Pig Town Party

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For my editor, Mabel, and my agent, Rebecca, both of whom will always be invited to the Pig Town Party.

The other day, I received a letter in the mail.

I was very confused.

Last time I checked, I was indeed a cutie, but I was not a pig.

I had many questions:

What is a Pig Town Party?

What flavor cupcakes do they have at Oink Bakery?

What is the ultimate prize?

And lastly, where is Pig Town?

It was already five o’clock, and I had no idea where to go.

It would be rude of me to arrive late to the party! I tried to ask the mail carrier where I could find Pig Town. But every time I yelled out “STOP!” they ran a little faster.

Suddenly they dived into the hedge.

I couldn’t miss this very important party someone invited me to, so I crawled in after them and found myself in . . .

I don’t know what I was expecting, but Pig Town was filled with pigs.

Now I had to figure out how to get to 212 Oink Street. But first, I smelled something delicious in the air.

“You’re here to pick up the cupcakes? You must be Cutie!” said the pig baker.

I am a cutie. I thought to myself. Everyone in Pig Town is so nice.

I took the cupcakes she handed to me.

The pig baker drew me a map to 212 Oink Street and I went on my way.

It was a long and tiring wa l k to 212 Oink Street.

How did they know strawber r y was my favorite flavor?

When I finally got there, the party had already started.

Inside, everyone was dressed up. It must have been a costume party.

“Wow! Great costume, Cutie! You look just like the real thing!”

For some reason, pigs kept telling me how much they liked my costume.

The problem was I wasn’t dressed up at all.

Of course, lying is very bad.

So I made sure to let everyone know they were very wrong.

Holy moly!

Look at her costume!

Wow! I love your costume!


Excuse me, Piggies and Piggoes! I am your host, Pignelius the Third. A big thank-you to everyone for coming today, and to Oink Bakery for donating this magnificent cake as our ultimate prize. We had many creative costumes this year, but the votes are in! The winner of this year’s annual costume contest is . . .

Come up onstage, Cutie!

There must be a mistake. I wasn’t wearing a costume. Everyone had voted for me, though, so who was I to say no?

But when I got up onstage, I found myself face-to-face with .

. . . a very angry pig. The crowd gasped.

we both answered.

I’m Cutie.

I’m a cutie too.

No! My NAME is Cutie.

That was MY invitation you stole! I live opposite you!

Your name isn’t even Cutie and you’re not even dressed up.

Well, they voted for me!

They thought you were ME dressed up as a human.

This prize is MINE!

What a ridiculous accusation! I was invited and won this cake fair and square.

Of course, I stayed very calm and told Cutie gently that the cake belonged to me.

As much as everyone wanted me to stay and celebrate . . .

. . . it was getting late. Time for me to head home.

By the time I got back, I was very tired and hungry.

Thankfully, I had my cake.

I cut a big slice of my prize and found it was made of delicious . . .

. . . mud.

Pig Town Party

Copyright © 2024 by An-Li Cho

All rights reserved. Manufactured in Italy.

No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information address HarperCollins Children’s Books, a division of HarperCollins Publishers, 195 Broadway, New York, NY 10007.


Library of Congress Control Number: 2023948445

ISBN 978-0-06-323751-3

The artist used gouache and colored pencils to create the illustrations for this book. Typography by Chelsea C. Donaldson. Hand lettering by An-Li Cho

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First Edition

US $19.99 / $24.99 CAN 9780063237513 ISBN 978-0-06-323751-3 51999 1701

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