Kingdom Life Magazine "Celebration Of Christ" Edition

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EDITORIAL OFFICE 719 High St. Portsmouth, VA 23704 +1757-996-2060 | Kingdom Life is published by Kingdom Marketplace International LLC 719 High Street Portsmouth VA. 23704 | 800-7854961 or 1-757-356-5483 Kingdom Life magazines are published bi-monthly by Kingdom Marketplace International LLC. Copyright 2020 all rights reserved. Reproduction by any means either whole or in part, is strictly forbidden without written permission from the publisher. KLM assumes no responsibility for claims made in advertisements. Material accepted for publication are subject to such revision to meet requirements of this publication and become property of Kingdom Life Magazine


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Publisher's Pen

WELCOME HOME TO ANOTHER EDITION OF KINGDOM LIFE MAGAZINE Well, The holidays are about to begin, how are you holding up? Cards are about to be mailed. Packages are being wrapped. Meal menus are being prepared right., It's a hectic season about to return? Do you think Mary ever envisioned what would eventually evolve from the baby she bore? She certainly never realized that the world would depart from celebrating her child and turn it into a secular spectacular. With the media, it is no longer Merry Christmas but Happy Holidays. What excuse does the world give for making a holiday out of our celebration? The same excuse they give for commercializing every other Christian day of remembrance -- it's good for business! Most merchants depend on Christmas shopping to put their year in the black. There's an old joke about a merchant who, on Christmas eve, got his employees together to sing, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," because The Christmas season made his business profitable.



As Christians, we also get caught up in the commercialization of Christmas, but, hopefully, we have enough "smarts" to make His birth top priority and make the rest of it secondary. Let's keep Christ preeminent! "In the beginning, the Word already existed. He was with God, and He was God. He was at the beginning with God. He created everything there is. Nothing exists that He didn't make," (John 1:1-3, NLT) and don't ever forget it -- especially at Christmas. So as we prepare for "Black Friday" let's turn out hearts outward instead of inward. Be a blessing to the community. Love thy neighbor as He loves us! Merry Christmas Brother's and Sister's



LEGAL AID'S HOMELESS OUTREACH PROJECT eeks to find persons who are S living outside and connect them with supportive service, assist them in accessing the benefits to which they are entitled, assert their legal rights, and help them in locating permanent housing. The Project has one attorney, Melissa Bonfiglio, and one social worker, Pamela Davis, who go out into the local community to find people who need help and are not otherwise being served by another organization. This gentleman was homeless for a year before connecting with Ms. Bonfiglio and Ms. Davis. When he met with the HOP team, he was hopeless and had fallen through the cracks of the system. He didn’t know if his situation would ever get better. Through the tireless efforts of Ms. Bonfiglio and Ms. Davis, he is connected with supportive mental health services, has been housed, is now receiving SNAP and Medicaid, and has had his Social Security



of cost-share funds through a

U.S. Colleges and Universities

crowdfunding platform. The process of

Proposal Deadline: Nov. 11

creating and preparing a crowdfunding


campaign acts as a teaching

restored and an exploitative payee removed. He has hope today, where before he had none, and is able to be a father to his son and an equal participant in our society. .Legal Aid’s Homeless Outreach Project, funded by the Hampton Roads Community Foundation.- Sarah Black Author

accelerator, requiring students to Teams are invited to submit ideas/concepts relevant to work being done by NASA’s Aeronautics Research Mission Directorate. Selected teams will receive grants for their projects and be responsible for raising a modest amount

develop entrepreneurial skills.



Maury star quarterback EJ Gibson is headed to LSU to further his academic and athletic education Eric Gibson is no stranger to a challenge nor shallow in his belief in Jesus Christ. As the scriptures says in Luke "For with God nothing shall be impossible." Eric has truly lived through that scripture in his life. Nurtured by a caring mother and grand parent, Eric has stood proudly on his faith and God's strength in him. With the upcoming signing with LSU as a preferred "Walk On" The mainstream media will tell you how he started as a winless sophomore at Granby, then transfer to Maury to help and led the commodores to a state title. You will read about all the accolades and awards he received along the way. What you wont find out about is his selfless heart for service, and love for community he lives in. Eric's grandmother Pastor Veronica Thomas leads a church in Norfolk and frequently will hear Eric lead the Youth services or attend a 5am men's prayer line. He has also fellowshipped with cross town rivals on food destitution throughout the 757. So wile some may see this as a big challenge Eric has a bigger God.

Images (3) By:


FALL PLEASURES Composed by KMI Photographs by Ronald J Atkinson, Thelma Cuffee, & BSH



Love accompanied by four little paws and blue eyes. But I have been asking for a new kitten for a year and a half. It was all I wanted for Valentine's, my birthday, our anniversary. Mick thinks I am nuts as we already had sixteen paws when I began this entreaty. Our Stormy died a month ago, two weeks after my breast cancer surgery. I told Mick I should play the kitten card but I don't do "head games". He looked me straight in the eyes and said "Jo, we still have three and that is more than enough, I can't handle burying any more cats, this is just too much." I window shop, never for clothes or household items, if I don't see it I never get the "want its", works really well. BUT, I window shop for kittens, in all my years of "shopping", I rarely see the young, blue eyed seal point kittens. They go overnight. Last one I saw on a Tuesday and by Wednesday morning it was adopted. It rained earlier and was extremely hot this weekend. We had planned to go to the Outback Steak House to celebrate me being cancer free on my surgery biopsy. That was eight weeks ago and Mick, who hates going into beach resort on his day off, said maybe this was a good day. He didn't have to convince me! 13

I needed to pick new glasses and a few other things so off we went. We got the glasses and had time before Outback opened. "Hey, we could stop by PetSmart and just take a peek at the kitties, I am not hinting either." He had mentioned the week before he was at PetSmart. Now, why would this guy who is not getting more cats be at PetSmart? "Hum, what'd we want to do that for, it will be a zoo if it looks like there aren't many people maybe we will go." We walked in and I immediately saw a tiny kitten with seal points in a cage with a black and white kitty. I guess I squealed. This is the kitten I have looked for and it has been ages since I even saw one like it. Mick, meantime went into another room and was playing with a tabby. Pretty soon it was "come on, let's get out of here." I began praying. Only the Lord knew if this little girl was healthy and would be a good fit with our other cats. Only the Lord knew how to get to Mick "Jo, one of us has to be mature and reasonable, don't let your emotions get all involved here." Off to dinner, we went. Coming out from dinner he mentioned we could go back and LOOK one more time and then he turned the wrong way and started going home. We drove through the whole neighborhood and were about to start going up the street to our home. "Do you really want to look again? "YES!!!" I said, mumbling, talking to himself and turning around, and now driving really fast back to PetSmart. Unfortunately, it is sold or the lady went home early and this is the end of kittens forever, I then said, "Honey, I cannot commit to looking further but I will give up on this one." The lady had taken the kitties and gone home. Are you crying? He spoke out "Naw," I am actually a little disappointed." I wasn't. I was praying. I felt like the Lord was saying not to bring this up again but if Mick did it was a green light. Fast forward to the next morning after breakfast, "so, are you over that kitten yet?" I said,"No, I am not." "Well, why don't you see if you can get the lady's name and number.." I called PetSmart the connection was terrible and I could only hear every other word and they gave me the wrong name but the number of the actual home the kitten was staying in. Praise God, she agreed to have us drive 70 miles and pick the kitten up on Sunday. I had a dream about a week ago and in the dream, there was a small pointed kitten with a red bow around its neck. I have yet to get her Though, we are still trying to come up with a nickname! Her official name is Jazzmine Bandit Blue. (C) Marijo Phelps Article Source: WRITERS

More Than 1.5 Million Children Lost Parents Due to COVID

Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 1.5 million people across the globe have died due to COVID-19. Because the disease has mostly killed adults, though, the effect on children has been largely overlooked. Yet the untimely and unexpected deaths have had a profound effect on families. For instance, one result of the pandemic is the increased deaths of parents and primary caregivers, leaving children around the world orphaned. A common assumption is that an orphan is defined as


a child with two deceased parents. But the definition used by many adoptions and relief agencies focuses on a child who is deprived of parental care. For example, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) considers a child who has lost either parent to be an orphan and further classifies such children as “single orphan,” which is a child with only one parent that has 15

died, or “double orphan,” which is a child who has two parents that are deceased.

While no one knows for sure how many children were orphaned because of the pandemic, a new study published in the British medical journal The Lancet has developed an estimate. This report was produced by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and World Without Orphans, in conjunction with several global child welfare experts within the World Health Organization, World Bank, and various institutions of higher education. According to the report, from March 1, 2020, to April 30, 2021, an estimated 1,562,000 children experienced the death of primary caregivers, including at least one parent or custodial grandparent. Between two and five times more children had deceased fathers than deceased mothers. The number of children orphaned by COVID-19 exceeded the number of deaths from the disease among those aged 15–50 years. Some countries were more affected than others. Countries in the study with primary caregiver death rates of at least one per 1,000 children included Peru (10.2 per 1,000 children), South Africa (5.1 per 1,000 children), Mexico (3.5 per 1,000 children), Brazil (2.4 per 1,000 children), Colombia (2.3 per 1,000 children), Iran (1.7 per 1,000 children), the United States (1.5 per 1,000 children), Argentina (1.1 per 1,000 children), and Russia (1.0 per 1,000 children). Previous studies have shown that the death of parents or caregivers increases the risks of many problems for children, including mental health issues; adolescent pregnancy; increased risks of suicide; infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS; chronic diseases; family economic hardship; and physical, emotional, and sexual violence. Such children are also at greater risk of family separation and institutionalization. “Institutionalization should be avoided because of its clear damage to psychosocial, physical, and neural development,” notes the report. “Instead, investments should favor strengthening family-based care.” The Faith In Action Coalition and several of its coalition members agreed with this warning about institutionalization and the need for family-based solutions. “Every 12 seconds a child is losing a parent or grandparent caregiver as a result of COVID-19,” said Karmen Friesen, principal coordinator for World Without Orphans. “This is devastating and highlights the need for a massive global response. But this time—unlike in previous emergencies—we can get things right because we know what works. Now is the time to invest in and strengthening - families and developing family care, not orphanages. And around the world, it is churches that are ideally placed to provide the wrap-around support that families in crisis urgently need.”Christians should pray for hearts to care for these vulnerable children, for opportunities to serve them, and for God’s care for us in Christ to be put on display during such hard circumstances. Used with permission from ERLC


The Grinch Had It All Wrong

The Grinch had it all wrong. A fact that he realized

First, not only would he leave the presents

as he stood precariously atop Mount Crumpit on

undisturbed beneath the Who's trees, he would

Christmas morning, a sleigh full of Who-toys and

have begun extensive advertising campaigns

his dog Max beside him. He hadn't stopped

shortly after Labor Day. These ads would bombard

Christmas from coming by relieving the Whos

the Who TV viewers with an endless parade of

down in Who-ville of their possessions.

gadgets, toys, and glittering gizmos. Who boys

Fortunately for the reader, the Whos, and Dr.

would be convinced that they couldn't possibly go

Seuss, the Grinch came to his senses and rejoiced

on without the latest Who Wrestling Federation

the coming of Christmas along with the Whos.

action figure, complete with chains and steel folding chairs to use on unwary opponents. Teenage Whom girls would fall madly in love with

The reader, of course, knew all along that the

the latest fashion from Tommy Who, costing three

Grinch's scheme would fail. You don't steal

times as much as the same article of clothing

Christmas by stealing material possessions. Oh no.

without the manufacturer's advertisement

If the Grinch had wanted to steal Christmas, he

embroidered on it. Oh yes. The Grinch, if he had

would have gone about it in an entirely different

truly wanted to steal Christmas, would have


ensured that every Who down in Who-ville craved 19

more and more gifts. Every Who living room would have been stacked to the ceiling with packages, lavishly wrapped in $10 a roll paper. He wouldn't have stopped there, though, the rascal. Every Monday after Thanksgiving, the Grinch would have released the estimated weekend sales figures from the major shopping malls (The Grinch would be sure to build one wherever there was 5 acres or more of vacant land). The Who news anchors would report very glumly if the figures were down from previous years but smile broadly if things were going well at the cash register. The Whos gathered in front of the 6 o'clock news would either feel inspired to help out the poor suffering retailers or join in on the fun that all the other Whos were apparently having. The Grinch would be thrilled to discover that, after the initial effort, the Whos would begin to do his work for him. In their frenzy to outspend their fellow Whos, ideas would spring up for buying even more gifts. Family drawings and office secret Santas would become all the rage. Unruly Whom parents would rush madly from store to store, searching for the hot toy of the season, something that the Whom kids would play with for five minutes before stuffing it in a toy box beneath the mountain of other gifts they'd received that Christmas. Yes, the Grinch would realize that, if he really wanted to steal Christmas, he must first clutter the lives of the Whos with covetous desires to not only buy as much as possible but to get as much as possible. And the worst possible Who-paux that one could commit is to fail to buy a gift for someone who has bought you a gift. But that's only the first step in his plan. The Grinch has successfully stolen Christmas. But, in order to ensure that it never returns, he must erase the memory of Christmas from the minds of his unsuspecting Who victims.

