Jan - Feb 2020 Issue
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There was a time when all you heard about were January resolutions: Ooh, she's going to lose 20 lbs by June, and other milestones. But in the past several years, New Years resolution have been significantly decreasing; Health & Wellness year round has been the trend, and more and more people seem to be using technology as a way to jump start their fitness - Never the less let's bring in the new year with life changing information or News You Can Use.! - as an already-primed season is set to begin their are plenty reasons to explore fitness during this time of year. I can tell from talking with health and wellness professionals and fitness gurus their calendars are full.. I can tell from the promotions landing in my mailbox. And I can tell by the "No Joining Fee Now" commercials on the television. Saturdays at the Towne Center in Virginia Beach fitness center below my balcony (on which I may or may not be peeping to see who goes in) has 3 personal trainers on staff once Thanksgiving Day has passed.
I just think the whole season - the packed parking lots, the tons of workout gear purchased, the cold weather, the aforementioned fitness vibe - sets the perfect atmosphere for the biggest, most important challenge of your life. So when we started planning this issue, we wanted to capture all that the season - and of course, everything our region's best writers - has to offer in our January/ February Body & Soul Issue There's lots more inside this issue - from Travel trends for 2020- Relationship Building - Ministry Stories from the Marketplace and Wedding ideas for the upcoming season.
Be Blessed and Happy Reading!
And I have to admit, it's my personal favorite time of year for Body and Soul rejuvenation. www.christianmagazineshr.com - 6
Elizabeth Joyner
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Ar e You Availabe To God?
A follower of Christ and friend Mary Kay Ash, said something that really stuck with me. Her words were "God does not ask your ability or your inability. He asks only your availability." What does this say about what we need to do to apply this to our lives as Christians? It says we need to be available to God so He can use us. This is a simple task, at least it seems it is. But we often don?t want to let God lead us. We are independent and we like doing things ourselves. We feel we have to be in control of everything for things to go smoothly. The truth is, what causes us to worry is when WE take control, go off the path HE gave us and go our own way. The reality is God is our maker and all that He does for us is planning the good of our future. He knows what
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The outcome is before it happens. A great example of this is a story I read not that long ago. It was a true story about a woman in a third world country. She was caring for her baby and she needed a bottle to warm the milk for her baby. She prayed to God that He would provide her with this to keep her baby healthy, then added if you really love her send her a baby doll too. The next morning she received a package with just that, the funny thing was the package was dated 5 weeks before she ever said that prayer. Now, I am not saying that God will always provide us right away, but He always gives us what we really need. The Bible tells us in Proverbs 19:21, that man has many plans, but it is God?s will that will be what stands. Also in Romans 8:28 and Jeremiah 29:11 it states that God?s plans for you are for your good, to better you as long as you follow Him. This is not saying, however, that your life will be easy if you follow Him, just that the end result, the final outcome
will be for your good. Then there are those who feel like they have messed up, are so messed up, that they are not able to be used by God? Or that they feel He can?t use them. Let me remind you of a very important person in the Bible who most never would have imagined him being a Christian? Saul was a murderer, he killed anyone who called themselves a Christian. This was a man that you would have thought God would hate. Even with all he did against God, God called him to be someone greater, he became Paul, the greatest evangelist in the Bible who wrote several of the books of the Bible! God can use anyone. You don?t have to be rich, or strong, or good, you just need to be available. So, are you available for God to use, will you let Him control your life? If God is in control of your life you have no reason. In this issue we welcome our new editor- In- Chief, Liz Joyner to the staff.. It was her idea to place the focus of this issue on The Body, Mjnd and Soul.
The topics in this issue are near and dear to Kingdom Life Magazine, and it's not just about getting that perfect body. It's about perserving our inner temples and following Gods plans for your life. The stories in these pages connect with the local Christian community and are "Hot Topics" in the marketplace.
" Oh , f or t h at old-t im e k it ch en , an d t h e associat ion s of t h e su r r ou n din gs. " Pass t h e h ot biscu it s, please." .
THOSE FLASHBULB MOMENTS Did you ever have a flashbulb moment? It would be a very special occasion, maybe a birthday or even Christmas, when Mom would get out the old flashbulb camera. "Ok, son, give us a big smile. This one's for gramps," she would say. Oh, to go back to those good old days of yesteryear, when a smile really was a smile, fast foods were unheard of and when tea was really boiled on the stove. The smell of Mom's cooking would penetrate the whole house. Oh, for that old-time kitchen, and the associations of the surroundings.
"Pass the hot biscuits, please."
emotional life parable THOSE
As in this eventful fiction blog, our family homecoming, or even the memory of it can be a very eventful occurrence. It seems to be a process rather than a moment. In reality, or in our dreaming, homecoming always seems to deepen our understanding of the past. Pray that we continue to seek that
strong foundation for our family.
Where am I? What is this all about? Is this really me? It's got to be a vision of sorts. It simply can't be me. Not a dignified, stable college professor of my status. Maybe if I were to just pinch myself, I'd awaken to my senses. Nonetheless, it continued, this vision of sorts.
1 Sam u el 25:6 ?An d t h u s you sh all gr eet h im : 'Peace be t o you , an d peace be t o you r h ou se, an d peace be t o all t h at
It was yesteryear. I found myself in the yard of my old home place. The lights were on. Smoke was billowing from the chimney. Gospel singing echoed out into
you h ave.? Thus it is with this
the wind. Why, there's Old Smoky,
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our dog lying leisurely under the porch steps, hoping for some kitchen scraps. As if by some divine impulse I was drawn towards the house. Parked there in the garage was my old hot-rod jalopy, the one Dad and I put together from all those junkyard parts. I can just picture myself cruising down Main Street, honking the horn at all my puppy loves. Then, there I was, in my PJ's standing in front of that old wood burning kitchen stove, warming my feet. The aroma penetrating from the old stove seemed to permeate the entire kitchen. As of old, I was jumping for joy just to taste those big Baptist biscuits dripping in honey and smelling Mom's celebrated cheese eggs. She was cooking as usual. Turning around with her normal smile, she began to speak. "Gather around here my son, here's just a little something to hold you over till lunch." But then, "Wait just a minute," she called out, "Just a few pictures." Why would Mom always make us all wait until she popped those flash- bulbs? Why all the pictures? Why now, with the food getting cold? And why in my PJs? I remember her famous response word for word. I've heard it a thousand times. "It's for our family album, my son. For all your grandkids to see and love," she would say as she popped another flash bulb.
