Kingdom Life Magazine HR

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SEPT / OCT 2019



CHRISTIAN CRUISING Cruising from Norfolk, Virginia is so appealing because of its splendid iteneraries to the Bahamas and the Caribbean.

12 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna

20 IT' S BACK TO SCHOOL.- For kids, The start of school is like a new year. Here are 5 tips to havng a great year.

34 The definition of strength is the quality of being strong or to w ithstand great force. Lisa Olson has these traits as you w ill find out in her story.

Training camp at the Redskins facility in Richmond Va., is visited by a group of young men, looking to be all they can be.

w w w


CONTENTS COVERSTORY: Cruising out of Norfolk has just begun t o t ake off. The cit y is current ly considering ex panding t he offerings of t he cruise port . For " Believers" ,w hat bet t er offerings are t here t han cruising w it h " Believers" and it ineraries t hat are inspirat ional and pow erful.


PUBLISHERPEN In Virginia Beach t he t erm " Som et hing In The Wat er" has a double m eaning. Eit her a hugely successfull concert ex perience. or possibly a jellyfish or shark! . Our publisher t akes it t o anot her level.


MensHuddle International has beenpouringintothe livesof youngmenat alocal highschool in Newport News Virginia.


5Great toolstoinsure your childhasa HAPPYschool year.





This feat ures is about how m arket place Christ ian couples m ust t ruly m pact t he m arket place.


Today'shomechefs aresmart and sophisticatedand want thelatest tools inthier kitchen.


Fall isright aroundthe corner,it'stimefor a quickmeal. that the entirefamilywill enjoy.

You do not have t o be a past or t o be on assignm ent from t he King of kings?


Holloweenishereto stay. Isit wrongfor our children. Itsthe country'ssecond largest commercial holiday.


Fromthewritingsof Rev. BillyGraham. "Goddoesnot excuse sininanyform."


WHATEVER YOUR FAITH, YOU CAN CRUISE WITH FELLOW BELIEVERS For m an y people of f ait h t oday, w h et h er Ch r ist ian or Jew ish or New Age, sim ply goin g on a cr u ise leaves som et h in g t o be desir ed. In cr easin gly, t r aveler s h ave been t u r n in g t o r eligiou s an d spir it u ally m in ded cr u ises as an alt er n at ive t o t h e par t y sh ips. Many people of faith have concluded that the atmosphere aboard some cruise ships are not conducive for their ideal vacation experience. Most traveler comments reveal negative encounters with other cruisers, filled with offensive language, boozing, and loose behaviors that make Christian travelers feel out of place. These sentiments, as expressed by Karen on a message board posting for religious cruises, stated, ?My husband and I get tired of all the crude language and the excessive drinking on cruises. We love to cruise and will keep going ? it would just be nice to have conversations with other people who put God first in their lives.? Similarly, other people who don?t identify with organized religion voiced that spirituality is a bigger part of their vacation experience. They opt to spend vacations meeting people of like values, who can relax with kids in a family-friendly space, or reconnect with loved ones

in a meaningful way without distractions. Cr u isin g w it h Ch r ist offers people of faith the opportunity to explore the world and find themselves in the company of others who share like religious beliefs. They offer cruises for just about every major Christian denomination fitting within the broader range of specialty cruises designed for singles, families or couples. These cruises are tailored-made for people who desire to explore architecture, history, or who desire to deepen their faith. Specialty cruises provide an unique atmosphere for Christian singles to enjoy a more relaxed atmosphere in a space where like-minded people can meet. Many Christian cruises center their activities around several key-note speakers or preachers and offer workshops on subjects

ranging from ?communication in marriage,? to ?bringing your spirituality into your everyday life.? Some of the Christian celebrity cruises feature praise bands who entertain and promote star-studded worship aboard the cruise ship.

Anestimated27.2millionwill cruise globallyin2019with$216billionin total economicimpact,.

On -Boar d From high-luxury European cruising to affordable family fun in the Bahamas, Christian cruises are becoming increasingly popular and attracting high-profile names in entertainment and ministry. They aim to please all social and spiritual expectations of the traveler. Christian cruises may not be mainstream yet, but they often charter entire cruise ships from famous cruise lines. Many offer the same amenities of larger cruises like bars, nightclubs, entertainment, pools, spas, restaurants, golfing or rock-climbing. - 6

Thecruiseindustrydemandhas increased20.5%inthelast fiveyears.

Christianfamilycruiseshave the chancetobecomeoneof your families best spiritual getaways!

Som e cr ui ser ' s ar e seek i n g m or e t h an a cr ui se w i t h spi r i t s an d f un . Th ey h av e f oun d a m or e gr at i f i n g ex per i en ce i n r el i gi ous t h em ed cr ui ses.

Christian cruises often have certain advantages that other cruises do not, like unique itineraries, special activities (worshiping under the stars) and a safe, welcoming environment where you know you have at least one thing in common with your fellow travelers, being Christian.

famous historical, philosophical and artistic sites as well

Premier Christian Cruises has many cruises on offer, with a fun modern feel. Premier seeks to break out of the mold and reinvigorate Christian travel. Chartering some of the newest liners, their offerings meet a high-quality cruising standard. One of their 2012 offerings is called Love Like You M ean It , a Marriage Cruise designed for couples only. With many cruises focusing on music and onboard entertainment, they are designed with young hip Christians in mind. They also have many cruises that would appeal to the whole family and all age ranges. Some of their featured cruises include one which is designed for married couples, one for women only and one for families Premier sails on Carnival Waterworks, Royal Caribbean Liberty of the Seas and Majesty of the Seas and the Norwegian Sky. Their ports of call are in the Caribbean, Bahamas, and Mexico.

Starting at $899 (but passengers under 17 are free on

Th e Holy Lan d an d M or e

ship. All the companies that are listed above charter

Christian Expedition have a complete range of travel

from well-known and well-established cruise lines. You

options from tours of the Holy Land, Greece, Egypt, to

can check out ship layout and reviews at sites like

cruises around Alaska the Caribbean and Hawaii. Their

cruises travel on well-known lines, and some of the ships

Currently, the most popular ships are the Norwegian

are the same as Premier ?s. Christian Expedition are

Star and Royal Caribbean?s Liberty of the Seas. While

more focused on key Christian speakers and workshops

some cruises do not sail on well-known ships it is

than Premier ?s an appeal to an older age range.

important to ask the company for details so you know

Christian Expedition sails on Holland America?s M.S

exactly what you are paying for before you book. Often

Amsterdam, Royal Caribbean Freedom of the Seas,

cruises sell out quickly so advanced planning is advised.

Carnival Fascination, and Norwegian Dawn. Their ports of call are in The Caribbean as well as Alaska.

as religious ones. excel at excellence and luxury with ports of call in Europe as well as the Caribbean. They are a good choice for the culture-minded cruiser. the European Cruise) JRI makes an exquisite treat for yourself and loved one. With shore excursions that include walking tours of historic city centers and museums as well as cathedrals, beach walks and dolphin tours you won?t have to try hard to have a good time. Kn ow Bef or e You Go Before planning any cruise, it is important to consider your needs and expectations. Who will be traveling with you? What ages are they? Does anybody have dietary restrictions (if so you should let the cruise know as soon as you book)? What kind of cruise experience are you hoping to have, one that is deeply spiritual, meditative and intense or is you looking to have a fun festive time with people who share your views? Always research the

If you are looking for a good time, a good environment and some positive spiritual activities along with your rest

Steps of Paul Coastal Cruises brings to life biblical

and relaxation than religious cruising may just be for

Greece, offering the cruiser the ability to follow in the

you. And what better way to enjoy the mysteries of Spirit

footsteps of St. Paul as he traveled around Greece. They

then out on the ocean with others who believe with you?

focus on the history of the Bible and Greece, presenting - 8

Have you ever thought it would be fun, enriching or even uplifting for your vacation t o be surrounded by Believers, sitting on the deck,marveling at Gods creations. Then attending a Gospel concert or theological seminar.



Th er e Is Som et h in g In Th e Wat er In t h e secon d sen t en ce of t h e Bible, it says, "An d t h e Spir it of God w as h over in g over t h e f ace of t h e w at er ."

