Catalogue for the
‘CONTINENTAL IN-LAMB SHEEP FAIR’ FRIDAY, 6th DECEMBER 2013 Sale to commence at 12.30pm
10 Dutch Texels * 8 Texels 18 Blue Texels * 5 Zwartbles 2 Dorsets * 1 Beltex 1 Beltex Cross (MV Accredited)
To be sold Approx 1pm
20 Beltex/Texel/Dutch (Non MV Accredited)
• To be sold under LAA Conditions of Sale. • All Sheep will be sold in guineas. • All MV Accredited Movement forms must be completed and received by the markets representative upon arrival to the market.
To be held at
Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS