CARLISLE POULTRY & WATERFOWL AND PIG SALE Saturday 19th April 2014 at 10.00am Catalogue ÂŁ3.00
To be held at
Borderway Mart, Rosehill, Carlisle, Cumbria, CA1 2RS
BIO SECURITY RULES NOTICE TO ALL VISITORS AND TRADERS Please read and observe the following: All litter and manure within the cages, crates or baskets must be contained until disposal. Any spillages outside the cage to be cleansed and disinfected immediately.
All litter and manure must be disposed of in a manner which does not present a risk of spread of disease, eg in sealed bags for normal refuse collection in such a manner that other birds do not have direct access to it.
All exhibitors/entrants must cleanse and disinfect the show cages, crates or baskets before the event and are advised that they should be cleansed and disinfected on return to the home premises and before they are used to hold any other bird.
Welfare: Vendors and Purchasers should note that any weakly, unhealthy or injured stock will be refused entry by the Auctioneers. Enquiries should be directed through the market office to the Auctioneers’ Animal Health & Welfare Officer (Mr Andrew Templeton).
All visitors and traders must ensure they wear clean clothing and footwear before entering market site.
All persons delivering birds to the mart must park on the car park area and then proceed along the designated route.
Owners and transporters delivering birds must disinfect their boots before and after loading or unloading.
Birds purchased or unsold will not be allowed to move unless an authorised ‘pass slip’ has been issued by the main office.
No birds will be allowed to remain on the premises after the sale.
Only staff, transporters, owners or their agents are permitted to load or unload birds.
Wash hands thoroughly when leaving pennage areas.
Please observe our staff's instructions at all times.
Our on site Biosecurity Officer, Stuart Graham, will only be too pleased to give you assistance.
Catalogue for the
also Hatching Eggs, Cage Birds and Poultry Equipment
and sale of Pigs All Birds will be Card Graded
Red Card - Best of Breed Blue Card - Exhibition Show Quality Yellow Card - Quality Breeders
SATURDAY 19th APRIL 2014 Entries will be accepted from 7am onwards on the morning of sale All birds must be penned by 9.00am Poultry Grading - 9.00am
Please Note Sale Order: 10.00am – RING 4 – Sale of Cage Birds, Geese, Turkeys, Peafowl, Large Ducks, Call Ducks, Miniature Ducks, Bantams, True Bantams, Pigeons, Pheasants, Guinea Fowl (lots 501 – 862) l
10.30am – RING 2 – Sale of Large Fowl & Crossbreds (lots 863 – 1180)
10.30am – RING 3 – Sale of Hatching Eggs & Equipment (lots 1 – 238 and 301 – 400)
11.00am – CALF BYRE – Sale of Pigs (lots 1501 – 1506) Auctioneers
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: Website:
SPECIAL NOTES for all POTENTIAL BUYERS THE CATALOGUE DESCRIPTION IS A GUIDE ONLY. Prospective Purchasers must check the cages beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of birds on display prior to any bidding. H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies. A System of “BUYERS NUMBERS” will operate at this Sale Potential Buyers MUST REGISTER with the Auctioneer before the Sale commences PLEASE FILL IN THE FORM ON PAGE 4 & COLLECT YOUR ‘BUYERS NUMBER CARD’ AT THE AUCTIONEERS DESK ON ARRIVAL - IT WILL MAKE BOOKING YOUR PURCHASES A LOT EASIER. CARRY THE NUMBER WITH YOU AND MAKE SURE THE AUCTIONEER SEES IT WHENEVER YOU MAKE A PURCHASE
SETTLEMENT & CLEARANCE OF STOCK Please note that all lots must be settled on the day of purchase Completion of a buyers slip is essential for parties who have not dealt with the company before New customers and agents wishing to purchase on behalf of another party must contact the companys main office 48 hours prior to a sale No Lots can leave the market without a ‘pass slip’ being issued by the main office
IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS ALL LOTS MUST BE SETTLED ON THE DAY OF PURCHASE SALE ........................................................................................................................................................................
Please fold and detach along this perforation
DATE ........................................................................................................................................................................
TRADING NAME ...................................................................................................................................................
FULL POSTAL ADDRESS ....................................................................................................................................
POSTCODE .............................................................................................................................................................
Tel. No ...................................................................................................................................................................
MOBILE NO. ...........................................................................................................................................................
EMAIL ADDRESS ..................................................................................................................................................
HOLDING NO. ........................................................................................................................................................
LOT NUMBER(s) ....................................................................................................................................................
REGULATIONS & CONDITIONS OF THE POULTRY & WATERFOWL AND PIG SALE The catalogue description is a guide only. Prospective purchasers must check all lots beforehand and satisfy themselves of the correctness of all lots on display prior to any bidding. H&H act as agents and are not therefore responsible for any discrepancies. 1. Neither the Auctioneers nor any of their Officers or Servants shall be in any way responsible or accountable for any damage or loss caused by any accident through fire or any other cause whatsoever nor for any damage done or loss caused by any bird or its owner whilst on the Sale premises prior to, during, or after the event. Each Exhibitor shall be solely responsible for any consequential or other loss , injury or damage done to or occasioned by or arising from any bird exhibited by him and shall indemnify the Auctioneers against all legal or other proceedings in relation thereto. 2. The Organisers reserve the right to refuse entry or cancel any entry already accepted. 3. No substitutes will be accepted under any circumstances. 4. The Auctioneers reserve the right to reject any lot from the Sale which, in their opinion, does not conform to the required standards. 5. Method of Sale: All Lots will be sold in pounds (£’s) and the bidding to be for the Pen, either a trio or a pair. All Lots will be sold in Catalogue order, unless any change is announced by the Auctioneers. Upset Price of £8/pen will be adhered to. There will be a buyers premium charged at 5% (+VAT). 6. ‘Buyers Numbers’ will be used. Potential Purchasers are reminded to collect a number (in exchange for details of name and address) at the Auctioneer’s Desk, prior to bidding. 7. Reserve prices may be placed on any Lot. Such reserve MUST be delivered to the Auctioneer’s Office at Borderway Mart, in writing, before 9.30am on the day of Sale. 8. Settlement is due to the Auctioneers immediately at the close of Sale. 9. Commissions. Poultry, etc: a commission of 10% (+VAT) on the sale prices realised. Pigs: a commission of 5% on the sale prices realised. In the event of any lot failing to reach the reserve selling price fixed by the Vendor, half commission will be charged on the said price. 10. Payment – Card and Cash Payments are only acceptable. No cheque payment accepted. 11. This event is licensed and authorised by the appropriate local authority and by DEFRA, and will be organised and conducted strictly in accordance with the Regulations and special requirements of those bodies. 12. Clearance of Lots. All lots must be cleared from the Market by 6pm on the day of Sale. No lot will be delivered to any purchaser without the presentation of a special ‘Pass’ obtainable only from the Auctioneers upon settlement, and no bid may be cleared except through the official Stewards. Vendors with unsold Lots should also obtain a Pass from the Auctioneers in order to remove. 13. Vendor Note: When Vendors wish to give further details of their stock for the benefit of potential Purchasers , they may write it on a card which can be displayed on the Sale Pen. PIG SECTION: • To keep pigs you must be a registered pig producer with DEFRA and have a holding number and identification mark. • All pig movements must now be notified using the on-line eAML2 form through the eAML2 website. This also incorporates the Food Chain Information. • All pigs coming into the market must have a slap mark or alternatively an ear tag or tattoo with the holding identification POULTRY & WATERFOWL SECTION: • All birds must be penned by 9.00am on Saturday 19th April • Poultry should be carried in suitable boxes, and potential purchasers are strongly advised to bring boxes with them. Birds must not be transported in sacks. • Exhibitors must provide their own bowls and water containers. • All birds entered are at the vendor’s own risk. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO VENDORS AND PURCHASERS Vendors of Poultry and Waterfowl are reminded that all stock must be watered and fed before the Sale. All Vendors and Purchasers must transport birds in suitable containers to comply with Welfare Regulations.
