Initial ideas (1)

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Initial ideas On style of music video The unsigned band for my music video are called “The Cads” and the song that plan to use in my video is called “ skins”. I was mainly drawn to this song because of the repetitive electronic background to the music, which I thought links well to my theme of summer which I want to present within my video.

Ideas and inspirations • I want my video to capture different moments and experiences which happen during a period of time, this idea works perfectly as I plan to shoot in the summer. This would be a great opportunity to film in the summer holidays as I have lots of experiences that could feature in my video for instance going camping with a group of friends, watching fireworks, going out, party's and going away. • I also think that my idea would work with a group of teenagers who I plan to experience these plans with, as the music seems to be quite upbeat therefore would appeal to a younger audience of teenagers representing the theme of summer, youth and memory's. Alternately the group could represent the band members travelling.

Initial themes, objects and locations presented: • Summer, sun, • Out late at night, • Fireworks, sparklers, bonfires • fun fairs, beaches, train stations, airports • Abandoned places, country side, open spaces, over looking cities/ lights • Cameras, typewriters, drinks, cigarettes

Mood board of locations/ ideas/props

colours • From my mood board there is a clear visual link in the idea of lights as a focus. From my mood board I created a colour palate of a colour scheme that I could include within my music video.

Submarine 2010 Screen shots taken from the soundtrack “ stuck on a puzzle� by Alex turner, which was played and produced for the film submarine. The clip below is the music video, formed from moments of the film. The idea of how the clips are memory's and are not in a chronological order is what I find inspiring, this idea will work well with my plan of recording over the summer. One aspect of the video that really inspires me and stands out Is the way how the theme of lighting is presented, the empathise and focus points on the fireworks, fire, sunsets and sparkles this is a key area that I wish to focus and make a point of within my video as well, these ideas work well with my initial ideas.

Location ideas ( style I want to create for my video) The Beach The Beach, this would work well for one of my locations as its a scenery and theme which is associated to youth and a target market of young teenagers because of the Freedom and open space provided. An example of another music videos in which a similar target audience is aimed at which also contains a beach as a location. " way in the world" by Nina Nesbitt ( A 19 year old sing a song writer, producing music for a younger generation of 13-25 year Old's) day trips, swimming, BBQ'S, night party's are all events which usually take place in this location environment. The Beach, this would work well for one of my locations as its a scenery and theme which is associated to youth and a target market of young teenagers because of the Freedom, nostalgia, lost summers, reminiscence and the open space provided. An example of another music videos in which a similar target audience is aimed at which also contains a beach as a location. " way in the world" by Nina Nesbitt ( A 19 year old sing a song writer, producing music for a younger generation of 13-25 year Old's) day trips, swimming, BBQ'S, night party's are all events which usually take place in this location environment. The video uses the beach as a location as freedom and almost as a nostalgic memory as it comes across to the audience that perhaps the beach is a traditional outing for this group of teenagers, highlighting the theme of freedom and socializing. I believe this atmosphere is presented because the shots of the group are of them walking, talking play about, capturing the group’s motion rather than filming the group completing activities or challenges as such. Also how the only people in the clip are always only the group of teenagers adds to this idea of freedom, because they are on their own. All though within the Nina Nesbitt music video, personally the film and style of the camerawork is too modern compared to what I was planning on capturing within my music video. I prefer the retro, hazel effect which is featured in the film “ submarine� which I plan to look further into.

Screenshots from Nina Nesbitt music video


A main feature that I would like to include within my video is a party atmosphere, as this is a common and popular location/ event associated to young adults/ teenagers. The idea of drinking and dancing is seen to be reckless, having fun and freedom. The location and atmosphere is stereotypically drawn towards a younger generation because of the energy and uplifting/ feel good vibes created. The lighting, busy/ crowed audience is a main feature that I feel is important to include within this aspect of my video, this is to show the fast pace in a party environment. Many videos that are aimed towards a younger audience of teenagers have a similar idea on containing a party scene as a location. For instance the TV show presented on 4od “ Skins” this is a modern day TV series following the lives of a group of teenagers, the show is known for its party scenes and teenage audiences. Screen shot from skins

Editing style: Instragram filters Inspiration

• Instagram is a social networking site especially made for sharing and editing photos the main focus point is to edit photos transferring them into retro, film inspired photographs. The images in the previous slide shows the transformations that can be formed to achieve a certain style.

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