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- FOOD 2 FREEDOM Food resources & prayer are the cornerstone of this local ministry. -AMID A PANDEMIC, World Vision reaches a goal of bringing clean water to 20 million -FAITH GROUPS CELEBRATE VIRGINIA'S DEATH PENALTY BAN
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My journey in Mime is one that was totally unexpected. After, approximately 14 plus years in writing-directing, and producing gospel theater, God impressed upon my heart to extend my calling in the arts including the ministry of mime. I was reluctant at first because at the time I was 38 years old and could not see myself in the ministry of mime. However, the moment I became obedient God began to move in extraordinary ways opening doors for unusual opportunities such as a ceremony at the White House to which we performed. Although originally the ministry started with two others, my daughter transitioned into the ministry in 2006 and we have been performing ever since. Images courtesy of outtheboxmime.com
KLM: Your daughter is a true blessing What is she currently doing?
Allen: Almoni is a recent graduate of Howard University. She enjoys running and physical fitness. She is a certified NAEM trainer and studied Sports Medicine at Howa rd. She currently works at the Total Arts Thea ter in Washington DC
KLM: What is your ultimate goal
''M"y Pastor is Bishop l{im Brown at Mount Lebanon Missionary Baptist Church. "
Allen: My ultimate goal is to build relationships. Through theater and mime, I want to glorify God and create stories that will connect with people in a very personal way inspiring those who don't know Jesus and prayerfully want to get to know Him and trust Him.
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.. Log your food Whether you use an app or just a paper notebook, keeping a food journal can help you identify eating patterns and become more aware of what (and when) you're eating, Dr. Gresens says.
ead is key to ing healthy choices (even whe�t ·ows curveballs your way);,.'.2!:�nd quick, healt� you can turn to when.J:Q_L�eripted to go out for fond," says Dr. Gresens. "And · · you would sche eting at work, sche to exercise. If ck off time or make you a plan, y more likely to skip i or excuses." .
Keep food out of sight, out of min _____ Try to set up your home office far from the kitchen. And keep tempting junk food out of the house altogether
Pause before you eat If you think you're hungry, drink a glass of water and distract yourself for 10 minutes before grabbing a snack. "Take time to decide if you're actually hungry or just bored or stressed " sa s Dr. Gresens.
Find activities you love Whether it's long walks outside, dancing while you're cleaning or yoga videos in your living room, the key is to find exercise that doesn't feel like a chore
Rethink comfort food Simple carbohydrates like bread, cookies and processed foods might be satisfying in the short term. But they make you hungrier and more likely to overeat later. "Eat more lean proteins and high-fiber carbohydr s like sweet potatoes to help you fee ·ed and maintain your blood su day," she says.
"Some people can't lose weight with diet and exercise al medications, weight-loss surgery, dietitians and exercise treatment isn't one-size-fits-all. Talking to your primary c extra help."
mgs that can help, including "Weight loss you feel you need
Healed! BY TONJA TAYLOR We know it is NOT God's will for any person to have any health problem--not arthritis, not cancer, not ANY junk! Just like good parents protect their children from harm as much as possible, and make sure their children have good water, good food, and all the medicinal checkups and medicine needed
I Peter 2:21-24 says, "...For Christ also suffered for you, leaving you [His personal] example, so that you should follow in His footsteps. He was guilty of no sin, neither was deceit (guile) ever found on His lips. When He was reviled and insulted, He did not revile or offer insult in return; [when] He was abused and suffered, He made no threats [of vengeance]; but he trusted [Himself and everything] to Him Who judges fairly. He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree b]">[b][as on an altar and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds, you have been healed."
when they need it, plus shelter and clothing and other needed things, we KNOW Jesus already defeated all this evil, including sickness, illness, and disease. He loves us and broke the power of every curse on the cross, so we can live a good life in health, strength, freedom, abundance, and peace! When we are born again by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ and what He did for us on the cross, we can truly--in the Name of Jesus, not our own name nor strength, for we are no match for the enemy (who is a bully and a destroyer!)--tell the devil to get the HELL OFF and OUT of our body, in JESUS' name! Yes, the devil is a bully and a destroyer, but JESUS is LORD, the Healer, and FAR GREATER than him, amen (I John 4:4)!