BREED INDEX Anconas (Bantams) Anconas (Large Fowl) Araucanas (Bantams) Araucana (Large Fowl) Appenzellars (Large Fowl) Appenzellars (Bantams) Barnevelders (Bantams) Barnevelders (Large Fowl) Belgians (True Bantams) Cage Birds Call Ducks Crossbreds Dutch (True Bantams) Faverolles (Large Fowl) Fresians Game (Bantams) Game (Large Fowl) Geese Guinea Fowl Hamburghs (Bantams) Japanese (True Bantam) Jersey Giants (Large Fowl) La Fleche (Large Fowl) Langshans (Bantams) Langshans (Large Fowl) Large Ducks Legbar (Large Fowl) Leghorns (Bantams) Leghorns (Large Fowl) Marans (Large Fowl) Miniature Ducks Minorcas (Bantams) Minorcas (Large Fowl) Orpingtons (Bantams) Orpingtons (Large Fowl) Peafowl Pekins (True Bantams) Pheasants Pigeons
Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4
Lots 728 – 732 Lots 975 - 977 Lots 726 - 727 Lots 972 - 974 Lots 978 - 980 Lots 733 - 735 Lots 736 - 737 Lots 981 - 991 Lots 772 - 789 Lots 501 - 528 Lots 623 - 652 Lots 1108 - 1180 Lots 790 - 809 Lots 992 - 995 Lot 996 Lots 740 – 753 Lots 997 - 1007 Lots 529 - 545 Lots 860 - 862 Lots 738 - 739 Lots 827 - 830 Lot 1008 Lot 1009 Lots 754 Lot 1010 Lots 557 - 622 Lots 1011 - 1024 Lots 755 - 758 Lots 1025 - 1041 Lots 1042 - 1091 Lots 653 - 666 Lots 759 – 760 Lot 1092 Lots 761 - 765 Lots 1093 - 1107 Lots 553 - 556 Lots 810 - 824 Lots 850 - 859 Lots 844 - 849
Plymouth Rocks (Bantams) Plymouth Rocks (Large Fowl) Polish (Bantams) Rhode Island Reds (Bantams) Rhode Island Reds (Large Fowl) Rosecombs (True Bantams) Sablepoots (True Bantams) Sebright (True Bantams) Silkies (Bantams) Silkies (Large Fowl) Sussex (Bantams) Sussex (Large Fowl) Turkeys Vorwerks (Large Fowl) Welsummers (Bantams) Welsummers (Large Fowl) Wyandottes (Bantams) Wyandottes (Large Fowl)
Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2 Ring 4 Ring 2
Lots 766 - 768 Lots 863 - 867 Lots 769 - 771 Lots 667 - 670 Lots 868 - 882 Lots 825 - 826 Lots 831 - 837 Lots 838 - 843 Lots 671 - 694 Lots 883 - 892 Lots 695 - 703 Lots 893 - 909 Lots 546 - 552 Lots 910 - 915 Lot 704 Lots 916 - 956 Lots 705 - 725 Lots 957 - 971 GROUP OF COMPANIES
LAND AND PROPERTY Chartered Surveyors
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First in the Field...
CATALOGUE RING NO 4 - 10.00 am Cage Birds, Geese, Turkeys, Peafowl, Large Ducks, Call Ducks, Miniature Ducks, Bantams, True Bantams, Pigeons, Pheasants, Guinea Fowl (Lots 501 – 862) CAGE BIRDS – Lots 501 - 528 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528
3 Chinese Painted Quail Cage Budgies Cage Budgies Cage Budgies Cage Budgies Box Budgies Box Budgies Box Budgies Box Budgies Box Budgies Box Benglese Finches Box Benglese Finches Box Benglese Finches Box Parakett Ring Neck Pair Budgies 2013 Pair Budgies 2013 2 Budgies 2013 2 Budgies 2013 2 Budgies 2013 Pair Blue Budgies Pair Green Budgies Pair Zebra Finches Pair Zebra Finches Pair Diamond Doves Pair Budgies Pair Budgies Pair Budgies Pair Budgies
Jonathan Graham J Hunter J Hunter J Hunter J Hunter I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton I Littleton W Madrick W Madrick W Madrick W Madrick W Madrick P Thompson P Thompson P Thompson P Thompson P Thompson P Wheeler P Wheeler P Wheeler P Wheeler
GEESE – Lots 529 - 545 529 530 531 532 533 534 535
Pair Dewlap Geese 2013 Pair Dewlap Geese 2013 Pair Sebastapol Pair Brecon Buff Pair Toulouse Pair Buff African 1 Buff African Female
B Goulding B Goulding M V Hicks A Hamilton M Leggate M Leggate M Leggate
8 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545
Pair Barnacle Geese Pair African Geese 2 African Geese (Females) Pair Steinbacher Pair Barnacle Trio Brecon Buff 3 Brecon Buff Goslings Pair Red Breasted Pair Ross Snow Geese Pair Toulouse Geese
R Marsh Poultry Matters Poultry Matters J Tucker R Wilson G Webster G Webster G Webster G Webster S Donald
TURKEYS – Lots 546 - 552 546 547 548 549 550 551 552
Pair Bourbon Red 2013 Pair Bronze Turkeys Pair Bronze Turkeys Trio Bronze Turkeys Trio Bronze Turkeys Trio Bronze Turkeys 2 Norfolk Black Females
M Leggate M Kerr M Kerr K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson
PEAFOWL – Lots 553 - 556 553 554 555 556
Pair Peafowl 2 Peafowl Hens 1 White Peafowl 1 Peafowl
W McGill W McGill M Radford M Radford
LARGE DUCKS – Lots 557 - 622 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580
Trio Cayuga Trio White Runner 2 Buff Orpington Ducks 2 Abacot Females Pair Harliquins 2 Khaki Females Trio Abacot Trio Khaki 2 Coloured Crested Females Trio Coloured Crested Pair White Pekins Pair White Pekins Trio Black/White Magpie Trio Black Muscovey Trio Black/White Muscovey Pair Aylesbury Ducks Pair Aylesbury 2 Aylesbury Ducks Pair Khaki Campbell Pair Aylesbury Pair Saxony 2 Saxony Females 2 Saxony Females Pair Cayuga
G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks C House P R Jameson P R Jameson P R Jameson S Johnson M Leggate M Leggate M Leggate M Leggate
9 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622
Pair Cayuga Pair Cayuga 1 Silver Appleyard Female Pair Muscovey Pair Muscovey Pair Muscovey Pair Muscovey Pair Muscovey Pair Muscovey Trio Lavender Muscovey 3 Rouen Clair Ducks Pair Cayuga Ducks Trio Aylesbury Ducks 3 Khaki Campbell Females 3 Lavender Muscovey Females 3 Black/White Muscovey Females Trio Khaki Campbell Cross Pair Rouen Trio Cayuga Trio Khaki Campbell Pair Mixed Ducks Pair Muscovey Trio Fawn/White Runner 2 Indian Runner Ducks Pair Aylesbury Pair Cayuga Pair Indian Runners Pair Cayuga Pair Crested Ducks Pair Abacot Pair Khaki Campbell Pair Khaki Campbells Pair Khaki Campbells 2 Khaki Campbell Females 2 Khaki Campbell Females 2 Mallard Runner Females Pair Chocolate Runners 2 Khaki Campbell Females Pair Chocolate Runners Pair Chocolate Runners Pair Muscovey Brown/White Male, Black Female Pair Indian Runners
M Leggate M Leggate M Leggate M Kerr M Kerr M Kerr M Kerr M Kerr M Kerr R Marsh R Marsh K McCready Poultry Matters Poultry Matters K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson E Swainson J Seeds J Seeds J Seeds Mrs J Sargent Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne J W Crowther K Dixon K Dixon K Dixon J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson T D Doughty J Dunbar
CALL DUCKS – Lots 623 - 652 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632
Pair Blue Magpie Calls Pair Silver Calls Pair White Calls Pair White Calls Pair Mallard Calls Pair White Calls Pair Blue Fawn Calls Pair Mallard Calls Pair Blue Fawn Calls Trio White Calls
