Case Study 1- The Importance of Copyright and Patent Protection & The Poetry of Architecture

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Adamson University College of Engineering Civil Engineering Department CE308-Intellectual Property

Case Study 1- The Importance of Copyright and Patent Protection & The Poetry of Architecture Presented by : De Guzman, Mark Rainer Laus, Glecy Ramos, Kurt Lester

Presented to : Dr. Tomas U. Ganiron, Jr

Importance of Copyright and Patent Protection in Start-Up Businesses

KLEEREX: INTRODUCTION • Mr. Frank Carroll the founder of Kleerex Group. • Kleerex Group is a one-man business in the shopfitting industry. • An increasing number of orders from important customers made him to put up the Kleerex Group.

KLEEREX: INTRODUCTION • Mr. Carroll consulted intellectual property (IP) experts. • He was advised that his designs qualified for patent protection aside from having redress under copyright.

KLEEREX: INTRODUCTION • Two main display products to be manufactured and sold by his company were filed because of the help of the Irish Institute for Industrial Research and Standards


• One of the Kleerex product has become successful and appeared in marketplace before the patents were granted.

• A more substantial competitor commenced manufacture and sale of a product very similar to the leading product of Kleerex range.

• Eventually a legal device was agreed by Kleerex and the alleged infringer so that the action did not actually go to court.

• Without patent protection in the startup phase, there would have been many copiers and the company would not have survived.

Poetry of Architecture

CAL-EARTH : HISTORY • Founded by Nader Khalili (1936-2008) • Provides construction method inspired by Rumi, 13th century mystic poet. – combined Rumi’s philosophy on nature of ancient building methods of modern technology.



CAL-EARTH: Invention Desciption • Superadobe/Super Block System - uses layers of sand filled laps that are coiled and placed one upon the other bag. -bags are securely attached into a dome-shafted structure using barbed wire.


Barbed wire

CAL-EARTH: Invention Desciption - Adobe is held together using cement, lime, or asphalt emulsion. - Provides insulation against both heat and cold. - Simple in appearance - Strong and resistant floods, fires, hurricanes, and earthquakes.

CAL-EARTH: 3 Principles 1. Shelter is a basic human right. 2. Every human being should be able to build a house for himself. 3. The best way to provide shelter is by building with Earth

CAL-EARTH: R & D • Presented the idea to a NASA Symposium titled as “Magma Structures” • Coordinated of NASA Los Alamos National Laboratory and with the Space Studies Institute of Princeton University.

CAL-EARTH: Invention Benefits • Works under the philosophy that ecologically sustainable, economically viable, and durable buildings are possible and desirable. • The company believes that shelters and homes should be easy to construct. • Seeks to minimize environmental impact of materials used to construct it’s homes.

CAL-EARTH: Patent • Patented System (US 5934027A) • Patent Name: Earthquake resistant building structure employing sandbags. • Application file date: 1998-02-19 • Applicant: Khalili;Ebrahim Nader

CAL-EARTH: Trademark & Copyright • Filed for trademark Cal-Earth ™ on 2004 at the USPTO and OHIM in 2010. • Established a comprehensive IP strategy and had been able to explore new commercialization opportunities globally.


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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A Short History Of Earthbag Building Cal-Earth For Architect Khalili, Rumi Inspires 21st Century Housing Solutions “Super adobe” uses material at hand to build shelters on Earth and in space Geltaftan Process Interview with Nader Khalili, Cal-Earth PCT PORTRAITS: Never mind the acronyms. Meet the innovators. Revealing Risk, Redefining Development Rumi Houses SmugMug: Cal-Earth The Earthbag Architecture of Akio Inoue The 9th Award Cycle, 2002-2004: Sandbag Shelter Prototypes United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

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