Kingdom Life HR

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Ju ly / Au g. 2019 $3.95

So much power in one simple wave. The most extreme God created wonder!

Ver r an dall Tu ck er t alk s abou t h is legacy & D et ails O n G ranby



PUBLISHER'SPEN They (our bodies ) were made for the Lord, and the Lord cares about our bodies 1 Corinthians 6:13 NLT Wrong thinking about my physical health put me in dire straits, for too long I allowed my work schedule to override my body's need for rest and exercise. I would say to myself "I don't have to take a walk now." I reasoned as I prepared for someone else's event. I'll walk once it's over. But later never came. At the same time, I justified eating unhealthy snacks. One chip led to eating another and then another, before long, I had eaten the whole bag! Then I would say " no worries, I'll walk off the calories later," then again later never came. Ill-advised thinking said I could eat whatever I wanted, because I used to be an athlete and I could turn that switch back on. As time went on , the switch never came back on but the ever increasing number on my bathroom scale did! Additionaly there was increased chronic pain, and the loss of mobility . After multiple trips to various medical specialist,something had to change.

TRANSFORMINGMYTHINKING Correct thinking about our physical health occurs from the understanding that we don't own our bodies.God does! He brought them with, the blood of Jesus on the cross. Now we are Jesus's temple. His dwelling and we are responsible to be wise stewards of it's care. Since Jesus willingly paid for our bodies with His life. Our bodies must be worth alot. Let's value this awesome gift he has given us. Knowledge, proper nutrition and exercise are the keys. Don't learn the hard way like I did!



INSIDETHISISSUE So often the story of a house is really the story of a place. In this edition of Kingdom Life, we explore the various design options around Hampton Roads - from the nautical theme homes in Ocean View, the loft style in Norfolk and the country chic in Suffolk. - 5



By: Holly Bor t isser

So much power in one simple wave. The most extreme God created wonder. Whoever thought up the "7 Wonders Of The World" is out of their mind. Or should I say IN their mind. You can't contain all of God's millions of wonders and beauties in 7 things. In fact, only 1 out of 7 of the "Seven Wonders Of The Ancient World" is God created. The rest is created by the hand of man. It's not just impossible to narrow it down to 7, it's pretty much wrong! When sitting on my rock in Virginia Beach, I feel charged, renewed. Like nothing I've ever experienced away from there. Jumped full of power. When I'm on those rocks, snapping pictures left and right, I feel as if I can spread the power of God. Taking pictures is more than capturing a memory, it's capturing a dream, a wonder, a life so different but so like us, so much room to be free, yet slamming against the edges to get out

"One of the places where God can grab your heart and show you emotions that you've never felt. And show you that you can't live without them.."



Everyone is so caught up in living their lives and carrying on, that we rarely stop everything to drive a couple of hours to discover the world. We don't know what's at our finger tips! We can travel, experience, marvel, awe, and thank God, for the wondrous beauty that surrounds our tiny worlds we live in. When someone says "the beach", you think of a sandy shore. when someone says "the ocean", you think of the vast, deep, blue that leads off into nothingness. but what do you call the place where turquoise water breaks over boulders that make you feel like you own the world when you're on top of them? What do you call the place where power, strength, and grace meets unmovable? What do you call the place where wonder collides with curiosity? Didn't get an answer? Of course not! Because there isn't an answer! THERE is one of the place where God can grab your heart and show you emotions that you've never felt,and now that you, can't live have without them. You crave them. Like I crave photography. The photography that grows inside you. That lights a fire in you. You should fall into an everlasting love with natural creations and the Creator of them. They say you play with fire, you get burned. So if you play with crashing waves, you get swallowed by foam. Standing on the top rock of the biggest rock formation there, it takes your breath away. It gives you a sensation as water crashes on every single rock around you but yours. Imagine this: top rock, the people on the shore are specks. The sea scent fills your nose. The best breeze in the world fills your skin and blows your hair back. You stand up straight and tall. You feel weightless. Your skin tingles. Water breaks below the rock next to you and sprays up and onto that rock that is level with yours. You remain untouched. You shut your eyes.You know at any moment, water can splash up your rock. Why would move? Especially if you had your eyes closed, you'd never know when that certain wave would hit. It's the thrill that you get from it, right? You hear water breaking below you, you are falling into a trance by that soothing sound. You stand for a while more. You ease yourself down until you're sitting on the edge of the rock. You dangle you're feet over that rock and just soak up the recovery. Great picture, right? Dropping down to the bottom rocks, to where the water washes over them, I stand and stare at the little crabs scurrying away from the commotion. The water rises just for me, just enough to be able to feel the chilly, salty, foamy, clear water between my toes as it sends chills up my spine. I wonder how it could get any better, then I feel my camera in my pocket and ta-da! Better! Foam forming around the bottom of a rock (click!),