J W Hope L Jackson R Marsh R Marsh C McCormick C McCormick C McCormick C McCormick C McCormick K Robinson
10 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652
Pair White/Brown Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair White Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls Pair Calls 2 White Call Ducks Trio Silver Calls Trio Silver Calls 1 Whit Call Female Pair Calls Trio Magpie Calls Pair Call Ducks
K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson K Robinson E Swainson Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Miss A Smith G Waddle G Webster G Webster A Burridge A Burridge J Dickson J Dunbar
MINIATURE DUCKS – Lots 653 - 666 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666
Pair Chocolate Miniature Pair Saxony Miniature Pair East Indians Pair Carolinas Pair Carolinas Pair Manderin Pair Ringed Teal Pair Ringed Teal Pair Layson Teal Pair Carolina Pair Chillean Teal Pair Mandarin Pair Carolina Pair Mandarin
M V Hicks M V Hicks M V Hicks P Longstaff P Longstaff M & E Lavender M & E Lavender M & E Lavender M & E Lavender M & E Lavender R Wilson R Wilson K Dixon K Dixon
BANTAMS – Lots 667 - 771 667 668 669 670
Rhode Island Reds Trio RIR Trio RIR Trio RIR 2 RIR Pullets
Silkies 671 Pair Partridge Silkies 672 2 Black Silkie Pullets 2013 673 Trio White Silkies 674 Pair Partridge Silkies 675 Pair Partridge Silkies 676 3 White Bearded Silkies 677 Pair White Silkies
T Moody L Robley G Waddle J Dunbar
B Horseman E Hide C House Mrs C Holywell Mrs C Holywell S Holt D Kipling
11 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694
Pair White Silkies Pair White Silkies Pair White Silkies Pair White Silkies Pair Partridge Silkies Pair Partridge Silkies Pair White Silkies Pair Grey Silkies Pair Grey Silkies Pair Grey Silkies Pair Silkies Trio White Silkies Pair Black Silkie Pair White Silkies Pair White Silkies Trio White Silkies Trio White Silkies
D Kipling M Ormond M Ormond M Ormond J Tyers J Tyers E Watson E Watson E Watson E Watson H Wallace G Waddle K Banks K Banks A C Clark B Forrester B Forrester
Sussex 695 Trio Buff Sussex 696 Trio Light Sussex 697 Trio Light Sussex 2013 698 3 Light Sussex Hens 699 Pair Light Sussex 700 Pair Light Sussex 701 3 Sussex Pullets 702 Pair Buff Sussex 703 Trio Light Sussex
G Ganley B Horseman G Haddow C House Mrs C Holywell Mrs C Holywell J Houston G Beattie J & J Barry
Welsummers 704 1 Welsummer Hen
C House
Wyandottes 705 Pair Chocolate Wyandottes 706 Trio Silver Pencilled Wyandottes 707 3 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets 708 3 White Wyandotte Pullets 709 Trio Partridge Wyandottes 710 Trio Partridge Wyandottes 711 Trio Silver Laced Wyandottes 712 Pair Buff Laced Wyandottes 713 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes Pullets 714 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets 715 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets 716 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets 717 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte Pullets 718 Pair Silver Laced Wyandottes 719 Silver Laced Wyandotte Clocker with Chicks 720 Pair Partridge Wyandottes 721 Trio Partridge Wyandottes 722 Pair Silver Laced Wyandottes 723 Trio Black Wyandottes 724 Pair Wyandottes Salmon Male, Black Female 725 Trio Columbian Wyandottes
G Ganley G Ganley B Horseman J Houston D Kipling D Kipling Mrs E Kemp Mrs E Kemp North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry J J Ritson J J Ritson E Swainson M Stockdale M Stockdale F Anderson
12 Araucanas 726 Trio Araucana 727 Pair Lavender Araucanas Anconas 728 Pair Anconas 729 Trio Anconas 730 Quartet Rosecomb Anconas 2013 731 2 Ancona Pullets 2013 732 3 Ancona Pullets 2013 Appenzellars 733 Pair Spangle Appenzellars 734 Trio Silver Spangle Appenzellars 735 Trio Silver Spangle Appenzellars
G Ganley M Brown Mrs E Kemp Mrs E Kemp J & J Barry J & J Barry J & J Barry B Milby B Milby B Milby
Barnevelders 736 2 Barnevelder Females 737 Trio Barnevelders
B Milby L Robley
Hamburghs 738 Trio White Hamburghs 739 2 Golden Hamburgh Hens
A Barron S Dunbar
Game 740 Trio Furness OEG 741 Trio Spangle OEG 742 Trio Creel OEG 743 Trio Modern Game 744 Pair Indian Game 745 Trio OEG 746 Trio OEG 747 Trio OEG 748 Trio OEG 749 Pair OEG 750 Trio OEG 751 Trio Modern Game 752 Trio Sumatra 753 Pair Ko Shamo
M Stockdale M Stockdale M Stockdale G Waddle C Watson J W Crowther J W Crowther J W Crowther J W Crowther J W Crowther D & L Clapham Drew & Vitty Drew & Vitty Drew & Vitty
Langshan 754 Trio White German Langshan
J Houston
Leghorns 755 2 White Leghorn Females 756 3 White Leghorn Females 2013 757 Trio White Leghorns 758 2 Black Leghorn Pullets
K & W Gardener K & W Gardener G Waddle J Dunbar
Minorcas 759 Trio Minorcas 760 Trio Black Minorcas
R W Murray Mrs J Brockbank
Orpingtons 761 Trio Black Orpingtons 762 Trio Buff Orpingtons 763 Pair Chocolate Orpingtons 764 2 Chocolate Orpington Pullets 765 2 Chocolate Orpington Pullets
L Jackson L Jackson North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry
13 766 767 768
Plymouth Rocks Trio Barred Rocks 3 Buff Rock Pullets Trio Buff Rocks
Polish 769 Pair White Polish 770 Pair Gold Laced Polish 771 Pair Gold Laced Polish
J Houston J Houston G Waddle
D Pownall Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne
TRUE BANTAMS – Lots 772 - 843 Belgians 772 Pair Belgians 773 Pair Belgians 774 3 Black Belgian Females 775 3 Black Belgian Females 776 Pair Millefleur 777 Pair Millefleur 778 Trio Belgian D’Anvers 779 Trio Belgian D’Anvers 780 Trio Belgian D’Anvers 781 Trio Belgian D’Uccles 782 Trio Belgian D’Watermael 783 1 Pair Black Gold Barbu D’Anvers 784 1 Pair Black Gold Barbu D’Anvers 785 Pair Blue D’Anvers 786 Pair Black D’Anvers 787 Pair Black D’Anvers 788 Pair Black D’Anvers 789 Pair Black/Blue D’Anvers
M Hughson M Hughson R W Murray R W Murray I Veitch I Veitch H Wallace H Wallace H Wallace H Wallace H Wallace I Burrow I Burrow I Burrow I Burrow I Burrow I Burrow I Burrow
Dutch 790 Trio Buff Columbian Dutch 791 Pair Blue Buff Columbian Dutch 792 Pair Honey Columbian Dutch 793 Trio Blue Honey Columbian Dutch 794 Trio Rose Dutch 795 Trio Lavender Dutch 796 Trio Palomino Dutch 797 Trio Millefleur Dutch 798 3 Buff Dutch Hens 799 Trio Buff Columbian Dutch 800 Trio Gold Dutch 801 Trio Gold Dutch 802 3 Gold Dutch Hens 803 Pair Gold Dutch 804 Pair Gold Dutch 805 Pair Dutch 806 Trio Dutch 806A Trio Dutch 807 Trio Dutch 808 Trio Yellow Dutch 809 Trio Silver Dutch