When we are truly believing in Jesus and He is living in our hearts as Savior and LORD, we HAVE THAT PRIVILEGE AND POWER!! WE have to LEARN these things, cause the enemy does NOT want us to know how to overcome him, but FAR GREATER IS JESUS THE HEALER IN AND FOR US than the junk from the cursed evil one, amen! It is NOT God's will for us to have to get healed; He provided through the Covenant for us to walk in divine health every way. But thank the LORD He gave us docs and medicines to help us, while we develop our faith to RECEIVE His healing otherwise! Amen! The devil is a bully and a deceiver. Many times the enemy can afflict us because of wrong words that we or others have spoken over ourselves. I have had to REPENT of speaking many wrong words, and also had to REPENT of judging and criticizing others, and having bitterness and envy and anger and unforgiveness in my heart!! these things- some of them that were there for YEARS, even DECADES!!- were allowing the enemy to MESS ME UP in many ways!! The bottom line is because I was NOT walking in LOVE, which is the opposite of all these things!! Anyway, you know how we often counsel each other to "let it go" cause we know it's BAD for us to be mad at people and situations. And you have forgiven many for much. Anyway, we have to realize that WE ARE NOT THE JUDGE--of ANYone, and it's been a hard lesson e learn. There is ONLY one Judge--God, Who knows the hearts of all men and every word on their tongues before they speak it.
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are supposed to pray for others. But God gives every person a free will--to choose Him, or death
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By: Glen M ason
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We pray for so much ...but what then? So often do I hear in the church how bad things are going for the country? The solution is to pray. But what then? A prayer is a tool ...a weapon ...it needs a wielder!! Prayer CAN, WILL, and DOES give us what we ask. But does it do us any good if we don't use it? We seek to have God do everything for us! Laziness creeps upon us unaware. God gives us what we need. But we need to take what He gives us and take action! He is not going to do it all for us. He is going to give us the means to fulfill His will (which should be what we want). This isn't some surprise secret idea, either! The bible is very open about this very thing.Look at all the people of the bible that prayed to God for help.When Gideon was fighting to free Israel, and he sought the help of the Lord, God more than had the capability to in a moment free Israel. But He didn't! He gave Gideon and his 300 men the capability to do it.Gideon had to take action to have his desires fulfilled.If Gideon had not taken his 300 men into battle, the prayer would have still been answered! They all would have still have had that capability to win that battle! But it would have not come to be.It would have become an answered prayer that was defeated by himself. But it wasn't! It succeeded, as do all things with God! Because he took action! He is not the only one in the bible either! When Samson lost his strength, and he prayed for its return, he didn't wait to know it was back. He took action, and God gave him what he needed to be successful! When Jesus prayed over the sick ...he took action ... (yes, even in the prayers themselves you can take action). He didn't waste time, be lazy or any of that. He told the dead to wake up and the lame to walk. He took action! He was confident in His prayer to the Lord! God will give us all we pray for. But he has to take action. Be confident! One of the big things people are working on with prayer in our nation right now is the Pledge of Allegiance.We can't expect "In God, We Trust" to return to the Pledge by prayer alone! We have to pray and listen to God! Hear what He tells us! Take what He tells (or gives) us! And TAKE ACTION. Laziness creeps upon us unaware. It is a weapon of the enemy that turns our prayers upon us.We must be firm! We must be confident! We must be willing to sacrifice! We can't have that dark seed in our hearts to give the enemy even the tiniest foothold, and more dangerously, a grip on our prayers! We must give it all up for the Lord! The time of war is coming! We can't fight this battle from our chairs. The enemy is already on the move.We can see it in our schools.We can see it in what is happening in the nation.We, as a Christian Body, need to be on the move as well! We have learned to utilize our strong weapon of prayer. That is good! But it is only a start! We must take action! We keep on praying, and God keeps giving us what we need! It's time we take it up and use it! Then.then things will begin to change.The tides of war will begin to turn. As we become stronger, more affirmative in our faith ...those around us will take notice! They will take notice because of the miricles at hand! All things are possible through Christ, and prayer is the key to unlocking them. But only if we take action! Then will the promises of Jesus come forth in our lives. www.christianmagazineshr.com 76
We will do greater things than He! Jesus was not idle to perform what He did, and neither can we be! And oh will the people notice! They will be changed. They will come to know the Lord for they will be unable to deny what their fleshly eyes see, and it will burn righteously in their spiritual eyes.
