Hampton Roads Edition
Pastor Eric Majette
www.cchristianmagazineshr.com / 31
Past or Er ic M ajet t e, M Div www.christianmagazineshr.com
"OVER THE PAST 10 YEARS. I HAVE BEEN UNDER BISHOP JAKES AS A (PHIPA) PASTOR. " KLM: What is the definition of Marketplace ministry to
This is a prime opportunity for the church to be deployed beyond the
four walls and into the marketplace. The world is fighting an
Marketplace ministry is the intersection of faith and commerce.
invisible enemy in its midst, but we know that Christians have been
The marketplace is where you spend most of your time.
fighting an invisible enemy for years. This time in history, when
Whatever your profession, we as Christians have the opportunity
COVID-19 is on the rise, is the perfect time for leaders and believers
to minister the Gospel to the unsaved and saved in an
to return to their first love – Jesus Christ! The plague that has
unconventional way. Wherever your profession lies, that’s
attacked the world demonstrates the importance of the role of the
where your pulpit is.
local church in equipping saints to be able to minister in the marketplace. I must say that I am blown apart because it has taken
KLM: How has the Pandemic and Covid affected your
me seven years to finish this last chapter of my book and I did not
understand until now why it took so long. What's been in my heart and spirit has elevated my beliefs as to why Marketplace Ministry is
In the midst of the Pandemic, we saw an opportunity and took
such an important ministry.
advantage of being away from the building. We renovated the church building and launched a new website and an online
KLM: What inspires you on Sunday morning before you enter
streaming platform. I believe this is the time for the church to
the pulpit?
step up – move away from being so traditional and get out of
The things that inspire me on Sunday mornings before I enter the
“the Box”. The time allowed me to start writing a new book
pulpit are:
called "The Unconventional Pulpit. The pandemic has been
1. Knowing that God has called me to preach the word and share the
impacting and shutting everything in the marketplace down
gospel with those that may need to be SAVED, INSPIRED, OR
including churches across America and the world. There has
ENCOURAGED. It's an honor for God to use me for such a time as
never been a time in history when churches were mandated by
this to build the Kingdom of God. Every Sunday Morning, I am
the federal government not to assemble or when other businesses
humbled and blessed to Shepherd the flock that God has put in my
and organizations were restricted to no more than 10 people in a
care to lead. discipline, and inspire. I am encouraged when I see the
single setting!
Word of God transform and Save Lives, I am motivated by knowing that God Saved my life and now to be used to help others. In addition, I am inspired to
know that I am walking my purpose and God given assignment. I
In order to transform anything, you must be involved in the thing
am not only called to Pastor the Church but to Pastor cities and
you are trying to transform. All the resources are in the
marketplace. The marketplace gives the church an opportunity to partner with other organizations. businesses. and other resources
KLM: What are the three most important words that
to help build the Kingdom of God! Those resources can be used
describe your church?
to help carry out the mission of the local church. The greatest
The words that describe church are.
opportunity to witness and share Gospel is in the marketplace.
1. Teaching the Word for God that's relevant and relatable to all
The marketplace opens up doors of opportunity for the local
people regardless of background
church to get "Out of The Box''.
2. The church foundation is built on God's Unchanging Word and Love.
KLM: What should online visitors expect when listening to
3. We are a church that's God Lead and Community Focused as
your sermon?
well as, regional Outreach.
They should expect to receive a powerful word from God and a WOW Factor Worship Experience that will inspire, uplift, and
KLM: How do you manage the business of the church
encourage them. The sermons are built around love, hope, grace,
versus the spiritual component of the membership?
mercy, and encouragement.
The business of the church is lead by a board of directors in which I am the President. As a marketplace Christian
KLM What does service mean to you? And what are you and
ambassador, the church has been blessed to be able to partner
your assembly doing towards it?
with other organizations to help provide business opportunities.
Service to me is exemplified by being a Servant Leader As a
Most Pastors entered the ministry to " help people" and "preach
church, we believe that our mission is the be a servant for the
the word of God". I found out that 80% or 90% of the time spent
Lord by serving others. It's important to know that the Bible
in ministry has nothing to do with these desires. I spend most of
states in Matthew 20:28 (NIV) "Just as the Son of Man did not
my time managing the Business Affairs of the Church. My years
come to be served but to serve. and to give his life a ransom for
of experience as a senior corporate executive, business leader,
many." Our church partners with a Food Bank Marketplace to
and entrepreneur along with my education give me the ability to
serve the nutritional needs of the community; we have a senior
strategically build a strong team to help with the business affairs
ministry that provides comfort and care to those with healthcare
of the church.
issues; and, we work with other outreach ministries that serve our local community and region. Members volunteer and serve other
KLM: What are you most passionate about in regards to the
organizations in the community. We believe that God has called
marketplace ministry?
the church outside the four walls and serves the marketplace as
I am very passionate about marketplace ministry, For years
well as be ambassadors for Christ.
Christians have lived their lives in a box. I've realized that in order for Christians to make an impact in the world, we must be able to relate to the world but, not conform to the world.
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