He'd begin by convincing Whom government bodies that the use of the word Christmas is unconstitutional and that only religiously neutral decorations may adorn the lawns and walls of government offices. School Christmas pageants would be replaced by Winter Festivals and Holiday Parades. It would not only become unpopular to discuss religion among friends, but it would also become a reason for dismissal in every workplace. And finally, in the name of tolerance, the Whos would be convinced that it's important to celebrate different customs from around the world during the Holidays and that perpetuating many of our own customs may offend visitors from foreign lands. Oh, the Grinch, he was a crafty one. It's a good thing that his heart was softened and his eyes were opened that fateful day. Just imagine if he'd regrouped, re-planned, and tried again the next Christmas with the methods outlined here. Eventually, Who-ville wouldn't have been enough. It wouldn't have been long until he'd cast his eyes toward America, where prosperity and technology would make his plan even easier to unfold. I'm certainly happy that didn't happen. By: Ron Estrada





Images By Todd

My darling daughter bounced in about 11:15 am yesterday, from bible study, our neighbor dropped her off. "Hey, it was great!" she said, and gave me a big smile, her ponytail bouncing. As I often have reacted when I see her when several hours have passed, she seemed more "indepedant." And I had seen and fed and hugged this little one this earlier as I dropped her off at her dads to stay a day for the summer. But tonight, she seemed years older, even though she'd just turned 10 in February. I hugged her and asked her to sit and share the details with her stepfather and me. Instead, she leaned close and pointed at my blouse. "Mom, that's too low!" she said. I looked down and, surprised, realized she was right. I usually dressed very modestly, but this summer night, I had on a sleeveless shirt I rarely wore, and a bigger, longer-sleeved shirt over it. While I was thinking I'd dressed modestly since the neighbor didn't come in but just dropped Victoria at the door, and since my outer shirt covered almost all of my torso, my Godly daughter had noticed that the dip in the shirt, even though not wide, was too low for our household. Pride just welled up in me, and I beamed at her and nodded. "You're right!" I said. "And I'm proud of you for noticing! This deserves another sticker on the blessing board toward that BIG blessing!"

“It’She smiled, and we headed to her room, where I showed her two sets of gauchos or capris, that I had bought her at lunch. "The shorts were just all TOO short," I said, "so I bought these." She did not complain. My darling girl preferred to wear shorts, but she'd learned about the importance of modesty these past few months. And the lessons had stuck. God always helps us and reinforces our teaching, when it's truly from Him. He'd known how vital it was to me to teach and demonstrate modesty to her, especially since the enemy had found an opening in my life when I was nine and introduced me to all kinds of junk, with little caring or sign of modesty So when a friend gave my daughter clothes her girl had outgrown, Victoria tried them on in the bathroom of the restaurant where we'd stopped to eat on our way to an event. She came out with the skirt on. In front of the small crowd, I said, "Baby, go change back into your school skirt. That one is too short for church." Because my girl is tall, it didn't even come close to her knee and I did not want her to think such a short length was OK-even though I'd recently seen grown women at our church wearing their skirts shorter (One thing that is wrong with the church is there is TOO much of the world in it! LORD forgive and cleanse us!). I was so proud of her; as much "


I 22

I had noticed but hadn't thought my daughter did. Wrong! Our little ones notice much more than we often know about at the time. It's been said that children are like sponges--soaking up everything, absorbing everything they possibly can. So what we allow into their worlds, they will almost always absorb. Although we can't control everything, we can control most of what their world contains, at least till they leave home. I've always told my daughter the truth, even about the fallacy of Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, and I've done that through the years on various subjects, no matter what grandparents or ex-husbands or anyone else thought about it. And the Master on High--Truth Himself!--had never corrected me for that. So I told her the truth about too many in the Church being influenced by the world, and that it hurts God's heart. The LORD also gave me the illustration that, when we Christians dress (or, I should say, UNdress) like the world, it is a picture of our covering--the supernatural protection provided us through the Blood Covenant of Jesus Christ--being removed, or at least damaged. I don't think we should have to wear skirts to our knees nor dresses to our chins. I think it's fine to wear light makeup and color our hair; I do. I just think decency and modesty, where attention is not drawn to our feminine bodies to the distraction of any man that can half control himself, is the key. Speaking of that, I heard a youth pastor say once that the young men in his church had actually complained to him that the girls there dressed just like the world. "Where can we go to be safe?" (not tempted) they asked. So I rejoiced when my daughter noticed and corrected me about my modesty. And she did it in just the right way--respectfully, with love, in truth. Just like Jesus would! I glory in His holy Name, and I glory in the work of His hands in her life, and mine. My daughter is already an example to the believers in speech, faith, conduct, life, and purity. LORD, continue to help me model modesty to her, to Your glory, in JESUS name!



Storefront A New Chapeaux at “Hat-tober Fest” C.E.O. Micheal E. Benton, attention to detail and supreme customer service has allowed this Norfolk landmark to survive the test of time.

Set your calendar for “Hat-tober” Fest at the newly re-modeled Stark and Legum menswear. The 100-year old haberdashery’s hat sale and brand celebration run throughout the month of October. Instead of October Fest, Hat-tober Fest is a celebration of style, as it were, where the best and most popular designers and makers of the


chapeaux visit the region’s largest selection o hats and fine apparel. 24



KINGDOM CULTURE The new location features a different look, a welcoming, classic look of a haberdashery,” said Michael E. Benton, President, and CEO. Benton helped design the haberdashery’s interior himself. “We have a little more contemporary style in this location.” Benton wanted to acknowledge that it was the dedication, and brand loyalty of customers from all over Coastal Virginia who have been shopping at Stark and Legum for generations that enabled him to take a leap of faith. He said their continued support enabled him to sustain the business during the economic trying times of the pandemic. With strict observance of CDC business protocols and digital presences on the web, Benton was able to maintain the expert service in the former location on Granby just a few doors down. While conceptualizing the function of the new location by adding a shoe room. One would expect F. Scott’s Fitzgerald’s fictional style icon the Great Gatsby to walk in followed by the sartorial Earl Fraley, Paul Wing or Curtis “Kilroy” Lee, or the style-conscious Black Musketeers: Steven L. Washington, D’Alan Goodhope, CheJacobs, Reginald, Christen and Zachary Chavis to walking in any moment to enhance their wardrobes. This brings Benton to the uniqueness of downtown Norfolk’s popular Hat-tober Fest fall trunk

Show. “We have vendors come down and showcase all the new hats that are coming in. All of my hat guys, sales reps from Stetson, Donna, Borsalino. We do a showcase event. We have live entertainment out front, and smooth jazz in the salon inside. We have a little Hors d’oeuvres. “What we try to do is get customers to understand the hat wear. How hats are worn. The fabrics they are made of,” added Benton. “We’re a specialty store. And most specialty stores, like us, are going to carry merchandise that’s not a lot of the same items. That helps a customer define his individual style. A classic individual style with a contemporary appeal for the well-dressed man.” What’s in style as men begin to step back out? “Right now everything is still business casual. We’re not selling a lot of suits. We’re selling more blazers and nice ensemble pieces,” Benton said. “If they want a nice suit we can take them there. If they want to go business casual we can take them there, too. “I’ve always been a style guru. From my music career because we were always . . . clean” said Benton, who played bass guitar with Third World a popular band that played the full gamut of blues to rock to rhythm and blues. He’s been a style guru since he first started working for previous store owner Sonny Legum, the son of the store’s first owners. “We’ve always figured that fashion and entertainment, the music went together.” Attentive, personal service, and finding the "proper hat for the occasion" is a trademark that distinguishes Stark and Legum from other men's clothing stores. “We don’t have a lot of the same items. I’m the head buyer. I handpick what we need and we kind of stay away from saturating the market with certain items.”


SURVIVING THE PANDEMIC IN BUSINESS In March 2020, life as we once knew it in America changed. Due to COVID-19 businesses closed, hours in business reduced, schools moved online, and millions of people lost their jobs. According to the Washington Post, over 100,000 small businesses have closed permanently due to the pandemic. Fast forward about 18 months later, America is still recovering from the effects of the pandemic – especially small business owners. Many had to close their doors in March due to the shutdown orders and lack of employees in various states. Business owner Sung Park testify that God has sustained them during the pandemic. Sung Park, has his own story. In April 2001, his family opened Beauty & Hair Discount in Virginia Beach, VA. When coronavirus swept in the area, he was able to remain open. The key difference was that he no longer had part-time employees and had to be responsible to run the business six days a week. “I had to work more than ever before,” Park commented. However, God has been faithful to Steven and Sung in the midst of uncertainty that looms over our Nation. Both find themselves relying on God.

By: Joanne Atkinson Images: Ronald J. Atkinson KLM: What do you enjoy most about your business? So, it’s not about the work itself. I feel the greatest joy when I can help and introduce people who don’t know Jesus. I enjoy talking about God’s works and His presence in our daily lives with faithful Christians. KLM: How has COVID-19 impacted your business? It is a historical tragedy that COVID-19 impacted our lives. However, God sometimes uses any worse events to turn to His good works. So, I believe that God allowed me to open my business ever since COVID-19 began. Many businesses had closed, but I I could still run the business and God has been faithful more than ever before. KLM: What is the biggest adjustment you had to make because of the pandemic? I don’t have any part-time employees right now. They stopped working when the pandemic started. I would say working by myself is the biggest adjustment. I work more than ever before. KLM: How has your faith helped you during the pandemic?

I had to focus more to God to protect my customers and me. I rely on Him more to be safer, to be honest with you. I don’t know if I’m on the borderline of having COVID19. Since I work here every day, I pray more to God to protect this business. KLM: Where did you grow up? I grew up in Seoul, South Korea until the age of 18. My family moved and settled down in Virginia Beach, VA on August 10, 1998. When you were growing up what were your childhood dreams? I always wanted to become a singer when I was a kid. I listened and loved all kinds of music in my life. My favorite genres are classical and jazz.

KLM: Who in your life impacted your dreams? There are a two people who impacted me the most in my life. The first person is the musician, Sting. I listened to his songs since I was a teenager. I wanted to do music just like him. The second person who influenced me is my very first voice musical instructor, Ruth Ann Millekin. When I first met her she was 72 years old and she was an answer to my prayer to inding an instructor. She taught me classical voice and encouraged me to become a better singer. How did you start your business? Our family started a beauty supply business when we first came to America. My mother’s cousins already were doing this kind of business. So, we learned from them and we started a new one. Since my mother got ill eight years ago, I took over the business.


Brandice Lardner is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutrition Coach, Author, Amazon #1 Best Selling Author, and Jesus Girl whose mission in life is to help women ditch the diet mentality and find peace with food and their bodies so that they are better equipped to do the great things God has called them to do.

WHEN NEGATIVE BODY IMAGE FEELS NORMAL Words by Brandice Lardner Photos by Anthony Richards Feeling positive about your body may seem like a foreign concept if you’ve been stuck in a negative cycle for any length of time. Sadly, that self-talk is anything but normal. We would never talk to a friend or loved one the way we do our bodies and yet this is an accepted practice. When did being so uncool get to be cool? It’s time to send this lousy practice away with Joe, the cigarette smoking camel. Body image has been a hot topic for both myself and the hundreds of clients that I’ve worked with. Altering the way we interact with ourselves can be a challenging habit to let go of.

Why Do You Hold On To Negative Body Image? I have found that digging into why we behave in this way can reveal some of the reasons for this behavior and reveal strategies for change. Beneath the surface of “I don’t like my body” live common fears that keep this awful cycle in motion.

“If I say negative things about my body then I will be more motivated to change.” ·“If I don’t say negative things, then I won’t feel the need to change.” I get it, avoidance is a powerful motivator in many areas of our lives… We choose not to speed (too much) because we don’t want a speeding ticket, not because we want a gold star for our driving abilities. We see this in a loved one finally making a dramatic lifestyle change when they are faced with a dismal health report. Negative consequences do work in some situations but, when it comes to body image, it’s a losing strategy. I have felt it and I’ve heard it from countless women– it is scary to let go of the negative chatter for fear that we’ll suddenly “let ourselves go.” If we “give up,” we envision our friends and family finding us unconscious, buried under a pile of brownies.

Or we picture a life living in sweatpants and stained t-shirts because surely we won’t care about taking care of ourselves anymore. But let me ask, is that really true? What do you think would happen if you stopped being mean and tuned into body image and the Bible? There is a better way.

A Better Approach To Body Image Let’s take a moment and think about the people who’ve had the most positive impact on your life… The people who’ve made you better. The people who’ve made you want to be better. Maybe it was a coach, a pastor, a teacher, or a parent. How did that individual encourage you to grow, to change, and to improve? Did they call you names, tell you that you’d never be good enough, or bark at you to just stop trying because you’ll never get it? I’m going to take a wild guess and say probably not. I’ll take another stab at it and suggest that they probably used positive encouragement Love, good works, and fellowship. It is how we grow to prepare for the Lord’s Day of return.

How Do You Encourage Others? Imagine that you take a young child to their Tball game. It may be your niece or nephew, a neighbor, or even your own little one. All dressed in their uniform, they nervously step up to bat. They turn briefly to reassure themselves that you are in fact there, watching them in the crowd. The pitcher lobs the ball their way, they swing with all their might and… mightily miss. Bad. It wasn’t even close. You stand up with your hands cupped around your mouth to ensure that they’ll get the message and shout at the top of your lungs–“You’re terrible! You’ll never get the hang of this! Just sit down!” Yikes! I bet you just about jumped out of your seat to rescue that imaginary little T-ball player

As a loving person, you know that what this little child needs is encouragement. They need a reminder that they are just learning and the reassurance that you’re on their side. You know how to stir up love and good works, how it will lift their spirits. You assure this precious child that with practice they’ll do better and that no matter what their performance looks like, they are loved. Harsh words… …cripple. …build walls. …break spirits. And guess what? You are no different. You’re not some rare breed that needs criticism and discouragement to move forward towards your hopes and dreams. You need encouragement, reassurance, practice, and most of all LOVE.