" You sh u t you r eyes.You k n ow at an y m om en t "

I skip from rock to rock. Weird spotted Urchin (click!) Weird striped Urchin (click!) Gary from Spongebob (click!) Gigantic snail thing with a neon orange stomach (click!) Wave breaking over a rock in front of me (click!) Water rushing towards me (click!) Seagulls perched all over a small rocky island (click!) Water flowing over the top of a rock (click!) Just snapping picture after picture of water breaking over solid black ro!), cks. Taking photos of live, dead, broken, beat, wondrous, massive, powerful,renewed, crawling, scurrying, swimming, foamy and drenched. Things so beautiful and amazing that you know instantly that they could only have been created by Most Powerful, Most Creative, the Lord of all the Earth! Why wouldn't it be? A wave tossed in the ocean is no different than US tossed in this world. God's breathing creation meeting foot to rock, foot to wave. Lung to sacred ocean air. That's not even the full way I can explain how it feels to be in contact with something so precious yet so easily contacted. We shall not ruin, pollute or destroy our Lord's waters for we shall love, commit and fall for them. Let them captivate the world as they have captivated me. Held me prisoner to their grace and strength.

Something in us weak humans will never be contained. Shall we have enough bravery and love for God to preserve his blue span of creation? Yes we shall, for he has had enough bravery and love for us to give his son. And for we think we are so tough and brave, now prove it! Keep the ocean as it was when I experienced it today.


So, You Wan t To Tr avel Th e Wor ld? "I?ve been to cities that never close down, from New York to Rome and Old London Town? "

These lyrics are an unofficial anthem for Australians (cue the Qantas advertisements), and even during primary school we were taught to sing these words. It is little wonder that this generation has caught the travel bug. Rebeka Huntley, an Australian social commentator writes, "Yes we want to study, live and work overseas as well as spend extended periods of time backpacking? with the promise of freedom and adventure which globetrotting offers."

T. Avery Hanks


Bu t h ow sh ou ld w e r espon d as you n g Ch r ist ian s t o t h e oppor t u n it ies an d t h e cu lt u r al expect at ion s t h at ar e posed by t h e f r eedom an d ease of in t er n at ion al t r avel? - 9

Th er e Can Be Reason's To Tr avel The Bible does hold some wisdom in approaching the idea of travel. Firstly, God created this world as we see in Genesis 1. The Bible tells us that God created it beautiful and good. When we travel, it is God?s world which we are exploring and admiring. Psalm 24:1 reminds us that this is God?s world and everything in it is His for us to enjoy and explore under Him. We can also by travel sometimes gain a deeper understanding of people in this world. God?s story of redemption (the Bible) is filled with instances of his people traveling from Abraham to Paul. International travel, therefore, can be a part of God?s redemption plan, and there are good reasons to travel overseas

M ission s, ch u r ch an d volu n t eer w or k : Many young Christians find great value in coupling travel with meaningful work such as a short-term mission or volunteer work or simply to get involved with another group of believers in a different place and culture. In this way you can remain connected to the church community, contribute directly to the work of the kingdom and grow through this experience.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed dJesus himself encourages us in Matthew 28:19-20 to go to the nations and show them who he is.

Gr ow t h : God uses all experiences to grow and refine us. International travel does hold a level of discomfort which can lead to greater dependence upon Him. It can open our eyes to the lives and plights of others. It can help us to wonder at His creation and the diversity of the peoples He has made. Travel can draw us near to Him and grow us. However, it is important to recognize that we live this side of the Fall. In all areas of life, including travel, sin rears its ugly head. Many aspects of travel and gap years could be at odds with Scripture and what it means to live under God. os

Wh at t o ask bef or e you go We need to understand our own motivations for wanting to head overseas. Perhaps you should ask yourselves these questions before packing your bags.