Again, as if by divine guidance I found myself in the big room with the open fireplace where the family would always gather on special occasions. The old checker board was at rest on the pool table, along with remnants of ice tea glasses and cookie crumbs left on the fireplace hearth. Why there's Dad, smoking that old pipe, and stoking the fire. "Come in my son, I've been waiting for you. I need you to go outside and gather some more firewood," he exclaimed. Yet again, as if by divine direction, the scenery suddenly changed. I found myself in the big hall. The family altar was still in place. Kneeling there at the altar was my oldest sister, crying and praying, over and over, in quiet meditation, her tears dripping down the old altar rail. Before I could take in this setting, I was swiftly whisked away. Much to my disappointment, my vision was over. I was back in my office, my desk and laptop awaited the finishing touches of my university doctorate dissertation entitled "Those were the good old days." However, I just couldn't shake this unusual vision. I've never experienced anything like it before. Was the message actually given by Providential direction? Maybe so. I know, I'll just visit the Paradise In the Pines, our assisted living facility, and pay Mom a visit. Maybe she will have an answer to this very unusual vision. I can always count on her God-inspired wisdom. I really do need peace of
mind. I'm beyond myself right now. And her motherly prayer will surely help out. I just know it will. Amen! Visions, we all probably have them. As for me, some are good, others rather spooky. So do you ever envision going back home? Do these back home dreams ever turn into reality? They do for me. Growing up, as a "PK" (short for preachers kid) I remember early on in life, my old preacher Daddy moving our family around the country, according to the wishes of his Salvation Army leadership. Then, as Dad's seniority grew with the Army, we were not moving as often. Having lived in Panama City, FL for most of my school years from late Grammar school through High School, I kind of call PC home. And when we go back to PC beach on vacation, I will oftentimes take a drive back over to Panama City proper, driving around my old stomping grounds. Occasionally I will even go into town and attend the Sunday morning service. Although many friends have passed on, there are still a few of my fellow church members to visit. Visions oftentimes also carry me back to my young married days. I remember what great times we would all have around that big table. Why, I can still taste my mother-in-law's home-style cooking, with country fried chicken and buttermilk gravy, those big, Baptist biscuits, and oh yes, that homemade egg custard pie. Just a bit of Heaven.
LoThen there were our family reunions. They were
late for this world.? quyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At
a time of catching up on all the family gossip, seeing who would tell the tallest tale, having grandpa brag on the young grandchild, and inspecting the newest family vehicles. All the cousins described their overseas vacations, and we betted on how long Gramps would stay awake. Watching the kids playing ball, kissing all the newborn babies, and on and on. If only
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Homecoming would come around every week. ?Because we cannot repair the loss of years away, homecomings are almost always conflicted. We seem no longer to be "at home" in our former familiar place. And we do not live between two or more cultures, but rather in both. We are neither fully away, nor fully home. "In the pain of this tension, there is a strange blessing, a nudge that helps us to realize the fundamental sojourner status of our human existence. Life moves towards death. And for the Christian, there is the sense that this world as it is now is not our final home. Having made the return, our pilgrim status in the journey of faith becomes even more evident. This reminds us that in some strange way we are too early for Heaven and too www.christianmagazineshr.com - 14
ur bodies should reflect the home headquarters of the Holy Spirit by being full of health and energy so we can be God?s hands and feet on the earth. Our body actually has a mission to accomplish and that?s to carry the spirit of God around to hurting people all over the world so they can know Jesus. Lo
In the world, the emphasis is completely on the physical and not about the inside, however, the church?s perception has been that focusing on the body is too carnal or its vanity. As Christians, we can have victory in every area, spirit, soul and even body. We can accomplish this through using the word of God to build our faith and through practical steps like exercise and healthy eating. The Center For Disease Control (www.cdcfoundation.org) says that obesity is now an epidemic in the United States. Over 60% of American adults are overweight or obese. I haven?t found any studies yet on obesity rates for Christians verses non-believers, but I would estimate that the percentage for churchgoers that are obese are higher. All you have to do is look around and I am sure you would agree.
If you are overweight, you are more likely to develop health problems: such as, Hear t Disease St r ok e Diabet es Var iou s can cer s Gallbladder disease Sleep apn ea Ost eoar t h r it is Bottom line, the more overweight you are the greater the risk for health problems. It?s amazing to think that with small lifestyle changes, we can prevent many problems in our bodies. That is very encouraging. So, do you want to become FIT TO SERVE? I know you do and the way to do that is by deciding. No one else can sew a seed of health but you. The choice is yours and you can?t blame anyone else. Let?s stop the excuses and get in our prayer closets and ask the Lord for wisdom and then choose life. ?I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life? Deuteronomy 30:19. ?Know ye not that to whom ye yield yourselves servants (whom you choose) to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin or death, or of obedience unto righteousness?? Romans 6:16. Remember, God will supply the power if we supply the will! m erat ,
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The word of God tells us in 1 Corinthians 6 :19-20 that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we should honor God with our bodies. As a Christian, do you really believe that? If so, it?s time to change our thinking about the way we treat our temple.
N.C. Past or Talk s Gu n n m an t o place w eapon on t h e f loor in San ct u ar y.
NBC NEWS-Bishop Larry Wright had been preaching for about 20 minutes on New Year 's Eve when he saw the front door of his North Carolina church swing open. In marched a young disheveled man whom he'd never seen before. In one hand the man had a semi-automatic assault rifle; in the other, a magazine. As the man approached the pulpit ? and as Wright carefully moved toward him ? some of the 60 or so congregants at Wright's Heal the Land Outreach Ministries in Fayetteville believed the gunman was a prop, Wright told NBC News, that their pastor was using an unusual method to emphasize a point he had been making at that precise moment about gun violence: "At any moment your life could be taken from you." "I asked him, 'Can I help." Wright'"Wright recalled. "He said, 'Can you pray for me?'" Wright took the rifle and passed it to a deacon. Then he patted the man down to make sure he didn't have additional weapons. "I asked God to help him and bless him," Wright said. "He fell to his knees, and he began to weep." He was, it turned out, a parolee and military veteran suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome, Wright told NBC News. His wife had recently been diagnosed with a serious illness, and he was off his medication. He needed money. He was stressed. "He got the gun because he was going to rob to get money," Wright said. "He was going to do what he had to do to take care of his family."
Instead, as Wright
finished his sermon, the man sat in a pew near the pulpit for the rest of the service. Afterwards police detained him, but no charges were filed; he was put back on his medication and released, Wright said. On Sunday, the man returned to Wrights'' church with news: He wanted to be baptized. He wanted to join Heal the Land. Tim Stelloh is a reporter for NBC News, based in California.
The science of Sabbath: How people are rediscovering rest-and claiming its benefits A.J. Swoboda, pastor of Theophilus Church in Portland, Ore., said he decided to preach about Sabbath a few years ago when he noticed the people in his congregation were tired and in need of rest. So was he. "Our souls and our bodies and our spirits absolutely need it," he said. Because he pastors a church on weekends, Swoboda and his family take their day of rest to unplug, eat pancakes and get outside together on Tuesdays - a "distinctly Protestant view of the Sabbath," he said. It seems others increasingly are interested in doing the same: Swoboda's book, "Subversive Sabbath: The Surprising Power of Rest in a Nonstop World"
was recently rec ognized in Christianity Today's 2019 Book Awards. Taking a Sabbath reminds people that there's more to life than being busy and plugged in all the time, according to the pastor. "It's a very threatening biblical concept because it completely undermines all of the assumptions of what we have come to believe being an American is all about, which is being productive," he said. Shlain, whose book about Tech Sabbath is due later this year, believes everyone can benefit from a day of rest. Her family is Jewish, but they only began to practice a Tech.
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Sometimes he only had one good hour a day, she said. She would turn off her phone to spend that time with him. To Shlain, that time spent unplugged felt like ?the most beautiful solution to this urgent problem in our society right now, which is that screens are just on all the time and everywhere, and you're not being present with the people that you're with, and you're not really focused on any one thing.? ?I believe in this kind of modern take on it because I believe Judaism is all about reinterpreting based on the times we're living,? she said. Tiffany Shlain built her career by being online almost all the time. She founded the Webby Awards, which honor the best of the Web each year. She also runs a film studio and creates online conversations to use the i nternet in ?its best way, which is to bring
people together on issues that unite us,? she said. Anlugged their devices and spent the next 24 hours offline in what she calls a ?Technology Shabbat.? ?As our society becomes more oversaturated with technology, I feel like it's the thing we need right now," she said. Tech Shabbat is a modern twist on an ancient religious practice, which is attracting the attention of burned-out millennials and others who are exhausted by trying to keep up in an increasingly connected and fast-paced world And there?s some science to support the idea that practicing a day of rest ? including time away from social media and digital devices ? benefits longevity and both mental and physical health. It's a practice that can benefit people of faith and those who don't believe, alike.
?This can be adapted for anyone, wherever you fall on the belief spectrum, and it will bring meaning and value to your life in unbelievable ways,? Shlain said. Jews observe Shabbat on Saturdays, beginning Friday nights with lit candles and shared meals. In addition to resting from work at their jobs during that time, Orthodox Jews also refrain from a number of other activities that are considered work, such as driving and switching lights off or on. Seventh-day Adventists also take Sabbath seriously, worshipping, avoiding work and spending time with Shabbat ? also known as Sabbath ? is the day of the weother church members on Saturdays. Most Christians worship on Sunday, and their observance of a day of rest varies from church to church and even from Christian to Christian. In the past, the regular practice of Sabbath
Now some are urging their fellow Christians to rediscover the practice of honoring the Sabbath. J. Dana Trent is one of them. The ordained Baptist minister began observing a Sabbath after a visit to the doctor 's office. The doctor told Trent she needed to "slow down." At the time, she was working four different adjunct jobs and commuting up to two hours per day. She had also recently been diagnosed with chronic migraine syndrome, though her visit to the doctor had been for a Q-Tip she had lodged in her ear while in a rush. Observing the Sabbath means trusting that if she takes time off, the world won?t spin out of control, said Trent, author of ?For Sabbath?s Sake: Embracing Your Need for Rest, Worship, and Community.? It's an act of humility that puts God at the center of her life, not herself. Not everybody can take Saturday or Sunday or even a full 24 hours to rest ? that?s a privilege for those who work 9-to-5 jobs on weekdays, she acknowledged. ?I think Sabbath can take lots of different shapes, but the idea is that we step out of what we're doing every day ? like the normal routine stuff ? in order to make meaning,? she said. It also makes sense to many others who are looking at the health benefits of unplugging from the world ? and from devices. Research presented last year at
the annual convention of the American Psychological Association suggests that constantly staring at screens may be making us more ?distracted, distant and drained.? Other studies of social media use have linked it to everything from loneliness to disruptive sleep. In 2005, National Geographic published the findings of scientists, funded in part by the U.S. National Institute on Aging, who traveled around the globe to learn the secrets of longevity from populations that had high rates of centenarians, few deadly diseases and more healthy years of life. were among them Seventh-day Adventists in Loma Linda, Calif. Scientists pointed toFor Shlain and her family, lighting candles,inviting people over, sharing a meal and logging off together guards against those things. She laughs more on Shabbat than any other day, she said. And at the end of the day, she looks forward to checking in again online. There may be benefits to more traditional observances of Sabbath, as well.
to their research, Lee said, "refraining from secular activities on Sabbath was associated with better mental health and better physical health." The professor currently is working on another study measuring stress hormone levels before and after Sabbath. And most interesting to him, he said, is a study showing.fewer deaths during Shabbat in Israel. But, Lee said, more research would be "useful." "There have been a number of books, but most of the books that I've seen don't really have a lot of empirical data," he said. Judith Shulevitz, author of ?The Sabbath World: Glimpses of a Different Order of Time,? also cautions against practicing Sabbath for selfish reasons. It?s not just a day of rest for individuals, she said. Instead, she said that it's meant to be a ?day of rest which is synchronized with the rest of society.? ?It's not about you. It?s about us,? she said. And the practice still is debated within some Christian circles
Adventists?practice of Sabbath as one of the reasons for their good health. An earlier study found the average Adventist lived four to 10 years longer than the average Californian. A more recent 2014 study coauthored by Professor Jerry Lee of the School of Public Health at Loma Linda University, an Adventist school in Southern California, looked at the correlation between Sabbath-keeping and mental health and well-being. According www.christianmagazineshr.com - 21
J Dan a Tr en t Au t h or
Jam ie becam e a cr oss cou n t r y bicyclist .
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Fait h @ HOM E
n the first installment of this two-part series, Best-Selling Author Sherrill Moore-Tucker is no stranger to the negative thoughts, rumors and
opinions surrounding yoga in the Church. However, the wellness instructor is here to put all of that negativity to rest once and for all. As a faith-based yoga and wellness instructor, I am routinely asked whether a Christian can practice yoga. I am confronted with comments such as, ?Christians should not participate in yoga, because it is a Hindu practice and opens the spirit up to worshiping Hindu gods.? I have addressed these types of questions, concerns, and more in person after my workshops and classes, via Face book and email, and it?s a valid concern that deserves a proper response. So let?s get to it! For starters, more people are practicing yoga now more than ever. According to the 2016 Yoga Study in America conducted by Yoga Journal and the National Yoga Alliance, the number of American yoga practitioners has increased to over 36 million in 2016, up from 20.4 million in 2012, while 34% of Americans say they are somewhat or very likely to practice yoga in the next 12 months? equal to more than 80 million Americans. Some of the reasons why people try yoga include flexibility, stress relief, and fitness. So there you
What is Yoga really? One of the concerns I hear from many Christians Is the meaning of the word "yoga" and the origin of yoga. The word "yoga" means to yoke or to unite. Nothing strange there. We are a soul, communing with God through our spirit, while we live in a physical body so we can do kingdom work here on earth. However, the origin of yoga is a little more complicated. According to the National Yoga Alliance (NYA), the largest nonprofit association representing the yoga community, yoga was developed up to 5,000 years ago in India as a comprehensive system for well-being on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. But today, millions of Americans use various aspects of yoga to help raise their quality of life in such diverse areas as fitness. stress relief, wellness. vitality, mental clarity, healing, peace of mind, and spiritual growth.
Further, the NYA says that yoga is a system, not of beliefs, but of techniques and guidance for enriched living. Yoga has in recent times branched out in many new directions, some of which are quite different from its traditional emphases. All approaches to yoga, however, are intended to promote some aspect(s) of well-being.
Here or There Now let's look at Kemetic yoga. Kemetic yoga philosophy says the people of ancient Kemet Egypt practent Egypt, but examples of ancient Kemetic yoga cannot be found in India. The conclusion one can drawiced a unique style of yoga that predates the yoga of India. Kemetic yoga philosophy also says that the practice and philosophy of yoga in India was informed by knowledge that came out of Africa. Examples of Indian yoga can be found in anci from this is: the yoga of Egypt is much older than that found in India. So do you see why I don't get caught up in the origin or how man uses God's gifts? Whether yoga started in India or Africa is still up for debate, but the fact remains that God is the Creator of the mind-body connection. The Bible speaks specifically about key elements used in most forms of yoga: meditation, breathing, and movement. For me, Acts 17:18 sums it up: uFor in Him we live and move and exist." So I will put truth up against philosophy any day, as philosophy Is simply man's attempt to understand God, His creations, and purpose. Joshua 1 :8 reminds me to meditate on His Word day and night; Genesis 2:7 defines the source of my life: "He breathed the breath of life into the man's nostrils, and the man became a living person"; and numerous Scriptures speak of our bodily posture toward God. King David had a keen understanding that our outward posture is reflective of what's going on inside, because God, the originator of the mind-body connection, knows that the way we move can positively or negatively affect the heart and mind.
The Evolution of Yoga and Spirituality
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Another concern for some Christians is the spiritual component of yoga. Because some Christians believe that yoga is taught as a means to salvation in Hinduism, it is considered off-limits to Christians. Why? Some believe that the system of yoga was defined by a certain group of people and that the entire system can't be redefined or evolved, but the fact of the matter is that yoga in America has evolved. Science revels that the intentional use of the mind, breath, and movement can effect positive change in the physical body. Through scientific research and studies, over time the intention of yoga in America began to evolve from its traditional origins to be repurposed and repacked for a more mainstream appeal to fitness enthusiasts, those facing health challenges and trauma, and others interested in the benefits of this mind-body modality
The Great Pagan D b te Did you know that our beloved country has a history of repurposing and repackaging things that we didn't necessarily discover? Take our beloved Christmas tree for example. Did you know that decorating trees and giving money was a part of worship to various gods during Egyptian times? It is also part of the Germanic pagan solstice tradition.
The exchange of wedding rings did not originate in the church, and various religious worship and practice meditation, prayer, and fasting just like Christians. So should I take my ring off based on the original intent, or stop purchasing Christmas trees and decorations because the Egyptians utilized the tree first? No, I don't. because I serve a God who can redeem anything, as He is the Creator of all. Did you know that fasting can be a spiritual practice for some, and for others, fasting may be used to purge toxins from the body or used for weight loss? No one claims fasting as their own because we are all free to use the practice as we see fit, and yoga should be no different. (Look for the second part of this article in the next issue of KLM)
New Year 's Resolu t ion . BE PERFECT! By; Kir k Klin gm an
Are you trying to be perfect? Are you seeking perfection? This is not about doing things with excellence, that?s something different. This is a case of receiving a performance-based narrative that says you?re worthless unless you?re perfect. It says your worth is found in how well You perform, how you look and live up to expectations. It?s a bold-faced lie. That?s not where your value is found. It?s found in a much higher place than performance; in fact, your ability to perform is the result of who you are. If you mix these up, you?ll ever feel insufficient and worthless. This is one reason so many find themselves in that state. Perfection is unattainable. Even those who place expectations on others, cannot live up to them. What are New Year ?s resolutions about? Forgetting all the imperfections of the past and starting with a clean slate in hopes of living a perfect life. Let?s not kid ourselves, we?re not seeking to merely improve our lives. Deep down, we?re seeking perfection. How many resolutions end the moment there?s some sort of failure? Then there?s that other resolution: becoming a ?better Christian.? There?s no such thing. More on that in a moment. You are better than you think -you?re tremendous! You can?t become tremendous; you already are, so there?s no pressure to perform. In simplest terms, you?re created in the image of God (see Genesis 1:26-27). Psalms 139:14 I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. You are wonderful, and that?s because He is wonderful. Moreover, you?re a miracle. In mathematical. Are you trying to be perfect? Are you seeking perfection? This is not about doing things with excellence, that?s something different. This is a case of receiving a performance-based narrative that says you?re worthless unless you?re perfect. It says your worth is found in how well y terms, your odds of being born were one in 400 trillion! You are no accident. You are here by design. You?re here because God wants you here, and that means YOU ARE IMPORTANT! You?re not important because some human being says so. Conversely, you?re not irrelevant because a human says so, and that includes a parent or anyone else you hold in high esteem. That means your birthday is significant; it?s not just ?another day.?
works are the result of our new nature (see Ephesians 2:8-10). Can you become more righteous by praying more, giving more, reading your Bible more, o r even being more kind to people? If you could, why would you need Jesus? Your righteousness is strictly found in Him (see 2 Corinthians 5:21). It might help to stop comparing yourself to others. Their walk is their walk. The Bible tells us it is not wisdom to compare ourselves to each other (see 2 Corinthians 10:12). But, if you feel inclined to compare yourself with anyone, compare yourself with Jesus. He is The Standard. The praying more and reading my Bible more thing is based on your efforts. The real issue may be a submission thing in terms of ?doing more.? Let Holy Spirit lead you, and don?t worry about what anyone else says or does. Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
While it is true the image may have been marred as the result of sin; God remedied that through Jesus Christ. He not only forgave those who receive Jesus Christ; He made them entirely new (see 2 Corinthians 1:17). New as in prototype, not a remake. who are in Jesus Christ. We are complete in Him, and that is where we find perfection: in Him! Period! If you?re after a new beginning, it begins with Jesus Christ, not the New Year Without realizing it, those who have the aim to become a better Christian will gravitate toward works. It would be easy to slip away from grace in this mode of thinking, because being ?better ? is performance-based (see Galatians 3:1-29). It moves you away from what Jesus accomplished on the Cross, to trying to make some sort of addition, as if the Cross is not sufficient. Basic Christianity 101 says we?re saved by grace, and christianmagazineshr.com - 34
HisTemple,Our Bodies By M ar ia Cooper
Lorem i t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquy Question: How would you rate your nutrition and fitness status? Well, what do you think of the question from the Word in (1 Cor.3:16.?Do ye not know that you are the temple of God..)? Likewise with the same thought, we find in (3rd John, ?Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper, and be in health even as thy soul prospers ?). God is very concerned about the unhealthy state of believers. Jesus referred to us as (?The light of the world.?), that we should be examples to those outside His Kingdom. Yet, Christians as well as Americans in general have become entrenched in our health crisis becoming sicker by the year.