The Bible and Body Image The Bible describes our bodies as the temple of the Holy Spirit, as God’s workmanship, as dust. Not once are we admonished to diet and exercise until we are runway-worthy or to berate every inch we can pinch. We’re told to go into the world and preach the gospel, to be a light, and to be the hands and feet of Christ. Body image in the Bible is a picture of service… servitude that will have eternal rewards far greater than the props we get for being the popular size and shape of the moment.

What To Do About Body Image And The Bible Expressing gratitude for our bodies is not “giving up.” Rather, it’s about choosing, not settling for less. If we’ve been talking negatively about our bodies for a while and not seeing the changes we like– it’s NOT working. It is time to switch it up. A negative focus robs us of the joy that ultimately leads to change. While you won’t change your thinking overnight, you can start seeing progress by poking “holes” in some of your negative comments.

When those thoughts creep in, as soon as you catch them, question them. Ask yourself, “Does this thought line up with what the Word of God says about me?” Follow-up this comment with some truth from the Word of God. By starting to weaken the argument, you are making progress towards more truth-filled self-talk. Be sure to look up some Bible verses on body image and read Psalm 139:13-18. Is there one sentence or idea that you could adopt in your day-to-day self-talk?

Divine Healing

The Bible gives many examples of divine healing of the sick, but that was long ago and far away. What about people today—does God still heal today?

God healed many people in Bible times. But can you and I have confidence that God will hear our prayers for healing and intervene as He knows is ultimately best for us?

God designed our physical body

In the creation account of Genesis, God reveals that He made Adam, the first man, of the “dust of the ground” and then breathed into him the “breath of life; and man became a living being” (Genesis 2:7). Adam, the father of all human beings, was designed to be flesh and blood. This means, among other things, that he was subject to illness and injury, and eventually death.

Even if a man was never injured and never became sick, he still would not live forever because the physical body will in time simply wear out. The author of Hebrews certainly understood that the human body was never intended to live forever when he wrote, “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment” (Hebrews 9:27). The fact that we all will eventually face death is the starting point in understanding divine healing, because it means God will not always heal us. In His wisdom, and according to His plan and will, at some point in our lives He will allow every human being to die.

Divine healing from the Scriptures

The Bible does give us many examples of individuals who were healed of serious problems, including leprosy, blindness and being crippled. God even restored physical life to some who had died.


God performed these miracles through men like Elijah and Elisha and, in the New Testament, through the original apostles. Of course, Jesus Christ, who was God in the flesh, also healed and even resurrected various people throughout the course of His earthly ministry. It is clear that God can and at times does intervene in miraculous ways to heal even serious or fatal conditions. Physical healing is a dramatic demonstration of God’s power and love for human beings. It also reveals the depth of His involvement in the lives of people. The Creator is certainly not an aloof, uninvolved Deity as some people would claim!

New Testament instructions

There are instructions in the New Testament regarding physical healing. However, many people today are completely unaware of these instructions. The apostle James wrote, “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (James 5:14-16). When Jesus Christ instructed and sent the disciples out to preach the gospel, in addition to teaching the people they “anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them” (Mark 6:13). They followed the pattern of anointing with oil and laying hands on the person who was sick, much as the ministry of Jesus Christ does to this day. The type of oil used is not specified, but olive oil was the basis for the anointing oil used by the Old Testament priesthood. It was also widely used for medicinal purposes and as fuel in lamps. In both regards—as an aid to the healing and in bringing light—it is an appropriate symbol, representing the power of God’s Holy Spirit through which He heals. As often as possible, anointing is done in person. However, we also find a biblical example of healing when a cloth or piece of material was anointed by the elder and then sent to the sick person. The apostle Paul practiced this in the New Testament (Acts 19:11-12). We in the Church of God, a Worldwide Association, also follow this example when for some reason a minister is unable to personally anoint the sick individual.

It is God who heals

It is important to understand that neither the minister nor the oil he uses heals. Christians must look to God in faith as the Healer (Matthew 9:20-22; Acts 14:810) and therefore strive to live in obedience to His will (1 John 3:22-23). God honors that faith and obedience, and there are many examples of God’s divine healing and intervention in the lives of people in our modern-day. It is also important to note that faith in divine healing does not prohibit a believer from seeking medical advice and treatment and doing what he or she can do to recuperate from the illness or injury. The best and most skilled doctor still cannot heal. What he can do is work with the body God created and the systems He put in place. He may be able to assist, setting a broken bone or prescribing medication, for example. That may allow the bone to mend together properly or allow the body to better fight off an infection or disease. But the power to heal lies solely in the hands of our Creator, and in the workings of the body, He lovingly designed.

Understanding God’s will and timing

Understanding these wonderful promises and fully believing in God’s power to heal, some may wonder why everyone is not healed immediately when he or she is anointed. The Bible, as well as human experience, shows that God sometimes allows health trials to linger, perhaps for years When considering ourselves, we should give thought to whether there is something more we should do or learn. We can pray for help to grow in faith and obedience. But when considering other people, keep in mind that it is never helpful to question their faith or obedience. These are matters for God to judge since we cannot see another’s heart. There may be any number of other reasons why God does not always provide divine healing immediately.

God looks to the future! God is sovereign and knows about everyone’s needs. He has a perfect and eternal perspective and has our ultimate best interests in mind. Like all trials, sickness can help us grow in faith, obedience, character, and our relationship with God. God wants us to learn patience, so we must not assume that His promise of healing must be fulfilled immediately or not at all. He may have lessons for us or those around us to learn. It is God’s prerogative whether He heals immediately or not. It is not necessarily a reflection on an individual’s level of faith. God promises a wonderful future when there will be no more pain, sorrow, or death (Revelation 21:4). In this world we will have troubles, including health problems. God does not promise to keep us alive forever in this physical body, and so all His faithful servants of times gone by have reached the end of their physical lives and are in their graves. They are awaiting the resurrection from the dead when they will be raised as immortal spirit beings (1 Corinthians 15:50-54). Does God still heal today? Can you and I have confidence that God will hear our prayers for divine healing and intervene as He knows is best for us? The reassuring answer from the Word of God is a resounding “Yes!” We can go to Him for healing, always trusting in His love and wisdom to give us the perfect answer at the perfect time, what is most needed for our ultimate good (Romans 8:28)!

Holiday Loving Gifts, Beyond The Wrapping Paper Around the holiday seasons, like Thanksgiving in the U.S., and Christmas it has become a tradition in the churches as well as many fine charity organizations,


Volunteer at the local soup kitchen. They always need

a smiling face and a helpful hand.

to give food and clothing to the poor folks who would not otherwise have such things. Volunteers work tirelessly to bring together things that people can use. Canned goods, boxed items, plus other nonperishables will be gathered, boxed, and taken to a

When you buy your groceries, buy some extra food of


the kind that you would normally eat and give that to the local food pantry. Most of what folks give to hose places are things they wouldn't eat if they were paid to. Those places ALWAYS need food.

needy family or person. One or two days a year, these folks receive food and clothing that they would not otherwise have. That's a blessing.

Adopt-a-kid in a hospital. This can be a lot of fun for


your own child as well as a learning experience. The child in the hospital will need a friend. If it isn't

But what about the other 363 days? Many of the folks who receive much needed boxes of food and clothing

possible for your child to visit because of age restrictions, have them take a picture or write a note

would also need these things during the year. Most of

to the sick child. Hospitals can be a scary place for a

the time, because of their own families and focus,

child who doesn't have a lot of visitors. When they go

folks forget that fact. It is a wonderful thing to share at

home, adopt another one. You can always keep in

that time of year but why not do it all year long? It

touch with the other child.

absolutely amazes me that the same folks who are so giving at Christmas do not realize that those same folks who are needy now, are needy the rest of the year too. So many just need a helping hand to get back up on their feet. Here are a few suggestions for the gifts that keep on giving.


Adopt-a-Grandparent. So many of the folks in retirement and nursing homes have no one to visit them. Either their own families are too busy to visit, or they have outlived them. Sometimes the one thing that would make life bearable would be a regular visit.


visit from someone who cared. You can read to them, play games, talk. They don't need a load of gifts nearly as much as they are nee the company. Some love to have a child visiting as well. Not all want this though so you would want to ask and make sure.



Volunteer your time at a nursing home, hospital, church, or mission Adopt-a-family. Find a family who needs help or just needs family. There are so many folks out there that have no one to help them in any way. Sometimes all they need is an encouraging person with some advice or help. Adopt-an-elderly-neighbor. Perhaps you have a


neighbor who is all alone and needs the company. Or has a pet that needs extra care. It might just be a lawn that needs to be mowed or plants to water. Talking, reading, playing games works there too.

These are just a few ideas. I am certain you can think of something to do if you really want to. But I can hear the objections now. 'I don't have time to do this.' 'We don't have money for these things.' 'My life is much too busy to be adding one more thing to it.' 'My kids would be holy terrors around old people.' 'I don't know how to act around kids, old people, whatever.' 'I can't be around sick people. They make me nervous.' And on and on. The list can be endless.

Let me ask you this. If the roles were reversed, if you were the one without family or living in a nursing home, hospital, shut-in with no visitors, or living someplace out on the streets, what would you want? If you were the one all alone, raising some kids and no way to see you through the month, living from a small paycheck or welfare check to food stamps, what would you want? Please bear in mind this one thing. Very few people in the United States are much more than a few paychecks away from poverty. I have visited Mexico. The poverty there is much worse than here. I am sure that other countries are even worse than that. What if it was you? What if for some reason, you found yourself in the position of losing your home, being hungry, losing your job? Would you want to see a friendly face who could help? Be a giver this year and from now on. The time and/or money may be difficult to come by, but the rewards are incredible.-- Lucy Hinds



Dad was a "man's man:" A passionate fisherman; skilled

he was a volunteer minister of music at

woodworker; avid gun collector; grease monkey. In the

church. So, for most of my childhood, Dad

summers, he and his buddies would drive to the Eastern

was the guy trying to catch 4 or 5 hours of

Shore and spend days crabbing and fishing for bass and

sleep, or the guy leading the singing on

spots. He could build and repair cabinetry like a

Sunday. Other than that, I did not see Dad

professional. His collection of World War II-era guns was

except for a few hours on Saturday when I

something he prized. He rebuilt a Corvair engine in our

would tag along with him on errands he had

basement. When I think of what a prototypical American

to run.

dad is supposed to be, I think of my dad. I went fishing with Dad only twice. He never And he never taught me how to do any of it.

trusted me with a saw or a hammer and nails. I only fired a gun with Dad one time.

I was what you might call an "accident." By the time I came

And when the car needed work, the last thing

around, Dad was in his forties and doing everything he

he wanted to do was slow things down trying

could to simply keep a roof over our heads and food on the

to teach me how to change the oil or spark

table. He no longer had time for any of those passions. He


worked 70 to 80 hours a week. When he was not working,

Today you will not find a fishing pole, table saw, gun, or wrench set anywhere in my garage. I guess I am supposed to be disappointed by this. A dad is supposed to teach his sons how to do these things. Most men's fondest memories of their fathers are those times building something together; hunting or fishing on a camping trip; or working together to get the engine to crank. Not me. But rather than looking back on my relationship with Dad as less than ideal, I see a more important legacy: one of faith, family, and finishing strong. I never had to wonder if Dad loved Jesus. He expressed that in every moment of every day. He talked about Jesus to coworkers and customers constantly. He demanded excellence in the way the church worshipped on Sunday. His Bible was always on his nightstand. He did not have lots of time for friends, but when one needed him, he was always there. As best as he could, he lived the life he was given the way Jesus would have. I never had to wonder if Dad loved his family. He was a hard man. He demanded perfection from his wife and children, and we seldom lived up to his expectations. But on Saturday, he always took me to get a malted milkshake from the drugstore. He showed up at every piano recital I ever had. And when any of us kids walked away from God, he firmly but lovingly disciplined us, and when that did not work, prayed us back into our Father's arms.

Finally, I'll never have to wonder if Dad finished strong. A few short months after retiring, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 lung cancer. He was told he had six months to live. So, he began making sure his ledger was clear. He called those with whom he had broken relationships and righted them. He prepared for my mom to be taken care of. And most importantly, he found a way to share Jesus with those he loved, even after his death. So, as I sat at his bedside throughout the dark night before he was birthed into eternity, I never had to doubt what awaited him on the other side. He closed his eyes in this world and opened them in the next to see his Savior's face. Faith. Family. Finishing strong. I do not know how to fish, build, shoot, or repair. But I have got an even better legacy worth passing on to my sons.

Author: Lee Yung is a pastor who enjoys mentoring young men into meaningful adulthood. He is married and blessed with 3 sons.


