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Changing the Future: Two People and One Opportunity
Tears well in my eyes as I stand on the bimah of my synagogue on Kol Nidre, arms cradling a Torah scroll, looking out over a sea of faces of family and friends. I feel the presence of all those who came before me. I am filled with optimism that this dear place will continue to exist into the future.
I didn’t always feel this way. Year after year, in my role as director of development, I worried about how the Calgary Jewish Federation would meet our annual fundraising goals. And if we didn’t, how many parents could continue to bear the burden of an ever-escalating Jewish day school tuition? How many children would miss a beloved Camp BB summer experience? How many seniors would remain isolated because the JCC and Jewish Family Service (JFS) had to cut programming? Was I letting my children down? What kind of Jewish community would they have here in Calgary?
Two people and an opportunity changed my perspective. The father of my dear friend Donna (z”l ) passed away. Ted (z”l ) was a scion in our community — a generous funder, committed to Judaism and a Jewish future. Suddenly, he was gone, and others of his generation have sadly passed away too. His was the generation of Jewish Calgary builders, and it was uncertain if their children would take their places. The future wasn’t looking as bright as it once did.
Donna became my mentor. She taught me about endowments. “We must make sure Lions* endow their gifts!” She endowed her own Lion, showing by example that this was a way to secure a Jewish future in Calgary. She got her friends to endow theirs. Others followed. I began to see that endowments were key to building for the next generation.
The opportunity to join the LIFE & LEGACY network came at just the right time. It was our chance to spread the message of endowments and legacy giving beyond the federation community. Now all our communal organizations are working together — day schools, synagogues, JFS, Federation/ JCC, Jewish Historical Society, and camp. Donors are stepping up. Our results are astounding. Legacy giving is integrated into the philanthropic culture of our community. Endowment building is a priority.
While perusing the exhibit panels from the Jewish Historical Society, my eye caught a photo of my son from a ski race. Another time, I saw a photo of my mom with her sorority sisters. Suddenly, I could see the line drawing the generations together — from my parents, through me, to my sons.
Two people and an opportunity. There is a bright future for Jewish Calgary! q