J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham J Graham D Kilburn D Kilburn D Kilburn D L Tyson D L Tyson D L Tyson H Wallace H Wallace H Wallace P Corkhill P Corkhill
14 Pekins 810 2 Lemon Pekin Pullets 811 2 Lemon Pekin Pullets 812 Lemon Pekin with Chicks 813 Lemon Pekin with Chicks 814 Trio Black Pekins 815 2 Black Pekin Pullets 816 2 Black Pekin Pullets 817 Trio White Pekins 818 3 White Pekin Females 819 3 White Pekin Pullets 820 Pair Blue Pekins 821 1 Lavender Pekin Pullet 822 2 Millefleur Pullets 823 Pair Chocolate Pekins 824 2 Black Pekin Hens
North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Robertson A Spooner W Simpson S Dunbar
Rosecombs 825 Trio Rosecombs 826 Trio Rosecombs
A Robertson G Waddle
Japanese 827 Pair Frizzle Japanese 828 Pair White Black Tailed Japanese 829 Pair White Black Tailed Japanese 830 Pair White Black Tailed Japanese
A C Clark A C Clark A C Clark A C Clark
Sablepoots 831 Pair Lemon Sablepoots 832 Pair Lemon Sablepoots 833 Pair Lemon Sablepoots 834 Pair Porcelain Sablepoots 835 Pair Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots 836 Trio Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots 837 Pair Lemon Millefleur Sablepoots
Mrs E Kemp Mrs E Kemp Mrs E Kemp W Simpson W Simpson Miss A Smith Miss A Smith
Sebrights 838 Trio Silver Sebrights 839 Trio Silver Sebrights 840 Trio Silver Sebrights 841 Pair Silver Sebrights 842 Pair Silver Sebrights 843 3 Silver Sebright Pullets
B Horseman B Horseman D Kilburn D Kilburn D Kilburn S Johnson
PIGEONS – Lots 844 - 849 Pigeons 844 Pair Thringer Whitetails 2013 845 Pair Red Saxony Priest 2013 846 Pair Saxon Shields 2013 847 Pair Fantails 848 Doves 849 Doves
D F Ison D F Ison D F Ison P Wheeler J Corlett J Corlett
PHEASANTS – Lots 850 - 859 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859
Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants Pair Silver Pheasants Pair Silver Pheasants Pair Silver Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants Pair Golden Pheasants 2013 Pair Golden Pheasants 2012
860 861 862
Guinea Fowl Pair White Guinea Fowl Pair Pied Guinea Fowl 3 Guinea Fowl Females
W McGill M Radford M Radford M Radford E D Teasdale E D Teasdale K White K White T Fleming T Fleming
GUINEA FOWL – Lots 860 - 862 K Dixon K Dixon K Dixon
Ring No 2 – 10.30 am LARGE FOWL & CROSSBRED (Lots 863-1180) LARGE FOWL – Lots 863 - 1107 863 864 865 866 867
Plymouth Rocks 4 Barred Rock Pullets 16 wks 3 Barred Rock Pullets 12 wks Pair Barred Rocks 2 Barred Rock Pullets 3 Barred Rock Pullets
J W Hope J W Hope W E & M Longton W E & M Longton W E & M Longton
868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882
Rhode Island Reds 1 RIR Pullet Pair RIR 2 RIR Pullets 2 RIR Pullets 2 RIR Pullets 2 RIR Pullets 3 RIR Pullets Trio RIR 3 RIR Pullets 3 RIR Pullets 2 RIR Pair RIR Pair RIR Pair RIR Trio RIR
A Hamilton J Harris J Lawson W E & M Longton W E & M Longton I Sanderson E Swainson G Ganley G Ganley D Watters J Adams G Beattie E D Campbell E D Campbell B Forrester
16 Silkies 883 1 Gold Silkie Pullet 884 3 Silkie Hens 885 3 White Silkie Pullets 886 Pair White Silkies 2013 887 Pair White Silkies 2013 888 Trio Gold Silkies 889 Trio White Silkies 890 Trio White Silkies 891 Trio White Silkies 892 2 Silkie Pullets
A Hamilton G Waddle G Webster J & J Barry J & J Barry K Banks J Devenney J Devenney J Devenney J Dunbar
Sussex 893 3 Light Sussex 894 2 Light Sussex Pullets 895 2 Light Sussex Pullets 896 2 Light Sussex Females 897 3 Sussex Pullets 898 3 Sussex Pullets 899 Trio Speckled Sussex 900 3 Speckled Sussex Pullets 901 Trio Buff Sussex 902 2 Silver Sussex 903 1 Light Sussex Pullet 904 Quartet Sussex 905 Trio Light Sussex 906 Pair Light Sussex 12 wks 907 Pair Light Sussex 908 2 Light Sussex Pullets 909 2 Light Sussex Pullets
E Hide A Hamilton A Hamilton G Ganley T Moody T Moody R Marsh R Marsh L Robley L Robley A Spooner D Watters Mrs C Whitfield Mrs C Burne J Devenney J Dunbar J Dunbar
Vorweks 910 2 Vorwerk Pullets 911 Pair Vorwerk 912 Pair Vorwerk 913 3 Vorwerk Hens 914 2 Vorwerk Hens 915 2 Vorwerks
A Hamilton A Hamilton P R Jameson W Nichols W Nichols J Adams
Welsummers 916 Trio Welsummers 917 Trio Welsummers 918 2 Welsummers 919 2 Welsummer 920 2 Welsummer Pullets 921 2 Welsummer Pullets 922 Trio Welsummers 923 2 Welsummer Pullets 924 1 Welsummer Pullet 925 Pair Welsummer Pullets 926 Pair Welsummers 927 2 Welsummer Females 928 3 Welsummer Pullets 929 3 Welsummer Pullets
S Hodgson S Hodgson S Hodgson S Hodgson A Hamilton D W Johnson J Lawson J Lawson J Lawson W E & M Longton M Kennedy M Kennedy R Marsh R Marsh
17 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956
2 Welsummer Pullets Trio Welsummers 3 Welsummer Pullets 2 Welsummer Pullets Trio Silver Duckwing Welsummers Trio Silver Duckwing Welsummers 3 Silver Duckwing Welsummers TrioWelsummers 2 Welsummer Hens 2 Welsummers POL 2 Welsummers POL 2 Welsummer Hens 2 Welsummer Hens 2 Welsummer Hens 2 Welsummer Hens 2 Welsummer Hens Trio Welsummers Pair Welsummers Pair Welsummers Pair Welsummers Pair Welsummers Trio Welsummers Pair Welsummers 3 Welsummer Pullets 2 Welsummer Pullets Pair Welsummers 2 Welsummer Pullets
North West Poultry S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham G Ganley C Potter L Robley L Robley A J & M E Saggers A J & M E Saggers Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Miss A Smith Mrs C Whitfield R Armstrong R Armstrong R Armstrong R Armstrong Mrs C Burne J W Crowther M Crawford M Crawford A Burridge J Dunbar
Wyandottes 957 3 White Wyandotte Pullets 958 2 White Wyandotte Pullets 959 Trio Wyandottes 960 Pair Gold Laced Wyandottes 961 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets 962 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets 963 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte Pullets 964 Pair Buff Orpingtons 965 Trio Blue Laced Wyandottes 966 Partridge Wyandotte Pullet 967 Pair Silver Laced Wyandottes 968 2 Silver Laced Wyandottes 969 Pair Lavender Wyandottes 970 Trio Partridge Wyandottes 971 Pair White Wyandottes
S Holt S Holt S Johnson R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh J M Richardson L Robley R Strong D Watters J Adams T Bolton J Devenney J Dunbar
Araucanas 972 Pair Araucanas 973 Pair Araucanas 974 3 Partridge Araucana Females