MONEY MATTERS THE TRUTH ABOUT LIFE INSURANCE One of the most common misconceptions about life insurance is that someone is worth several

“The good leave an inheritance to their

hundreds of thousands of dollars dead. Whenever I meet with clients, I


often ask them what the first thing they think of when they hear the


phrase, “life insurance.” The most common answer I get is “someone else

Proverbs 13:22

receiving a huge lump sum of money when I die,”

A fourth rider, the long-term care rider, is also

and unfortunately, many families end up neglecting

included in some types of policies where, if one

this responsibility in life because they are only thinking in terms of “what’s in it for me?” While it is, in fact, true that your loved ones (known as

cannot perform a minimum of two activities of daily living (ADL), they are eligible to receive 2% of the death benefit through the long-term care rider monthly. The six ADLs are bathing,

beneficiaries) receive the death benefit payout

dressing, eating, transferring, toileting, and

when you pass away, many people are unaware

continence. Assuming one qualifies for a policy

that life insurance does more than pay out a death

with any of these riders, a life insurance

benefit to your loved ones. If set up correctly, a life

program designed this way would provide a

insurance plan can serve multiple purposes while one is still alive.

family with that income protection, and perhaps most importantly, financial peace of mind, protecting them from draining most or even all their life savings, their 401k, or even their

There are two different types of life insurance: term

children’s college fund to offset the medical

which is temporary, and permanent which will last

expenses that would be incurred.

your entire life. There are many pros and cons to both types, and the life insurance needs will vary from person to person based on age and health. As previously mentioned, when the insured dies, the death benefit pays out to the beneficiaries listed on the policy. In addition to the death benefit, however, over the last few years, many companies have evolved and upgraded their life insurance programs to include living benefits.

These benefits include riders that cover terminal, chronic, or critical illnesses, and examples of diagnosing conditions include but are not limited to a heart attack, a stroke, cancer, or diabetes. Although specifics of coverage may vary depending on the company and exact product, these riders are designed to serve as a form of income replacement where in the event one is diagnosed with or suffers from a condition that meets the criteria, the living benefit riders would trigger and pay a portion of the death benefit.

Life Insurance Awareness Month begins September 1st. What type of legacy are you leaving behind for your loved ones?

This Is My Testimony

PRAYER CHANGES ALL BY ALI THOMPSON . Wikipedia says that prayer is a solemn request for help or expression of thanks addressed to God or a method of worship. I have learned in whatever I have, therewith to be content. I know both how to abase and how to abound, How to be full and how to be hungry, how to have plenty, and how to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Pray on, by the amazing Babbie Mason; what an amazing, strong song! And what truth it holds for all of us regardless of our circumstances. Over the past year and a half, I have felt like a "DIRECT " descendant of Job, watching his trials, his losses and his Faith has www.kingdomlifemagazinecom 47

brought forth understanding where none could be found. WOW!!! When God is ready: He will make our eyes ever seeing, our ears ever hearing, and our hearts ever understanding. This testimony is long but worth following the trail. As early back as June of 2000, we seemed to have the American dream. We were not rich by any standards, BUT we could pay our bills on time, provide food for our family, nice clothes, nice cars. We belonged to a Good Church, actively involved. We were blessed enough to give to several Christian organizations, bless individuals with gifts, give financial assistance to many. Our marriage was good, and we were very happy with our life. I say " COMFORTABLE " , But God does not want us comfortable, He does not want us to stop seeking growth, to close the door on change. He wants obedience ~ nothing less.

July of 2021, our lives were changed forever. We sold our home with no place to go, lost our trucking contract, and were forced to use what little funds we made from our home to just get by while finding a new job. Two months later we did secure a new contract but had already lost 6 semi-tractors. Still, we pressed on. Often nights were spent in tears. We found ourselves, 3 children, two adults, and a dog and cat, living in a 32foot camper with 20 inches of snow on the ground. Then what seemed to be an answer from God, a " friend" who came to us offering a loan to finish off the basement so we could move from the camper to the basement. We couldn't believe our good luck, surely God was blessing us as we had done others for many years. We spent what little money we had left to try to catch up on bills, not worrying about saving money for the basement made it pretty easy. Then another shock to our lives. Our friend decided that she could not loan this money to us, even after searching us out and extending this offer. Bitterness set in. That God dealt with slowly and patiently. I am so grateful for that. He showed me that people let people down. It is human nature. But we should continue to believe!!! Continue to know He would NEVER leave or forsake us. Now it was November, and we had no way to finish this basement off, all our money had been paid on bills. For the months of November and December, we saved every penny, not paying any bills so we could put a roof over our heads. Christmas came and we Praised God that we had some type of shelter. The dollar store was my Christmas shopping store last year. We wrote on pieces of paper what we wanted to buy each other and why? We thanked God that next year we would buy those gifts because of His grace yet to come. Journaling became my only source of calmness during this time. The winter brought 165 inches of snow, leaking roof, and walls, but God gave us strength to face each new flood in our home. He showed me, love, when I got so angry I would just yell. I remember on my son’s birthday, December 28th, spending 4 hours on the roof shoveling snow because it had begun to thaw and flood the house.


I was mad and angry and crying. At one point I looked up and yelled, " could anything else possibly happen to me today"? NEVER CHALLENGE GOD!! Within seconds I was on my back and sliding of the roof. (Thank God it was a flat roof ) I only fell about 4 feet. I lay on the ground and I laughed!!! I knew better than to test God BUT my circumstances had taken control of me. In April of 2021, a driver who had our Semi truck got into some trouble with the law. His attitude changed drastically overnight. He had worked for us for almost two years. never would I expect what would happen. For over two months this driver hid our semi, not returning it. When we contacted the law, we were informed that the truck could not be reported as stolen. we had provided the keys to this person. We were told we MUST hire an Attorney to get a return order. We saved and paid the Attorney $ 1500.00, and the legal battle began. Finally, our semi was returned BUT the story would not end there. Once we got the truck back it required over $ 2,000.00 in repairs and three weeks to fix. We had lost four months of income from this tractor at a time when we were so devastated financially. We were forced to change the way we eat, the places we go, and every aspect of our lives. In June of 2021 my son Tyler, who is 12, asked if he could move back with his dad. Not having money to go anywhere, do anything. not knowing what or if we would be having dinner had taken its toll on him. After many hours of praying, I decided that we were both his parents. I decided to let him go. What a " devastating " decision. He is very happy with his dads and doing well. I thank God for that!!!! In September of 2001, we lost another semi-truck. Trying to recover the money lost over all those months was more than we could recover from. In July I had lost my van also. It seemed that our land was next after receiving a Foreclosure notice. We were given 30 days to pay three months of back payments. NO WAY FOR US!! BUT God will make a way where there seems to be no way!!! This is when I had hit the bottom. My Spirit was crushed. BUT I remained strong in God. Claiming He would bring us out of this, He would rebuild us. I continued to pray. but I asked for in

for Prayer coverage from God's children. Then it changed. all of it!! On November 2nd at about 1:30 am I was up again; I didn't sleep much. I was reading Whispers of Hope by Beth Moore !!!! and there He was!! Standing right there in the room with me. Revelations came forth like water in the rivers. First, He showed me where I had been, you know the place of comfort! Where I was now. Who I used to be and who I was now? What I used to have and what I have now. I will only share the highlights, the point at which everything changed. Only after He showed me this did He show what he was going to do for me. First, God showed me that yes, I was obedient to Him before and He was not disappointed with me. He also reminded me of a prayer I had made. ( I always knew I had a big mouth ...haha ) It was during a Bible Study by Beth Moore. A Heart like His. The study of David. (How amazing He chose another Beth Moore's study to reveal His plans ) I prayed, " God PLEASE give me a heart like Yours. Let me never look away from another's need without extending help, love and hope. May I always repent and keep my heart and soul Yours. Take me, I am Yours". Like I said earlier... know that God hears ALL prayers!! Next, He showed me how my heart had been changed. How now I was more like David than I had been before. He also told me that without all the suffering I had done I would have not gotten to this place. A place where when I seek Him, I hear Him. When I go to Him in prayer for another~ He responds with Scripture. Some people never get to this place He showed me. Then, He showed me who I used to be and whom I had become through all my trials. I was an obedient Christian. I tried to live the same at home as I did at Church. I truly loved Him and did well for others. What is wrong with that? I asked. NOTHING!! was His answer. BUT (That word BUT always gets us) But He said.. you seemed more. He continued. now you look first for Me in all of your answers. When a problem comes, you come to Me FIRST and not a friend. When someone comes to you, you seek Me for the answer and not just your heart. My marriage was good before, but now it is rock solid. God is our Rock!! We faced these trials and devastations together. When one was low and struggling. God gave the other the words to say. He NEVER let us both be down at the same time. When most marriages fall apart during financial trials... ours was strengthened. He never allowed either of us to blame the other. We learned to thank God for every little thing. As little as thank You God for letting me cry only once today. I have learned that people will always let me down, BUT God will NEVER!!! I learned that people can be so judgmental, and others have no use for you when you lose your money. When gifts and financial help end, so does their friendship. I learned that most Christians would rather turn their back than open their pocketbook. I thought everyone gave as we did. That we all knew that the important things in life. ARE NOT THINGS. He showed me how many people I had led to Him through my trials. How many inmates did I reach by my trials? My expressing that even though I faced losing every worldly possession... I still believed He would bring me through!!!! I had a relationship with God before, NOW I AM HIS!!! Finally. He showed the blessing that would begin. We needed money to keep our land. A tree buyer came to us seeking to buy some of our Cherry trees on our land. CASH upfront he said!! Yes, enough to save our land and catch all the balance of our bills up (Except the Semi) WOW!!!! Next, the semi we lost was set to be sold on Nov. 14th at the Auction. We would owe the balance of course. We still owed 30,000.00 on this Truck and an Auction would bring between 3,00.00-7,000.00. The driver whom we hired later wanted to buy the truck to keep her job at Wal-Mart. She applied for several loans trying to get this money before the truck was sold. NO LUCK. BUT she was approved for $ 19000.00, still not enough.. God told me you call the bank. You tell them she has been approved for that amount and you would make the difference up in monthly payments. Well, I did and they went for it. She is closing on her loan next week and the truck should be back on the road with a week. How AWESOME is GOD!!! But it doesn't stop there.... God told me to go to the Credit Union and ask for a loan. We had tried everything before to get a roof on, but our credit has been completely taken away. The loan officer was not in that day, so I had to see the Vice President. I told him up from everything we were facing and how bad our credit was. He was so awesome. He told me go home and get some sleep, I will help you. He did not take it to the loan committee, but right to the President for his approval. They paid 1/2 off our land off (it is separated by two lots ) and they paid off our credit card debts and loaned us 11,000.00 to put on the roof before the snow. PLUS, they did NOT even charge us a high-interest rate, they lowered our credit cards by 10% and our land payment by 2.5 % He also told us next summer if we stay current they would roll us from a construction loan to a mortgage so we could borrow additional to finish our home. God is awesome!! and seeing what we have believed in is unbelievable. We still need to cover about 9,000.00 in reposed cost, both my van and the semi-truck.. BUT I KNOW GOD WILL DO THAT TOO!!! He is going to finish this work He has started. He will clear up our debt. I am seeking Him to rebuild my trust in people. By Tammy Schuster 51

Ronald J. Atkinson

www.ckingdomlifemagazinecom 54

The Williamsburg BUREAU Introducing Stories From The Williamsburg Bureau Our vision of the Williamsburg Bureau is to deliver credible, usable content to inspire, inform, empower and enlighten. Our mission is to provide content to foster knowledge and remove obstacles of opportunities. Be a spiritual conduit to change lives and build a more equitable, just, unified and diverse Greater Williamsburg. A quick word of encouragement to our readers who may be discourage in this season. Life may seem as if you are being tested on every side and you have a strong desire to throw up your hands, quit and walk away; stop right where you are, be still and wait on the Lord for God is fighting that battle for you ensuring your victory. Find your peace in Exodus 14:14.

New Zion Baptist Church AGC Essay Contest (9th – 12th Grades)

BY CHARLIE WILLIAMS, MINISTRY LEADER New Zion Baptist Church AGC recently held an essay contest for the high school youths in their church. The essay question posed was: “What Comes to Your Mind When You Think About Jesus”? There were written rules and regulations. The essays would be read and reviewed by a credentialed English educator. A decision was made early on not to expose what the prizes would be. The intent was to have the focus on Jesus and His connection not on the type, size or value of a prize. You NEVER know what REWARD Christ has for you behind doors of opportunities. Now that the contest is over I can expose what the prizes were: 1st prize Lenovo Chromebook, 2nd prize $100.00 gift certificate and 3rd prize $50.00 gift certificate. The results of the essay contest revealed only one contestant submitted. My announcement to the youth was, “To our youth, don't let your fears block your blessings, for you never know what could occur. Lean onto Jesus for your place in the race. When opportunities knock, open the peephole and look out to verify and trust what's on the other side. However, if you never open you will never know. There could be God’s Grace and His blessing waiting for you.” For this contestant it was!!! A decision was made to award as a REWARD from Jesus because she thought of Him, all 3 prizes; 1st prize Lenovo Chromebook, 2nd prize $100.00 gift certificate and 3rd prize $50.00 gift certificate. In my read of the essay submission it was a well written Devotional on Jesus and Love. It was obvious that the spiritual roots of this contestant run deep, strong and is immersed in the Blood of Jesus. “You Will Know Them by Their Fruits,” Matthew 7:1520 KJV. In His Service Always

New Zion Baptist Church All God’s Children Back-to-School Essay Contest 2021

“WHAT COMES TO YOUR MIND WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT JESUS”? BY AMARI RANDALL’S ESSAY Jesus is love. When I think about Jesus I think about his love, the first fruit of the spirit. The love of Jesus is unconditional, selfless, gentle, patient, humble, kind, and eternal. The love of Jesus will never run out or stop. Jesus loves what we see about ourselves as unlovable and those whom we see as unlovable. The love of Jesus is so powerful and pure. His love is unmatched. However, we are called to reciprocate it. His love is uncontainable or measurable. His love is eternal. His love is not solo. His love is partnered with grace, mercy, joy, peace, comfort, understanding, and wisdom. Jesus shows us that love is much more than what the world knows it to be or characterizes it by. Love is not a feeling or an emotion. Love is an action, a lifestyle, a person, our Savior Jesus Christ. Jesus lived by love. He walked, talked, and breathed love, and He died because He loved (Romans 5:8). Not only is He loved, but His Father and Spirit are too. God created Earth because he loves. He created man in His image (Genesis 1:27) because He loves. He sent his only Son because He loves (John 3:16). The Holy Spirit guides us with love, corrects us in love, and gives us understanding in love. Love is the basis of the Bible and the root of life. Love is what saved us from sin and brings us the grace and mercy that comes anew every morning.