Then, the day will come when a man on a plane is dying.They won't ask "is there a doctor on the plane?" They will ask "Is there a Christian on the plane?" For once we pray when we are confident enough to take action with those prayers, they will know! They will not be able to deny! They will see that nothing is beyond the power of God! Then, my fellow body, the War will truly begin
Suicide: A complicated grief Guest Contributor: Rev. Wade Hudson-Roberts Photos by Mary Alice Wright
I know of people whose worlds are threatened by suicidal feelings. Thoughts of death have so overtaken them they have attempted suicide many times over. One such person, a qualified barrister with a supportive network of friends and family, is the envy of her acquaintances and sometimes her friends. Yet even the mere glimpse of herself in a mirror sends her into a state of nonstop self-deprecation, culminating in an assault of suicidal thoughts conspiring to end her humanity prematurely .Even though she is still alive, doing well in her professional life, fulfilled in her relationships, she feels only a few steps away from depression and near suicide.
Fortunately, she doesn't walk alone. Figures released by the Office for National Statistics point to an increase in suicides among young people, young adults and middle-aged men. The factors that lie behind this increase in suicides are many: Strains in the home, school, university, marriage are frequently blamed. Carrying just a couple of these issues is challenging, but living with most or all of them can lead to panic attacks, depression, suicidal attempts and, for some, even suicide. It does seem a little ironic that the invention designed to bring millions of people into instant and regular conversations may have unwittingly contributed to an increase in loneliness and isolation among many young and middle-aged people. Social media has opened up opportunities for conversation that few people imagined. Wherever you are in the world, the possibility of immediate access with 'friends' is now possible. A quick tap on a keyboard or mobile phone brings a welter of people from differing parts of the globe - all competing for our attention. For business and global communication this is a good thing. Yet despite the World Wide Web's desire to help people forge better relationships, recent research appears to suggest that KINGDOM LIFE HAMPTON ROADS
loneliness is one of the primary reasons behind the
purposes and many were.
escalating rise in suicides. The Israelite leader Samson's suicide is interpreted What's happening in the latest menu, itinerary or restaurant
positively. The narrator lingers over the body count
visited to a person you barely know is not the same as
caused by Samson's suicidal killing at a pagan temple; it is
having the occasional heart-to-heart, where body
clear that God gave Samson the strength to carry out this
language, voice, and emotion result in creating an
massacre. Human and divine approval is sealed by the
environment where deep, heart listening happens. Creating
celebratory conclusion: '...so those he killed at his death
a space conducive for this heart-to-heart stuff is what social
were more than those he had killed during his life' (Judges
media is unable to do - and I don't think was designed to
do - but it has become the way in which vast numbers of people attempt to tell their stories.
At the heart of every suicide is suffering. The family of the deceased suffer; friends of the deceased also suffer.
This mode of communicating has created such a
Counselors call death by suicide a 'complicated grief' and
communication chasm, it is no wonder suicides are on the
that is because, on most occasions, families have not been
increase. Normal ways of relating have been subverted,
given an opportunity to say Bye to their loved one, and so
possibly one of the reasons why few if any detected the
they live with an overwhelming sense of guilt and
symptoms of suicide that dogged our family friend.
uncertainty. Rather than judge, which some Christians are
Popular with students and teachers, a potential high flyer,
prone to do - even in these situations - we need to draw
few would have suspected that this seemingly happy-go
alongside the family and be Christ to them.
lucky teenager - the life and soul of many parties - was a
Suicide Preventior� Lifeline
chronic depressive. Family and friends of the deceased have since become aware that he attempted to communicate his suicidal thoughts through social media. But no one listened. It was his mother who found him hanging on a tree During his funeral service, his friends extolled his love for
The Lifeline provides 24/7 free and confidential support for people in distress for you or your loved ones.