Cereal ads have dominated our TV?s for many years, and the impact of these ads on our children is huge, evidenced with the parent?s favorite question; ?Which one do you want?? Of course, the child is going to say the box which most appeals to him. The majority of those cereals are just loaded with sugar, and a few vitamins they add. We, as parents should be educating ourselves regarding healthier choices for our children., Sugar substitutes have had a ?green light?for many years such as aspartame and equal, but the jury is still out on those also. Some major drinks I will admonish us to avoid at
God commanded me in 2004 ?I want you to teach my children how to take better care of their health?. I began right
all costs are the children?s drinks which most all have high fructose corn syrup. READ THE LABELS!
away teaching this topic on my radio broadcast, as I had been studying nutrition for some time. Now, we will look at just a few reasons for our dilemma. A naturopathic doctor I listen to has coined America?s diet with the acronym S.A.D, in describing the Standard American Diet.
As God?s love is so great towards us, He desires to make us more like Christ. In this way we are not relying on ourselves to make the needed changes, instead we can give God glory for His ?strength which is made perfect in our weakness (2 Cor.12:7-9)?. At the same time, He understands our struggles
The top of our ?culprits?are the food manufacturers, which
in all areas of our lives, and as the Apostle Paul shows us in (1
includes frozen and pre-packaged items. These types of processed foods are loaded with salt, unhealthy fats, and the
Cor.9:27.?I keep my body into subjection.? We to can win!
real troublemaker, high fructose corn syrup. They use these
erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et ju st o duo
items because they understand the appeal to our taste buds.
dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea
But we do not have to give in to purchasing processed foods if
t akim at a sanct us est Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et .
we truly desire improved health. Our children are developing
Lorem ipsum dolor sit am et , conset et ur sadipscing
conditions normally seen in adults such as obesity, diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension. I am an advocate for children so I have special concern about this next ?culprit?I will share. ADVERTISING! am
elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores
A Biblical V iew of Beaut y
s it okay to want to be beautiful?
There?s so much talk about ?inner beauty?in Christian circles, telling us not to worry about outward appearance because ?the Lord looks at the heart.?But within each of us is this desire to be beautiful. Is this wrong? Some Christians believe it is. But looking at what the Bible says about beauty and creation, I think we see a different story unfold.
Beaut y is created by God to be appreciated . and embraced We might hear this well-known passage from the Sermon on the Mount cited as reason not to worry about outward appearance: ?And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.?(Matthew 6:28-29) We concentrate on Jesus? command not to worry about our clothes, but there?s something unstated here that is just as important. God created the flowers of the field to be beautiful. God doesn?t just appreciate beauty; He initiates it! The problem is not beauty in and of itself, but anxiety over becoming beautiful. W hen we are so concerned with appearance that it destroys the peace God intends, then we?ve missed the mark.
both an honor and a responsibility. We are honored to bear God?s image, but because of this, we can?t forget our Good things? beautiful things? can become idols when we shift our focus appearance is not about us. Ephesians 2:10 says ?For we are God?s handiwork, away from what matters most. created in Christ Jesus to do good External appearance is one of those works, which God prepared in advance things. But there is hope for us? a for us to do.?We were fashioned by hope that Paul expressed in his letter God to be in relationship with Him and to the Corinthian church: ?Though to do good works. Our image-bearer outward ly we are wasting away, yet status has a purpose, and our outward inwardly we are being renewed day beauty is only part of who we are. We by day.?(2 Corinthians 4:16) Though should not lose sight of which takes our outward appearance cannot last priority! forever, inwardly we are being made new. Every day we are made new by Don?t let your adornment be the Spirit of God in us, made more merely external beautiful in character and spirit, even though our outward beauty will be Lastly, in 1 Peter 3:3-4, the apostle altered by age. Peter tells women of the early church We don?t idolize appearance because to ?not let their adornment be merely external,?citing examples like gold, our spirits are the most important pearls and expensive clothes. Was thing. But this doesn?t mean our Peter forbidding us from beauty? Are appearance doesn?t matter. we no longer allowed to pursue We are image bearers, not looking lovely?
Good t h in gs can be idols,t oo!
images ourselves
Some churches do believe this, but historical context indicates more God made us in His image? man and freedom. There were women in the woman were both made in the image church who flaunted their wealth of God. This expresses a spiritual (expensive hair, makeup, jewelry, component, of course, but it also clothes) and made others in the makes us distinct physically. There is congregation feel less-than. Their an obvious difference between us and attire was based in pride, not humility . animals! As image bearers, we have www.christianmagazineshr.com - 37
Healthy Is Strong: African American Men Put Their Heart Health First By Clar en ce An car , Hear t Su r ger y Su r vivor
Th e Bible t each es t h at h ealt h in volves t h e r est or at ion an d st r en gt h en in g of on e?s per son al r elat ion sh ip w it h God. A h ealt h y lif est yle in clu des h ealt h y r elat ion sh ips (ph ysically, em ot ion ally an d spir it u ally) w it h Fam ily, Healt h Car e Pr of ession als, an d m ost im por t an t ly GOD h im self .