God cr eat es t h e w at er . Set t h ei r boun dar i es. Gui des w h er e t h ey f l ow . -

I n Gen esi s 6, God br ough t dow n r ai n f or f or t y days an d f or t y n i gh t s. W h en God del i v er ed t h e I sael i t es f r om sl av er y i n Egypt , H e par t ed t h e Red Sea. W h en t h e I sr ael i t es w er e w an der i n g i n t h e w i l der n ess, t h i r st y. God gav e t h em w at er f r om a r ock . I n Jesus f i r st m i r acl e, H e t ur n ed w at er i n t o w i n e. Jesus w al k ed on w at er . Jesus cal m ed t h e w at er i n a st or m .

A few months ago, a popular recording artist from the city of Virginia Beach, Pharell Williams hosted a concert filled with many national headliners titled, ?Something in the Water.? The concert site was on the oceanfront where water is plenteous and where a gentle breeze accompanied the soothing sound of the waves. The water backdrop made the difference in maintaining the peacefulness of the crowd and the expectation of the investors. Water is one of the basic needs that without it, man cannot survive. Our body weight is approximately 60 percent water.

Water does more than satisfy your thirst; it regulates body temperature, eliminates waste from the body and keeps you hydrated. Water is essential. The Bible declares when Jesus hung on the cross he became so dehydrated that he said, ?I thirst.? Hanging on the cross for our sins, he denied himself the basic necessity of life; water. I think of those in Africa and third world countries who daily live without clean water to drink. Jesus knows their pain and cares for them because he too was thirsty. Many people in the US take potable water for granted because we have such abundance. However, everyone is not like that. There are a few local God-fearing men who are putting together a program which is designed to create local wealth and build wells in Africa. They are creating a water project so impoverished communities can have clean drinkable water daily. Another local ministry, Haiti Missions Incorporated ( is involved in digging wells, among other things, to make life better for some of the most impoverished

communities in the western hemisphere. Jesus in Matthew 25:40 said,? I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink... Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.? n John 4, Jesus encountered a Samaritan woman at the well. She was looking for water and comes to the well at the time of day when no one else was around. Her need for water drew her to the well, and she came at a time when others were not present to be judgmental about her life. After asking her for water, Jesus tells her, ?but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.'' (John 4:14) Ar e you t h ir st y f or som et h in g? Thirst creates a desire that can only be satisfied with a specific thing. We thirst for many things. Are you thirsty for your shame to be gone or for the guilt over your past to be removed? Then, you are thirsty for the Living Water. Jesus is the only one who can wash

wash away your sins and remember them no more. He is calling you to a new life; to make you A NEW MAN (II Corinthians 5:17). Are you thirsty for deliverance from an addiction? Jesus is your Passover lamb. He died not only so that you could be forgiven, but so you could regain your life in Christ. Recovery is possible through the blood of the Lamb. There are some things that we must confront that are painful: chronic pain, cancer, or having to live with the scars of abuse, for example. Because Jesus thirsted on the cross, he can guide us to Living Water. He will wipe away every tear from our eyes because Jesus was fully human; he understands our pain. He is the water of regeneration because he is fully God. He is thirsting for you to come to him today. Put your trust in him and remember,

Th er e is som et h in g in t h e w at er ! Special Thanks to Dr. Phillip Lucas!

M ARKETPLACE & M ARRIAGE Is t h er e a con n ect ion bet w een m ar k et place su ccess an d m ar r iage? In 1999 my wife and I were having dinner with Paul Cox, Rich Marshall and their wives. We were discussing Rich Marshall's new book, God @ Work, as well the marketplace in general. The issues centered on how Marketplace Christians were not truly impacting the marketplace effectively. Just as the bill arrived, Paul told us, "An Angel has just joined us at the table." I looked around and didn't see an angel, but Paul insisted the angel was a messenger and he had a word for us about the marketplace. Paul told us that one of us had to hear the word before we left. Now, that's pressure! As we sat quietly I had a thought pass through my mind. A few

minutes later it passed through my mind again. I turned to Paul and said, "Paul, I think I may have heard something and this is what I believe I heard; "The businessman's ministry in the marketplace will only advance to the extent his marriage permits." Paul quickly agreed that was the word we needed to hear and we left the restaurant. I must admit I had no idea what it meant but it seemed right. This word has led me to a new understanding regarding our work and our marriage. All of my life I was convinced that the job I held was fully my responsibility and I should not bother my wife with the work issues, especially when problems arose. Besides, she had - 12

no education or experience in the business world. How could she ever help me with my business issues? I don't think I'm alone in this. This type of thinking has existed for generations. As I pondered this new word, God began to layout the understanding of this short sentence in the form of a book. He clearly showed me a few things that were revolutionary for me and I'm learning quickly it was not just for me. The majority of Christian marriages are as dysfunctional in this area as mine was. Today I want to establish the connection between a husband's job and his wife's role in the marriage. The first thing the enemy



did in the garden was attack the marriage. He knew all was going well because Adam and Eve were walking with God. He also knew that if he could cause a divide between Adam and Eve it, had the potential to disrupt Gods plan for us. It worked! Since that day, we have not been the same. God told Adam and Eve that work would no longer go smoothly. It would be hard. Today, the enemy is still doing his thing with respect to marriages. The divorce rate among Christians mirrors that of the lost and it's getting worse. We are still working hard because we have not brought restoration to the marketplace and we can't bring full restoration until we bring restoration to our marriages. The two go hand in hand. They are not mutually exclusive, as we have been taught. So, what can be done? We must see our marriages transformed into biblical marriages. What does that mean? It means we must live out our callings as husbands and wives in our marriage before we can see the marketplace totally transformed. 1 Peter 3:7 says; that unless we consider our wives in a certain manner our prayers will be hidden. If we are praying for the marketplace to be transformed we

must realize that we will be limited in our success based on the condition of our marriage. What do I mean? For now let's focus on the wife's role. The wife's role is not submitter. Her role is, Helpmate. In ancient Hebrew it means, "The Revealer of the Enemy." Every woman ever born has this gift, but it doesn't get fully released until she knows Christ as her Lord and Savior and she is married. Often times Christian wives know, even if they cannot express what they know effectively or clearly, what the enemy is up in your work. A friend of mine is a COO of a major firm and he was having difficulty with an employee. He was telling his wife about the situation and she said, "You have to write it down for him since he doesn't deal well with verbal communication." When he asked her why she felt this way, she said, "I don't know." Not good support for her suggestion, is it? But, my friend did what she said and the problem was resolved. Where did she get that thought? She didn't know the man. The Spirit spoke to her. That's right! The Holy Spirit revealed the solution to her.

Sound strange or crazy? It's not. God has given you your wife as a helpmate and she needs to be involved in the issues that come up at work. Another man told me that once he began to tell his wife about issues at the office she began to speak into them in amazing ways that neither could understand. They finally admitted it had to be the Holy Spirit speaking to her so she could help her mate. She was living her calling as helpmate by revealing what the enemy was up to. Here's the key. You are partners in life and God has made the wife and husband differently so we would need one another. If you want to see your work become more successful and your marketplace transformed, you need to include your wife in the issues at work that are unresolved or causing problems. If you do you will see the beginnings of transformation in your marriage and your work. A caveat! Will she always be able to have the answer? Most likely not, but that's OK. There are times when a wife says, I don't know and it's because she lacks information. Discernment on both of your parts is critical




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on assignment to bring heaven to earth. This bus driver is on

eDid you know that Jesus not only loves you, but He loves your nation? Jesus is glorified not only on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights, but on every day of the week. We know that pastors have a special calling from the Lord, but did you know that you do not have to be a pastor to be on assignment from the King of kings?

high alert on the road and exudes the fruit of the Spirit as he or she interacts with parents and children throughout the day.