Iden t it y: Are we thinking about travelling to find ourselves, to figure out our identities or perhaps to be ?grown-up?? Our identities are to be founded in Christ and our worth from being made in the image of God and as dearly loved children. By finding identity in travel we reject God for a worldly sense of worth. et accusam et.

www.christianmagazineshrcom - 11

Fear of m issin g ou t : Do Lorem you want to dolor travelsitbecause your friends are elitr, sed ipsum amet, consetetur sadipscing doing it and you are afraid of missing out? 2 Timothy 1:10 Declares the certainty of life beyond death through Christ for us and creation. It is foolish to fear missing out now when we have better things in store. sam et.

Som e w ar n in gs if you do ch oose t o t r avel If you do choose to travel, have you considered some of the key issues you may face as a young Christian on the other side of the world?

Dissipat ion : (A fancy word meaning indulgence): Many of the activities engaged in on the scene of international travel amongst young people are directly commanded against in Scripture. Colossians 3:5 orders us to put to death our earthly nature including sexual immorality, lust and greed. Galatians 5:19-21 included amongst its list of sinful acts drunkenness. Galatians 5:1 declares that Christ has set us free from the slavery of sin.

. Have you considered the temptations you would face and are you able to stand firm or flee from them? Discon n ect ion : another problem with travel for young adults is that it results in disconnection for Christians from the church body to which they are connected. They miss out on ministering to their church family. They miss out on being supported during these formative years of faith development. Have you considered how you will stay connected to the Church while overseas and living in transience? So if you are thinking of traveling, consider it from God?s perspective. Praise Him for the incredible creations he has made, and pray, seek wisdom and consider whether it will be the most helpful thing for you to be doing as a young Christian.

overcome psychological and physical concerns. He counsels deals with the mind which in turns directly effects our bodies; using his technique as process to resolve difficult behaviors, beliefs, feelings. His credentials come from the highest learning: The Word of God. What may have started in therapy sessions to address a particular issue evolved into his passion. Today he holds a unique distinction. He is one of the most sort after in his field. Coming to the stage. Lets give a warm 7 Cities welcome to our own Norfolk native, Vernard T. Hines.

THEMANYDIMENSIONS0F VERNARDHINES " Vernard T. Hines The Laugh Therapist Not licensed Just Medicated."

At first glance Vernard T. Hines, does not look like your typical doctor with the stethoscope and the white coatdolor giving examinations and elitr, dispensing Lorem ipsum sit amet, consetetur sadipscing sed diam nonumy eirmod laboreHe et dolore prescriptions in atempor smallinvidunt white ut room. prefers to magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. Aosnonumy eirmod wear less conventional clothing. His office is not tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat.

fashioned with an examination table and chair or a desk and couch. Make an appointment with this physician and you will, most likely, have a meeting with him at one of the many venues where he sees people around town. Trained in the use of physical methods, as exercises, in treating or rehabilitating the sick or wounded by the use of scientific methods; for

helping personalities






?I call m yself ?Th e Lau gh Th er apist ? becau se I am a 20 year 7 m on t h s 4 days (an d cou n t in g) Ir aq vet er an of t h e US Ar m y. Wen t t o Ir aq t w o t im es; w h ile in Ir aq su f f er ed f r om PTSD. Af t er r et u r n in g h om e t o seek h elp. I w en t t o t h e VA t o get som e t h in gs t ak en car e of . ? Hines who received counseling and takes medication seeks to help others realize they must be open and available. See therapeutic avenues of treatment as your friend not foe U.S. National Library of Medicine located in Bethesda, MD U.S. Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health define Rather than the formal definition Hines explains, ?They define traditionally. I define PTSD as Processing Traumatic Situations Differently. For example, trauma effects people differently. At any given location two people can experience the same event but each see in their own unique