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In the blink of an eye, my life went from living what I believed to be a ?normal? lifestyle to almost becoming one of the over 37,000 African American men who die of heart disease each year. One moment I was enjoying a family vacation in Mississippi, and just two days later, I was in the hospital due to shortness of breath and dizziness. A series of tests showed that I had three blocked arteries, and I would quickly need triple coronary bypass surgery to save my life. When I was told I needed surgery in March of 1999, I couldn?t believe it. I felt angry, confused, and wondered, ?How could I have allowed this to happen to me?? I knew I had a family history of heart disease. My grandfather and father both died from heart attacks before the age of 60. I knew my blood pressure and cholesterol levels were off the charts, but I ignored my doctor ?s advice on living a healthier lifestyle. I knew I should exercise more, eat better and take my medications regularly to help lower my blood pressure and cholesterol. But like many men, it was always something I would do tomorrow. Because I delayed, I was almost too late in saving my own life. After my surgery I decided to put my heart health first. I was given a second chance and I owed it to myself and my loved ones to live a long, healthy life. Dr. Keith C. Ferdinand and my health care team taught me that heart disease was not a death sentence and that I could still live a productive life if I committed to making a change and respected my heart condition. My wife, family, friends and doctor were all counting on me, and II wasn?t going to let this defeat me.
lasting difference in my health. I learned the importance of high blood pressure and cholesterol medications and started taking them regularly, as prescribed. With my dietitian?s help, I started eating less of the fatty, salty and greasy food that the South is known for and more fruits and vegetables. I also walked two to three miles each day. After my surgery, I lost a significant amount of weight. One of the best things I do for my health is visit my doctor regularly to ensure my heart is functioning at its best. At each visit, we track my blood pressure and cholesterol numbers to make sure they are controlled. I have a strong, trusting relationship with Dr. Ferdinand, and he motivates and supports me in staying heart healthy. Many African American men feel too ?macho? for regular doctor visits, especially if they aren?t sick. Take it from me, health care professionals know how your heart should perform, and they can work with you to reduce your risks for heart disease and stroke. Strong men put their heart health first, so don?t be afraid to ask questions and trust their advice. I challenge you to be strong and commit to making one heart-healthy lifestyle change during the month of February.
"One of the best ways African American men can achieve good heart health and longevity is to have a primary care provider who knows the patient?s history and provides preventive care, screenings and referrals to specialists when needed. I value my strong relationship with Clarence and how we have worked together to improve his heart health.? -Keith C. Ferdinand, M.D. I developed a plan with my doctor and health care team to improve my heart health. Committing to this new lifestyle wasn?t easy at first. I felt like I was on my own and I didn?t know where to begin. My tting small, achievable goals, and tracking those goals, I health care team helped me see that by secould make a big and
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Did You Kn ow ?
Af r ican Am er ican m en , especially t h ose w h o live in t h e Sou t h east , ar e at t h e h igh est r isk f or h ear t disease. M or e t h an 40 per cen t of Af r ican Am er ican s h ave h igh blood pr essu r e, t h e leadin g cau se of h ear t disease an d st r ok e. Hear t disease an d st r ok e can be pr even t ed. Sim ple ch an ges su ch as t ak in g m edicat ion as pr escr ibed, eat in g h ealt h y, get t in g r egu lar exer cise an d qu it t in g sm ok in g can m ak e a big dif f er en ce in im pr ovin g you r h ear t h ealt h .
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757-343-4017 w w w.w it h vision .w ek yn ect .com
Tr avel Tr ends
To Inspir e
2020 VACATION PLANNING Some things never change when it comes to traveling with friends and family, but every year new trends arise as travelers discover new places and ways to travel. With data and insights from its global vacation rental marketplace, Vrbo identified where, how and why Americans will travel for vacation in 2020.
UP AND COM ING DESTINATIONS Travelers are always looking for ?off-the-beaten path? or ?hidden gem? destinations for their next trip. The top emerging domestic destinations all have one thing in common: the great outdoors. From ghost towns to sea islands, adventurous travelers are visiting places like Big Bend National Park, Olympic National Park and Chattahoochee National Forest. ?This is the third year in a row travelers?desire to be outdoors has filled the up-and-coming destinations list,? said Vrbo Travel Expert Melanie Fish. ?Clearly, people want the comforts of a home away from home while soaking in scenery.?
ON THE RISE: SAM E CITY STAYS Same-city stays refer to people booking vacation rentals in their own city? not to be confused with staycations, which involve staying at your own home. One of the top single place that Hampton Roads Vrbo renters come from is Norfolk, and that rings true for a number of major American cities, including Philadelphia, Dallas and Atlanta. Another emerging travel phenomenon may come into play: cele-cations, when families and friends gather to celebrate special occasions. People who live in town may rent a vacation home to host and comfortably accommodate groups of guests for a holiday or a milestone life event.
HOTTEST INTERNATIONAL BEACH DESTINATIONS Where are trendsetting travelers heading to the beach in 2020? Portugal. The country took three of the top five spots on Vrbo?s list of international beach destinations: Vila Nova de Gaia, Porto and Lisbon. Portugal is known for its affordability and for some of the best waves in Europe. Other destinations include Chania, Greece and Catania, Italy.
DRIVABLE DESTINATIONS M OVING UP More Americans are taking short-stay vacations of two or three days? likely an outgrowth of flexible time-off policies and prioritization of experiences with people over material goods. Whether it?s a long weekend or a day trip, an exceptional vacation destination is less than a tank of gas away! In fact, Vrbo?s top five short-stay destinations are all less than 300 miles away from the top origin markets that guests were traveling from. From urban getaways to nature escapes, travelers are taking short trips to these top destinations: St. Louis; McCurtain County (Broken Bow), Okla.; Newton County, Ark.; Grays Harbor County, Wash. and Ruidoso, New Mexico.
FAM ILIES AND FAITH M ATTERS 52% of travelers planned on going on a vacation in 2019, and 43% said that their spiritual experience was very important on a trip. In the book of Mark, the Apostles returned to Jesus and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them , ?Come away by yourselves to try a desolate place and rest a while.? Want more travel inspiration? See more trends and find your vacation rental match at https://www.vrbo.com/l/trend-report/.
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K ingdom Mar ket place Int er nat ional
Th e f i r e t h at Jesus l on gs t o cast on t h e ear t h i s t h e H ol y Spi r i t bui l di n g a com m un i t y of h ope an d l ov e i n t h e m ar k et pl ace. Jesus sen ds h i s f ol l ow er s t o l ov e, t o pr ocl ai m H i s gr eat n ess i n t h e m ar k et pl ace. Joi n our Ki n gdom M ar k et pl ace t o ex per i en ces bot h i n t h e ch ur ch an d t h e m ar k et pl ace.
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M ar k et place M in ist r y
affecting everything we touched. Sin, like the Kingdom, has worked its way into every facet of society. The only way to uproot sin from every facet is to work the Kingdom of God into every facet. That is the work of the ministry for every believer in whatever God has called them to and gifted them for.
TheMinistryof theMarketplace By: Joseph Perry
u sin ess is t h e n ew ?m in ist r y.?
There was a time when devoting your life to God meant giving up on your dreams as a businessperson. Throwing off money for ministry was the safe way to go, and only that which happened between the pulpit and the pew was sacred. But in a day when the spirit of entrepreneurialism is at its highest, we are discovering that God is the one behind it.