Consider the special role of the school bus driver in our cities. Without a dedicated trained driver to transport our most precious of cargo, our children, to and from school safely, our cities would suffer. God cares about our children getting to school safely. He cares about the teachers who teach them. He cares about the construction workers and engineers that build the schools where our children are educated. We may think that He only cares for the salvation of their souls, but He cares also for how they go about their jobs. He wants nations to function well and their people to flourish. Nurses, doctors, plumbers, farmers, engineers, teachers, mechanics, sailors, soldiers, artists, bus drivers, construction workers, secretaries, cashiers, cooks, and truck drivers: the list is endless. All these careers serve an important role in the Kingdom of God. For too long we have classified these as secular employments, whereas work in the church or in ministry is considered as sacred employment. The truth is that God has no such division. His truth applies to all these vocations. Each one is vital to the health of a nation. If we understand that our day to day lives in the marketplace matter to the Lord, we can begin to think of these jobs as not merely means of earning a living, but assignments from the Lord. A bus driver is not just clocking in to drive a bus, he or she is on assignment to safely deliver children to and from school. A Christian driving a school bus is well positioned to affect the atmosphere of the bus. Imagine those kids stepping into a Kingdom filled bus each morning before school and each afternoon after school. The sweet fragrance of the Lord meets them because this bus is not driven by someone just earning a paycheck, but by someone

Imagine a teacher inviting the presence of the Lord into the classroom before the students file in each day. The teacher is full of the fruits of the Spirit as he or she is on assignment. Jesus said we are to occupy until He comes. Occupy the classroom. Occupy it with truth, sound judgement, justice, joy, peace, patience, goodness. There may not be teacher-led prayer, or Bible reading in schools, but there are Christians in schools and that should make a difference when we are present on assignment. Our assignment is not only to bring truth to the people around us, but to bring truth to the institution in which we serve. We are agents of the King, and the King?s ambassadors serve in a particular way under the auspices of truth. Truth matters inside every industry where we work, not just inside the Church. Ambassadors do not use methods of force to make people accept truth, but they do serve in a way that invites people to adopt a new way of doing things that increases the effectiveness of the industry. Let?s remember that we are in the world, but not of it. t r When we are present on assignment, we are the salt and light of the world that permeates the darkness and makes cities and nations heaven on earth.

Karla Perry is a worldview revitalizer and the author of Back to the Future: Rebuilding America's Stability and The Reformation of America (Coming Fall 2019). She is an avid writer with a penetrating and thought-provoking style. Karla helps peopledevelop healthy worldviews through kingdom-based thinking., Karla lives with her husband, Joseph, in Virginia Beach, VA, where they pastored Remnant Ministries for eleven years. You can find more of Karla's work at sed

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Lar r y Hales CEO M HI Ronaldjatkinson/



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A couple of years ago, I wrote in an article that my priorities in life were faith, family, fellowship, and football- in that order. A few readers including my ex-wife responded and questioned the order of my listing. I defended my position that faith, family, and football were synonymous. After church on Sundays, we gathered around the only television in the house and watched football games. As a youngster between 12 - 15 years old growing up with a father and brother who were Pittsburg Steeler fans and I alone was a Washington Redskin fan, a lot of good-natured ribbing, fun, and laughter took place at our home in Tampa Bay throughout the football season. During the regular season, we waited for the opportunity to view a few Redskin or Steeler games and ?talked trash?about each other 's team. These were truly some of the best times I remember as a child, all of us together in one room, at one time. Those were the days! Fait h , Foot ball an d Fam ily are inseparable in my book. They go together like butter and popcorn. A few years later,when I played high school football on a horrible team in my freshman season, we once lost a game by 72 points! Looking back, I can gladly say it wasn?t my fault that time, though at other times I did share in the loss. However I remember, my father and younger brother were always in the stands to support me. That?s what family does. From my earliest days, my dad instilled in me a love for the sport and the importance of team

cohesiveness. Occasionally, we won games, but something was missing. I later discovered it was that thing which can?t be taught, diagramed on a chalkboard, nor rehearsed. It was the element that kept us from reaching our ultimate potential as a team. What was it? Could it be because we were brought up in segregated communities where racial turmoil spilled out in the schools and on the field? Or could our poor record be the result of envy and jealousy between team players who separated good players from marginal players? There were many possibilities, but it was after playing for coaches on various levels that I discovered what was missing. Fait h , Foot ball an d Fam ily are inseparable. In 1977, I was blessed to play for FAMU under Coach Rudy Hubbard. The first thing I noticed was after EVERY practice; the team formed a huddle and prayed the ?Lord?s Prayer.? Praying on the field was unusual for me because I was not used to such a display of public spirituality outside of the church. What I learned later was that it brought the team together spiritually and formed a common bond just like that expressed in a family. That year we won the 1AA National Championship. g It was then I realized the missing ingredient was the family component of a team. Years later, I embraced these great moments fondly, not because they were big events for the team, but because I shared these memories with friends who became family, on and off the field. The long passes, the great runs, the super catches, the goal line stance against The University of Miami, - 17

the interceptions returned for a touchdown, and the quarterback sacks,- all these memories are forever imprinted in my mind in addition to teammates/family members Reggie, Eric, Nate, Spanky, Night Train, Mike, Tyrone, Archie, AC, Albert and so many more. Together we were family having each other ?s back. Together we were unstoppable. Years later, on a relatively warm day a few weeks ago, a group of Christian men and a local high school football team charted a road trip to Richmond Va. The trip, hosted by Men?s Huddle International (MHI) and the Menchville High School football team traveled for hours with other group sponsors (All Pro Dads, Colossians Baptist Church, New Light Baptist Church) who provided bus/van transportation, in addition to Campus Thrust & Going back to school is EZ. Their purpose was clear, namely, to build a team. MHI C.E.O. Larry Hales and the group preceded to the Washington Redskins Training Camp. After hours of fun and fellowship, the group traveled to Virginia Union University where they met Hall of Famer Coach Joe Taylor, Asst.Chaplin Joe Ellison, Pastor Brett Fuller, the Senior NFL Chaplin for the Washington Redskins and Ms. Faith Barbour, Admissions Office at Virginia Union University. If that wasn?t enough excitement,

the next evening MHI provided a welcome meal for the players and coaches after practice at Menchville High School. During those two days of fellowship several adults shared their LIFE testimonies and the importance of keeping God?s word in your everyday life. The result was a renewed confidence in each player ?s demeanor and a greater clarity of player temperament by coaches, all of which would be used to lead these young men to victory. The result was the creation of a family unit from blended backgrounds and experiences. It was possible because the impact and memories created by the professional players and coaching staffs, food servers and MHI gave these young men the confidence they needed to overcome obstacles and the capacity to build life-long loving relationships with their peers on and off the field. It?s all about building Faith, Football, and Family Relationships. In my book they are all the same. diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea

Images Courtesy of: Ronald JAtkinson /

Memories take you to another time, memories take you to another place, and best of all, memories take you home. The bible says in Hebrews ?For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.? That's because Faith, Family and Football are inseparable.


M on ey M at t er s

KNOW THE TRUE M EANING OF STEWARDSHIP "ASEACHHASRECIEVEDAGIFT,USEITTOSERVEONEANOTHER,ASGOODSTEWARDSOF GOD'SVARIEDGRACE." 1Pet er 4:10 As a stewardship pastor I have often been asked why so few churches are investing in a comprehensive stewardship ministry. It?s a great question considering the emphasis the Bible places on stewardship, money and possessions. It comes as a surprise to many that the Bible speaks about money and possessions more than any other topic except love. More than 2,400 verses address our relationship to wealth, the dangers of mishandling it and the barriers money can present to our relationship to God and others. So why has stewardship not been emphasized more in our churches? The last 25 years of involvement in stewardship ministry have led me to several thoughts in response to that important question. One, as a

church body, we have misunderstood the fundamental meaning of stewardship. I believe the great majority of our church leaders have defined stewardship incorrectly. Stewardship is not just another term for giving money to support church ministries. Stewardship is simply the act of being a steward. A biblical steward is one who has been entrusted with the property of the owner and expected to manage it wisely as the owner himself would. Giving is the portion you manage that you give away, stewardship is the responsibility you have to wisely manage the total amount, most of which you keep.

Past or s n eed edu cat in g Two, many church leaders have not been taught the true meaning of stewardship and therefore are not in a strong position to teach others. The formal education most of our pastors and senior leaders receive rarely includes a serious study of stewardship and the biblical perspective of money. When the topic is discussed, it is mostly in response to the significant pressure felt by senior leaders to raise funds to keep ministries supported. Three, as churches, we frequently get the biblical message reversed. The vast majority of scriptural references to money and possessions address the responsibilities of the individual rather than the needs of the church.