Three terms for Jesus’ love are agape, rhakmah, and Ahavah. Agape is Greek and is similar to the Aramaic word rhakmah, which is defined as the fatherly love of God for humans, as well as the human reciprocal love for God. Ahavah is the Hebrew word for love. It most basically and broadly refers to the kind of affection or cares that one person shows another, not just affection but action. Despite Ahavah being such a broad term for love, it simply originates from God's character. He loves because He loves. His love has no beginning and has no end. It is eternal. God’s love is an eternal fact and building block of the universe. Jesus is love. Jesus is the perfect example of love and as followers of Christ, we are called to love. Mark 12:30-31, “Love the Lord your God. Love him with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second most important command is this: ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’ These two commands are the most important commands.” 1 John 4: 19 also tells us that we are to love because He first loved us. This means that the purpose of human existence is to receive this love that has come to us in Jesus and then to give it back out to others. God’s Word can be completely simplified to one word, love because Jesus is love and we are called to love God and love others.

Amari is the daughter of Brandon and Monique Randall. Amari is an outstanding student. She attends New Zion Baptist Church and participates in the New Generation Choir and Children of God praise dance ministry and she is a nursery junior attendant. She is a compassionate leader who leads by example. Amari participates in Bruton Swimming and Diving team, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Student Council Association, Mu Alpha Theta, Key Club, Christian Interest Group, and York County Youth Commission. Last spring Amari received the highest honors of academic award by maintaining a 4.7-grade point average . Amari enjoys praise dance, singing, crafts, and swimming. She is also a year-round swimmer with Williamsburg Aquatic Club. After high school, Amari is interested in attending Cornell University or MIT to major in engineering and interior design.

CHOOSING TO GO FORWARD A Pastor and First Lady's Testimony

APOSTLE JOHN L. AND LADY LAVERNE L. GRAY I had an opportunity and pleasure to meet

Jacquelyn: Apostle and Lady Gray, share

Apostle John L. and Lady LaVerne L. Gray

with me about growing up in

via Zoom. I was humbled they took time

Williamsburg. What is your story? I’m from

out of their busy schedule to meet with

Williamsburg and have travelled a lot and

me. I was very interested in interviewing

I’ve met people who didn’t realize that

them not only because they are natives of

there were blacks who actually lived in

Williamsburg, but they are also successful black business owners operating in ministry in the Williamsburg area. Apostle John L. and Lady LaVerne L. Gray are founders of one of the largest black churches in the Williamsburg area; Bethel Restoration Center (BRC). I want to know what triggered their determination to build a strong ministry and at one time run a very renowned business that was visited by people all over the country. So, this interview starts from their childhood growing up in Williamsburg.

Williamsburg. Share with our readers how it was for you growing up, and how did you establish one of the most influential churches in Williamsburg? Apostle Gray: Williamsburg is our native

home. Both of my parents were hard workers, but we didn't have a lot of money. We had a very small house with a lot of children. There was a lot of alcohol drinking in my home, I feel it was my parents’ way of coping with children, and life on a low-income budget. We didn’t have the nice clothes, furniture,

“I had to deal with that frustration and work through it.”

tv, etc. that other children had. I remember when I wanted a fire truck, we didn’t have a lot of money so I would use an alcohol bottle and drive it across the bed because we didn’t have toys and things like other children when Christmas came. Living this type of lifestyle can put you in a frustrating state of mind, that may cause a person to take it out on their community because you don’t have what others have and you see that even today. I had to deal with that frustration and work through it. However, there was always inside of me to do better and want better. I wanted my family to be proud of me, so I fought to do better as the oldest child I met my wife LaVerne at an early age we hit it off because we were in the same condition having the same struggles and we supported each other. We wanted to do something different and be better. We dreamed a lot, how things could be. We were babies when we met, she was 13 and I was 14. That situation moved from one thing to the other. We had to learn how to be responsible young people. She got pregnant at sixteen. We wanted to get married because I felt that a child should grow up with both parents. Our parents felt that we were too young but consented. Lady Gray: I was raised by a single mom and had the privilege

to help raise my siblings. We lived in a neighborhood surrounded by family. My cousins and I would sometimes have lemonade and/or ice cream stand. I also would babysit for funds. This is where I believe I receive my beginning of entrepreneurship. In our community blacks lived on one side of the road and whites lived on the other side. We had a decent relationship with the other side Babysitting helped me with parenting and raising our six children. We went through a lot being young and having children. However, today looking at our family we are proud of their accomplishments. We are blessed to have every one of our children volunteering or in a position of leadership supporting the ministry. We have faced challenges as young parents like most people but have overcome with unconditional love through it all. Jacquelyn: We all laugh when I shared, I think children are our knee benders, they are God’s way of keeping us praying on our knees. Apostle and Lady Gray you are married, and you now have children, what triggered ministry?

Apostle Gray: In Williamsburg, the situation had gotten out of hand. My style of living was ungodly, and I was doing things that I wasn’t supposed to do. I was running out of options in Williamsburg and I didn’t want to end up in jail, so we moved to Richmond with my mother-in-law. I was thinking I would start life all over; however, what’s in you is in you and repeats itself wherever you go. One day I was walking down the street in Richmond, as I was passing a church I said “I wish I could go in there.” Someone shot at me in front of the church, a nearby pole saved me from being shot. Ironically, days later, I fell asleep on a sofa, intoxicated at the home of the person who shot at me, and a missionary pinned a track on me inviting me to come to a revival. The following night, Lady Gray and I went to that church and we both accepted Jesus Christ in our lives. This started our journey towards ministry Lady Gray: This was his 21st birthday when all of this happened. The ironic thing is that Apostle Gray was a drinker and was waiting on his 21st birthday so he could finally legally buy alcohol and beer. However, because he accepted the Lord on his 21st birthday, he never had the opportunity to legally go to the liquor store to buy alcohol. Apostle Gray laughs at, always being excited about turning 21 to buy his whisky legally and never got the chance. We lived down the street from the Church and on our way home from church, Apostle threw away his Winston cigarettes and never looked back Apostle Gray: Alcohol was my way of life. It was how I saw my family solve their issues. It was difficult for them to change that. It was my way of socialization and I don’t think I would’ve changed if God hadn’t changed my life. Jacquelyn: Apostle Gray, what was your turning point where you stepped out on faith and decided that you would not turn back to the old way of life?


Apostle Gray: I had a lot of issues with myself. I

thought that I wasn’t capable or as good as everyone else. However, I had an excellent pastor that took the time to encourage me and helped me a lot. My pastor told me that I didn’t need to be like anyone else. I could be whom God wanted me to be. I grabbed ahold of this and in my weakest moments, this became my strength. It was difficult to change from what I was used to, I had to work with it, I had to choose to move forward Lady Gray: Bishop C.T. and Mother Mattie

Hairston were such great leaders. We loved them so much, they took us in as their children. We didn’t live far from the church so we would visit often. We were happy where we were. The pastor would send Apostle Gray out to ministry engagements when our pastor couldn’t attend, and I would go with him Apostle Gray: The Godly principles I learned from

my pastor; I am still using them today. Our pastor was not looking for what we could offer him. My pastor took me in when I thought that I was a drunkard, a nobody. He embraced me and respected me as if I didn’t have any problems or issues. He practiced what he preached; showing us love and kindness. I practice these same principles with my congregation today. “We’re paying forward to what someone did for us.” I caught my pastor’s vision and ran with it. We had a solid foundation and excellent mentors. Because of that, our doors are opened to receive

What was it that made you stay in Williamsburg to preach the gospel and not quit? Apostle Gray: Because we were not like the other denominational churches, we weren’t readily received. However, I knew God was doing something in our lives. Eventually, God began to change people. I remember one pastor telling me, all the drunkards, or people whom they didn’t want in their services, they would send to my church. However, they were the exact people I wanted, who readily received the gospel and God turned their lives around. Jacquelyn: Now, that’s trusting God.

mother was sober which I thought was virtually impossible. However, God had a plan, because when I called my mother to tell her I was everyone with love even if they do

returning, not only was she sober at

not join our church.

that time, but she allowed us to have church in her living room.

Jacquelyn: Apostle and Lady Gray

After that, I returned and started

based on your ministry today, it

having bible study in her home.

looks like you caught your pastor’s vision and ran with it. You now have

Jacquelyn: Apostle Gray you

one of the most influential

returned to Williamsburg

churches in Williamsburg. Share

completely different from the way

the birthing of Bethel Restoration

you left. You’re no longer the


person you were. Now you’re walking in Christ and you’re

Apostle Gray: It was really, really

Pentecostal, speaking in tongues

challenging because I didn’t want

and telling people to live Holy.

to return to Williamsburg. As a

When I grew up in Williamsburg,

matter of fact, I made an

holiness wasn’t well accepted. I

agreement with God based on my

know you had to step out on faith

mother’s condition because I didn’t

and return speaking and teaching

want to return to Williamsburg.

against the norm.

Since I was a child, my mother always drank alcohol, she was always intoxicated on weekends. My agreement with God was that I would return to Williamsburg if my

Apostle Gray: It was a struggle. I remember water dripping from the ceiling while I was preaching. We had a 5-gallon kerosene container and a 150gallon tank, so the kerosene would basically run out before church began. It was a great challenge. I was ready to return to Richmond, where I was directing the choir, had a nice job, was over the Sunday school ministry, I was content. Williamsburg was not working. It was just me and my family in the church. I told the Lord if He didn’t send someone other than my family to join the church, I was leaving and not coming back. That next Sunday, God sent a lady in, who joined the church. (We chuckled.) Then I threw New Jersey up in God’s face for about two years telling him I didn’t want to pastor in Williamsburg, I wanted to pastor in New Jersey and God started sending people to join my church from New Jersey. (We laughed.)

Apostle Gray’s Word of Wisdom: We must understand that the challenge is not wanting to be where we want to be instead of being where God told us to be. It’s not about us and what we want, it's about accepting what God wants for us. He said at the end of the day New Jersey wasn’t where I was supposed to be. There were so many stereotypes in Williamsburg at that time, people thought that black people are only supposed to be servants. There was a slavery mentality because of the area but we are kingdom servants and professional intelligent people. When we had a restaurant (L&J’s Deli,) which was very successful and very prosperous, most customers didn’t think we were from Williamsburg, we were proud to say that we were natives Jacquelyn: Apostle Gray based on your return; it appears that you feared God more than you feared man and walked in the success of God. Despite the task and trials, you kept persevering and trusting God.

Lady Gray, I want you to encourage the first ladies of the church. Most first ladies are overlooked and sometimes disrespected. You are the first lady of your church. How were you victorious as a first lady if overlooked or disrespected?

Lady Gray: Get to know yourself. When I figured out who I was I became more victorious. My husband could see the distress that I was having, not being recognized and he made it known to the congregation to respect me as his wife. I was supportive of my husband, and he likewise supported me. I encourage all first ladies to be themselves, be firm in what they believe, and always give people the truth. I make myself as friendly as possible without dishonoring myself. Jacquelyn: Apostle Gray, during this season when we have pastors losing their victory yielding to their trials and temptations of life, quitting the ministry instead of repenting, and going forward as they go through things just like us. How do you maintain victory? Apostle Gray: I trust God to help me in every situation. It’s not about us and what we want, it’s about accepting what God wants for us. I only know that I have the victory according to my faith in God, so I meet my challenges. Jacquelyn: Apostle Gray pastors are human, but people do not seem to think so; we have pastors who are tired and frustrated with ministry and have literally thrown up their hands in defeat and walked away from the ministry because of the way they are being treated by members, media and more. How do you identify, what sustains you? Apostle Gray: I don’t have enough hands or feet to count how many times I have thought about throwing in the towel and walking away. “You constantly think about that” as you said earlier we are all human.” We get tired, we physically get tired just like the prophets and apostles of old. Jeremiah was a weeping prophet, he cried for the people. We get tired of announcing things and preaching the word to the same people over and over and the ones you preach and take the most time with that hurt you the most. There is a lot of pain in ministry, but you have to be so focused on God and your assignment and choose to move forward. It’s important to do like Jesus did and find a place where God will meet you. (Your secret closet.) God must pour back into us to rebuild our strength. We can’t constantly pour out and not get poured into. I tell Pastors, when you get into ministry, you must give into it for life. You must be in this to go all the way. The battle is not given to the swift nor the strong, but to he who endures to the end. Jacquelyn: Is this how our Pastors find victory? Apostle Gray: You find victory in every battle because you are always having battles. There is no quitting. You never retire from doing what God tells you to do but your responsibilities may change from time to time. We must understand that this is a fight, and we are going to win with God giving us the strength and adjusting to whom God wants us to be. Never think that you have arrived. Stop looking to be like other people, stop looking at the big building, the car or having armor-

