Prize Show and Sale 550 Cattle Comprising 500 Suckled Calves and 50-60 Cast & Feeding Cattle
Monday 4th November 2013 Show 8.30am
Sale 9.45am
SCHEDULE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Judges: Ian Grainger, Kiln Close Farm, Glasson, Wigton SHOW CALVES TO BE PENNED IN B & C ALLEYS PRIOR TO SHOW ALL SHOW CALVES TO BE UNDER 12 MONTHS OF AGE Limousin Cross Bullock 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher British Blue Cross Bullock 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Any Other Breed Bullock 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Haltered Steer any breed not to have been show in any other class 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Champion and Reserve Champion Male 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Limousin Cross Heifer 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher British Blue Cross Heifer 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Any Other Breed Heifer 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Haltered Heifer any breed not to have been shown in any other class 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher Champion & Reserve Champion Female 1st £20 Voucher 2nd £10 Voucher
Overall Champion Stan Davis Silver Cup £20 Voucher Donated by J G Animal Health and £50 voucher donated by Dugdale Nutrition
Overall Reserve Champion £15 Voucher donated by J G Animal Health and £25 Voucher donated by Dugdale Nutrition
British Blue Cattle Society Whiskey Glasses and Rosettes for Champion & Reserve British Blue Cross Suckled Calves Fabbl Perpetual Rose Bowl For The Champion Farm Assured Beast North West Limousin Breeders' Trophy for the Champion Limousin Cross Suckled Calf Classes 1-10 sponsored by J G Animal Health If the Overall Champion Suckled Calf is sired by a named Pedigree Limousin Bull £100 will be donated by the North West Limousin Cattle Breeders Association Borderway Agri-Expo, Scottish Winter Fair, English Winter Fair and Royal Welsh Winter Fair If the Supreme Champion at the above National Shows has been purchased from any of Harrison & Hetherington’s sales centres during the period of 1st October 2013 to 30th September 2014 a prize of £1,000 will be awarded, providing the exhibitor was the purchaser of that Champion animal
Farm Assured Bovine Viral Diarrhoea injected Bovine Viral Diarrhoea tested and injected Bovine Viral Diarrhoea accredited Monitored IBR Vaccinated
BVDT Lepto HH JT Ja R4
Bovine Viral Diarrhoea tested Lepto vaccinated High Health status Johnes tested Johnes accredited Rispoval 4
Feeding Cows & OTM Cattle Ballot 9.15 a.m.
Sale 9.45 a.m.
followed by Suckled Calves & Store Cattle The first and last three catalogued vendors forward will be put in the middle in 2014 Pen No Lot No E Alley 1- 4 1- 15 J Harrison, Wickerfield 15 Limx Blks & Hfrs 15/17 F 5 57- 58 59- 60 61 62 63- 65 66- 71 72- 73 74- 87 88 89- 91 92 93 94 95-105 106-108 109-111 113 114 115-116 117-124 125-132 133-136 137-139 140-141 142 143-148 149 150 151 152 153 154
E Alley 16- 19 Walburn Hall, Downholme 20- 29 30- 37 38- 43 44- 45 46- 60 61- 90 91-102
D Alley G Maughan, Sunnyside AR Edmondson, Hawkswell JB Pattinson, Williams House G Tunstall, Prospect House Raine & Davidson, Thorney Gale M/s Hodgson Bros, Rydal Farm MJ Hodgson, Hartsop Hall
E & F Alley 103-162 HR Hayton & Son, Asby Grange
4 Pure Lim Blks & Hfrs 11/12 F 10 8 6 2 15 30 12