But to do this well, believers need to be properly equipped., and churches need to become entrepreneurial incubators, empowering people to fulfill the Great Commission by starting new businesses that meet needs and solve problems. To help churches increase their impact in the marketplace, The SERVE Initiative is teaming up with marketplace ministry powerhouse, Dr. Svetlana Papazov, author of Church for Monday. Dr. Papazov is one of the leading thinkers and practioners in the Business as Mission Movement taking place in the church. If you are a pastor who wants to equip your team to mobilize your church for marketplace ministry, or if you are a business leader wanting an upgrade in your business assignment, join us January 17, 2020, 9:30am? 11:30am for this FREE EVENT, Helping Churches Impact the Marketplace, Powered by The SERVE Initiative. Register at www.ServeInitiative.org
Paul tells the Ephesians that there are five gifts that God gave to the church called apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers. Their job is to equip the saints for the work of the ministry (Eph. 4:11-16). So, there are two groups: equippers and doers. Only a handful of people are called by God to equip the saints. Everyone else is called to do the work of the ministry. But until now, most Christians have been misinformed about what exactly is the work of the ministry. For equippers, it is often preaching and teaching, and caring for the congregation. But for all other believers, the ?work? is simply their work. From bankers to plumbers, from comedians to nurses, and from mothers to teachers, the work of the ministry is about extending the rule and blessing of the Kingdom of God to all creation via every institution. If God had planned for all believers to be preachers, He would have given Adam a pulpit instead of hedge clippers.
Jesus likened the Kingdom of God to yeast that works its way into all the dough. The mistake we have made is that beliers think we are the whole lump of dough. But the whole lump of dough is society, and sin works just like yeast. Because man was marred, the work of our hands became tainted, adversely
--Joseph Perry equips people to be institutional reformers, steering cities toward greater health and stability. Joseph pastored Remnant Ministries in Virginia Beach, VA, for eleven years. He is the author of The Go Book: Foundations. Joseph teaches and trains extensively on the prophetic and has studied fivefold leadership for over twenty years. Joseph is the president of The S.E.R.V.E. Initiative, an equipping and mobilization organization for city transformation. Joseph lives in Virginia Beach, VA, with his wife, Karla
M ar k et place M in ist r y
GOING2COLLEGEISEZ M AKES COLLEGE CAREER PLANNING EZ High sch ool aged ch ildr en ar e bein g m en t or ed by t w o m en , Willie Lee an d Ron At k in son . Th ese m en h ave cr eat ed a pr ogr am t h at allow s ou r you t h t o pr epar e f or college an d iden if y goals con sist an t w it h t h eir passion . Success doesn?t just happen in isolation. College and career planning doesn?t just happen either. It is a work in progress that evolves over time and one that you could never start too early. It includes certain steps you must take at strategic intervals so that you don?t quit from feeling too overwhelmed by the entire college-going/career planning process. That was the intent for which GOing2COLLEGEisEZ was established in 2001. EZ was started as a group of adult mentors who are focused on helping to make college and career planning a simple, manageable, and seamless post-secondary alternative for underserved and underrepresented young people. Not only does preparing for college and career success require a lot of planning, it also requires a lot of support and encouragement from othe
EZ, with the help of several other community partners set forth on the (12th) road show on a bus tour which departed from New Light Baptist Church and Booker T. Washington High School (Norfolk, VA) on Saturday, November 22, at 5:30 AM. Fifty plus students and mentors from various schools across the Hampton Roads region, headed to Howard University (Washington DC) for one of the oldest private institutions for higher learning in the US. A Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) with educational organizations and programs in Engineering and Architecture, Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry, Communication, Medicine and Law to
name a few. elit r, sed diam nonum y eirm od t em por invidunt ut labore et dolore m agna aliquyam erat , sed diam volupt ua. At vero eos et accusam et just o duo dolores et ea rebum . St et clit a kasd gubergren, no sea t akim at a sanct us
students to attend this year?s event with hopes that our In the past, These trips have been made possible and
students would walk away with the information, the
successful partly by the collaborative effort from start
scholarships, and the resources needed to pursue
to finish by a community of organizations and
their post-secondary college and career interests.
individuals including: Never Become Bigger Than The
Once the students were nestled in their seats on the
Cause Network, Bank of Hampton Roads, Goucher
bus, they were separated into 2 person teams, under
College, Mount Pleasant Baptist Church (Norfolk),
the direction of Ron Atkinson. The STEM engagement
New Life Virginia Beach, New Light Baptist Church
component of the tour was for each group to complete
(Virginia Beach), Randolph Macon College, University
a multimedia project one the bus tour and at the Apple
of Richmond, The BTW Foundation, The Potomac &
Carnegie Library in Washington DC. There the Apple
Chesapeake Association for College Admission
reps helped the students with a media platform called
Counseling (PCACAC), The Boys and Girls Club,
?Clips?. All the students expressed how much they
Men?s Huddle International and EZ Media 7 were
learned and how wonderful of an experience the trip
some of the groups, in addition to individuals, who
was. Joshua a rising senior even expressed that it was
supported the effort. ?The BTW Foundation saw this
the opportunity of a lifetime! t was a very long and
as an excellent opportunity for their students and generously donated monies for deserving BTW
wet day that culminated with a rewarding stop, at Capital One Area to watch the NBA
www.christianmagazineshr.com -54
Washington Wizard play. ?It was a very long and tiring day but just the excitement from the students gave me the energy I needed to refuel. It was an experience that I wouldn?t want to trade for anything. If only one student had gone on this trip and received one scholarship or got accepted into one school then I would?ve considered this trip a huge success?, said Willie Lee, Founder of EZ. ?The students have all expressed the value to them of experiencing an event like this again and we are making plans now to take two, three, even four busloads next year.? ?our goal is to get 5,000 high school students on college campuses.? The Road show was followed up with a consultative EZ Lab in Virginia Beach several weeks later.
Images provided by Ron Atkinson
When A Coach Needs Coaching R
ecently, I had the chance to sit down and
watch one of those old ?40s comedic mysteries. The hero and his girlfriend were about to be married and went to get their marriage license at City Hall. Above the Clerk?s window was a sign that carried the costs of the three licenses the city issued. First, there was a hunting license--which cost the most; second was a dog license--which cost second most, and last was a marriage license, which was the cheapest of the three. Funny thing was, while the marriage license was the cheapest to purchase, it required the most work to maintain, and came with the least amount of instruction to make it successful over the long haul. Make no mistake about it. Marriages require W-O-R-K. It?s the only job that once you ?clock off ? your 9 to 5 (or how every many hours you spend on your outside job), you ?clock in?at the job of REAL and LASTING importance? your marriage. At the risk of angering some, and offending others, the truth comes down the strike zone; ANY man or
woman thinking about doing marriage God?s way, can NOT enter it lightly. IF you plan on getting married in His house, you play by His rules. As I have mentioned during our written travels together, no coach ?makes it?on their own. There comes a time when a coach must turn to the sages of other professions for wisdom, advice and counsel. Some of these sages may be found in the KJV Bible, or the Scriptures. Some of these sages may be contained in books of a bygone era. Still others may be found in the lives of older men and women who have survived the game of life with style! Every coach, upon occasion, needs coaching. Marriage between a man and a woman--contrary to what you may see on TV or social media--is nothing to fool with IF you haven?t received the proper instruction for the job. Let?s have a show of hands in the house. How many have had a lousy relationship or marriage?