G Ganley G Ganley R W Murray
Anconas 975 Trio Anconas 976 Trio Anconas 977 Pair Anconas
J Devenney J Devenney J Dunbar
18 Appenzellars 978 Trio Silver Spangle Appenzellars 979 2 Chamio Appenzellar Females 980 2 Black Appenzellar Females
B Milby B Milby B Milby
Barnevelders 981 3 Barnevelder Pullets 982 3 Barnevelder Pullets 983 3 Barnevelder Pullets 984 3 Barnevelder Pullets 985 3 Barnevelder Pullets 986 3 Barnevelder Pullets 987 3 Barnevelder Pullets 988 Pair Blue Laced Barnevelders 989 3 Blue Laced Barnevelder Pullets 990 3 Barnevelder Hens 991 3 Barnevelder Hens
R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh R Marsh S McKerr S McKerr
Faverolles 992 4 Salmon Faverolle Pullets 993 4 Salmon Faverolle Pullets 994 2 Salmon Faverolle Pullets 995 2 Salmon Faverolle Pullets
M Leggate M Leggate R Lamb J Devenney
Fresians 996 Pair Fresians
F Anderson
Game 997 Trio OEG 998 Trio OEG 999 Trio OEG 1000 3 OEG Hens 1001 Pair Brown Red OEG 1002 2 Grey OEG Pullets 1003 Pair OEG 1004 Pair OEG 1005 2 Indian Game Pullets 1006 2 Indian Game Pullets 1007 2 Indian Game Pullets
P Hind A Jackson A Jackson A Jackson D Pownall I A Trohear J W Crowther J W Crowther J Devenney J Devenney J Devenney
Jersey Giants 1008 Trio Jersey Giants
Miss A Smith
Le Fleche 1009 Quartet Le Fleche
M Hughson
Langshan 1010 Pair Croad Langshan Pullets
R Lamb
Legbars 1011 Pair Legbars 2013 1012 2 Cream Legbar Pullets 1013 Pair Cream Legbars 1014 2 Cream Legbars 1015 2 Cream Legbars 1016 1 Crested Legbar Hen 1017 1 Crested Legbar Hen 1018 1 Crested Legbar Hen 1019 2 Cream Legbar Females
M Leggate I Nixon J J Ritson L Robley L Robley A Spooner A Spooner A Spooner D Errington
19 1020 1021 1022 1023 1024
Pair Cream Legbars 14 wks 2 Cream Legbar Females 10 wks 2 Cream Legbar POL Pair Cream Legbars 10-14 wks 2 Cream Legbars 10 wks
D Errington D Errington D Errington D Errington D Errington
Leghorns 1025 2 White Leghorn Pullets 1026 2 White Leghorn Pullets 1027 Pair Blue Leghorns 1028 2 Blue Leghorn Pullets 1029 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1030 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1031 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1032 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1033 3 White Leghorn Females 1034 3 White Leghorn Females 1035 3 Blue Leghorn Females 1036 1 White Leghorn Pullet 1037 Trio Cuckoo Leghorns 1038 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1039 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1040 3 White Leghorn Pullets 1041 3 White Leghorn Pullets
A Hamilton A Hamilton W McGill W McGill M Maclpine M Maclpine M Maclpine M Maclpine John Smith John Smith John Smith A Burridge A Burridge M Crawford M Crawford M Crawford M Crawford
Marans 1042 Trio Copper Marans 1043 Trio Copper Marans 1044 Trio Copper Marans 1045 3 Copper Maran Pullets 1046 TrioCopper Black Marans 1047 2 Wheaten Marans 1048 2 Maran Pullets 1049 2 Maran Pullets 1050 Pair Copper Blue Marans 1051 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1052 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1053 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1054 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1055 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1056 3 Maran Pullets 1057 3 Maran Pullets 1058 3 Maran Pullets 1059 3 Maran Pullets 1060 Trio Wheaten Marans 1061 Trio Wheaten Marans 1062 Trio Wheaten Marans 1063 3 Wheaten Maran Hens 1064 Trio Copper Black Marans 1065 Trio Copper Blue Marans 1066 3 Wheaten Marans 1067 2 Wheaten Marans 1068 Pair Copper Blue Marans 1069 1 Copper Blue Maran Pullet 1070 Pair Marans 1071 Pair Marans 1072 Trio Copper Black Marans 1073 2 Wheaten Marans 1074 Trio Copper Black Marans
B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding G Ganley G Ganley R Hewson R Hewson D Kilburn T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody R Marsh R Marsh S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham M Ormond M Ormond I Palmer I Palmer K Robson L Robley L Robley
20 1075 Pair Marans 1076 2 Maran Pullets 1077 3 Maran Pullets 1078 3 Copper Black Marans 1079 Trio Copper Blue Marans 1080 Trio Marans 1081 Trio Copper Blue Marans 1082 Trio Marans 1083 Pair Copprr Blue Marns 1084 Pair Copper Black Marans 1085 3 Copper Black Maran Pullets 1086 2 Wheaten Maran Hens 1087 2 Wheaten Maran Hens 1088 Pair Copper Blue Marans 1089 Pair Copper Blue Marans 1090 3 Maran Pullets 1091 3 Maran Pullets
E Swainson John Smith John Smiith John Smith I A Trohear J Wales Mrs C Whitfield Mrs C Whitfield G Cuthelld J Christie J Christie S Donald S Donald J S Dixon J S Dixon J Dunbar J Dunbar
Minorcas 1092 Trio Black Minorcas
W McGill
Orpingtons 1093 2 Buff Orpington Pullets 1094 3 Buff Orpington Pullets 1095 2 Buff Orpington Hens 1096 3 Buff Orpington Pullets 1097 2 Buff Orpington Pullets 1098 Pair White Orpingtons 1099 Pair White Orpingtons 1100 Pair Buff Orpington 1101 2 Buff Orpington Pullets 1102 2 Buff Orpington Pullets 1103 Trio Buff Orpingtons 1104 Pair Buff Orpingtons 1105 Pair Buff Orpingtons 1106 Pair Gold Laced Orpingtons 1107 Pair Buff Orpingtons
A Hamilton S Holt S Holt S Holt S Holt P R Jameson P R Jameson P R Jameson L Jackson L Jackson F Anderson J M Richardson M Brown M Brown M Brown
CROSSBREDS – Lots 1108 - 1180 Crossbreds 1108 3 Green Egg Layer Pullets 1109 3 Rhode Rock Pullets 1110 3 Rhode Rock Pullets 1111 3 Rhode Rock Pullets 1112 3 Warren Pullets 1113 3 Warren Pullets 1114 3 Warren Pullets 1115 3 Blue Bell Pullets 1116 3 Blue Bell Pullets 1117 3 Blue Bell Pullets 1118 3 Speckley Pullets 1119 3 Speckley Pullets 1120 3 Speckley Pullets 1121 3 White Star Pullets 1122 3 White Star Pullets 1123 3 White Star Pullets
B Goulding G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley
21 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134 1135 1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1168 1169 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 1177 1178 1179 1180