He - 14

Hines - who has practiced his therapeutic brand of comedy for nearly 9 years - is also a Master of Ceremonies (MC ) and a motivational speaker. I speak at church organizations, like Mt. Gilead Missionary Baptist Church i n Norfolk , my home church, The Mount in Chesapeake as well as military operations like Fort Eustis to over a 1000 soldiers about drug and alcohol abuse and the effects of PTSD. I call it ? Kingdom Komedy? with a K. Good, clean, Christian comedy. Hines wants people to know, it?s possible, ?You can live a normal life if you decide to seek help. Therapy really helped me to deal with and manage my PTSD which in turn made my life a lot easier . I can see how God used therapy to turn

things around. Helping put the ?joy? not just back but at the fore front of my life. This has allowed me to share this knowledge as testimony to others and help them. (Rev. 12:11)

Vernard speaks lovingly of his wife. She waters me with love ? Hines, a dedicated husband and father , credits his wife Patrice, with being ? his joy in the room? ?I thank my wife for being there for me ?Hines emphasized that a large part of his ministry is education thru laughter, ? It is important to educate wife, children to understand what the vet (or any person who has experienced a trauma) is going thru ; to understand what the vet is thinking by educating the family, friends, it will facilitated the healing. According to Hines, Laughter is Healing. This is the ultimate goal of his ministry to help others live in liberty

experiencing ?fullness'' in every area of life utilizing the joyous medicinal health benefits of lau gh t er , Gods medicine. Citizens of Valor : the men and women of the United States Armed Services who served and continue to serve this country are a priceless resource. They are ?t h e br ave? notably mentioned in our National Anthem. Each and every day they safely secure our borders and our most important natural resource our lives. We salute and thank these precious souls for their service. Hines, who is an advocate for veterans and wounded warriors, further emphasized Putting God first ? and through therapy I have learned to manage PTSD in a positive manner. Initially upon returning home from Iraq Hines, who admits he self medicated with alcohol, believes it was laughter, seeing things on the lighter brighter side, looking at life through faith filled eyes, shifting focus from pain to joy, coupled with therapy that ' kept me from committing suicide' and saved my life. When you call this doctor, Vernard T. Hines, The Laugh Therapist.

His audience don't expect to hear good news every time. Expect to laugh. Expect to hear others laugh. Laughter disseminates the distance between us. When you come on in the room. There is joy in the room. He has written your prescription and it is, simply, to incorporate laughter in your everyday life. In scripture God states this so distinctly calling us to come out of the twilight to walk in the light of joy. Indeed, Proverbs 17: 22 declares A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones. Hines concurs ?Laughter is an avenue God has given us as stated in His Word. Laughter is the best medicine.

Vernard " The Laugh Therapist performs at a local facility -16

Urban African accents befits this small and intimate kitchen

This penthouse overlooking Hampton Town Centre come complete with fine design elements and a dog!

" With neutral colors this is a place to unplug, reset your

life, and take the time to be quiet and actually hear yourself."

HomeDesignIn HamptonRoads


ome is where the heart is. That's a saying that is familiar to most of us. It's also a sentiment that has value in Hampton Roads. One could reasonably expect the nautical theme in most design palettes. Instead their are more options that are spacious,warm and richly layered. The fact is designer work with fabrics and colors that don't necessarily go together. Creating stylish and trendy approaches to design. Hampton Roads is so diverse in it's design options,there are those that choose the "urban City Living" with loft style arraingments and those that

A combination of black and white bring together this family room in Virginia Beach

prefer the coastal cottage motif. Then there is the house that looks like it been there forever The African Palette is a current style that

designer like. This is a trend that is already very popular. Vivid colors combined with earth tones are the basis of this style. Details such as animal prints further emphasize the splendor of the African continent. Virtual masks and wooden figures giving to the space a mystical note. The recipe for this decorating style is simple. ? in wealth of flora and fauna.

The use of black and white in decorating can create a stunning and dramatic decor.Find out how to best take advantage of the combination of these two colors to maximize your decorating statement. Using the color black adds a focal point of color that grounds, anchors, and adds a sophisticated look to a room Black in accessories, light fixtures, trims, paint, or in one bold piece of furniture will help to catch the eye and sharpen any decorating scheme. - 21

FAIRY-TALE A new contemporary home in Downtown Norfolk is an inviting escape for the high flying professionals.

