Looking forward, giving back

Looking forward, giving back
Once again, I must start by extending my sincerest gratitude to our entire donor community for their continuing support for the School, in a year of celebration for Harrow, but one that has also been a period of hardship for many. Thank you. As I reflect on Harrow’s 450 years, it is clear that financial generosity of the whole community is as significant and evident today as it has been throughout the generations since the School’s foundation.
Now that we have celebrated our past with pride, we look to providing an abiding legacy for the decades ahead, with considerable investment in our bursaries, extending our reach to new pupils, and by developing exciting new facilities that are fit for future generations of Harrovians as well as being open to our local community partners.
I look forward to building on the enthusiasm, energy and momentum that Harrow’s 450th anniversary has provided, and to working with you all on Refounding our Future. The anniversary year itself may have concluded, but this important challenge remains in the years ahead.
Now that we have celebrated our past with pride, we look to providing an abiding legacy for the decades ahead.02 BUILDING ON MOMENTUM –A MESSAGE FROM THE HEAD MASTER AND CEO 04 THANK YOU FOR PLAYING YOUR PART 06 HARROW 450 CELEBRATIONS AND FUNDRAISING INITIATIVES
For the Harrow Development Trust, the 450th anniversary year has been a fulfilling and memorable one. We are very grateful for the many anniversary blessings: for the over 1,150 donors who have contributed to the Harrow 450 priorities so far (500 of them new supporters); for the widespread participation in the HDT’s first Giving Day, which raised more than £1 million over a 36-hour period; and for the thoughtful response from large numbers of the Harrovian community, parents and Old Harrovians to our two telephone-calling campaigns. A particular highlight for me, as the official ‘promoter’ (for the fifth time), was ‘the best ever’ Churchill Songs at the Royal Albert Hall–a performance that, at the start of the year, seemed unlikely to happen and was a tribute to all those involved.
This essential financial support puts the School in sight of completing two of its three significant capital projects: the construction of our state-of-the-art Science building and the transformative refurbishment of the Shepherd Churchill Dining Hall. It also puts fresh funding into additional bursary placements, providing more places for pupils needing financial support to join Harrow.
Looking ahead, the 450th anniversary priorities endure. Funding for the third substantial capital project, the construction of a much-improved Sports Centre, worthy of the sporting greats that this School has and will continue to produce, is still to be delivered. Providing a growing number of bursary places remains a School priority, along with an ongoing commitment to the preservation and improvement of the School’s eminent heritage buildings and Houses.
Providing a growing number of bursary places remains a School priority, along with an ongoing commitment to the preservation and improvement of the School’s eminent heritage buildings and Houses.
There is still much to do. We welcome new donors and invite you to Play Your Part, join the 450 Society and become a member of our growing donor community to whom the School is enormously indebted.
In 2021/22 the number of donors to the School doubled previous levels.
We are immensely grateful to the nearly 1,150 Old Harrovians, parents, staff, friends of Harrow and even current Harrovians choosing to play their part this year and support the School’s Harrow 450 ambitions, transforming lives through bursaries and building for the future.
This income is critical to funding capital projects and initiatives outside the day-to-day running of the School.
2021/22 net non-fee income
GIFTS IN 2021/22
In the context of the School’s 450-year history, the 650% increase in its total net assets to circa £160m over the last quarter of a century has been remarkable.
The successful fundraising efforts of the Harrow Development Trust have played a significant part in creating this improved asset base, which includes, of course, wonderful additions such as Lyon’s and the Modern Languages School, as well as numerous improvements and extensions to our sporting, boarding and other buildings.
These have all been necessary to provide the top-quality facilities and environment befitting a school with aspirations to be the best boys’ boarding school in the world. In parallel, it has been a key strategic objective substantially to increase our bursaries and charitable partnerships with an established target being, within the next three years, to have 30% of the boys on awards averaging 50%, including even greater provision for those requiring full fee assistance.
Yet our 450th anniversary has been the trigger for another significant phase in the School’s continuing development and has set the bar even higher in terms of our charitable outreach (our expenditure on bursaries and partnerships) and the development of our facilities. Already in train are the replacement of the Victorian Science Schools and the refurbishment of arguably the most
important building in the School–our central dining facility. These projects are due to be followed by the necessary construction of a new Sports Centre for which focused fundraising has already begun. There has never, therefore, been a greater challenge for the HDT as it strives to enable a greater transformation of the School than any other since its foundation 450 years ago.
During the year, the Harrow Development Trust undertook a number of events to raise much-needed funds.
raised in pledges, donations and matched funding
£ 241k
raised in surplus proceeds were shared between Young Harrow Foundation, the Harrow Club and bursaries at Harrow
Our fundraising focus is moving towards the new Sports Centre - a substantial project that will offer increased opportunities for community use, and facilities that meet the demands of a growing 21st-century sports programme.
The School has drawn up plans for a substantial new centre to be built in 2026-28. The sympathetic design of the exterior will complement the landscape of the east side of the Hill (facing central London) and will include:
Two substantial new sports halls
25m six-lane competition swimming pool with a viewing gallery and training pool
Viewing terrace and flexible (educational and hospitality) space overlooking the athletics track
State-of-the-art fitness and performance suites
13 changing rooms for visiting teams, triage and physio areas
A carbon-neutral energy centre that will rationalise energy consumption across the new developments on the eastern side of the Hill, including the new Sports Centre
Our new and refurbished facilities will benefit our local community as well as current and future generations of Harrow boys. For example, the current level of community use of the new sports centre will increase from 400 hours to 1800 hours or more per year as the new facility will offer greater potential for concurrent use by our third party partners.