bearers. I never asked for any of these things. Our focus must be on Kingdom work and God who will supply all our needs according to his riches in glory. God isn’t going to give us something if we aren’t doing anything for the ministry. We want the cars, big churches, and recognition, but we must also want the ministry behind it. That means pain, suffering, and going through, and as pastors, we must be willing to preserve and choose to go forward. “Weeping May Endure for a Night but JOY comes in the morning.” Jacquelyn: I was very thankful to Apostle and Lady Gray for taking time out of their busy schedule while away from home to share their story with our readers. Most people do not know the story of their pastors and can’t see that it takes hard work, strength, much love, and prayer to get where they are and that perseverance in ministry doesn’t stop. I shared we miss the never-ending things that continuously go on behind the scenes in the first family’s life. Apostle and the first lady laughed and said, “and this isn’t half of what goes on.” However, before concluding the interview, I was very interested in the Grays’ church affiliation and their movement in the Williamsburg area. So, I transitioned the conversation to find out about Apostle’s church affiliation and the organization he serves under in the ministry. Apostle Gray: I was in Bibleway Church Worldwide. They had a little split and they are now International Bibleway of Jesus Christ. The organization has a national and international vision that desires to reach the world. International Bibleway of Jesus Christ is celebrating 64 years of ministering to the body of Christ. It’s a great organization. I came through the ranks of the church; being a deacon, ministry elder, district elder, bishop, 1st presiding bishop of the organization, and now an Apostle. An Apostle oversees and leads the kingdom of God to forward The stress right now is on all Christian organizations. This is the first time where we have to lead or run 100’s of organizations through a pandemic in and out of the country. It’s been a struggle keeping people encouraged while they are losing loved ones. People want to see their pastors and cannot. Pastors have to find alternative measures to share the importance of walking in the spirit of God, and churches close because pastors are not able to pay for their building or finances to those in need. In this season we have had to be able to sow encouragement, inspiration, direction, and guidance through social media, in the parking lot, and by whatever means possible. I pray that all organizations will lead God’s sheep the best that they can with the help of our almighty God during this time . Jacquelyn: Since you mentioned Covid conditions, what are you doing through Covid to keep your organization going forward in the community to stay unified with the community?

Lady Gray: We never stopped having services. We have a very faithful Bethel Restoration Center family. We cannot do this by ourselves. Our church family are the runners in the church and make things happen along with us. We had parking lot service, zoom bible study, and now live services. Our leaders are having services via zoom. We are working closely with our community outreach providing as many needs as possible. We want to continually promote the kingdom of God whereby people can give their lives to Christ. Apostle Gray: Where there is unity there is strength, when you can get people to walk together with one common goal you can get the mission accomplished. When everyone is working with that vision, we win the victory, and we move forward.

What was profound after the flood at the Tower of Babel, they were so unified that they were determined to never be caught in that situation again before the flood. They said they would build a tower as a place of escape and God had to confound the language because of the unity of the people. There is nothing impossible when people come together with one purpose, plan, or goal. The enemy always wants to destroy our unification. If I could say anything when it comes to victory, church growth, and family; it would be “unity.” Apostle Gray’s Prayer: Lord, heal and deliver someone through this magazine. Let it be a life-changing source for someone. Your words are spirit and life, let them jump off the pages. Thank you to those who would be brought to salvation through this magazine. Amen --By Jacquelyn Wray Saunders

“Where there is unity there is strength, when you can get people to walk together with one common goal you can get the mission accomplished.”

A Note To Vote words: Ruseena Johnson

The races for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, 93rd District House of Delegates, and Commissioner of the Revenue are on the ballot. See a sample ballot at Due to state legislation passed in 2020, voters are no longer required to have an approved reason to vote earlier than Election Day. Williamsburg City voters can cast their ballots inperson at the Municipal Building, 401 Lafayette St., either curbside or inside the Registrar’s Office between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday until Friday, Oct. 29. The office will also be open on two Saturdays during this election season: Oct. 23 and 30 from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on both days. Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2021. Masks are required for anyone inside the building, including voters. Those who vote curbside should park in the designated spaces and call 757-220-6157. Someone from the Registrar’s Office will come outside to check your ID and issue a ballot. To request an absentee ballot or to register to vote, contact Tina Reitzel at 757-220-6157 or The last day to register is Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021. The last day to request an absentee ballot is Friday, Oct. 22. More information can be found at Information for this article was received from September 2021 Williamsburg City Intelligence Dashboard/


Looking for something delightfully different to do with sweet potatoes this holiday? This delicious sweet potato bread recipe will be the talk of your holiday dinner. BY: Jacquelyn Wray Saunders

●2 ½ cups sweet potato, oven roasted and mashed ●½ cup white sugar ●2 eggs ●¼ cup sour cream ●½ tsp. vanilla extract ●½ tsp. baking soda ●½ tsp. ground cloves ●½ tsp. ground nutmeg

●1 ½ cups all-purpose flour ●½ cup brown sugar, packed ●½ cup vegetable oil ●½ cup peans, chopped ●½ tsp. salt ●½ tsp. baking powder ●½ tsp. ground cinnamon

Directions: Preheat oven to 350°. Spray a loaf pan with baking spray and set aside. In a large bowl, combine all ingredients and mix well. Pour into prepared loaf pan.

Bake for 50-60 minutes until a toothpick inserted

in the center comes out mostly clean. Do not over-bake. Remove from oven and allow to stay in the pan for 20-25 minutes. The bread will continue to bake for a few minutes from the residual heat of the pan. Turn bread out onto a wire rack and cool completely (30-40 minutes) Bread can be served warm or at room temperature. (Serves 8-10)

"VERY SWEET AND RICH IN VITAMINS. CONTAINS FIBER TOO!" Raised in Williamsburg, Virginia by her loving mother and grandparents, Monique learned at a young age the joy of food and family. She’s the published author of “Nana’s Table” which recipes are a joy that shines throughout this cookbook as she brings recipes from “Nana’s Table” to yours. To Monique, cooking for others is a true expression of her love and creativity. She strives to make sure her food connects with people on a personal level as they spend time together making memories! Her passion for cooking has been a lifelong journey, during which she has made plenty of mistakes and truly evolved as a cook and baker, all while drawing inspiration from her three wonderful children, the lasting memories of watching the way her grandmother could make magic in the kitchen, and her own creativity

Look forward to seeing more delicious recipes from Monique in future editions. Monique’s professional website: Facebook link: @BeautifullyBakedbyMoniqueAmazon link for her cookbook:


Churches Loving Schools is an initiative that involves a group of church volunteers adopting a school to provide support, encouragement, and prayer for teachers, staff, and administrators. This initiative has been led by Claire Jacobs of Williamsburg Community Chapel. Williamsburg Community Chapel partners with New Zion Baptist Church to share God's love with James Blair Middle School’s teachers and staff. Volunteers from both churches lend their time and talents to extend encouragement throughout the school year. Snacks were also provided to the students by a private donor. The partnership between the two churches and Greater Williamsburg Movement (GWM), a local organization designed to unite Christian churches in the area, named the initiative Churches Loving Schools. This initiative took shape in 2020 when Dr. Crystal Haskins, Principal of James Blair Middle School, agreed to have the church's love on her school. Once a month, the volunteers gather to have a prayer walk on the school’s campus.In inclement weather, we convene a zoom call to fulfill our objective. Claire Jacobs worked with Leslie Williams of New Zion Baptist Church and others to handwrite notes of encouragement to every member of James Blair's staff, including teachers, administrators, cafeteria workers, custodial workers, and security workers.

We have faced tumultuous times due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Hardships, uncertainties, confusion, and perhaps hopelessness surrounded everyone. This created the perfect opportunity for us to show God's love throughout the school year. The project concluded with an end-of-the-year barbecue with all the fixings. This was courtesy of Joe Gorelick of Holy Smokes on the campus of James Blair Middle School. Volunteers from both churches and James Blair staff congregated with name tags and smiles anticipating the opportunity to meet the writer and/or recipient of the notes of encouragement written or received. The excitement was tangible. In addition to the meal, staff members received handmade floral arrangements and personalized red key chains created by Leslie Williams. The key chains were inscribed with James Blair Middle School on one side, and GWM-Churches Loving Schools on the other side. An encouraging handwritten note was also attached to each key chain. This initiative has been quite rewarding not only to the teachers and staff but to everyone who participated. The smiles on everyone's face, let us know that our mission: to love, to share, to build a stronger community had been accomplished. We look forward to returning soon to in-person tutoring and mentoring students at James Blair Middle School.



Back To Basics

memories of that day and several of them after are with me to this day. Take the time to remember your own testimony now. How long has it been since you thought of that time? But since then, things have changed, life goes on. New revelations from Bible studies, prayer time, and

Roughly six months before I became a Christian,

teaching and preaching from pastors and preachers

there was a record playing (Wow! 33 and a third.

often replace things we learned at the beginning.

Black record. Have no idea the name of it.) by

Sometimes our zeal wavers a bit because of bills, kids,

Loretta Lynn that talked about the night Jesus was

jobs, and time stealers (you fill in the blank for that).

in the garden and then on the cross the next day. It

The worries and cares of the day, week, month take

went no further. That record, which I now know

over. Time for prayer becomes shorter and shorter,

the Lord placed in my life, made me cry out to Him

sometimes disappearing altogether. Going to church,

asking why it happened. Why did they kill Him?

once an anticipated event, becomes more and more

You see, I had heard the story many times but had

difficult to accomplish until one day, that too stops

not really HEARD what happened afterward. So

due to the necessity of having just one day to 'sleep in'

many folks celebrate holidays like Christmas and

or you can't miss that golf game that starts promptly

Easter and have no idea what they mean. My crying

at 9 a.m. on Sunday.

out to the Lord that day led me to a ministry in

At some point, it comes to mind to question your

Mississippi six months later, although I did not

priorities but that also gets put on the back burner

know it at the time. The day I gave my heart to

when someone comes in with a scraped knee or elbow.

Jesus, it was a total surprise to me. The memories


Coming back to the question might take days, weeks, or months, if at all. You feel you have 'grown in the Lord' to the point that you no longer must act like a beginner. There are things you know now that change how you thought before. Yet there is 'something' missing. Not really sure what it might be, but you know there is SOMETHING if only you could put your finger on it. Have you been there? Thinking of the condition I found myself in, on many occasions, brought me to this scripture: Revelation 2:1-5, "Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; I know thy works, and thy labor, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast labored, and hast not fainted. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love." Did you notice here that the Lord had really good things to say about this church? They hated evil things, loved to labor in the Lord, were apparently tireless in their works, and they were patient. They could tell when there was a false teacher in their presence. They really had it going on. Yet the Lord found something wrong. They had lost their first love! What does that mean anyway? There is no way I can tell you about YOU, but my experiences are wonderful memories. Almost at the instant, I was born again, there was a joy that welled up inside me that was incredible. Nothing could make me angry and that was some feat in those days. Cloud nine wasn't high enough! If you can imagine it, I was perplexed at the folks who didn't find it a priority to go to church every time the door was open. We practically lived there. Church excited me. I had a yearning to hear every word I could about the Lord or just stand and worship, sing to the Lord. God finds that first love very valuable. When we lose it, something inside is different? Are we that much smarter now that we have been with the Lord a while? Not really. The more I find out about the Lord, the more I realize that I know absolutely nothing! So, what's the problem? God sees that first love being driven out by cares, worries, bad habits, the world. I can hear Him in my spirit now saying, 'Come to Me. Come back to your first love.' Don't let those worldly things get between you and the Lord.

Go back to the basics. Put God first in your day. It is amazing what will happen. Suddenly, you have more time than before. Things go better. Or they don't but do you care? No! Why? Because you have the Peace that passes all understanding. You have been in the presence of the Lord! If you have strayed away from the Lord, are just not living the life you should with the Father, or have never asked Jesus into your heart, consider making the decision now to pray this prayer with me: Father, I have sinned against You. I am an unclean person. Please forgive me. Wash me clean and never ever remember my sins again just as you promised in Your Word. Jesus, you died for me on that cross. You rose again on the third day and now sit at the right hand of the Father. Please come into my heart and be my Lord. Holy Spirit, please fill me today as You did those on the day of Pentecost. My life is no longer my own. I'm bought it at a price. I will follow You from this day on. Thank You, Lord!! I am a child of God and Jesus is in my heart!! In Jesus' Name, Amen Now get out that dusty Bible, blow it off, and get started reading! It's God's manual on how to handle any situation, just like your owner's manual for your car. If possible, find a good church home. If that isn't possible, tune in to the various ministries and networks on TV or online. There are lots of places to find the Lord when you look. Remember the basics. By: Lura Langerback



Top Religious Theater Experiences for 2021 and Beyond

Noah With locations in Branson, MO. and

Lancaster, PA., Sight & Sound is the largest faith-based live theater group in the country. About 800,000 people attend annually to experience “Christian Broadway.” The Branson location is currently showing a production of Noah through December 31st. This landmark production tells the story of one of the world’s best known voyages as Noah is tasked with building a boat big enough to save his family from a catastrophic flood. Audiences will also get to witness live animals filling the stage and the aisles as the story continues to unfold.

