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Working Together
Your Jewish community was established by a small group of individuals. Those humble beginnings have led to the vibrant, extensive communal infrastructure you enjoy and value today: places to gather for prayer and to come together in community, social service agencies meeting the needs of the vulnerable, schools and camps educating the next generation, and more. In our complex world, the words of the commentary above ring true.
When we work together, we can do more for more.
None of us can do it alone. That’s why we partner with you. Working together allows us to do more, achieve better results, share good ideas, and have much more fun along the way!
You are our partner in growing Jewish commitment. Your legacy gift is ensuring that treasured Jewish organizations continue to provide the programs and services that will engage future generations.

To date, 23,900 legacy donors from 72 communities across North America have committed $1.3 billion to the Jewish future. Thank you for being our partner in assuring Jewish tomorrows.
Harold Grinspoon, Founder Winnie Sandler Grinspoon, President