Vir gin ia is t h e bir t h place of Am er ican slaver y an d segr egat ion ? 400 year s h ave past ed. Ar e w e m ovin g closer t o Dr . Kin g's dr eam ?


ver the last 400 years, Virginia has been the nursery and battleground of slavery, a land of segregation, lynching and white supremacy, and home to unbending racial oppression and the myth of the Confederate ?lost cause.? Gov. Ralph Northam (D) in recent weeks mulled resigning over a racist photograph in his medical school yearbook, and Attorney General Mark Herring (D) said he dressed in blackface during college, the modern state continues to struggle with its past as a champion of slavery and an opponent of equality. Although slavery and then racism were eventually widespread across what became the United States, it was in Virginia where the so-called peculiar institution was born, where it was codified in law, and where the most famous slave-led rebellion in America, the Nat Turner uprising of 1831, occurred.

In recent years we?ve commemorated the English and Spanish heritage of our nation?s founding. In 2007 we marked the 400th anniversary of the founding of Jamestown, Va., by English colonists. In 2015 we celebrated the 450th anniversary of the founding of St. Augustine, Fla. Both the English and Spanish commemorations included activities sponsored by federal commissions, which were voted on and passed by Congress. August 19, 2019 will mark 400 years since the first documented arrival of Africans who came to English America by way of Point Comfort, Va. Not only is it appropriate to establish a commission that would recognize the contributions of African Americans, but it is historically significant to

Let's Continue to Talk About Our Dream Let's Continue to Write New History acknowledge that the ?20 and odd? Africans (as it was recorded) were the first recorded group of Africans to be sold as involuntary laborers or indentured servants in the English colonies.

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2019 Tim Kaine (D-Va.) joined leaders from the NAACP, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), Reps. Bobby Scott (D-Va.) and Don Beyer (D-Va.), and Chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus Rep. G.K. Butterfield (D-N.C.) to introduce the 400 year African History Act. This bill would establish a commission to plan programs and activities across the country to recognize the arrival and influence of Africans and their descendants in America since 1619. The commission would be charged with highlighting the resilience and contributions of African Americans, as well as acknowledging the painful impact that slavery and other atrocities have had on our nation. The 400-year history of African Americans is full of tragedies that have shaped the black experience in America and should be remembered as moral catastrophes. However, that is not the whole story of African American history. African Americans have contributed to the economic, academic, social, cultural and moral well-being of this nation.

academic, social, cultural and moral well-being of this nation. As we contemplate the challenges and injustices that African Americans still face, we remember the tragic way in which African-American history began and draw inspiration from the heroes and trailblazers who fought under our country?s principle that all people are created equal. These hero and trailblazers, along with the millions of African Americans who have worked, created, invented, discovered, lived, aged and died over the past 400 years, have molded our national character such that the United States would be unrecognizable and, indeed, lesser without their cumulative presence.

?The history of Virginia and our nation cannot be fully understood or appreciated without knowing about the first Africans who arrived at Point Comfort, Virginia in 1619,? said Scot t .

In a recent Panel Discussion entitled? Let Talk About Our Dream? at the Capitol in Washington D.C. The panel discussed what was the commission purpose and under what statutory authority was the commission established under. During the first session, Nick Cannon, Honorary Chair of Writing A New History and National Ambassador, explored the current condition of African Americans today. He also welcomed Dr. Bernice King, daughter of the late Dr. Martin Luther King and Mrs. Coretta Scott King. to the panel. Together they explore the broader responsibilities of the Commission, by sharing brief reflections on the speech ?I Have A Dream? delivered on

the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on August 28,1963. Other guest included Dr. Rex Ellis, Ms. Edith Lee-Payne, Ms, Elizabeth Eckford and Robin Loukes from the Little Rock Nine. and Dr. Joseph Green (Chair ? 400 years of

African American History Commission) concluded the sessions with dialogue about what we can do to support the commission.

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of ry ed ue to

It 's All Abou t Th e Gr oom When my daughter got married, I performed the ceremony, and people have often asked what that was like. I usually say, ?It was emotionally and financially devastating.? Don?t get me wrong, it was one of the highlights of my life and one I will always treasure deeply. There was no question my daughter (as she should have been) was the center of attention. I have the photos and bills to prove it

The lowly groom, on the other hand, is an afterthought. He?s filler, the warm-up act for the main attraction. Unlike the bride, he usually enters from a side door. He wears a tux that some other groom will be wearing next weekend. And, for him, there is no grand march? he often enters to what strikingly resembles elevator music

In contemporary Western culture, the bride is the centerpiece of every wedding ceremony. She wears the long flowing dress, she enters to a ?bridal march,? she parades down the center aisle with the pomp and circumstance reserved for kings, and people stand as she enters. It?s clearly all about the bride. .

