I Can Read Catalog 2021

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Amelia Bedelia Lost and Found Teaching Guide


ABOUT THE BOOK: When Amelia Bedelia’s mouth gets bumped at school, her loose tooth pops out! But where is it? Her friend Dawn finds it on the floor. Miss Edwards gives Amelia Bedelia a tiny box to put her tooth in, but after lunch the tiny box is empty! Where could Amelia’s tooth be this time? Mr. Rice, the principal, helps her find it in the Lost and Found. Amelia Bedelia finally takes her tooth home and puts it under her pillow, and this time the Tooth Fairy finds it!



1. Why was Amelia Bedelia worried about her tooth when it was loose in her mouth? Why was she worried about her tooth after it fell out? How do her family and friends try to help her? Is this book a fiction or nonfiction book? How do you know? Common Core State Standards

Treasure Chest: In art class, Amelia Bedelia draws a picture of her tiny box, which looks like a small treasure chest. She writes the name of her treasure (her tooth) under her drawing. Draw your own picture of a treasure chest. Then think about what you would put in it. Write the name of your treasure under your picture. Then say or write why you chose that thing as your treasure.

(Reading: Literature): RL.K.1, RL.K.5, RL.1.1, RL.1.5, RL.2.1, RL.3.1

2. Why does Miss Edwards give Amelia Bedelia a tiny box? Does the author tell us how the tooth gets from the tiny box to the Lost and Found? Does the illustrator show us what happened? What might have happened to the tooth between the time Amelia Bedelia put it in the box and the time she found it in the Lost and Found? Is there a way to find out for sure? Why do you think so? Common Core State Standards (Reading: Literature): RL.K.1, RL.K.6, RL.1.1, RL.1.7, RL.2.1, RL.2.7, RL.3.1, RL.3.6

3. What does Amelia Bedelia’s mom mean when she says the tooth is “hanging by a thread” on page 6? On page 28, what does “finders keepers” mean? Why does Amelia Bedelia say that on the last page? Common Core State Standards (Reading: Literature): RL.K.1, RL.K.4, RL.1.1, RL.2.1, RL.2.4, RL.3.1, RL.3.4

4. Look for the illustration of the Tooth Fairy on page 7. See if you can find the other illustration of the Tooth Fairy in this book. Where is she? Imagine you are the Tooth Fairy telling one of your friends about what happened to Amelia Bedelia’s tooth. Use the illustrations in the book to help you remember what happened first, next, and last. Common Core State Standards (Language): RL.K.2, RL.K.7, RL.1.2, RL.1.7, RL.2.2, RL.2.7, RL.3.2

Common Core State Standards (Speaking and Listening) that discussions might also address: SL.K.1a-b, SL.K.2, SL.K.6, SL.1.1a-c, SL.1.2, SL.1.6, SL.2.1a-c, SL.2.2, SL.2.6, SL.3.1a-d, SL.3.6

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Common Core State Standards (Writing): W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1, W.3.1

Tale of a Tooth: What does a tooth look like when it comes out of your mouth? You might already know, or you might have to look it up. Draw a picture of a tooth. Then write a story about that tooth. It could be a true story about something that happened to one of your teeth, or it could be a story that you make up about a tooth. You choose! Common Core State Standards (Writing): W.K.3, W.K.8, W.1.3, W.1.8, W.2.3, W.2.8, W.3.3, W.3.8

Count on Your Teeth: How many teeth do you have? Count them and write down the answer. Then make a list of all of the things you do with your teeth each day. Now write a poem or song about your teeth, telling how you use them and what you do to take care of them. Common Core State Standards (Writing): W.K.2, W.1.2, W.2.2, W.3.2

Find Your Favorite: There are lots of books written about Amelia Bedelia. Find and read at least one other Amelia Bedelia book. Then decide which one is your favorite. Draw a picture of a character or event from the book you chose and then tell why you like that book best. Common Core State Standards (Reading: Literature): RL.K.9, RL.1.9, RL.2.9, RL.3.9; (Writing): W.K.1, W.1.1, W.2.1, W.3.1 Common Core State Standards (Writing) that writing activities might also address: W.K.5, W.K.6, W.1.5, W.1.6, W.2.5, W.2.6, W.3.4, W.3.5, W.3.6

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