Stewardship is important because individuals cannot be fully aligned with God?s desire for them if they get the ?money thing? wrong. Funding church ministries is not the primary reason the Bible speaks so frequently about this topic. Yet, it has been my observation that the majority of messages about money from senior church leaders primarily emphasize giving. What we should be doing is teaching individuals to recognize their calling to be faithful stewards of what God has entrusted to them. When we do that, the giving follows; not because we made it the goal but because that is the result as we grow mature stewards. Four, church leaders often miss seeing money biblically as a discipleship issue rather than a financial issue. As Atlanta pastor Andy Stanley so eloquently stated it, ?Biblical teaching about money should focus on what we can do for you rather than what we can get from you.? Not ju st f or h u r t in g Five, churches frequently associate a stewardship ministry with helping those who are hurting financially or have become overwhelmed

with debt. We should be seeking to help those people, absolutely, but that should never be the main focus of a stewardship ministry. We are all called to be stewards, and building a ministry around people in financial trouble will actually hurt the stewardship effort, since those doing well financially will assume they are exempt from learning to live as stewards. It is interesting to note that most of the time the Bible speaks about money it is directed toward those who had money but were using it or relating to it in a way that was spiritually damaging and contrary to God?s design. A healthy stewardship ministry addresses every person and seeks to provide opportunities for growth regardless of their financial condition. Six, we have not presented the teaching and training of money in our churches campus in three major ways, all of which are dealt with in great depth in the Bible. The first is the practical aspect of money ? how specifically we are to wisely manage and account for what has been entrusted to us. The second area is the spiritual aspect. How our relationship to money and possessions impacts our relationship to - 22

God. The third is the emotional aspect of money. It is here that we often find our greatest struggles since emotions drive us to make poor and often harmful decisions about wealth and possessions. An attempt to address the stewardship topic without diving into each of these areas will leave major holes in our understanding of what it means to live as a true biblical steward. M on ey is n ever n eu t r al The foundational principle behind developing a solid theology of money and stewardship is that our relationship to money will always impact our relationship to God. Money is never neutral. It will either draw you closer to God or drive you farther away. As scripture tells us, we can?t serve two masters. Jesus tells us clearly that there is a battle going on for our affection and loyalty between the God of the Universe and the god of money. Each one is trying to win our hearts and minds but only one will prevail.

God Does Not excuse Sin In Any Form

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Q: It seem s t h at sin is bein g r edef in ed in t h e pr esen t cu lt u r e. Wh o can decide w h at sin r eally m ean s, an d ar e sexu al sin s w or se t h an ot h er s? A: Adultery and other sexual sins are forbidden and condemned by God in His Word. God will not hold adulterers and sexual predators blameless. There is a day of reckoning, but today God still forgives. It doesn?t mean that there are not consequences to live with, but He will teach and strengthen us in difficult times brought on by our own sinful choices. God makes it clear, for instance, that marriage is a commitment for life. This special relationship that God ordains between one man and one woman is a sacred trust. The commitment ?forsaking all others,? is a binding contract (Genesis 2:24). Sexual unfaithfulness on the part of husbands and wives has become epidemic.

God does not excuse sin in any form. The serious student of the Bible cannot dismiss sinful acts by calling them something else. Because people may change the definition of a word, does not mean that the act is viewed differently in God?s eyes. ?For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness ? who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them? (Romans 1:18-19). God?s Word defines sin and man cannot change its meaning; God?s law cannot be trifled with. When we come to Christ, we are called upon to repent of our sins and to no longer practice the ungodly patterns of living we may have enjoyed before. Doing this brings great peace to our hearts. This brings tremendous relief to the human heart.

(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.) - 24


Voi ce con t r ol l ed sm ar t k i t ch en s ar e al l t h e r age. Ex pl or e t h e n ex t gen er at i on s of appl i an ces i n t h e k i t ch en .


ADVANCEM ENTS FOR TODAY' S TECHNICUREAN HOM E CHEFS TODAY'SHOMECHEFSARESMARTANDSOPHISTICATED.THEYWANTTHELATESTTOOLSTO SIMPLIFYTHEIRLIVESANDMAKETHEIRCULINARYDREAMSAREALITY.THISYEAR'SKITCHENAND BATHINDUSTRYSHOW,NORTHAMERICA'SPREMIERINDUSTRYEVENT,HIGHLIGHTEDTHETOP KITCHENDESIGNINNOVATIONS,INCLUDINGSMARTTECHNOLOGYTHATHELPSTHEMODERNHOME CHEFACHIEVEPROFESSIONAL-LEVELRESULTSINTHEIROWNKITCHEN.OTHERTOPTHEMES INCLUDEDSUSTAINABILITYANDWAYSINTEGRATEDTECHNOLOGYCANIMPROVEFOODANDDRINK PRESERVATION,PLUSOVERALLWELLNESS. 1. Sm ar t er appl i an ces of f er r est aur an t - w or t h y r esul t s All t hat pract ice and preparat ion w on't get t he best result s w it hout professional-grade appliances offering t he ult im at e in culinary precision. Today's hom e chefs w ant w hat professional kit chens provide, from m ult iple ovens t o st ovet op griddles and m ore. There's also a rise in progressive hom e chefs called " Technicureans" w ho are socially conscious consum ers w ho are passionat e about cooking as w ell as t echnological innovat ion. One of t he lux ury kit chen appliance brands t hat cat ers t o t hese individuals, Signat ure Kit chen Suit e, offers an indust ry-first 48-inch dual fuel pro range w it h built -in " sous vide" m odalit y right on t he cookt op, along w it h gas and induct ion. It s m ult iple cooking m odalit ies and innovat ive t echnology earned t he prest igious " Best of KBIS

2019" Gold Aw ard. The sous-vide cooking t echnique has been t he go-t o m et hod of t he w orld's best chefs for years. In sous-vide cooking, food is vacuum -sealed and subm erged in w at er, t hen slow -cooked at a precise t em perat ure t o achieve perfect doneness, every t im e. " Sous-vide w as t he ex clusive dom ain of t op chefs for a long t im e," said M ark Bit t m an, food aut hor, educat or and host of t he True t o Food film series. " Now , t here's sous-vide in a pro range for t he hom e." 2. Th e n ex t gen er at i on of w i n e st or age Wine connoisseurs and hom e chefs alike recognize t he im port ance of proper w ine st orage. At t his year's KBIS, new 18- and 24-inch int egrat ed colum n w ine refrigerat ors capt ured anot her t op aw ard from t he show - t he Nat ional Kit chen and Bat h

Associat ion's inaugural " 30s Choice Aw ard." Based on new " Wine Cave" t echnology t hese new w ine refrigerat ors from Signat ure Kit chen Suit e are designed t o significant ly reduce vibrat ion - a m ajor fact or t hat can cause chem ical im balances affect ing w ine qualit y, flavor, arom a and t ex t ure - in addit ion t o m inim izing t em perat ure fluct uat ions, lim it ing light ex posure and locking in hum idit y. The refrigerat ors feat ure t he True Som m elier app, pow ered by Wine Ring, helping w ine collect ors m anage t heir personal cellars in a t ruly m odern w ay. " There are a m illion w ines in t he w orld, so w hich ones should be in your w ine cellar and w hich should accom pany your dinner w it h friends t onight ?" asked Pam Dillon, CEO and co-founder of Wine Ring. " Wine Ring m akes recom m endat ions based

on your personal ratings, using its patented software - the first of its kind in cellar technology." 3. In t egr at ed t ech n ology can im pr ove over all w elln ess "We're continuing to see a convergence of technologies and design trends come together in the kitchen," said Brian Pagel, senior vice president, Emerald Expositions/National Kitchen and Bath Association, producers of the annual KBIS show. "High-end cooking is of growing interest to consumers, and that will only continue."

proposing better nutrition. "Home chefs can now customize meals that fit their lifestyles and dietary preferences, all at their fingertips," said Kevin Brown, CEO and co-founder of Innit. "Paired with the culinary precision of their appliances, we work to elevate the at-home meal prep and cooking experience." In today's kitchens, luxury and intuitive smart technology merge to produce new capabilities that were once limited to the pros, proving that better cooking is possible through better thinking.