3 White Hybrid Sussex 3 Legbar Hybrid 3 Lavender Hybrid 3 ISA Warren POL 3 ISA Warren POL 3 Isa Warren POL 3 Isa Warren POL 3 Silkie Cross 2013 3 Silkie Cross 2013 2 Silkie Cross Hens 2 Blue Bell Pullets 2 Columbian Black Tail Pullets 2 Blue Bell Pullets 2 Copper Black Rocks 2 Columbian Black Tail Pullets 2 Speckledy Pullets 2 Speckledy Pullets 2 Copper Black Rocks 3 Mixed Pullets 3 Mixed Pullets 3 Mixed Pullets 3 Mixed Pullets 4 Hybrid Hens Broody and Chicks Broody and Chicks 3 Light Sussex Cross 3 White Star Pullets 3 White Star Pullets 3 White Star Pullets 3 Isa Brown Pullets 3 Isa Brown Pullets 3 Isa Brown Pullets 3 Isa Brown Pullets 3 Blue Bell Pullets 3 Blue Bell Pullets 3 Blue Bell Pullets 3 Blue Bell Pullets 3 Blue Bell Pullets 3 Rhode Rock Pullets 2 Cross Bred Females 4 Isa Brown Pullets 4 Isa Brown Pullets 4 Isa Brown Pullets 4 Isa Brown Pullets 4 Isa Brown Pullets 1 Welsummer X Pullet 2 Hybrids 4 Mixed Hens Pair Legbar x Araucanas 3 Columbian Black Tail Hens 3 Columbian Black Tail Hens Pair Silkie Cross 4 Silkie Cross 3 Mixed Hens 4 Silkie Cross Pullets Silkie x Sussex Hen Silkie Cross and Serama Chicks
A Harding A Harding A Harding G Haddow G Haddow G Haddow G Haddow E Hide E Hide C House A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton A Hamilton J W Hope J Lawson J Lawon S Johnson T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody T Moody R W Murray North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry I Nixon I Palmer A Spooner Miss A Smith Miss A Smith H Wallace G Waddle Mrs C Whitfield G Webster A Burridge K Chapelhow
1 Dozen Maran J Smith 2 Dozen Maran J Smith 3 Dozen Maran J Smith 4 Dozen Copper Black Marans J Smith 5 Dozen Copper Black Marans J Smith 6 Dozen Copper Black Marans J Smith 7 Dozen White Leghorns J Smith 8 Dozen White Leghorns J Smith 9 Dozen White Leghorns J Smith 10 Dozen Copper Blue Maran J Smith 11 Dozen Dutch Buff Blue Columbian A Spooner 12 Dozen Dutch Silver partridge A Spooner 13 Dozen Cream legbar A Spooner 14 Dozen Cornonation Sussex A Spooner 15 Dozen Light Sussex A Spooner 16 Dozen Welsummers AJ & ME Saggers 17 Dozen Welsummers AJ & ME Saggers 18 Dozen Rhode Island Red large Fowl I Sanderson 19 Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl I Sanderson 20 Dozen Blue Partridge Wyandotte Bantam R Strong 21 Dozen Silkie Bantam R Strong 22 Dozen White Silkie P Thompson 23 Dozen Black Silkie P Thompson 24 Dozen Gold Silkie P Thompson 25 Dozen Black Silkie P Thompson 26 Dozen Gold Silkie P Thompson 27 6 Steinbacher Goose J Tucker 28 6 African Goose J Tucker 29 Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte J Tucker 30 Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte J Tucker 31 Dozen White Wyandotte J Tucker 32 Dozen Gold Laced Wyandotte J Tucker 33 Dozen Black Australorp J Tucker 34 Dozen Copper Blue Maran I Trohear 35 Dozen Copper Blue Maran I Trohear 36 Dozen Wheaten Maran J Wales 37 Dozen Maran J Wales 38 Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl D Watters 39 Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl D Watters 40 Dozen Rhode Island Red D Watters 41 Four Dewlap Toulouse D Watters 42 Four Dewlap Toulouse D Watters 43 Dozen Aylesbury D Watters 44 Dozen 62.5 Malay Blood Serama T Bolton 45 Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams C Barron 46 Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams C Barron 47 Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl C Barron 48 Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl C Barron 49 Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl C Barron
23 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Gold Laced Orpington Dozen White Wyandotte Large Fowl Details at time of Sale Dozen Gold Laced Poland Dozen German Pekin (Duck) Dozen Welsummer Dozen Call Duck Dozen Miniature White Silkie Dozen Welsummer Dozen Quail Dozen Silver Dorkin Dozen Leghorn Dozen Partridge Wyandotte Dozen Silkie x Light Sussex Dozen Leghorn Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen French Blue Copper Maran Large Fowl Dozen French Blue Copper Maran Large Fowl Dozen French Blue Copper Maran Large Fowl Dozen Ornamental Golden Pheasants Dozen Ornamental Yellow Golden Pheasants Dozen Lady Amhersts Pheasants Dozen Lavender Leghorn Large Fowl Dozen Leghorn Bantam Dozen Copper Black Marans Dozen Cuckoo Maran Dozen Wheaten Maran Dozen Cuckoo Maran Details at time of sale Four Embden Goose Dozen Golden Italian Quail Dozen Golden Italian Quail Dozen Magpie Call Ducks Dozen Magpie Call Ducks Dozen White Call Ducks Dozen White Call Ducks Dozen French Copper Black Maran Dozen French Copper Black Maran Dozen Spangle Russion Orloff Large Fowl ½ Dozen Blue Stein Bacher Geese Dozen Sumatra Bantam Dozen Ko Shamo Duck Wing Dozen Black Red Modern Game Dozen Duck Wing Modern Game Dozen Brown Red Modern Game African Geese Dozen Lavender Ararcona Dozen Cayuga Ducks Dozen Large White Crested Ducks Dozen White Call Ducks Dozen Welsummer Large Fowl Dozen Buff Sussex Large Fowl Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl Dozen Gold Laced Wyandotte Large Fowl Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte ½ Dozen Silver Laced Silver Appleyard
M Brown M Brown M Brown M Brown M Brown Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne Mrs C Burne A Burridge A Burridge A Burridge A Burridge A Burridge G Cuthell G Cuthell G Cuthell G Cuthell G Cuthell G Cuthell P Corkhill P Corkhill P Corkhill D & L Clapham D & L Clapham N Carswell N Carswell N Carswell N Carswell N Carswell N Carswell E Campbell E Campbell J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson J Dickson M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty M Drew & l Vitty J Devenney K Dixon K Dixon K Dixon K Dixon M Davies M Davies M Davies M Davies M Davies M Davies
24 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
½ Dozen Wheaten Maran Dozen Wheaten Maran Large Fowl Dozen Cayuga Ducks Dozen Cayuga Ducks Four Exhibition Toulouse Geese Four Exhibition Toulouse Geese Dozen Cream Legbar Dozen Cream Legbar Dozen Plymouth Buff Rock Large Fowl Dozen Plymouth Blue Rock Large Fowl Dozen Plymouth Silver Pencilled Rock large Fowl Dozen Silver Sussex large Fowl Dozen Plymouth Black Rock large Fowl Dozen Plymouth White Rock large Fowl Dozen Plymouth Barred Rock large Fowl Dozen Silver Sussex large Fowl ½ Dozen Plymouth Black Rock large Fowl ½ Dozen Plymouth Black Rock large Fowl Dozen White Plymouth Rock large Fowl Dozen Welsummer Large Fowl Dozen Fawn and White Runner Duck Dozen White Crested Duck Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Rhode Island Red Dozen Rhode Island Red Dozen Wheaten Maran Dozen Wheaten Maran Dozen Cayuga Duck Dozen Welsummers Dozen Welsummers Dozen Copper Black Maran Dozen Copper Black Maran Dozen Cream Legbars Dozen Cream Legbars Dozen French Copper Maran Dozen French Copper Maran Dozen French Copper Maran Dozen French Copper Maran Dozen Green Egg Layers Dozen Green Egg Layers Dozen Green Egg Layers Four Dewlap Toulouse Geese Four Dewlap Toulouse Geese Four Dewlap Toulouse Geese Dozen Cream Legbar Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen Light Sussex Large Fowl Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen Cuckoo Marans Dozen Welsummer Dozen RIR Dozen Cream Legbar Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Buff Orpington Dozen Lavender Pekin Bantam Dozen Lavender Pekin Bantam Dozen Light Sussex Bantam
