Qualities of a Good Separation Agreement This presentation gives an overview of a good separation agreement.
Children Maintenance Arrangements
Children are the most essential part of a couple’s life and should be dealt with a lot of care.
Arrangements for the school of children should be set out in the contract.
The contract should highlight the activities of the children, the time to spend with each parent and their allowance.
Terms and Agreements of the House
A separation agreement should state that who will have the house and how much.
It is a wrong concept that the house is divided between the two spouses EQUALLY.
A separation agreement may decide that the house can be divided between the two spouses but ONLY if the spouses agree.
Reasonable Personal Effects
A good separation agreement should set out the basis of “Reasonable Personal Effects.”
Personal Effects are the personal belongings of the spouse.
These should not be considered in the matrimonial assets.
Financial Assets
A good separation agreement should define the terms about financial assets.
It should describe who will get how much.
It shouldn’t be biased or unjust.
Financial assets are to be divided with the mutual consent of the couple.
Lump Sum Payments ď‚—
All the arrangements of lump sum payments should be mentioned.
Any settlement of lump sum payments between the spouses should be made written in the agreement
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