In fact, leading appliance manufacturers now offer a variety of smart cooking platform integrations, including Innit, SideChef, Tovala and Drop, illustrating an emphasis on effortless meal preparation - whether it's step-by-step guided cooking or automated precision cooking programs - 30

H er e' s a n ew t ak e on an ol d f av or i t e. Loaded w i t h f i ber , v i t am i n s an d m i n er al s, i t ' s easy t o m ak e. Ser v e w i t h an ar r ay of gar n i sh es, al l ow i n g di n er s t o cust om i ze t h ei r bow l s.

Calif or n ia Sw eet Pot at o Ch ili Serves 6 - 1 Lb ground beef or turkey, chicken or pork - Salt and Pepper - 1 Onion diced - 1 Red pepper diced - 3 Garlic cloves minced - 2 T chili powder - 1 T paprika - 1 Tsp ground coriander - 1Tsp groung cumin - 1 Tsp dried oregano - 1/4 Tsp ground cayenne - 1/4 Tsp ground cinnamon

- 2 14.5 can diced tomatoes - 2 cups of low-sodium chicken broth - 2 15 oz cans kidney or pinto beans w / juice - 1 1/2 orange or yellow fleshed sweet potatos diced -

In lar ge sau cepan or sm all st ock pot over m ediu m -h igh , w ar m 1 Toil. Add m eat an d cook u n t il br ow n . Add salt an d pepper , t r an sf er t o bow l, set aside. Ret u r n t o m ediu m -h igh . Add 1 T oil. Add on ion an d bell pepper , cook u n t il cr isp-t en der , 2 m in u t es. Add gar lic, spices, an d 1 t sp salt an d cook , st ir r in g, 1 m in u t e. Add r em ain in g in gr edien t s. Br in g t o a boil. Redu ce h eat . Sim m er u n t il sw eet pot at oes ar e t en der , 25 t o 30 m in u t es.

Fam ily Lif e

A Discussion About Afterlife, From the Mouths of Babes Lorem i My 5-year-old granddaughter has been asking her mother a lot of questions about heaven, not an unusual line of inquiry for children trying to figure out the great puzzle of existence. If adults wrestle with the concept of an ever after, imagine then how perplexing that mystery might prove to our little ones. ?Will I have the same family?? she asks. ?How will I find you when I get there? Will you wait for me in the front?? And the clincher: ?Will I get to take my toys?? Those questions reminded me of a painful chapter in my own history, a time when my youngest son was full of a similar curiosity about heaven and death and the meaning of life. In fact, he was about the same age as his niece, though his motivation was different. His father, my first husband, had died when he was a baby; and a few years later our son was trying to figure the ins and outs of such a cataclysmic event. I remember one conversation, when he was mulling over what age his father might be. After some back and forth, I explained that age was a terrestrial construct and that one stopped having birthdays in heaven. That threw him for a loop. ?No birthday parties in heaven?? he demanded; his little face scrunched in a frown. None. He was devastated. Like most writers who snatch fodder wherever they find it, I would eventually entitle a book of essays ?Birthday Parties in Heaven.? But today I wonder if it wouldn?t have been more merciful to paint a picture my little boy could accept, one of a heaven with toys and cake and Saturday morning cartoons. Besides, do I really know for sure that there are no birthday parties on the other side? Our concern about heaven transcends age, religion, culture and personal experience. To wonder about it is about as common and ancient a human endeavor as eating, as laughing, as loving. But unlike adults who get all metaphysical with their explanations about paradise, children seem to possess a very concrete image of a place ? or is it a state of mind? ? that offers a counterweight to the tribulations of earthly life.

When my oldest granddaughters first began wondering about who their late grandfather was and where he might live ? he has to live somewhere! ? they decided he had taken up residence on the moon, right where they could spot him at night. They gave him a name, too: Moon Daddy. Though older now, old enough at least to understand space travel won?t reunite them, they nonetheless cling to the name they adopted at a more innocent time. Moon Daddy what just the beginning of a lifetime of speculation. Over the years this is what I?ve heard from some of the tiniest philosophers I know. d ?Heaven has angels who play with you all the time.? 路 ?Do Moon Daddy get to do whatever he wants.? 路 ?Do you need a rocket ship to get there or can you fly over on your own?? 路 ?In heaven you float around like a big balloon.? 路 ?Can we all live together in the same house?? I don?t think heaven is something children think about all the time or even often, but it is a subject they consider when someone they know dies. The idea that a loved one hangs out in a place of beauty offers a salve to the sickness that is grief. But what?s truly amazing to me is their unshakable belief in something beyond what they can see and touch. Call it faith, call it hope, call it whatever you want. Too bad that as adults we lose so much of that t em por

invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et . Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing elit r, sed diam By: ANA VECIANA-SUAREZ nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a


The w ord ?hallow een? actually means ?the eve of all hallow s day? ? in other w ords, Some parents aren?t sure quite w hat to feel about Hallow een ? is it just harmless fun, or are there aspects of it that don?t fit in w ith how w e w ant to see the w orld? A child' s christening service is very honest about the reality of good and evil, and Hallow eeen can be a good time to talk about those things and how the love of Jesus can be a ?light in the darkness?for everyone.

The night before the church?s festival celebrating All Saints. A Saint is sometimes thought to be an exceptionally holy person ? someone really special, w ho did extraordinary things because of their faith in God. The famous saints are all amazing examples of w hat it?s like to live God?s w ay. But in the Bible, St Paul calls all Christians saints ? a saint is simply a friend of God,

w ho seeks to live their life according to God?s purposes. When someone is christened, they truly become a Saint, so All Saints?day is a celebration of the w hole family ofGod. If you?d like to mark Hallow een, these are some ideas that w ill bless others as w ell as being fun too. What?s happening in church? Some churches hold special events around this time of year. There might be a ?light party? w ith fun activities for children and young people ? these events are a lovely w ay to focus on all that?s life-giving and positive around October 31.



"Visit this place, O Lord, we pray and drive far from it all snares of the enemy; Let your holy angels dwell with us to preserve us in peace; and let your blessing be upon us always through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen."

Or, in a simpler children?s version: "Be with us, Lord, and take away all fear, may your angels protect us and give us peace. And bless us always. Amen."

Som e churches also have a special service for All Souls day ? a t im e w hen w e em em ber our loved ones w ho have died. There m ight be an opport unit y t o go and light a candle t o rem em ber som eone ? even sm all children grieve in t heir ow n w ay, and m ay find com fort in t his sim ple act ion.

Gi v e a t r eat

Why not pop int o your local church, or look up on t heir w ebsit e, t o find out w hat ?s happening in your local area?

Not everyone is com fort able w it h t he idea of children going round t o neighbours? and just asking for t reat s. But if you don?t w ant t hem t o m iss out on som et hing t heir friends are doing, w hy not have a fam ily baking session, and t ake a t ray of cookies w it h you if you go out w it h t hem ? Even lit t le children can help st ick a sm iley face on an iced biscuit . That w ay, you have som et hing lovely t o give aw ay t o your neighbours, t oo!

Car v e a pum pk i n

Saf et y f i r st

Did you know t hat gargoyles ( t he scary looking faces carved in st one on churches) w ere originally m ade in m edieval t im es t o scare aw ay evil spirit s? The pum pkins w it h scary faces carved int o t hem at Hallow een are a bit like t hat . But now adays m ost people believe t hat you can?t fight evil w it h evil ? you can only fight evil by doing good, and t hat good w ill alw ays w in in t he end.

M any children?s fancy dress cost um es are highly flam m able. Please, don?t ever use real candles around your front door or in your pum pkins ? use t he sm all bat t erypow ered candles inst ead. If you can afford t o buy a m ult i-pack of t hese elect ric candles, you could lend t hem t o your friends and neighbours.

So w hy not see if you can carve a friendly looking pum pkin t his Hallow een, as a sign t hat you and your fam ily are going t o be a force for good t his Hallow een? ( And you can alw ays use t he offcut s from your pum pkin t o m ake delicious soup! ) You can do t he sam e w it h Hallow een cost um es: superheroes m ake a great , posit ive alt ernat ive t o scary w it ches and ghost s. - 35

You can use t hese lovely prayers any t im e w hen you need a rem inder t hat God is w it h you ? especially at t he end of a difficult day, or w hen som et hing sad has happened, or w hen your fam ily is w orried about som et hing.