call 1-800-273-8255
life and desire to make the best of it come rain or sunshine, indicating that many of them were oblivious to his struggle with suicide. His hiding behind social media enabled him to conceal his inner world so well his nearest and dearest had no idea about his inner turmoil... reinforcing how easy it is
to say one thing online and be something else of it Suicides are no respecter of culture, gender, class. Though I do know that many Christians are theologically challenged by suicides. In some denominations, those who commit suicide are buried outside the churchyards or even in public spaces away from churches. Interestingly, suicide in the ancient world did not carry the same negative connotations as it does today. For Greco-Roman philosophers, suicide in some circumstances constituted a noble death - not least if it was carried out for altruistic
"A BLACK HISTORY" FROM CHAINS TO CUFFS A Lack Of Leadership Is The Reason Why! I often wonder how life would've turned out for me and my family had we'd experienced the same oppression as our ancestors. Pick the same cotton, use the same outhouse, slept in the same hut, flogged with the same whip, or even served the same master. The mere thought of being separated at birth from my family is literally inconceivable. However, I begin to cogitate how often the black child is separated from the parent even now in this present day. Statistics exhibit members from the same "skin family" that I'm apart of are beginning life from a deficit. Void of the very thing that assisted in creating it-a father. A leader. 'As the number of parents who are unmarried has grown, so has the number of children living with an unmarried parent. In 1968, 13% of children - 9 million in all - were living in this type of arrangement, and by 2017, that share had increased to about one-third (32%) of U.S. children, or 24 million (Pew Research Center, 2018, p. 5). KINGDOM LIFE Hampton Roads I Page 79
By Bryan Hurdle
See, this isn't just a "black thing" or a "white thing." . 1865 may have been the year of release for my black family, but the 2021 black family has decreased. At the beginning of this article, I mentioned slavery. Why? We can't begin to heal the present without leaning in on the cries from the past. The division has been weaved into the culture and while the battle for equality in D.C. may never cease, the fight within the black family remains chained to division. When children are living in a home with unmarried parents, the unsaid message states that division works. "Because cohabiting parents are overwhelmingly opposite-sex couples, they are about evenly split between men and women. Among solo parents, however, the vast majority (81%) are mothers; only 19% are fathers. This gender difference is even more pronounced among black solo parents: 89% are mothers and just 11% are fathers" (Pew ResearchCenter, 2018, p.6).
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See, this isn't just a "black thing" or a "white thing." It's a demonic thing and has been since the Garden of Eden when the serpent told the woman the first lie. The woman not only listened, she believed and then acted upon the lie. What was the lie? Genesis 3:4 tells us that the serpent told the woman "You surely will not die." I'll expound that for you. The devil said, "You can make it without that man in your life." "You can reign and rule without him, so why follow behind him?" Filling the woman up with pride and plucking the emotional wires that God gave all of us, both man and woman. The man Satan spoke out against wasn't Adam, but God. The real enemy is the devil himself and until we can hear, receive, believe, speak, and actually do the work of the kingdom of God we wi 11 continue to wage war as the world wages war. The lack of leadership within today's black community is prodigious. The black woman is now not only leading in the home, as of 2019 in the U.S., but women are also only trailing behind black men by 3% in the workforce (BLS, Data Viewer, n.d.). This isn't to compare, but to make the black community aware. The attack on the black man and the family, in general, isn't coming from the white man pressing buttons, but a power higher than the "powers that be," and his name is Satan. Think about it for a moment. The devil's main purpose is to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). That would mean for the believer (in Christ Jesus) my main focus should be to guard, defend and fight from a spiritual standpoint. We have to win the fight in the spirit. I mean, even Jesus had to die and go to Hell to defeat the devil. Selah (think about it). The battle may belong to God, but the fight is ours.
Hampton Roads, particularly in Portsmouth, VA. has faced a recent uptick in gun violence. unfortunately, it is normal for this type of activity to take place in the low-income areas of the city. However, this kind of activity has now crept over into the more seemingly "low crime" areas of the city (https:/ /www.wavy.com/news/loca1news/chesapeake/man-shot-onportsmouth-blvd-in-chesapeake/). Also, there has been a recent spike in vehicle and license plate theft all over the city. Earlier, I mentioned how one of the devil's main purposes is to STEAL. The issue? One Portsmouth, VA. police officer stated, "We just don't have enough manpower." Again, lack of leadership seems to be the theme being written across the board. If history hasn't taught us anything it has taught us that when leaders aren't in place, the nation, state, community, and if not careful, your own home can and will be destroyed. From Julius Caesar to Fidel Castro. From King Nebuchadnezzar (the book of Daniel in the Bible) to Joseph Stalin. From King Herod to Adolph Hitler having a title without guidance from the Holy Spirit can be detrimental to not only the leader but to those that follow. Julius Caesar was betrayed and killed by his own people. Hitler committed suicide. Stalin? Died from the result of a stroke. If you and I were to travel to Rome, Germany, or Russia we'd find remnants of ruins from the past. Why? Due to the lack of Godly leadership. Again, the devil's purpose is to steal, kill and destroy. Listen, anything God created still remains and is operating today.