Queen Esther

Hill Cumorah Pageant

Currently playing in the Sight & Sound Presented by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Hill location in Lancaster, PA is a production of one of the most riveting Cumorah Pageant, now in its 83rd year, is taken straight from the Bible and the stories in the Old Testament, Queen Book of Mormon. Each July in New York Esther. Set in the backdrop of the Persian Empire, the production follows State’s Finger Lakes region, nine the story of Esther as she is forced to performances are presented on the leave her ordinary life behind to become beautiful Cumorah hillside on a gigantic queen and find the courage to trust in seven-level stage with 12-tower lighting, state-of-the-art sounds and a God’s plan for her. Queen Esther is cast of over 770 people. The being played through December 31st production consists of 10 short story and will be shown again in 2021 from scenes on topics including the visions February 12- December 23rd. of Christ, a voyage to ancient America, the resurrected Christ and the restoration of Christ’s Kingdom.


The Great Passion Play

In Eureka Springs, AR., The Great Passion Play brings to life Jesus’ last days on earth and his death and resurrection amid historically accurate stage settings. The outdoor drama (May to October) has a cast of hundreds and includes donkeys, camels, sheep, and other animals. Before the play begins, visitors can attend the Gospel Music Dinner Theater to enjoy a meal and a variety of music and comedy. Groups also can visit various exhibits, including The Holy Land Tour, Sacred Arts Museum, and the Berlin Wall exhibit, which features a 10-foot section of the Berlin Wall inscribed with Psalms 23. Performances for the 2020 season just wrapped up with the last scheduled date has been October 31st.

American Passion Play

The American Passion Play in Bloomington, IL. takes audiences to back to Palestine in 30 A.D. The play dramatizes Jesus’ ministry, presenting his teachings on faith, love, justice and righteousness. Settings and costumes reflect first-century Galilee, allowing the audience to experience the world as Christ saw it. The play is held in the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts. The year 2020 saw the play enter it’s 97th consecutive season, but with the Covid-19 pandemic all previously announced dates have been cancelled.

Hill The Promise

Annually performed in the Texas Amphitheater in Glen Rose, TX., The Promise tells the story of Jesus Christ in a modern, family-friendly fashion. The story is told every September and October with a 150-person cast and crew, historically accurate costumes, live animals, and breathtaking lights and sound effects. As one of the largest outdoor venues in Texas, the amphitheater seats more than 3,200 patrons and features a 45,000-gallon moat along with a rain curtain. Productions for The Promise’s 31st season began on August 29th and wrapped up on November 31st.


Digital Photo Artist Paulette Jones Morant was born in Norfolk General Hospital. One would imagine when viewing her photographs that she was born with a camera in her hands. She has always shot that way. She is artist. Photons just happen to be her media be it old nitrate film or ones and zeros. Morant spent the first three years of elementary school at the historic St. Joseph's Catholic School. Incidentally, nay, fortunately, the prestigious parochial school was the alma mater of her paternal grandmother and father (the school was actually where Norfolk's Scope sits on Brambleton Ave. went from grades 1-12 back in those days). After graduating from Norfolk Catholic

High School, Paulette became a member of the first class of women and the first group of women of the African Diaspora to attend the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. She was uber prepared for the challenge. "I wasn't alone in that journey," said Morant, interviewed as she prepared for an exhibit at the Artist Gallery in Virginia Beach, VA. "Mother and Dad taught their respective specialties (science and French) at Jacox Jr. High School, and Dad taught French at Norfolk State's Evening Division for 21 years. "The first camera that I learned to use was my father's Kodak Brownie Hawkeye, with flash that caused me to see purple spots after each shot. I used it under Dad's supervision, taking

pictures of my neighborhood friends in Liberty Park (as long as I stayed in the yard where Dad could see me). In eighth grade, I received a Kodak Instamatic 104 with Flash Cube (great technology and no purple spots). “That camera became my trusty sidekick for the next six years." Paulette has always had the proverbial eye for detail. Her special gift, her art, is that her eye tells stories. In one shot! That’s masterful. If pictures are worth a thousand words one finds that suites of Paulette’s images speak volumes. Now others are beginning to see what Jones-Morant’s sees. Now that she is exhibiting more art mavens learn to see beyond what’s obvious. Jones-Morant’s inner-vision is currently on display at the Artist Gallery in Virginia Beach, VA. It is a new suite of images that are finally receiving the exposure they deserve. Instead of 1000 words visit the gallery and feast your eyes on her essays.

KL: What took them so long to discover your work? PMORANT: (What took them so long?) Perhaps the question should be ‘what took me so long?’ I had not thought of myself as a contributor to the local arts scene, but thanks to my God-brother Don Fortunato, a longtime sculptor, painter and mixed media artist, I connected to the wonderful artist community at the Virginia Beach Art Center. I was thrilled to have works selected in two consecutive monthly shows. Art emerges at various levels of skill and experience; we should celebrate this factor as often as possible. KL: What’s are the subjects you like to capture most? PMORANT: I shoot flowers and seascapes multiple times a week. I tell the neighbors “You cultivate, I appreciate.” I try to emphasize floral color and texture. My water views reflect my efforts to catch a wave, an angle or the ‘floor’ at low tide. Everyone has a camera these days. KL: What separates your work from the pack?

PMORANT: Because so many of us take photos quickly, conveniently, and on impulse, we have a tendency to rush through without thinking of how the shot will be composed and framed. I use a “stop, look, listen” approach to almost every shot. If I have to rush, I take several shots, then choose the most interesting, and delete the rest. The iPhone captures color and light very well. I consider what I’d like to emphasize, for example first impressions, detailed texture, and shadow. KL: What was your first exposure to the rudiments of photography? PMorant: As I child, I watched my father go into a room, close the door and the blinds, and load 620 film into the Brownie Hawkeye. The film had to be lined up just right. It was a ritual that made me want to know more. The excitement of picking up photos from processing (usually the drugstore) was attractive as well. KL: When is your favorite time to shoot outdoors? PMORANT: My favorite times to shoot are early morning or at sundown. I often seek “the golden hour” just before sunrise or just after sunset. For me, there’s never a bad time for shooting a photo; it all depends on my subject or theme. KL: Which photographers captured your attention as you developed your craft artistically, professionally?

PMORANTT: My Mount Rushmore of photographers changes from time to time. For now, my favorites are Gordon Parks, Dorothea Lange, Pete Souza and Anne Lawyer (a longtime personal friend and photographer in New York City. There are so many more who serve as inspirations and mentors that I should create a Top 20 list. KL: When did you first consider being a professional photographer? PMORANT: I remember and loved the Brenda Starr character. She was an independent professional woman depicted in beautiful comic strip graphics, attracting girls with her independence and adventures. While in college I was strictly a casual, instinctive photographer. I used my Instamatic (which today would correlate to a point and shoot) to take photos of friends and buildings in and around The University of Virginia. Photojournalism was not on my radar, it was just photos for enjoyable memories.

KL: When did you first view photography as an art form? PMORANT: The artistic aspect of photography has always been a part of me, but it inhabited my subconscious for a great portion of my adult life. I believe that I became more conscious of the need to capture more than the usual view as I increased my travels, starting with a special sabbatical in Oxford England with my husband Blake D. Morant, a law dean and professor, in 2001. Since that time I have concentrated on the ‘small picture detail’ as well as the big picture, especially in my shots of monuments, landscapes, seascapes and florals. A future project will involve applying this philosophy to photos of people.

KL: If you shot your all-time great dinner table who would be at the table? PMORANT: What a great question! Please allow me to submit a ‘Fab Five’: Sally Hemings, Harriet Tubman, Paul Robeson, Eleanor Roosevelt, John Jordan “Buck”O’Neil, and Dr. Maya Angelou, with whom my husband and I had an incredible dinner and conversation in 2012. My memories of that event serve as internal photos. KL: With your concentration in Spanish when you were matriculating were there any Hispanic artist that particularly peaked your interest as an artist and art aficionado PMORANT: I don’t know Spanish/Latino photographers by name but this question has given me a good assignment. I’m ready to learn. As for Spanish artists, I would identify Diego Velázquez as an artist/painter with whom I can identify. His portraits of kings and queens and the Court of Castille and Aragon are so realistic and precise that they look like photographs instead of oil paintings. KL: Whose in your Norman Rockwell Thanksgiving Dinner photograph? PMORANT: Professor Blake Morant, George and Arlene Jones, Rosa Morant






Recently, I was asked to speak at the wedding of some relatives. At first, I wasn’t sure about doing it, but about an hour after I had gone to bed, I awoke and very strongly had the impression that I should do it and talk about holding a vision for one another. Let’s face it, the vision we are given in the Bible of who we really are is a little hard to wrap our minds around. Often, it seems that it is better embraced with the heart. Another funny thing about vision is that, like our keys, our phones, and so many other things, it can be really easy to misplace, that is after we get it in the first place! One of the kindest things we can do for one another, no matter our marital status, is to help each other hold the vision of how valuable, loved, equipped, and able we really are, especially when we’ve lost sight of those things, which, if you are like me, you can do all too easily. The Bible has some pretty amazing things to say about who and Who's we are. Ephesians especially say some things that can really make us pause and think. Statements like, “God… has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” and “He chose us before the foundation of the world…” and “you are holy and blameless before Him."

are almost beyond belief, if you stop and think about them. As one pastor said they are the most incredible things to ever pass through our cerebrum. Maybe that’s why they are such a difficult vision to retain. Much lesser things are always trying to get our attention. Things like those on the news, the co-workers, the kids, the bills, the next vacation always seem to be much easier to hold in mind than the eternal and incredible truths of what God says is true of us, because of all Jesus did for us. We can all use some help here, I think! However, this seems to be easier said than done. The reason is that when I am most in need of someone holding the vision for me, I am often least likely to be behaving in a way that inspires them to see me according to the vision. When I am being impatient, upset, in a bad mood, etc. I most need my wife to see me as I really am, loved, complete, blessed, etc. but I am acting in a way that is least likely to cause her to see those things! That’s where love comes in. And by love, I don’t mean the feelings we often associate with love. I mean the verb, the things love does. Take for instance the famous chapter often quoted at weddings, 1 Corinthians 13. It is often called the “love chapter” but when it describes love, it doesn’t mention even one feeling, only actions. Love is patient, kind, not jealous, not bragging, not arrogant, not acting unbecomingly, not seeking its own, not provoked, not taking into account a wrong suffered, not rejoicing in unrighteousness, rejoicing with truth, bearing all things, believing all things, hoping all things, enduring all things. Love always does the best things for another person, even when they deserve it least. Even when they can’t see anything good in themselves and they have the actions and attitudes to prove it! Love always holds the very best vision of another person and acts toward them like it’s true. Interesting how often that is what helps it become true! That’s also how we are most Christ-like. Christ is the only person who has ever lived who never lost the vision of all we were meant to be. Even when it meant rejection, torture, and death, He never quit seeing the vision of all the Father had in mind for us, and He gave everything to make it so. The things He sees in us, as a result, are utterly amazing and He calls us to agree with Him and see the vision in ourselves and others, even when we are most not acting like who He says we are. People are longing for others to hold God’s vision for them, in marriages, at work, with children, in society, anywhere. This is our high calling and what we can only do as God gives us grace to see how graciously He sees us in Christ, so we can see others the same. Everyone needs someone to really see them and hold the vision for them. May we each be that for someone today.

A Vision, A Model takes Shape for Norfolk Public School By: Darlyne Tabbanor Along with other efforts, the group is initiating the

table to help strategize the components

Adopt-A-School program to be piloted this fall at

needed to dismantle the school-to-prison

Jacox Elementary School. Documented success

pipeline in Norfolk, VA. Today, an assembly

has been achieved in past years as members

of Christian pastors, business leaders,

volunteered at Jacox Elementary in the form of an

educators, and concerned citizens met

after-school tutoring program. Now, the group

together to tackle this matter. Led by Pastor

plans to implement this more comprehensive

Veronica Thomas (First United Presbyterian

approach with a vision for it to be used at other

Church) and the Let’s Make a Difference

schools in the future as well. Within this alliance,

Coalition, this diverse group is designing a

there is a single family that includes three

platform to work in cooperation with the

generations of educators. Led by Dr. Winston and

Norfolk Public Schools and the local

Eunice Whitehurst (First Presbyterian Church of

community. Their aim is to disrupt the

Norfolk), this family also includes Ed and Darlyne

systemic components which reinforce the

Tabbanor (Bridgers of the Gap Ministries) and

downward spiral of children who have been

their daughter, Dr. Michelle Tabbanor (Bridgers of

seemingly deemed “destined” for prison.

the Gap Ministries).


Three generations gather at the community

Image: Ronald Atkinson


Getting To Know Apostle Melvin Stackhouse Apostle Melvin Stackhouse was born and raised in Greenville, AL. He was influenced by music from birth. According to his mother, he would wake up in the morning listening to the radio as his father was getting ready for work. His father would notice that he wouldn't be crying but listening to the music, unlike his other siblings. Apostle grew up singing in church choirs. He later graduated and moved to Bridgeport CT where he rededicated his life to Christ and began singing in several choirs. He soon met the love of his life, Elaine Marie Stackhouse, and they were married in November 1983. The Lord showed Apostle his calling as a singer of the gospel by showing him an album with his face on the cover

The Lord later called him to pastor and relocated him to Virginia where he founded The Gates of Heaven Church. Apostle Stackhouse had earned his Master’s degree in theology at Logos Christian College. He had been singing all of his life and had written several songs, but none of them got any traction. Finally, God’s vision has come to pass, and he has now recorded his EP which will be released on all music streaming platforms on November 14th worldwide. Platforms like Amazon, Spotify, and YouTube to name a few. The EP will feature the world-renowned artist Canton Jones on a song called ‘Step Into My Blessings.’ Apostle has finally seen his vision come to pass as God has blessed him with 5 singles for his EP.