5 WAYS TO HAVE A HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR For kids, t he st art of a new school year is like New Year's Eve: a chance t o st art fresh and set int ent ions for t he year ahead. It 's a t im e t o reboot , m ake new friends, get new clot hes and gear, and find new opport unit ies t o fuel t heir passions. As parent s, you can help your children have a Happy School Year by encouraging t hem t o set and accom plish t heir goals - or school year's resolut ions. Whet her t hey w ant t o join m at h club, im prove t heir finger-paint ing skills, or just m ake t he bus on t im e every day, Am azon has t he resources and t ips t o help kids achieve t heir goals t his year. 1) Record school year's resolut ions. Take t he t im e t o sit dow n and chat w it h your children about w hat t hey hope t o accom plish in t he new year and how t hey envision get t ing t here. This is a great w ay for you t o learn m ore about your kids' dream s - t he answ er m ay surprise you! Plus, it 's even a great t im e for you t o m ake school year's resolut ions. A new school year represent s a fresh st art for parent s t oo. By set t ing goals w it h your child, you can lead by ex am ple and bond over t he journey of seeing your goals t hrough. 2) Celebrat e school year's eve. Help your child avoid a case of

t he " Sunday scaries" before t he first day of school by host ing a School Year's Eve Part y! M ake t he new school year som et hing t hat is fun and celebrat ed, not feared and dreaded. Include fest ive decorat ions and part y props, a Happy School Year playlist on Am azon M usic, and your kid's favorit e foods and t reat s. There are a lot of sw eet school-t hem ed snacks you can m ake t oo. Grab som e fun cookie cut t ers or check out Pint erest for t ips on how t o use w hat you already have in your kit chen t o m ake fun t reat s. 3) Get organized. New school year, new schedule. Develop a syst em t o keep yourself and your fam ily organized, ensuring resolut ions don't fall by t he w ayside. Use an Am azon Wish List t o keep t rack of supplies needed for t he year, a personalized planner t o t rack project s and act ivit ies, and st icky not es t o keep everyone post ed ( lit erally) on fam ily w hereabout s. To help your fam ily t rack progress, you can even creat e and decorat e a fam ily " Happy School Year" cork board. 4) St ock up for success. Every new school year com es w it h classroom supply list s and new w ardrobe needs. A

one-st op shop ret ailer like Am azon let s you com plet e your shopping on your ow n schedule and have it em s shipped t o you, allow ing m ore t im e t o soak up t hose last bit s of sum m er as a fam ily. You can also sign up for a Prim e m em bership t o get deals and free shipping t o save on t he essent ials. Plus, t he incredible select ion m akes it easy t o find everyt hing from t he classroom m ust -haves t o t hose special it em s your kids need t o achieve t heir school year's resolut ions - w het her t hat 's art supplies t o becom e a bet t er art ist or rainbow socks t o be m ore colorful every day. Radio personalit y and co-founder of Lil' Libros Pat t y Rodriguez likes t o brow se in Spanish on t he st orefront , w hich she says gives parent s t he convenience of shopping at any t im e in t heir language w it h just t he click of a but t on 5) Ease int o t he year. To give your children t he best chance of having a Happy School Year, t ry easing int o t he school year by adjust ing your rout ine a w eek or m ore in advance. For ex am ple, if your child's resolut ion is t o m ake it t o school on t im e, Pat t y Rodriguez suggest s set t ing t he m orning alarm a full w eek before t he first day of school. - 37

About 40 % of Am er i can s say t h ey ow n a gun or l i v e i n a h ouseh ol d w i t h on e,accor di n g t o a 20 18 sur v ey an d t h e r at e of m ur der by f i r ear m i s t h e h i gh est i n t h e dev el oped w or l d.

Gu n s, M en t al Illn ess or Spir it u al Deadn ess ? Our hearts are

inundated with sorrow and amazement as we hear the list of victims from Virginia Beach and now both the El Paso and the Ohio shootings grow day by day. Then comes the relentless battering from the media with its long list of people to blame and possible reasons it all happened. Casting these questions out is as random as the gunfire that cut down our citizens. It sways and provokes our thinking and casts aspersions on many people and institutions all the way up to the presidency. It rings of desperation and it breeds confusion. In the approach of the

election year, next comes the presidential and congressional hopefuls who politicize the shootings. Dems and liberals blame their opponents or the incumbent office holders and rather than making them look bad ? they reveal their own lack of character.

haters themselves.

They foster the very hatred and violence they claim to disdain. They prey on the frustrations of those who are trying to grasp the enormity of events that seem so horrific and evil. Politicizing events like mass shootings should say only one thing about such candidates ? they are not worthy of any office.

Gun laws didn?t help a bit in Chicago where in the same weekend of the El Paso and Ohio shootings,50 people were shot,7 people were killed and 46 were wounded not in a single shooting spree, but in random and separate incidents across the city which has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation. Statistically speaking, very few mentally ill people

Often those crying out the most about hate are - 40

Guns are in the spotlight as always. While it makes sense to make it much harder for people to buy guns it is a guarantee of nothing. If you are a resident of any major U.S. city you could probably buy an illegal gun in less than an hour on the street.

people commit violent crimes, which are generally committed by people with full cognizance and those who have the full capacity to acquire guns, learn how to use them and make specific choices about where to use them. That there is a collective mental illness sweeping the country due to a spiritual void is by far more believable. Before concluding that we are jumping out of the frying pan and into the fire by seemingly glossing over mental illness, it does well to consider that even Christ made a clear distinction between evil or demonically motivated behaviors


and mental disorders. To wit: ?And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them.? With Hollywood, video gamers, celebrities, leftist media and democrats spewing violence across the full spectrum of American social life could it be that we are all experience a bit of mental illness. After all, if the maniacal hate for President Trump is only

because of beating Hillary in the general election, it is easy to see that a nation that pushes violence and hatred is after all only reaping what they are sowing As for spiritual deadness, it is an immutable fact that apostate churches, evolutionary hype and a plunge into the depths of sexual immorality and perversion have left the nation with a wounded and battered conscience. This falling away is about a full generation underway and now the time of the ripe fruit is at hand. Before prayer was pulled out of our schools, school shootings were unheard of, but now even special prayers are under atheistic scrutiny. Some taxpayers and parents sent out a Facebook post that read, ?Please join us in praying for God?s protective hand to be over our schools, facilities, and students.? ?

Centuries ago the Bible also sent out a message that is quite clear in answer to the Freedom from Religion people. ? have not, because ye ask not.?( James 4:24) If you don?t ask for safety ? don?t be surprised if you have none. How safe and how mentally stable do we think our children feel when the adults in our nation insist

that it is perfectly normal to abort, kill and destroy the lives of the unborn to the tune of 60,000,000 (sixty million) since 1973. The disregard for human life should have them all running for cover in fear and dread. Perhaps that is just what they are doing. Yes, America is sliding off its strong foundation ? it is stepping off the Rock which gives it stability and standing throughout the whole world. Yes, these shootings are directly related to our decision to step away from the Rock of our salvation. ?Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will show you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock. But he that heareth, and doeth not, is like a man that without a foundation built an house upon the earth; against which the stream did beat vehemently, and immediately it fell; and the ruin of that house was great.?( Luke 6 47-49) BY: M ich ael Br escian i


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K ingdom Mar ket place Int er nat ional

Th e f i r e t h at Jesus l on gs t o cast on t h e ear t h i s t h e H ol y Spi r i t bui l di n g a com m un i t y of h ope an d l ov e i n t h e m ar k et pl ace. Jesus sen ds h i s f ol l ow er s t o l ov e, t o pr ocl ai m H i s gr eat n ess i n t h e m ar k et pl ace. Joi n our Ki n gdom M ar k et pl ace t o ex per i en ces bot h i n t h e ch ur ch an d t h e m ar k et pl ace. - 48

Ch r ist ian Bu sin ess Spot ligh t

M in ist r y Spot ligh t

YOUR ADVENTURE STARTS HERE, w it h a m or e in t im at e r elat ion sh ip w it h God It's Tuesday morning at YWAM local Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Richmond Virginia, and a dozen of men and women? behind-the-scenes missionaries? make their way around the office after spending time together in prayer. Some are bursting with energy, while others are thinking about today's duties while drinking their coffee. Whether their day will be spent answering phones, fixing computers, trimming trees or printing missionary profiles, they know, the importance of their work: They are bringing the knowledge of Jesus to communities around the world. YWAM Richmond community staff is headed by Base Director Chris and Zara Zinchuck, like the narrow funnel in the center of an hourglass. From the top of the glass flows help from local churches, associations and organizations donations worldwide? the result of people partnering to touch lives for Christ. At the bottom of the glass is the field: The millions in South America, The Caribbean, Asia and Africa who desperately need a relationship with Christ. The YWAM values creating intentional communities is paramount. Behind-the-scenes missionaries in YWAM?s (DTS) are at the center, a vital link in connecting on-the-ground workers with the prayer and finances critical to ministry.