M Davies S Donald S Donald S Donald S Donald S Donald D Errington D Errington L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell L Fell C & F Frame C & F Frame C & F Frame C & F Frame G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley G Ganley B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding B Goulding C House E Hide E Hide E Hide E Hide E Hide G Haddow G Haddow G Haddow L Jackson L Jackson L Jackson L Jackson L Jackson L Jackson L Jackson
25 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
Dozen Buff Orphington Bantam Dozen French Maran Dozen French Maran Dozen White Silkie Bantam Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Blue Laced Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Chocolate Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Maran Bantam Dozen Maran Bantam Dozen Chocolate Runner Duck Dozen Chocolate Runner Duck Dozen Salmon Faverolle Dozen Croad Langshan Dozen Plymouth Barred Rock Large Fowl Dozen Plymouth Barred Rock Large Fowl Dozen Rhode Island Red Large Fowl Dozen Barneveder Dozen Welsummer Dozen Welsummer Dozen Embden Goose Dozen Guinea Fowl Dozen Welsummer Dozen Lavender Auracana Dozen Light Sussex Dozen Speckled Sussex Dozen Goose Eggs Dozen Goose Eggs Dozen Fawn and White Runner Ducks Trout Runner Ducks Salmon Faverolle Bantam Dozen French Blue Copper Maran Large Fowl Dozen French Blue Copper Maran Large Fowl Dozen Vorwerk Large Fowl Dozen Lavender Araucana large Fowl Dozen Wheaten Marans Dozen Wheaten Marans Dozen Welsummers Dozen Welsummers Ten Free Range Copper Blue Marans Ten Free Range Copper Blue Marans Details at time of Sale Details at time of Sale Details at time of Sale Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantams Dozen Aylesbury Dozen Aylesbury Dozen Lemon Pekin Bantams Dozen Lemon Pekin Bantams Dozen Welsummer Large Fowl Dozen Welsummer Large Fowl Dozen Chocolate Orpingham Bantam Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Large Fowl Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Large Fowl Dozen Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam Dozen Crested Appleyard Dozen Saxony Dozen Welsummer ½ Dozen African Geese
L Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson Mr Jackson R Lamb R Lamb WE & M Longton WE & M Longton WE & M Longton WE & M Longton WE & M Longton WE & M Longton S McKerr M MaCalpine M MaCalpine M MaCalpine M MaCalpine M MaCalpine W McGill W McGill T Moody T Moody T Moody A Millen A Millen I Nixon I Nixon S Needham S Needham S Needham S Needham M Ormond M Ormond J Nicholson J Nicholson J Nicholson K Noble K Noble K Noble K Noble North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry North West Poultry C Pattinson C Pattinson M Potter Poultry Matters
26 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238
½ Dozen African Geese Dozen Copper Black Maran Dozen Copper Black Maran Dozen Gold Pencilled Hamburghs Dozen Gold Brahma Bantams Dozen Partridge Wyandotte Bantams Dozen Welsummer Dozen Welsummer Dozen Welsummer
Poultry Matters K Robson K Robson K Robson K Robson J J Ritson D W Johnson D W Johnson D W Johnson
EQUIPMENT – Lots 301 - 400 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344
New Chicken Coop J G Smith New Chicken Coop J G Smith Carrying Box 3 Bird S W Simister Carrying Box 3 Bird S W Simister Wire Cage S W Simister Incubator 56 Egg as new M Stockdale Show Cages M Stockdale Show Cages M Stockdale Show box M Stockdale Show Box M Stockdale 1 Coop – six bird R Strong Broad Fully Automatic Incubator 250 Egg Size H Shanklin Brinsea Hatchmaker Incubator J Tucker 200 Egg Paraffin Cabinet Incubator I Trohear Wooden Feeder on Legs Mrs C Whitfield Wooden Feeder on Legs Mrs C Whitfield Metal Poultry Feeder Mrs C Whitfield Poultry Drinker Mrs C Whitfield Galvanised Poultry Drinker A Barron Galvanised Poultry Drinker A Barron Galvanised Poultry Drinker A Barron Galvanised Poultry Feeder A Barron Brand New Run for Hen House 5x3 x 3’6” J & J Barry Large Galvanised Feeder I Burrow Large Galvanised Feeder I Burrow Medium Galvanised Drinker I Burrow Medium Galvanised Drinker I Burrow Small Galvanised Drinker I Burrow Fancy Fowl Magazines x 20 Mrs J Brookbank Fancy Fowl Magazines x 20 Mrs J Brookbank Fancy Fowl Magazines x 20 Mrs J Brookbank Fancy Fowl Magazines x 18 Mrs J Brookbank Wicker Show Basket P Corkhill Wicker Show Basket P Corkhill Brinsea Incubator D & L Clapham Automatic New 48 Egg Incubator M Davis Large Automatic Drinker M Drew & L Vitty Large Automatic Drinker M Drew & L Vitty Covatutto 120 Incubator J Devenney Flat Pack Chicken Coop 5 Bird L Fell 2 Storey Rabbit Hutch J Graham Heat Lamp C House 8ft x 2ft bantam/Clocker and chicken Run Mrs C Hodgson 8ft x 2’ 6”bantam/Clocker and chicken Run Mrs C Hodgson
27 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400
4 Compartment Carrying Box K Iredale 3 Compartment Carrying Box K Iredale Aluminium Carrying Box K Iredale Pet Carrier K Iredale Pet Carrier K Iredale Dog Cage K Iredale 5 Budgie Cage Fronts K Iredale Heat lamp complete with bulb K Iredale 2 Heat lamps with bulbs K Iredale ½ Gallon Eltex Galvanised Drinker K Iredale ½ Gallon Eltex Galvanised Drinker K Iredale ½ Gallon Eltex Galvanised Drinker K Iredale ½ Gallon Eltex Galvanised Drinker K Iredale ½ Gallon Eltex Galvanised Drinker K Iredale 2 Plastic Feeders K Iredale 5 Plastic Drinkers K Iredale 12 Cage Drinkers K Iredale 12 Cage Drinkers K Iredale 3 x 1.5kg Plastic Feeders K Iredale 13 Small cage drinkers K Iredale 6 Cage Drinkers, bag of leg rings and 3 pot eggs K Iredale Beak Bits and Toe Punch K Iredale 3 Small watering cans K Iredale Feed Bin K Iredale Chicken Coop and Run 5 x 3 D Jaynes Chicken Coop 5 x 3 D Jaynes Show Basket D Jaynes Show Basket D Jaynes Show Basket D Jaynes Show Cage D Jaynes Show Cage D Jaynes Show Cage D Jaynes Brooder Lamp D Jaynes Brooder lamp D Jaynes Brooder lamp D Jaynes Covatutto 162 incubator M Leggate Brinsea Polyhatch R W Murray 2 Double Canary Breeding cages M Ormond 2 Canary Breeding Cages M Ormond R-Com 20 Digital Incubator Full working order M Ormond Fox/Ferrel Cat trap M Ormond 100 Egg Ironclad Incubator Full working order D Pownall Miller Brooder Mrs C Potter Clocker Box Mrs C Potter Clocker Box Mrs C Potter Chicken Feeder P Perryman Chicken Feeder P Perryman Chicken Feeder P Perryman Chicken Feeder P Perryman Small Chicken Feeder P Perryman Small Chicken Feeder P Perryman 6’ 3” Chicken Coup with built in run – Pull out floor T T Reay 5’ 3” Chicken Coup with external nest boxes T T Reay 2 ½ x 1 ½ Brooder cage/Pet cage T T Reay Hi Lo Heater Lamp and Infra Red Bulk T T Reay 3’ x 4’ Chicken Coop and Seperate flat Pack Run T T Reay
