestick out of the house. My grandmother, who I loved dearly, had passed on and, thankfully, I was able to take over her fully furnished apartment. I also landed a new job during all this turmoil. I was working with amazing sales people that were extremely funny. They enjoyed working with me and I, with them. Thank God!
I will never forget my ex telling me I could never be all that I can be if I stayed with him. When I walked across the stage to receive my diploma - I graduated Magna cum Laude - I thanked him for saving me and my parents for their love and support. There were so many sacrifices during that time of my life - like having a boyfriend. People would give me a rough time of it because I had no one special in my life. They claimed “I needed to live life to the fullest instead of going to school and studying.” What they never got was I was living my beautiful life to provide for my children and live my life independently. There is no man on this earth that can replace your children, or your independence. Men come and go but your children are yours for life. To this day, I support myself and my household on my own. I have put two children through college and bought them each a car. I am so proud of both of them.
The fine line of balancing motherhood with sales I always worked around accounts and interesting people, but was very focused and serious about numbers. One of the sales managers gave me a fli- Now, at this point, my life IS er from his college and encouraged me to sign up to start about welcoming that wonderful my BS in Marketing. The school was for adults only and man into my life - someone who I could get my degree in four years. With that push, the is madly in love with me. beginning of my career as a sales person was underway. I qualified for financial aid and was able to attend college It’s a new beginning for me to on grants and student loans. It was perfect. love, write, and help others to be all they can. It is possible, During those four years of college, I worked and went to achieve those dreams. Listen to school full time. I drove over 38 miles one way in to your intuition and trust your wind, rain, sleet, and snow, two to three nights per week. thoughts on your life. It’s totally My parents were very supportive and loving and helped worth it. me through those four years by offering childcare while The Sensational Natalie Cunningham I was at school.
What it means to be a Mom
baby in my tummy The feeling is quite funny, The greatest love of all Sweeter than golden honey. Though I never imagined it would be this way... a little life now mine 24 hours a day. At one they’re so cute you wanna eat ‘em up! Pinch their cheeks, their tush, Oh, how they fill your cup! Then you long to fit back into your jeans! But that day never comes it seems truly obscene! Before you know its the terrible two’s Holy cow, aye aye aye, what’s a mother to do? The years they just seem to fly right by - in front of school before the blink of an eye! Then comes kindergarten standing in line squeezing mommies’ hand till it’s classroom time Scared to move forward into the big world ahead elementary then middle getting them out of bed!
Gorgeous Debra and adorable son, Hunter, 1990s
Swimming, gymnastics, T-ball oh my! karate, soccer, flag football aye aye! Nature camp, science and fishing camp too, Dolphins, Starfish and Squid, toodleloo! Barney and Big Bird are in the past But Looney Tunes always seem to last Moms gone Cuckoo - does this pass? Pokie Man, YuGiOh, Magic cards too, Playstation, X-Box, Nintendo for you. Mad Magazine has gotten to mother, she’s pouring tea and chatting oh, brother! Then comes college and he leaves home No longer a child, my son is now grown After all the craziness, antics and fumes, I couldn’t be more proud of you. My helicopter has finally landed! The great circle of life has been handed. Hold your kids, teach them and nurture their souls, til the time comes to let them go
One of the hardest things a mom must do watching her child turn adult like you but with continued encouragement and open hearts, they’ll be back someday with their own poem or two. Yes, my son is now a man. Goodbye childhood, it sure has been grand. by: Debra Nelson
ScreaminMamas Shares Your Voice!
Adult Programs in August
Children & Teen Programs
Thursdays - English Cafe. Conversation practice for beginning and intermediate learners of English 6:30-7:30pm
Tuesdays - Storytime! Join us for stories, songs and activities! 10:30-11:00am
Thursday - September 5 - Art classes with artist Frances Tyler! Adults 3-4pm*
Thursday, September 5 & 12 - Arts & Crafts with artist Frances Tyler! Small children must be accompanied by an adult. 4-5pm
Monday, September 9, 16, 23 & 30 - Master the IPad! Join us for a series of classes about learning how to use the iPad. This class is the first of 5classes. For more information, please call 954-357-7073. 6:30-7:30pm* Saturday, September 14 - Tibetan Yoga. A unique approach to yoga based on the Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation. This 30 minute class will teach you the essentials: a warm up, the five postures, and a cool=down. You will come out of class refreshed and energized. 11:30am to 12pm. Saturday, August 10 - Imani Book Club. This month, the Club welcomes author Paula Belle-Wilkes who will be discussing her book, Honey Flowers. Copies of the book will be available at the meeting. 3-5pm.* Thursday, September 26 - Scrabble Club for teens and adults. Please join us for a friendly game of Scrabble! For more information call Richard Logan at 954-357-7073. 6-7:30pm
Saturday, September 7 - Teen Volunteer Orientation Meeting 11-11:30am. Saturday, September 14 & 28 - Saturday Afternoon Movie! Stay cool while watching a family friendly feature film 1-3pm Saturday, September 21 - Wags’n’Tails. For children ages 5-12. Practice your reading skills in a fun and unique way with volunteer Linda Geer and her sweet dog, Bella! Sponsored by the Humane Society of Broward County 1-2pm.
Programs at th Dania Beach Paul DeMaio Library 1 Park Ave East *Bus Routes 1,4 & 16 954-357-7073 a BIG THANKS to the Friends of the Dania Beach Paul DeMaio Library for sposoring these programs!
Join us September 21, for the Wellness Fair at Broward County African- American Research Library and Cultural Center, sponsored by Susan G. Komen, 11am to 3pm (Florida)