Sim ple, Pu r posef u l, Pow er f u l Wor k YWAM which is an acronym for Youth With A Mission, was originally formed in 1960 by Loen Cunningham, a developing organization designed to be a global movement of Christians representing Jesus. The DTS creates cultural development, sport and fitness and biblical knowledge to impact God's love for all Nations. Dr. Joseph Zintseme, a founding partner with the Richmond DTS, transitioned to start a Bridge DTS in Richmond and now over 20 plus years later, he is looking to plant the seeds for another YWAM bridge DTS on the Eastern Shore of Virginia. This will mimic the plight of Third World countries and bring a different face to share and spread the Gospel from minorities to minorities. Over a much neededlunch, he said, ?I knew I could make a difference.? The full impact of his prayers and asking for financial support of churches are known only by God, but you can catch glimpses of it as doors begin to open and incredible reports come from the field. As a "seed planter " with a

a behind-the-scenes knowledge of a missionary team. Joseph has seen families grow and volunteers come, those who can provide for the DTS, through their prayers and financial support or even with meal preparation. The young missionaries live simply, striving for a balance of caring for themselves and their families while also living sacrificially for the sake of those in other Nations. The buy-in for volunteers is by linking your life with someone on the DTS or providing a volunteer service, you will share in their fruitfulness in God?s kingdom and allow many more people to hear of Christ?s sacrifice. You will also get to hear personal updates and field updates from those you in the field you partner with.

Ph ot os cou r t esy of : Ur ban st ock h ou se.n et / / Ron ald J. At k in son

Fait h In Law

J U S T I CE OR M E R CY Th an k God t h er e ar e n o sen t en cin g gu idelin es f or saved sin n er s. L

I have had the honor and privilege of practicing civil law for thirty-three years. For obvious reasons, one of my favorite passages of the New Testament is Titus 3:12-13, when Paul is not only asking Titus to meet him at Nicopolis, but also to send Zenas, the lawyer, and see that he lacks nothing. This is the only mention of Zenas in the New Testament. I expect, however, Zenas?s experience with his clients has been much the same as mine. Clients, when they are right, demand justice. When they are wrong, they hope for mercy.

Detrimental Effects of Mandatory Minimum Sentences orem ed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invi

In life?s courtroom, however, all of us fall short. I recently read a book that a dear friend, one of my law school professors, recommended to me. The book dealt with something I do not deal with in my practice,

criminal sentencing guidelines. I expect he sent it to me to read because he knows that I regularly work with teenagers through coaching a high school debate team. The book revealed in terrifying detail the consequences of mandatory minimum sentences and the very limited ability of judges to be able to depart from those guidelines. Those guidelines were the result of a political reform movement designed to bring predictability and equality to the way judges impose criminal sentences. For politicians, it is both easy and strategic to be hard on crime. After all, criminals are unpopular, and judges are limited by their code of ethics from speaking out on political matters or responding to publicity criticizing their actions. As a result of sentencing guidelines, judges are limited in exercising their judicial discretion to be merciful.

God?s Unlimited, Sovereign Mercy clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us est Lorem

God?s power to render mercy, however, is not bound by those same limitations; He is completely sovereign. For saved sinners, there are clearly consequences to our sins both for ourselves and others. Our ultimate fate is secure in God?s mercy; none of us could bear the judgment for what we deserve. For instance, in the Bible the Apostle Paul describes himself as a violent man who persecuted Christians (I Timothy 1:12-17). Years before he wrote the letter to Timothy, he was traveling to Damascus on a mission to have more believers arrested, when Jesus spoke to him, causing Paul to lose his sight. You can imagine Paul?s fear. Now imagine his relief when his sight was restored three days later. Thankfully for Paul, Jesus wanted to make an example to show how a life gone wrong could be turned around dramatically. Paul expressed his thankfulness for receiving mercy and grace through Christ?s love. Mercy is a beautiful word. It is defined as: ?compassion shown by one who is in power to another who has no right to expect to receive kindness.? Paul acknowledged that the reason he received mercy, despite his past actions, was due to Jesus?s utmost patience.

We Don?t Receive the Penalty We Deserve I know that I do not want eternal justice rendered to me for my deeds. Even in my practice, which does not involve criminal law, I have many times heard a judge explain sadly that he wished that he

could do more. The implication of that statement is that the judge would prefer to grant mercy rather than justice, but was constrained to render judgment in accordance with the law. Jesus?s sacrifice means that those who seek forgiveness and acknowledge Him, no matter their sins, receive mercy. How thankful we should be that we do not face a harsh eternal sentence according to the world?s guidelines for our sins. Not only should we be thankful receive His mercy and forgiveness. for God?s mercy, but Jesus also calls upon us to be merciful. In Luke 6:33-37, Jesus reminds us that it is easy for us to do good for those who are good to us. Our calling, however, is to be imitators of Jesus. We should show mercy and grant forgiveness those who have sinned against us, just as we receive His mercy and forgiveness. BY: JOHN RAINS

Lisa O lson A Mountain Of Deter mination Crossing a Mountain is no small feat, whether it's climbed, hiked or navigated around. Figuratively and literally mountians are a challenge. Lisa Olson,Christian, Author, and newly-ordained minister, is an expert on moving mountains. Lisa was born into a challenging life, which has led her to understand the relevance of spiritual strenght, as illustrated in her favorite book: ?Overcomer: 8 Ways to Live a Life of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith, and Unbelievable Power by David Jeremiah. ? As an infant, abandoned by her birth-mother, Lisa faced extreme odds. She was placed in an orphanage as a result of a birth defect, which caused Lisa to be born without arms or legs. ?Physical Therapy was like boot camp? Lisa laughed as she recalled ?my therapist would place things on the floor and then ask me to show her how I could reach those things if she wasn?t there.? She quickly discovered a way out of the chair, an the mechanical arm.

"I showed her I could learn to eat, using the fork and on my own power." With age, her independence and confidence would grow and instead of using her mouth to hold her pencil while writing she found a way to utilize her chin. This would help to keep her mouth clear for effective communication. Lisa?s tenacity is unparalleled. Her life choices are a reflection of her mom?s life, a mature woman who at 51 years old adopted Lisa at 5 years old. Lisa describes her mother as a missionary woman, who not only offered her a completely fulfilling life despite her accommodations but a memorable woman who she has dubbed the ?Mother Theresa of the US?.

Lisa recalls her mother holding her during each amusement park ride, either on her lap or directly next to her. Like her mother, Lisa believes in carrying out the word of God locally and globally and has recently become adopted into the ROC ministry family as an ordained minister. After 17 dedicated years, as a student, then as an employee at Regent University, Lisa has started documenting her amazing journey through life. She is currently in the process of writing an autobiography. Soon after the completion of the autobiography, Lisa hopes to produce a documentary reenacting and reconstructing her journey as an orphan. Developing a documentary blueprint for a film will feature everything to include the train ride as an orphan, the challenges she faced in early childhood as well as the life events which she discovered as a result of researching herself. During the research she learned that as a child she played with a doll that also had no arms which shocked her therapist and doctors. Lisa's happiness is the result of her love for the Lord and her adopted beagle, Daisy and her longing for a successful marriage and family. Daisy is from a loving home and fit into Lisa?s life perfectly. Daisy, is an old soul but full of life. She has the ability to run like a puppy but is very respectful of Lisa?s needs and space.

Lisa was a pleasure to interview and her happiness radiates even over the phone and computer.