PIG SECTION CALF BYRE 11am KUNE KUNE W McGill Lot 1501 & 1502
1 Gilt & 1 Boar
GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT BD & MS Hope Lot 1503 & 1504
5 Purebred Gloucester Old Spot Weaners
GLOUCESTER OLD SPOT X Messrs Routledge Lot 1505 & 1506
4 Gilts & 2 Boars (3 month old)
PIETRAN X C Lee Lot 1507 Lot 1508
6 Weaners (9 - 11 weeks old) 6 Weaners (13 - 15 weeks old)
FORTHCOMING SALE OF POULTRY & WATERFOWL within Borderway Mart, Carlisle (adjacent to J43 M6 motorway)
SATURDAY 20th SEPTEMBER Sale of Poultry & Waterfowl also Sale of Rare & Minority Cattle and Sheep (entries close Monday 11th August) ALL ENQUIRIES AND ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE FROM THE AUCTIONEERS Auctioneers
Head Office: Borderway Mart Rosehill Carlisle CA1 2RS Telephone: 01228 406230 – Fax: 01228 406231 E-mail: Website:
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The biddings to be regulated by the Auctioneers and the highest bidder, subject to the Vendor’s reserve (if any), to be the purchaser. No bid shall be retracted and if any dispute should arise between two or more bidders, the Lot in dispute to be put up again and resold, or the Auctioneers may determine the dispute at their own discretion and their decision shall be final. The Auctioneers reserve the right to refuse the bid of any person without being called upon to give reason for such action.
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All statements in the catalogue, or any made by the Auctioneers at the time of sale relating to any veterinary or other tests are to be taken as statements of fact only. No such statements shall guarantee the purchaser of any animal against loss arising from the subsequent reaction of such animal to any test administered after the sale and the Vendors shall not be liable in any way should this occur.
All stock is sold subject to the Conditions of Sale recommended for use at markets by the Livestock Auctioneers’ Markets Committee for England and Wales except in so far as these conflict with any Special Conditions applicable to the sale of pedigree stock, when the latter Conditions shall prevail.
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The auction ring man escapes and refuges must be kept clear at all times.
You have a right to know how we will use the information you have provided to us. We may share the information with other members of our group and may make this information available to relevant media groups and other interested parties on request. We and other members of the group may contact you by telephone, e-mail, post or fax to inform you of products or services available. If you do not want to be contacted for marketing purposes or do not wish your information to be made available to any other parties please notify us in writing.
All visitors and traders on site will be responsible for ensuring that they and their employees or sub-contractors engaged by them comply with all legal requirements, including the Health and Safety At Work etc., Act 1974, The Management of Health and Safety At Work Regulations, The Provision And Use of Work Equipment Regulations, etc. All visitors and traders will be responsible for ensuring that their operations in no way affect the integrity of the company or its fire, safety or security arrangements and in no way compromise the health and safety and welfare of other visitors to and or employees of Harrison & Hetherington. Although it is the visitors and traders responsibility to ensure that plant, equipment and systems in work are safe, Harrison & Hetherington Limited reserve the right to ask any visitor or trader to leave the market for any breaches in the Health and Safety Rules and/or Regulations. Vendors must inform Harrison & Hetherington Limited of any livestock due to attend the market whose temperament, behaviour or condition may call for additional precautions for its safe handling. When loading or unloading livestock handlers must ensure that the dock and vehicle gates are securely fixed so as to prevent the escape of animals. Traders are responsible for providing and maintaining suitable livestock handling equipment. They should ensure that livestock handlers are fit, experienced in livestock handling and familiar with the livestock in their charge. Children must not be permitted in any area where they may be at risk from livestock or machinery. In the case of bulls, during the period when the show/sale is open to visitors, bulls in stalls or pens should not be left unattended. If the handler is temporarily absent, arrangements should be made with another vendor, steward or member of Harrison & Hetherington staff to oversee the bull until the handler returns. Handling of Livestock at shows and sales: Harrison & Hetherington Limited recommend that an adult person should accompany any junior person during the showing/sale of livestock in the ring and reserves the right to intervene at any point if, in the company’s opinion, the person showing the livestock is at risk in undertaking that activity.
All portable electrical equipment supplied and/or used by visitors and traders must be safe and fit for the purpose and should have a valid portable appliance test certificate.
HARRISON & HETHERINGTON Farmstock Auctioneers, Brokers & Valuers
The UK’s Leading Livestock Marketing Company Seven Sale Centres Pedigree & Commercial Livestock Official Society Sales of Beef, Dairy & Sheep Tractors, Machinery & Commercial Vehicles Specialist Livestock Sales, Equine & Events Professional Valuations
01228 406200 Borderway, Carlisle CA1 2RS