As his church has been a blessing to hundreds of people over the years, the vision of his music will also be a blessing to many more across the world. People have been saved and delivered, set-free, and lives transformed through the great man and woman of God preaching and teaching to all that will listen. The Gates of Heaven is currently doing outreach initiatives such as feeding the community with giving away food boxes monthly. They also partner with other churches for many community outreach programs. The Gates of Heaven is located at 5030 Cleveland Street, Virginia Beach VA with a Wednesday night Bible class at 7:30 pm, Sunday morning Bible class beginning at 10 am with Worship services following at 11:30 am. If you are looking for a church home, come out and visit The Gates. Truly Apostle Stackhouse is a man with a vision, believing God for great things, and knowing that God is able to do all things. To God be the glory. Amen.


Wait On The Lord

Bill Cosby Actor, comedian, philanthropist and, TV executive Bill Cosby was released from prison recently after the Pennsylvania Supreme Court overturned a 2018 conviction because of a standing agreement with a previous prosecutor. The sudden release of Mr. Cosby left many unanswered questions. Was he innocent or could he be tried again? Why did the case against him fall apart? Was this a “Glitch in the Law?” Ori Raphael, a legal expert, explained that Mr. Cosby stood accused of sexually assaulting Andrea Constand, who said the encounter took place in 2004. The district attorney, Bruce Castor, was the district attorney of Montgomery County at the time, and he argued there was not sufficient evidence to convict Cosby on a criminal charge. That's when they came to an agreement. He made a deal with Mr. Cosby stating, He would not prosecute Mr. Cosby on the criminal charge, but by doing that Mr. Cosby would lose his ability to plead the Fifth, however by doing this deal, Mr. Cosby would have to testify in a civil proceeding against himself, However Mr. Cosby maintained his innocence that he had a mutual relationship, and he did not rape anyone.

This deal granted Mr. Cosby immunity from being prosecuted on the rape charge. Mr. Cosby testified in the civil proceeding under penalty of lying under oath. When the depositions were unsealed in 2015, the new prosecutor used them to bring criminal claims against Mr. Cosby. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court determined this violated Mr. Cosby's agreement with the previous district attorney. There was no ruling whether Mr. Cosby was innocent or not. Many people were outraged by this finding which allowed Bill Cosby to be released and he cannot be tried again on this charge. Most called it a “Glitch in the Law” that rich men use to get away with guilty verdicts.

Herman Atkins Sr. Unbelievably there are men serving time in prison that are actually innocent. Mr. Herman Atkins Sr. was one such person who gave up twelve years of his life for one of those glitches in the law. On April 8, 1986, the victim was robbed and raped at gun point in her place of business. During the rape, the assailant wiped semen on her sweater. The victim called the police; she was taken to the hospital where her stained sweater and other clothing were collected and marked for evidence. She then went to the police station where she was shown albums of pictures but was unable to identify her assailant. he only identified Mr. Atkins after walking through a briefing room where she saw a wanted poster of Mr. Atkins from an unrelated charge. After seeing the poster, she was shown a photo lineup where she identified Mr. Atkins as the man who raped and assaulted her.

A witness testified that she had seen Mr. Atkins earlier that day in her store. Mr. Atkins defense was based on mistaken eyewitness identification. He presented an alibi and testified on his own behalf. The prosecutor presented an expert witness, a laboratory criminologist that testified that there was someone with type A blood, and PGM 2+1+ Although 25.9% of the black population have type A blood. PGM’s is also a way of determining the blood type but other elements must be considered before a positive result can be determined. That is why DNA testing becomes so relevant because of all the elements considered in concluding. In summation the prosecutor argued that evidence was evidence and can’t be used to say this is exactly the defendant, but it excludes a significant percentage of people and does not exclude Mr. Atkins; the jury bought that argument and Herman Atkins Sr. was convicted of rape, robbery, and forcible oral copulation, while using a gun in the commission of a crime. Mr. Atkins was sentenced to 45 years and 8 months in prison. Herman also maintained his innocence while fighting to be free. In 1993 the Innocence Project took on his case. They had to file numerous motions to get the prosecutor to release the evidence to a lavatory for DNA testing where it was discovered that Mr. Atkins was not the person who committed such a heinous crime; he was released in 2000 after spending 12 years in prison for something he did not do. “A Glitch in the Law” One man released because of a “Glitch in the Law” while another spent 12 years destitute, but not broken of his will to survive. The word of God says what is done in the darkness will come to light. Bill Cosby spent three years waiting for the light while Herman Atkins spent 12 years waiting for the light. The race is not given to the swift or to the strong but to the one who endures to the end. Wait on the Lord and be of good courage and He will strengthen your heart. Wait on the Lord! He will come through every time, regardless of time 3 years or 12 years, don’t stop believing! He will see you through. His grace and mercy are new every morning. Who knows, this may be your morning! -Dr. Peggy Morris-Turner


Pastor Anderson O. Foreman, Jr. & 1st Lady Lillie G. Foreman


r o F t s u J s h g u a L

Volume 5 Number 3

Sept/Oct 2021

HAITI EMERGENCY RELIEF UPDATE Emergency Relief Received In Haiti The devastation caused by the August 2021 earthquake which lasted but for a few minutes will take years to repair. The City of Les Cayes, a commune and seaport city with less than 100,000 people, in addition to several small outlying towns received the brunt of the 7.2 magnitude earthquake. While the death toll was not as high as that of the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, over 2,200 people were killed and nearly 53,000 private homes, churches and schools were demolished by the August 2021 earthquake. As news of the earthquake reached the United States, many charities and non-profits began coordinating efforts to impact the small island nation of Haiti. Because Haiti Missions Incorporated (HMI) staff have 30+ years of credibility and experience working and building in Haiti, several local and regional churches solicited HMI for direction and guidance, and directed their emergency relief donations to HMI, knowing it would be targeted where most needed. New Beech Grove Baptist Church in Newport News, VA under the leadership of Dr. Willard Maxwell, Jr. is no stranger to world missions. NBGB immediately began canvassing the churches of the Tidewater Peninsula Baptist Association (TPBA) and VA State Baptist Convention to send a tractor trailer loaded with food, toiletries, medication and clothes to Haiti. The people received this donation as an answer to prayer and display of God’s love for them. The next delivery of food, tarps and medication will leave Greater Bethlehem Christian Assembly (Hampton, VA) by the end of September, 2021. Help underwrite the cost of shipping by sending your donation to Haiti Missions Inc (P.O. Box 9108, Hampton, VA 23670). HMI is a 501c3 tax-exempt charitable organization. Thank you in advance for your support. “...When you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.” (Matt.25:40)

Haiti Missions Incorporated P.O. Box 9108 Hampton, VA 23670

TARPS FOR HAITI The 2010 Haitian earthquake displaced over one-half million people in Port-au-Prince. As a result of fear and trauma over returning to their residences, many Haitians lived outside in open areas in tents.

Men’s Huddle International

Within months over 150,000 people lived in tents away from affected building structures an average of 2-3 years in poorly ventilated, overly crowded tents.

The recent 2021 earthquake left 50,000 displaced at the onset of Tropical Storm Grace without any protection from the elements. Upon hearing this, Men’s Huddle International in Hampton, VA stepped in to provide tarps for hundreds of persons living without covering from the elements. Thank you Men’s Huddle for helping the homeless masses in Haiti.

“When you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.” ( Matthew 25:40) LOVE TO SHOP ONLINE ? Amazon has put two vital passions together: shopping and supporting your favorite charity. Now you can do both when you shop online at Amazon will give 5% of your total purchase to HMI at no additional cost to you the consumer. Click and paste the following link in your browser and support HMI while you shop. Thank you in advance Amazon Smile.

HAITI CLINIC NEEDS HELP As if things cannot go from bad to worst, sometimes they just do. Such is the case of Dr. Frankel Relvacy, a recent Dominican Republic Medical School graduate returning to Haiti with his physician wife to find no employment opportunities as a physician. Dr. Revalcy’s story is no different from the many Haitians who acquire advance degrees but cannot find employment in a system steeped in nepotism. Haiti spends about $83 annually on health care with a ratio of 25 physicians and 11 nurses per 100,000 people. The need for medical service is widespread, especially in Les Cayes after the earthquake, where all medical facilities were overrun with patients. HMI supports Dr. Frankel’s effort to aid in the recovery effort. However, because the clinic treats patients with little or no income, Dr Revalcy is forced to continue clinic operations as an act of faith. He and his staff of nurses and medical technicians continue to provide services without compensation. Help us support Dr. Revalcy and clinic operations for $1000 per month. Give to HMI and designate “Clinic Support” on your check, or donate online at: Thank you very much for your monthly support for the medical clinic in Haiti. Give Today!

“When you did it unto the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40)

Thank everyone so much for

showing your

love in a tangible way.


Give and it shall be given unto you, good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over...

THANK YOU Haiti Missions Inc. extends its heartfelt thanks to all of the donors, churches, businesses, non-profits, prayer intercessors and supporters who worked tirelessly to help us impact the people of Haiti with much needed goods and services.

Luke 6:38a

DEJA VU? Déjà vu describes the uncanny sensation that you experienced the present before. Overyears a decade ourwe team visited our HaitiopAftersituation serving over twenty in Lesago, Cayes, relocated within weeks after the January 2010 earthquake devastated much erations to be within a few miles from the epicenter of the 2010of Port-au-Prince outlying As areas. At that time,onwenew sawconcerns, and visited earthquake,and in Leogane. efforts focused esseveral sprawling tent cities which covered the landscape for years. pecially new church and school construction, the expectations of Wemany heardHaitians the desperate cries for help, sawAsthe anxiety borne byaddibegan to flourish again. efforts to provide those whoservices lost loved ones, witnessed the trauma with tional arose, weand took on providing supportassociated and scholarsevered and maimed bodiesmany resulting from beingneeds. trapped under ships limbs to students and meeting other tangible A decrubble. But through all of the misery, many people embraced Jesus ade later however, we find ourselves facing the same challenge Christ as Lord their lives.2021 A spiritual revival awakened the people because ofof the August earthquake which devastated much to theof necessity embracing the mercy and Through compassion Christ of and southernofHaiti, especially Les Cayes. the of wisdom receive His peace that surpasses all understanding. God, we maintained ongoing relationships with many of our former partners. stand to revive the network volAfter serving overToday twentywe years in ready Les Cayes, we relocated our of operaunteers to assist the miles peoplefrom of Haiti with emergency assistance. tions to be within a few the epicenter of the 2010 earthquake, in Leogane. As our efforts focused on new church and school construction, our expectations began to flourish again. We took on projects to provide regional support and scholarships to students and orphans, well-digging, and many other endeavors to meet the tangible needs and give hope to Haitian families and communities. A decade later on August 14th, we found ourselves having a déjà vu experience all over as news of the 7.2 earthquake shattered our peace to reveal the devastation of southern Haiti. In an all too familiar monotone we inwardly sighed, “Oh no, not again” but quickly remembered that Jesus told us in the last days we will have earthquakes in diverse places. Our prayer is that many will come to Christ especially in this season of calamity. The door for evangelism is wide open. We assist the people of Haiti with emergency aid, medical supplies and support, but we need God to bring conviction. We are better today because of the lessons learned from the past. “Without God, we can do nothing”. Thank you for your prayers and support.

Some HMI members have a history working in Haiti more than thirty years. During that time we have seen God do miraculous things to show his people that He hears and sees them. Our success is because we have people like you who stand with us in real ways. We enjoy the privilege of being God’s ambassadors to a culture that is so different from our own. We celebrate the friends we made and relationships built as we venture into new and unique places to show the love of God. Today we celebrate the friends we met as we travel to the uttermost parts of the world. Jesus commanded, “Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. We go because Jesus commanded it. Thank you for going with us.

BUILD AN ELDERLY HOME PROGRAM Many elderly people in Les Cayes are suffering with homes that have either been demolished or are in great need of repair due to the recent earthquake. The elderly represent a segment of society whose earning potential is reduced or completely non-existent. Many live daily off of what they can produce without a back up savings plan. How can you help? God has given us a builder who will build two room concrete houses for the elderly at $5,000 per house. For many, a 2 room house is more than what many elderly currently own. Help us build homes for the elderly. Give today or sponsor a house building project with your family, church or friends that will raise enough money to put a roof over the head of a needy elderly person in Haiti.

HMI WELCOMES TWO NEW BOARD MEMBERS After the passing of Minister Vasco Boyd Sr. the board of Haiti Missions Inc. began to pray and seek God for His choice to fill the position of Missions Coordinator. The Missions Coordinator plans and coordinates outreach trips to Haiti for ministerial and youth groups, pastoral conferences and training, and medical triage missions outreach. God answered our prayers as He presented a missionary-minded servant after his own heart, in the person of Reverend Dave Person of Hampton, VA. The Board of Haiti Missions Incorporated recently added Tonya Boyd-Watkins to fill the position of Financial Secretary. Tonya will oversee fiscal management and budget allocation for HMI. Tonya resides in Newport News, VA. She is a member of Christ Community Outreach Center in Newport News, VA.

Rev. Dave Person, Missions Coordinator

WELCOME to Haiti Missions Incorporated: Rev. Dave Person and Sis. Tonya Boyd-Watkins Tonya Boyd-Watkins, Financial Secretary

HAITI MISSIONS INC. Post Office Box 9108 Hampton, VA 23670 757-679-1490

Call 800-435-1245

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