3 minute read



Nursery and Reception children have a weekly assembly every Friday morning. The assembly is a special time when children in the Early Years Centre come together to share a story and a song. Assemblies are usually based around personal and social themes. It is an opportunity to focus on developing values, attributes and attitudes and developing children’s understanding of our iRules.


Each week different children are awarded certificates to celebrate their efforts to follow the iRules.

In Term 2 and 3, Nursery and Reception classes will present a special class assembly where parents of that class will be invited to watch their children showcase their recent learning.

Encouraging Positive Behaviour in the EYC All staff in the EYC strive to create an environment that encourages and reinforces good behaviour. We seek to educate the whole child and create leaders. Clear communication and positive partnerships with parents are priorities, since we feel that these are crucial in promoting and maintaining high standards of behaviour. High expectations are key. We expect all our students to, and our parents to support students to: •follow the iRules •treat others fairly and respect the differences in others (race, culture, gender, ability, disability) •speak English within the school grounds, if able to •follow the school dress code

Teachers manage behaviour in the EYC through teaching the iRules. Praising and rewarding students who follow the iRules and demonstrate good behaviour. Where necessary, ensuring that a quiet word or other consequences occur when needed. In class and assembly, we regularly teach students about the importance of values and good attitudes.

THE iRULES The iRules are a child-friendly articulation of the Values, Attitudes and Attributes we teach through our High Performance Learning framework. iCreate l use my imagination to experiment and find solutions to problems or difficult tasks. iCare I want to help make the world a better and fairer place and I know that I can do this by caring for myself, my community and the environment. iTeam up I work with other people to achieve good things. I listen to others and understand that difficulties and challenges can be overcome with teamwork. iGo for it I try to be positive and believe in myself. I am determined to do my best and keep going even when things are difficult. I take risks and challenge myself to succeed. iRespect I appreciate that other people have different ideas and beliefs and always try to do the right thing and treat others as I would want to be treated. iWonder I am curious about the world and ask questions about what I see, hear and read. I listen to all points of view and I use what I learn to develop my own views and solutions.

iPractise I know the areas I need to improve and I like to challenge myself. I understand that to become good at something takes a lot of effort, training and practice.

• We aim to encourage self-discipline, consideration for each other, our surroundings and property through school rules for indoors and outdoors. We start from the expectation that all children can and will want to follow the iRules. • By praising children and acknowledging their positive actions and attitudes we hope to ensure that children see that we value and respect them. • School Rules are concerned with safety, care and respect for each other. Children who behave inappropriately, may receive a short ‘time-out’ if necessary. The child who has been upset will be comforted and the adult will confirm that the other child’s behaviour is not acceptable. The perpetrator will also be asked to check that the other child is all right and, if they mean it, to say or show that they are sorry. • In extreme cases the child may be removed from the classroom or playground until he or she has calmed down and had time to reflect on his or her behaviour. • Staff always treat children with respect. A child is never smacked, shaken or treated roughly. There are no circumstances in which such punishment can be justified. • Parents will be informed if their child is persistently unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases, inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with in school at the time. Parents may be asked to meet with staff to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties, we can work together to ensure consistency between home and school. • Children are encouraged to recognise that fighting, hurting and racist comments are not acceptable behaviour.

We want children to recognise that certain actions are right and that others are wrong.

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