Fear that the Children will Suffer
Everybody loves their children and they get scared that their children will suffer after divorce. You can make this phase less problematic for them by coping together and telling them everything together. You need to reassure that they still will be loved. Reassure that they have nothing to do with your separation. Don’t make rapid changes. If change is necessary, always have their advice.
Low Self Esteem
This a very common problem and almost every couple experiences this. You may rely on others for the problems you had been solving without anyone’s help.
Ignoring the importance of life.
Putting yourself down or isolating yourself
Becoming emotional and depressed
Low Self Esteem (Continued)
You can RAISE your self esteem by giving some time to yourself. Give YOURSELF a gift. It sounds weird but it really does help!
Be in such people you feel happy with.
Share your feelings with them and accept compliments.
Realize that whatever that is happening is for your and your partner’s benefit.
How to Move on after Separation
Everyone has this feeling where one gets scared that how will he move on. Let your anger out and let yourself grieve to feel better. Set small goals in your life. Spend time with the ones you feel happy.
Exercise and let your body feel relaxed.
Plan your day and get help if its necessary.
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