The way we do weddings today is quite different from the weddings of the Bible, especially the relationship between Christ and his bride, the church. The book of Revelation describes the mother of all wedding scenes. But here it is the groom who gets all the attention. - 27

My constant challenge as a leader in the church is to get myself out of the way so that the bride will be awestruck by his incomparable majesty of her groom. The bride belongs to the bridegroom. Thus, the church is not my personal trophy or sandbox or project. I hold it as a sacred trust to steward on behalf of the groom, who?s asked me to look after his bride until he comes for her In a healthy church Jesus is the most famous person. He gets the most airtime, he is the most talked about, and he is clearly center stage. He is seen as the head of the church, and the leadership does their best to spread his fame. . When things get really unhealthy, we can step in front of the groom and put the spotlight on us. Like John Piper says, ?Christ does not exist to make much of us. We exist in order to enjoy making much of Him.?

By Lance Whitt

Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. t is the wedding of the Lamb, not the wedding of the bride. A couple of verses later, the apostle John writes, Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb. The spotlight is fixed firmly on the groom, Jesus. There should never be anything blocking the bride?s view of the Groom?s glory.

(left) Verrandall Tucker stands proudly in front of Details On Granby. (above) Full grain Italian leathers shoes with high level craftmanship. You can expect this from Details On Granby. Ronald Atkinson EZMEDIAGROUP7.COM

Fr o m Po i n t C o m f o r t T o Gr an by St . A Su ccessf u l En t r ep r en eu r Ri ses In a harrowing journey that began 400 years ago, The White Lion, a British pirate vessel made her way from Vera Cruz, Mexico, with about 20 Africans on board. Upon Arriving at Point Comfort (now known as Fort Monroe), the captain was tasked with selling the Africans on board in exchange for food and supplies. Thus, begIining the recorded history of slavery in the United States. As the story goes, Captain William Tucker took two Africans named Isabella and Anthony into his home and allowed them to marry. Their first-born child William became the first recorded African-American birth in America. On Jan.3,1624 he was baptized into the Anglican faith.

Today, there are more than 42 million people who identify themselves as African Americans. Most don?t have the resources or knowledge of their heritage, to trace their family history back to the first Africans brought to America The Tuckers of Hampton are direct descend's of the first recorded baptisted child of Indentured servants to Virginia, As Virginia celebrates the 400-year anniversary this year, there are African Americans who celebrate their family history and legacy year-round. I?ve known Verrandall Tucker for several years, a man with high Christian morals and ethics. A devote follower of God?s word. Always inspiring other to be a better version of one?s self. Upon learning of his story or to coin a phrase? His-Story? in you. Verrandall has always taken pride in the historical roots of his family legacy. He understands the history of those before him and the sacrifices they made.

Thus, the importance of keeping his family history perseved. Or keeping it, to coin a phrase? His-Story? in you. Verrandall has always taken pride in the historical roots of his family's legacy. em Custom clothier Verrandall Tucker, now older and wiser, can size a man with just a glance. Once you walk in his retail store called ?Details On Granby?, he can tell what you should wear and what you should not. This expertist comes from a man who has worked in or around clothes for more than 25 plus years. In a recent conversation, he recalls selling hand-made ties and shirts out of the trunk of his car in the beginning. I?m sure he sold them with the same Godly spirit and perseverance as those before him. Verrandall has been blessed with many business opportunities and many select clients. His clients drive for miles to attain his personal touch in the selection of fabrics and styles of suits from around the country. Verrandall believes clothing is an art form, a way of self- expression. A customer can pick out the fabric he desires from a book of swatches, select the right collar for a custom shirt and decide if the shoes should be cognac or suede. Verrandall is aware of the importance he plays in the legacy of the Tucker family tree and how important it is to be apart of history and to make sure HIS Story is not forgotten. - 31

by: Tim Raines


"In the prophetic Psalm 2:8, God the Father says to Jesus "? I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."

Many Christians believe they've lost the culture war and their nation is slipping away. Some say a Third Great Awakening could rescue it. But others say it'll take more than a nationwide revival. It'll take a world-changing Reformation to win for Jesus what's promised. iThe resurrected Jesus told His followers in Matthew 28:19, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations? " Evangelical Christians are used to the idea of leading individual souls to Christ and discipling them, but in the light of these scriptures, is that too small a mission? "People are very important," Bramnick stated. "Salvation and evangelism are important! Th in k in g Way Too Sm all? But Bramnick also pointed out salvations one-by-one won't turn a whole nation, and revivals don't last long enough. Reformation, though, fundamentally change, or re-form, a country.

. "Reformation really is the Kingdom of God coming into every aspect of society," Bramnick explained. "We've got to think big. We've got to think beyond just the person in front of us," Pastor Jeremiah Johnson of Heart Of The Father ministry suggested. "The Church has settled for a small vision; maybe a much smaller one than God would have intended." He added, "It's real important for the church to really shift into Reformation, which to me is long-term. It's sustained. Revival is short-term." Robert Wallnaur, author of "God's Chaos Candidate believes Ref or m at ion is f or t h e Lon g Hau l Wallnau pointed out how salvation and revival are like a beginning, but Reformation is a long-haul process that transforms countries. "We confuse the event of God showing up with the process of growing up," he explained. "Just because you had a baby doesn't mean you've raised an adult." Wallnau said the path to Reformation is millions of believers capturing the high points of society that influence culture, what he labels ?the 7 Mountains of Influence.? From those high points in government, business, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion and the family, they can then re-form nations. being impacted inside of the church. But we're not empowering them to reach out in their various spheres of influence."

"We cannot let our guards down. There is a war for the soul of our nation." Wallnau issued a warning and a hope, saying, "My burden is Christians are not informed on what's going on, what spiritual powers are doing to dismantle America. Christians don't see how the Left is working. They don't understand how the game is played. But if we did, WE could actually play the game. And we could start toshape the narrative of the nation and bring it back into a place where it honors God." Johnson suggested victory will take every believer stepping up In f lu en ce Wh er e You Ar e an d Wh o You Can . To be continued in the next dition of Christian Leaders Magazine!

Ch an gin g t h e Wor ld f or Gen er at ion s Both Wallnau and Johnson insist Christians need to go out in a long-term mission of changing the world where they can, like at work and in their neighborhoods. And change it for decades to come. "Why don't we think of our children's children?" Wallnau asked. "I look at the long-term and I say 'God wants us to think in terms of generations.'" Johnson said of today's believers, "When Christians don't know what to do, they have prayer meetings. But that doesn't mean that the prayer meeting i s a substitute for doing something. What we do is we get together and pray. And then we think 'well, that's done!'

Actually, no. That's like the starting point. What's God going to do next, after prayer?" like - 35

BELIEVERSBIZ MORETHANJUSTNETWORKING An d h e said u n t o t h em , Go ye in t o all t h e w or ld, an d pr each t h e gospel t o ever y cr eat u r e (M ar k 16:15 ? KJV) There has been a huge surge in Christian Business Owners in the last decade or so. While owning a business may have been frown upon by many as a secular desire, and dream. Greater understanding and revelation has been flooding the hearts of spirits of believers on a global scale. The model inherited by a majority of the church body was a separation of faith from the different spheres of life. It became traditional to behave on Sunday morning, and go to church, while we decide how we conduct ourselves the other days of the week, and very often, we assume the same attitudes and behaviors of the secular field we find ourselves in. Today, the command given via the Great Commission is revealing that the church was always meant to go, and it is ?out there?that we will have the greatest influence Each of you sh ou ld u se w h at ever gif t you h ave r eceived t o ser ve ot h er s, as f ait h f u l st ew ar ds of God?s gr ace in it s var iou s f or m s (1 Pet er 4:10 NIV).

(L to R) Winston Whitehurst, Bishop Gimenez & Jeff Guill.