Written by: Ash ley Sh in es Ashley Shines is a Norfolk native and has received education from Norfolk State University and Virginia Commonwealth University. As an English teacher and freelance writer. - 54


Wh en Hollyw ood Goes t o Ch u r ch :

17 St er eot ypes abou t t h e Ch u r ch Sure, we can get mad at this. And yes, we should pray for people who are so ignorant about Christianity while being in such powerful places of influence. With great power comes great responsibility. But, just for today, let?s have a little fun with it. Here are 17 stereotypes about church and pastoring that Hollywood regularly portrays. See how many you recognize.

9. If t h ey past or a m egach u r ch , t h ey 'r e adu lt er ou s h ypocr it es.

1. If you w alk in t o a ch u r ch in t h e m iddle of t h e w eek , t h e past or is alw ays t en din g t o t h e alt ar .

10. If t h ey past or a sm all ch u r ch , ever y seat in t h eir t in y w h it e ch apel is alw ays f illed on Su n day.

Usually a flower arrangement. Maybe Hollywood directors have never seen a church without flowers. Christmas, Easter, wedding and funerals.

Empty seats are very distracting to the camera.

2. Th e m ost pr om in en t f eat u r e on a past or 's desk is a lar ge open bible on a w ooden book st an d.

Hollywood: the only place you?ll ever find a crucifix in a Baptist church.

3. Past or s ar e alw ays sh ock ed, shocked! w h en som eon e object s at a w eddin g ? even t h ou gh t h ey alw ays ask " if an yon e k n ow s an y r eason w h y t h ese t w o sh ou ld n ot be join ed, speak n ow or f or ever h old you r peace."

This is needed for the hero?s ?I?m yelling at God!" rant. Otherwise they'd just be getting angry at two pieces of wood. Hollywood: the only place you?ll ever find a crucifix in a Baptist church.

Pastors either need to come up with a response, or stop asking that question. Not that I know of a single pastor who's ever actually asked it. We know better. But the movies need an opening so the guy she's "really" supposed to marry can carry her off.

12. Past or 's k ids ar e eit h er n aĂŻve sim plet on s or an gr y r ebels.

11. Even Pr ot est an t ch u r ch es h ave h u ge cr u cif ixes.

13. If t h e past or ?s k ids ar e r ebels, t h e past or is alw ays w r on g an d t h e k ids ar e alw ays r igh t . This also goes for cop's kids, doctor 's kids, teacher 's kids,

4. Pr each er s ar e u su ally ju dgm en t al jer k s in t h e m ovies, bu t n aive sim plet on s on TV.

superhero's kids, yada, yada, yada.

5. Deacon s ar e alw ays self -r igh t eou s pr u des.

14. Wh en a past or qu ot es a bible passage in a con ver sat ion , t h e ot h er per son w ill alw ays r espon d by

Because anyone who goes to church every week has to be a legalistic jerk, right? 6. Ch u r ch es ar e alw ays open du r in g t h e day f or an yon e t o w an der in an d h ave a pr ivat e con ver sat ion in a pew. And that conversation will invariably be shushed by one of the elderly ladies who are there to pray. That's the Chicago way. (No, that didn't happen in The Untouchables. But I had to use that line somewhere in this post, right?) 7. If a past or is in a scen e f or an yt h in g ot h er t h an a f u n er al, w eddin g or con f ession boot h , t h ey 'll t u r n ou t t o be h ypocr it ical an d/ or dow n r igh t evil. 8. If t h ey 'r e pr each in g on TV or r adio , t h ey 'r e on ly af t er you r m on ey.

cit in g t h e ch apt er an d ver se ? t h u s sh ow in g t h e past or w h o?s boss. And it's never John 3:16. It's always an obscure, judgmental-sounding verse. And the passage must be stated as wordily as possible. "I believe that's found in Paul's Second Epistle to the Corinthian church, chapter 4, verse 4." [smirk] 15. If a past or pr each es again st a sin , h e w ill be cau gh t com it t in g t h at sin . 16. Th e past or ?s pr epar ed ser m on is alw ays bor in g. 17. Wh en t h e past or t h r ow s ou t t h e pr epar ed ser m on t o speak f r om t h e h ear t , it n ever last s lon ger t h an t h r ee m in u t es an d it ?s alw ays Ah . Joh n 3:16.

Copyright Š 2015 by the author Karl Voters


Suzy Sammons

Lif e ch an ges over n igh t f or Coach Joh n Har r ison w h en h is h igh sch ool basket ball t eam an d st at e ch am pion sh ip dr eam s ar e cr u sh ed u n der t h e w eigh t of u n expect ed n ew s. Wh en t h e lar gest m an u f act u r in g plan t sh u t s dow n an d h u n dr eds of f am ilies leave t h eir t ow n , Joh n qu est ion s h ow h e an d h is f am ily w ill f ace an u n cer t ain f u t u r e. Af t er r elu ct an t ly agr eein g t o coach cr oss-cou n t r y, Joh n an d h is w if e Am y m eet an aspir in g at h let e w h o?s pu sh in g h er lim it s on a jou r n ey t ow ar d discover y. In spir ed by t h e w or ds an d pr ayer s of a n ew f ou n d f r ien d, Joh n becom es t h e least likely coach h elpin g t h e least likely r u n n er at t em pt t h e im possible in t h e biggest r ace of t h e year .

Coach Harrison and his wife Amy (Shari Rigby) are faced with a dilemma: do they tell Hannah her father isn?t dead as her grandmother told her? Harrison and Amy are both Christians, and their influence begins to rub off on Hannah. When Hannah?s dad learns she is near and a runner like he was, he longs to see her.

This movie contains all the mixtures that make a movie great? solid acting, a good story, drama, and some dashes of humor thrown in. When Harrison first takes on The Kendrick brothers have done it again, and the latest in a series of coaching the cross-country team, he films by them is a winner! Joining the ranks of Facing the Giants, Fireproof, decides to run to prove to his wife it isn?t Courageous and others, Overcomer is aptly titled, giving us an unlikely hero such a big deal. At the end of his run he is in Hannah Scott (Aryn Wright-Thompson), a teen girl with a troubled past lying on the ground, out of breath, in but who can run? and run fast. She lives with her grandmother, steals pain, and asking, ?Why does anyone want items like headphones and cell phones, and is unhappy. But she is about to do this?? It?s a delicious and funny to meet Coach John Harrison (Alex Kendrick), and her world is about to moment in the movie. change forever. When a movie is very good, we will see When Harrison?s high school basketball stars move away, he is left with growth in the characters, and Hannah?s no team to coach. But Principal Olivia Brooks (Priscilla C. Shirer) asks him character, without giving all away, to coach the cross-country team, and he reluctantly agrees. There is one undergoes some major changes for the problem: the team has only one runner ? Hannah. To add another better. The film features moments that challenge, Hannah has asthma. Hannah never knew her father, who left will make you tear up, laugh, and even years ago, and, according to Hannah?s grandmother, he was a drug addict applaud. A big race near the conclusion and no good. But her father was a fast runner, and Hannah inherited his of the movie will have you cheering! runner ?s genes. She thinks her father is dead, but in a twist of fate Coach Harrison visits a man in the hospital and learns he is Hannah?s father? diabetic and blind, but very much alive.


Images By: Ronald J. Atkinson

OPINION PAGE Local home-town Hero Amos Lawrence made it to the Super Bowl. Maury Quarterback, Eric Bishop could be on his way towards that goal. He and other boys in the community share another commonality besides skills of honor on the gridiron. What are those gifts? These young men have chosen to use their gifts, talents, abilities, and platform to direct others to give and live their lives to honor Jesus Christ. Hey, we can all get in this game! Let's use our platform of influence to direct others to receive the gift of Father 's love through accepting Jesus Christ as their place holder (Savior).

SPECIAL REPORT The Purpose of Prayer ". . . one of His disciples said to Him, ?Lord, teach us to pray . . .(Luke 11:1) The biblical purpose of prayer is that we may get to know God Himself. ?Ask, and you will receive . . .?( John 16:24 )". We complain before God, and sometimes we are apologetic or indifferent to Him, but we actually ask Him for very few things. Yet a child exhibits a magnificent boldness to ask! Our Lord said, ?. . . unless you . . . become as little children . . .?( Matthew 18:23 ) ". Ask and God will do. Give Jesus Christ the opportunity and the room to work. The problem is that no one will ever do this until he is at his wits?end.

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