BB x Blks & Hfrs 7/8 BBx Blks & Hfrs 9 F Sc BBx Blks & Hfrs 5/6 Bldx & Limx Bulls & Hfrs 6/10 BBx Blks & Hfrs 7/8 F Pure & 他 Lim Bulks & Hfrs 6/8 F 他 Lim Blks & Hfrs 6/8 F
60 BBx & Limx Blks & Hfrs 8/10 F
163-168 169-188 189-190 191-198 199-203 204-263 264-278 279-293 294-296 297
F Alley EW Leach, The Street G&S Holdings, Stoneygarth JW&CR Birbeck, High Stennerskeugh D&CE Marston, Easegill Head D&JH Richardson, Croft House KA Brown & Sons, Asby Hall A Barker, Yew Tree MP&A Capstick, High Lane JR Rukin, Park Lodge MR&CJ Rukin, West Stonesdale
6 20 2 8 5 60 15 15 3 1
Lim x Blks & Hfrs 5/9 F Bldx & BB x Blks & Hfrs 6/10 Limx & BBx Hfrs 9/10 F BBx & Lim x Blks & Hfrs 7/10 F BBx Blks 6/8 F Limx & BBx Blks & Hfrs 6/8 F Limx Hfrs 6/8 Contx Blks & Hfrs 8/10 F BBx Hfrs 12/15 F Limx Blks 12
298-307 308-347 348-387 388-407 408-419 420-429 430-433 434-463 464-466 467-471 472-476 477-486 487-489 490-492
G Alley TH Harrison & Sons, Sleddale Hall M/s Wood, Crosby Lodge GA Slack, Stoneriggs NC Dodd, Flakebridge M/s Taylor, Waterhouses NW&EM Mason & Son, Needle Hse KD&DM Miller & Ptners, Crookholm SM Rigg, Spanham FW Lowis, Galloper Park JG&RM Hall, Bridge End RC Wharton & Son, Highfield S Wharton, Syke Side M Dickeson, East Rackwood R Atkinson, Brackenthwaite
10 40 40 20 12 10 4 30 3 5 5 10 3 3
Limx & BBx Blks & Hfrs 12/14 F Limx & BBx Blks & Hfrs 6/8 F Char x Blks & Hfrs F BBx & Limx Blks & Hfrs 6/11 F Contx Blks & Hfrs 6/8 F Limx Blks & Hfrs 8/12 F Limx Blks & Hfrs 11/12 F Limx & BSHorn Blks & Hfrs F Limx Bulls & Hfrs 6/8 F Limx Blks & Hfrs 8 Limx & BBx Blks & Hfrs 7 F Limx Blks & Hfrs 6/8 F Limx & Charx Blks & Hfrs 8/12 Bldx Blks & Hfrs 10/11 F
Followed By Unentered Cattle
SALE CONDITIONS Sold under the conditions of sale as displayed in the mart recommended by the Livestock Auctioneers Association for England and Wales. Stock from FABBL Farms will be displayed at the time of sale. All heifers offered for sale are not warranted as breeders unless otherwise stated. All sucklers must be declared at the time of sale. Please ensure all paperwork is handed into the office at least 1 hour before the animals enter the sale ring. All cattle must be double tagged with Ministry approved tags and information supplied on the respective entry forms. Payment will only be made to the exhibitor. No lots can leave the market without a pass slip being issued by the main office. All un-entered cattle and those missing their turn in the ballet will be offered for sale at the end of the catalogued entries. It is the responsibility of the buyer to ensure that any animals destined for the food chain are outwit any withdrawal period. This includes antibiotics and anthelmintics that the seller may have given prior to sale TB Testing: Cattle over 42 days of age from 1 & 2 yearly TB testing areas MUST be pre-movement tested. The yearly TB testing interval of the parish consignment will be provided on the display board at the point of sale. The yearly testing intervals will be signified by the numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4. The information is given for guidance only, Harrison & Hetherington Ltd accept no responsibility for any consequences of such information. All purchasers have two working days from the time of sale to satisfy themselves that all documentation received is correct and any discrepancies must be notified to the auctioneers within the time limit. No animal can be sold if the passport is incorrect in any way Cattle must be removed from the mart by 11.00am Tuesday