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In my opinion, children are shoved into the world without the understanding of how to properly manage finances. Could that be one of the causes for the stealing of vehicles and license plates? The end result is destruction! I'll say it once more, Satan's main purpose is to steal, kill and destroy, and until we learn that this life's fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this world, and against spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12), what we call black history will never be actual history. So, what does all of this have to do with black history? Everything. This article is to illuminate how crafty Satan is. When slavery began, the slave owners created "slave patrols" where their main purpose was to "(1) to chase down, apprehend, and return to their owners, runaway slaves; (2) to provide a form of organized terror to deter slave revolts; and, (3) to maintain a form of discipline for slave-workers who were subject to summary justice, outside the law (https:ll/awenforcementmuseum.org/2019/0711 0/s/ave-patro/s-an-early-form-of-american po/icingl). Police brutality today is at an all-time high, but as we just read, it's not breaking news.
In conclusion, we recently surpassed the fifty-fifth Super Bowl. As I watched the game this year, I noticed a vast difference since the 1980's NFL (I'm dating myself). When I watched the NFL as a child, the guys would knock each other around all over the field. It was as if no one cared about the football only knocking you out of the game was the goal. In 2021, not so much. Now, a defender will most likely target the football versus your body.
While the incarceration rate of our black men is colossally abnormal (https:llwww.pewresearch.org/fact tank/2020/05/06/share-of-b/ack-white hispanic-americans-in-prison-2018-vs-2006/) compared to our white counterparts, it doesn't answer the question for the lack of leadership in the home where leadership actually begins. With the vast majority of our black men in the penal system, the children, particularly young black boys are left to the "leadership" of the mother alone. Meaning, that young men, whether white, black, Hispanic are left without the knowledge of how to handle their emotions correctly. Adding to the reason behind the string shootings in the Portsmouth area.
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With Dr. Peggy Morris-Turner
epent and Revive is a concept that Christians should be familiar with. Repentance is a noun meaning to summon absolute surrender to God transitioning into a verb by making a 180 degree turn from one negative direction to an about-face turning to God. Faith without work is dead. Conversely, to revive is to restore to life or consciousness. Certainly, after the shocking year, we had in 2020 somebody needs to be revived. Very soon the doors of the church will be open, and when they are what will you do? Will you resume the same posture as before or during this time of selah have you been in a productive mode of worship and in doing so, have your eyes and ears been modified to hear a word from God? In the past when we heard the doors of the church are open, it was often a signal from the Pastor for those who wanted to join the church to come forward. However, this time the one who stands at the head of the church is JESUS. He is the one to welcome you back into the House of the Lord. It is encouraging to hear from so many anointed friends of God that this is the time to run not walk to the altar, fall down on our knees, and ask God for forgiveness. These past 12 months have really brought out some dormant issues that we thought we had been delivered. As a matter of fact, even some new obstacles have come up.
Some of us are risking our salvation by carrying a rebellious spirit to something as minor as wearing a mask that protects us. Then we try to drag the word of God into it by making statements like, "The God I serve is not going to let anything happen to me." While quoting scriptures like, "No weapon formed against me will prosper." God has made it clear that He is not to be tested. Luke 4:12 Jesus answered and said you should not tempt the Lord your God. A stubborn and rebellious spirit that refuses to cooperate is a spirit of witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:23 For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft and stubbornness is as idolatry. In my ministry we also quoted scripture and stood on the 91st Psalm, however, we were standing and quoting practicing social distancing, and wearing a mask. We did a phone prayer line every week. For there is nothing so great that God won't reveal it to His children. Leaders are there to maintain order and pass on the revelation of God's word, but God still speaks to His sheep. He said my sheep know my voice. In or out of the building the church is in us; it is our responsibility to stay lined up with the word of God at all times. When the doors open, we need to make our way to the altar and by we, I mean from Bishops to the sheep, and greeters at the front door. It's time to repent ask for forgiveness and pray for revival. #REPENT and REVIVE. Thousands have left earth this year, therefore we need to recognize that we are still standing for a reason. As Christians, one reason would be to magnify the Kingdom of God.
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