Entrepenuer 's don?t have to reinvent the wheel, they just figure out how to put a different spin on it.Building on their passion for service and love of God, two men founded Believers Biz over 20 years ago. Jeff Guill and Winston Whitehead spearheaded






Business networking with the zeal to share the word of Jesus Christ. Believers Biz gives the guest and opportunity to share a like-minded belief, a 30 sec elevator pitch about their services or product, a shout out about their church and then listen to a speaker, usually sharing a testimony that has lead to their success. If you ask both men to define what is believers Biz, they would say in lock step.

Believers Biz is a place to meet, fellowship, network with other Christian Business men & women in our community, and a place to encourage and build each other up. A network of Christian Business people, that are making a difference in the world. -A place to grow in faith and share and hear what God's word has to say about doing business as a Christian, through local Pastors, and other successful Christian business people -A place to get prayer for your business and your family, and to pray for others.?

(L to R) Winston Whitehurst, Dr. Thom Owens & Jeff Guill


BY; Anna Miller


Fortunately the worlds perpective on health & wellness is changing; the American Council on exercise even predicted that faith-based fitness programs would be the second biggest fitness trend in 2019.. Reynolds' Bod4God program, for one, draws on Bible passages (a la ?Christ will be magnified in my body?) to outline four "keys" to weight loss: Honoring God with your body, motivating yourself for change, managing your diet and exercise habits, and building a circle of support. It also reminds readers that Jesus Christ, after whom Christians believe humans are modeled, must have been fit and strong in order to keep his carpentry job and walk from Sidon to Tyre in one day. ?He could walk 40 miles, not in Reeboks but in leather sandals,

"Reynolds writes, ?and yet His followers on this planet are unhealthy, overweight, sedentary couch potatoes.? Another worldwide program, Body & Soul Fitness, sets exercise routines to Christian music and begins and ends each class in prayer. Not only does the music provide an alternative to the hip-hop lyrics powering many fitness classes, but with a message . "I think "this is harder than I thought, but I've never felt so full" It touches class goers in a powerful way, says Suzanne Loffler, 42, a stay-at-home mom and student in Williamsburg, Virginia, who?s been attending Body & Soul classes at her church for two-and-a-half years. "My strength is renewed whenever I go to Body & Soul; I can listen to the lyrics and really focus on what they're saying," she says. "It?s more than just a workout for me ? it?s a time of worship."

she says. "It?s more than just a workout for me ? it?s a time of worship." Such programs are onto something, experts say. While working out to, some say your body tends to be unsustainable, using exercising as a way to connect with God or to celebrate the body as his creation may keep you coming back. ?We don?t necessarily train to look good, although, yes, that?s a byproduct,? says Nikki Espina, a Christian personal trainer in New York City and contributor to "Faith & Fitness Magazine." ?If you?re strong, you can help other people, and I believe that strengthens your faith because that?s what I believe Christians are called to do.?

For Leffler, who began taking Body & Soul classes after a several-year hiatus from exercise, the approach is paying off: She credits her thrice-weekly classes with giving her more energy and making her stronger ? ?you can see muscle definition where there wasn?t before,? she says ? as well as with lifting her out of a period of depression, giving her mental clarity and deepening her faith. And, while she used to drag herself to gym, exercise is now something she looks forward to. ?It?s just what I do and I love it because I know that I?m going to come away from it better in so many ways,? she says. In Reynolds?congregation, meanwhile, members have lost more than 12 tons through church-sponsored weight-loss challenges, walking groups and a commitment to including healthy food options in church potlucks. Reynolds encourages churches across the country to take heed by, say, establishing a "wellness ministry" that can organize healthy activities for congregants like a 5K race in support of a charity. ?We?re trying to sound the alarm; we?re trying to get people to wake up,? he says. ?We?re making some progress.?

Plus, the nonjudgmental atmosphere of such programs appeals to the devout and atheists alike, says Hilda Labrada Gore, the regional director of Body & Soul in the District of Columbia metro area. "Fitness is not only for the 20-something who ... wants to have a beautiful body," she says. "Fitness is for all ages." That communal spirit, too, seems to be precisely what makes religious service attendance so beneficial to health, adds VanderWeele, whose recent study found that women who attended religious services frequently were about 33 percent less likely to die within six years than those who never did. ?There?s something about the communal religious experience that?s essential,? he says - 39


How Wou ld JESUS Respon d On lin e? - 47

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