HPL in Maths The introduction of Harrow Bangkok as a centre for High Performance Learning (HPL) is an exciting time for both our pupils and the teachers. In the Mathematics and Computing Faculty, our aim is to develop mastery and fluency to enable our students to be effective problem solvers with the ability to think critically. For many, Mathematics and the art of coding can seem like very abstract concepts, indeed, it is the ability to represent these ideas in concrete terms that is at the heart of the HPL Thinking Skill, ‘Abstraction’. Jerome Bruner’s model of cognitive learning shows us that in order for students to access the higher-level, symbolic representations, they must be guided through activities that are both concrete and pictorial in nature. Without this ‘hands-on’ scaffolding, abstract concepts can feel meaningless and disconnected. This important feature of HPL is a natural way to build long-term confidence and the motivation to develop competent and technical fluency. Children are hardwired to take joy in finding connections, relationships and patterns. At Harrow Bangkok, we nurture intellectual playfulness by constructing challenges that require the union of insight and imagination. Mathematics the foundation of entire ecosystems of interconnected disciplines, each providing a rich and beautiful tapestry of ideas and concepts. Through HPL, it is our goal for all students to develop mastery in their chosen fields and to become enthusiastic, life-long learners. Mr Rothwell Head of Mathematics and Computing Faculty