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How many have lived through a divorce? How many have fought the ?divorce and child support wars?at the courthouse? Well, if you are like the ?ol coach? you have been there. A lot of us have. Let?s start at the top. A divorce: a breakup is seldom cordial. I?ve been there. The truth? Like the old preachers used to say, you are either coming INTO a storm, IN a storm, or are coming OUT of a storm. IF your storm hasn?t arrived yet? just keep on living! There is NO fun when that gavel comes down and a marriage has been severed by judicial decree, no matter what the modern songs may sing, and the commercials may show. Failure isn?t a time for celebration, anger, or revenge. Failures ARE a part of life. Divorces fall into the failure category in a lot of ways. The dark clouds of depression and despair are in full circle around your head. Your children--if you have been blessed to have some--have either been turned into FedEx packages (shipped between one household or another), or have grown up and ?opted out? of a solid relationship with either parent, because they fear that to see--or even acknowledge one--will offend the other. Then, there is the clincher. Men AND women are hooked into the child support wars, where you don?t always get the goods for which you pay, pay and pay. Been there, done that, and got the payment books to prove it. Another service cheerfully provided by your local, state, and federal governments. And folks want to trust these elected officials with their health care? Lord, put it back, the way it WAS! Do However, there IS good news. Let me encourage you, the sun CAN and DOES shine again! You CAN survive and thrive AFTER a divorce. In the game of life, second chances have a habit of surfacing. However, they often surface without fair warning. One
must have the spiritual and common sense to recognize those chances, it takes solid coaching to take advantage of them. I don?t know whom I?m writing this column for, but I know that someone will get a blessing from it. It doesn?t matter who is at fault when a marriage or relationship is reduced to a pile of ashes. There are no ?winners?or ?losers?--even though the mainstream media would like to paint it otherwise. There are hurt feelings, court fees, and a lot of time to wonder what could have been done differently, months down a road. IF you want victory in a NEW marriage, you have to start with a NEW game plan, pre-marital counseling. And, it starts AT the church house with a strong Pastor and his wife. I?ll forever be grateful to Pastor Frank Alexander and his lovely wife Shirley Alexander. They were marriage coaches to the highest, and their playbook was the Bible. The end results. THIS time around, my bride and I are closing in on 30 years of marital bliss. All because God gave both of us a solid relationship in Him AND the wisdom to seek out pre-marital counseling well before the rings and vows were exchanged at the altar in a new marriage, the second time around. Even coaches? need coaching. Seek out the best, to be your best! Don?t shout me down when I?m on a roll with butter and jelly, amen?
By: Pastor Tim Banks
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Texas (RNS) ? For four hours at a megachurch outside of Dallas, pastors of color shared their personal stories of leading a multiethnic church. One, a lead pastor of a Southern Baptist congregation in Salt Lake City, recalled the ?honest conversations? he had with his 10-member leadership team before it agreed that he would present ?both sides? of the controversy over quarterback Colin Kaepernick?s kneeling protests at NFL games. A founding elder of a fledgling Cincinnati congregation expressed satisfaction with her ?phenomenal church,? but said ?Lift Every Voice and Sing? ? a hymn often called the "Black National Anthem" that most African American churchgoers learn in childhood ? is so rarely featured at her multiethnic church that her younger daughter learned it instead fromBeyonce's version. A pastor of a church in Aleandria, Va. adapted his multicultural services so that its prayers, food and sermon illustrations included not only traditions of blacks
and whites but those of a member from India, who had noted that his culture had not been acknowledged.Those leaders, who met at Mosaix Global Network?s Multiethnic Cultural Conference in November, are part of a decades-long, still burgeoning movement to integrate Christian worship services, aiming to refute the oft-quoted saying by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. that Sunday mornings are the most segregated time of the week in the United States In 1998, 6% of congregations of all faiths in the U.S. could be described as multiracial; in 2019, according to preliminary findings, 16% met that definition. In that time frame, mainline Protestant multiracial congregations rose from 1% to 11%; their Catholic counterparts rose from 17% to 24%; and evangelical Protestant congregations rose from 7% to 23%. Michael Emerson, a professor of sociology at the University of Illinois at Divided by Chicago and co-author of ? Faith: Evangelical Religion and the problem of
The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. described 11 o? clock on Sunday morning as the ?most segregated hour in America." This story is one in a series by Religion News Service about the future of segregation and integration in American religion, produced in partnership with sacred writes, a project that helps scholars share their research with a broader audience. The rest of the series can be found there. Race in America,? said recent research seems to indicate that multiethnic congregations are continuing to sprout up at an "impressive" rate. ?They?re growing faster than I would have thought,? said Emerson in an interview about his ongoing work with scholars at Baylor and Duke universities.The rapid growth can sometimes obscure the fact that life in a multiracial church isn't always easy. Mosaix co-founder Mark DeYmaz said the discussions at the conference, which now brings together more than 1,300 pastors, denominational leaders and researchers every three years, always demonstrate to him the contradictory reality of trying to unite black, white and other church traditions under one roof. (At many Catholic parishes, diversity is a given ? nearly all of the growth in the U.S. Catholic Church in recent years has been driven by immigration into existing parishes. The question Catholic clergy and communities often face is not whether to establish a multi ethnic church, but how to respond to the diverse needs of their parish. Many attributes the growth of multiracial churches in part to some clergy of color no longer wanting to lead homogenous congregations. Instead, they start multi ethnic ones. ?More and more, people of color, they're not going to allow themselves to be siloed,? he said. Emerson said the preliminary results show that black clergy heading up multiracial churches have increased from 4% to 18% from 1998 to 2019. The number of Hispanics within their own church has risen from 3% to 7% in that time, with Asian Americans increasing from 3% to 4%. Whites leading multiethnic churches, meanwhile, have decreased from 87% to 70%. Leaders and observers of multiracial churches say the congregations go through stages. In tense times, some will have members walk out while others lean in. Disagreements can sprout up about race, politics or music. Some congregations can't bridge these divides and close.But others survive and grow. One Pastor ?s point was that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we are to, as Philippians 2:4 says, "consider others better than ourselves. So what hurts you should hurt me and what hurts me should hurt you.?
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