The School has a long tradition of influence and achievement in the development of modern-day sports, and of continuing success at the highest level in those games. Many Old Harrovians have become celebrated international sportsmen and this sporting excellence continues today.
Alongside steady progress on the refurbishment of the Shepherd Churchill building, the new state-of-the-art facility for Biology and Chemistry is starting to take shape and we look forward to its opening in January 2024.
The Science building will have 214 reinforced concrete piled foundations, ranging from 10m to 20m deep, to retain the ground and anchor the building on the hillside.
£33m raised to date, over several years
21,793 tonnes of spoil exported from the site, which is twice the weight of the Eiffel Tower
7,912 tonnes of concrete has been poured for the foundations and frame, which would fill an Olympic swimming pool
3,280 tonnes of imported stone for hardstandings, equivalent to the weight of 300 Tyrannosaurus Rexes
tonnes of steel for the frame –that’s heavier than the space shuttle
for heating and irrigation at an average of 130m deep – 35m lower than the sea level
With construction works underway, soon pupils will be able to enjoy new surroundings when the dining hall extension completes in Autumn 2023.
The comprehensive internal refurbishment of Shepherd Churchill Hall will then follow and take a further 18-months to complete. Throughout the building work this critically important building will remain operational, serving over 3,000 meals daily, during term time.
When complete, this project will greatly enhance Harrovians’ dining experience, provide vastly improved accessible facilities for everyone, whilst also offering capacity for concurrent corporate events, commercial lettings, and summer schools.
Donations to the School through the Harrow Development Trust enable an ongoing programme of improvements to Houses and buildings on the Hill, and this year was no exception with the projects below funded by your generous donations.
Thanks to a generous contribution from a Harrow parent, Elmfield benefited from a substantial refurbishment of the House gym.
Thanks to the generosity of parents and members of the OH Golfing Society, a new golf simulator was installed as a memorial to the golf class of 2021, winners of the first Micklem Trophy in 21 years.
Thanks to contributions from some Old Knollites and parents, The Knoll benefited from the refurbishment of three common rooms and the A floor kitchen, including reconfigured spaces, and new lighting, fixtures and fittings.
Thanks to generous donations from some Old Bradbeians and parents, boys in Bradbys are enjoying the benefits of a new gym.
The new Teaching and Learning Centre, a space for innovative teaching and learning practices, is now in use.
There were upgrades to The Park’s Finds Room as well as the resurfacing of the House tennis courts and refurbishments to the common rooms, laundry rooms and bathrooms. Upcoming works include a full refurbishment of the squash court, thanks to a legacy from the Dick family and donations from other Harrow parents.
Harrow’s 450th anniversary, with the launch of the Transforming Lives Fund, has seen a record year of giving towards bursaries at the School with £1.9m raised, which is helping to support the 49 boys on 100% bursaries for the 2022–23 year.
This new bursary scheme, established in 2020 in honour of Harrow’s most eminent alumnus, offers a life-changing Harrow education to boys requiring financial assistance who demonstrate personal courage, wide-ranging thinking and a global outlook. The first Churchill Place scholar, on recently completing his time at Harrow, said:
The opportunity to join Harrow School in the Sixth Form would not have been possible without the help of a bursary. I am extremely proud to have been the first Churchill Scholar. I thoroughly enjoyed my two years at Harrow, which, although at times put me out of my comfort zone, opened doors to opportunities that may not otherwise have been available to me. At the same time as providing me with a fantastic education, the myriad activities outside the classroom allowed me to develop my sporting ability with high quality equipment and coaching, as well as expanding my leadership skills.
When I reflect on my time on the Hill, I am filled with fond memories and am extremely grateful for the opportunity I was given.
The Governors have set a goal to provide at least 30% of Harrovians (compared with the current 14%) with means-tested bursaries averaging 50% by 2026
Harrow is aiming to increase its bursary provision significantly over the coming decade and the School has recognised the need to build a dedicated infrastructure to support such growth. Thanks to a generous donation, through the Harrow Development Trust, of £600,000, Harrow has launched phase one of the Montagu Butler Programme, named after a transformative 19th- century Harrow Head Master, Henry Montagu Butler (1860–85). At the heart of the Montagu Butler Programme (MBP) will be a dedicated team within Shaftesbury Enterprise (the School’s outreach programme) promoting Harrow to maintained schools throughout the UK, inviting boys who would
£1.9m raised for bursaries
not ordinarily consider a Harrow education to apply. The MBP team will build positive relationships with potential applicants, their families, schools and communities nationwide and, importantly, will support successful bursary candidates and their families throughout their Harrow careers.
Phase one will see the recruitment of an Access Officer (probably based in the North) and a Support Officer at Harrow in 2023, both working under Dr Gitanjali Bhattacharya, Head of Access and Partnerships. Future phases will see the recruitment of more regional Access Officers, thus expanding Harrow’s reach nationwide.
2 fully funded pupils from Ukraine
The Harrow Development Trust has received a substantial donation to fund the establishment of the T20 Capital Sustainability Programme (TCSP).
The TCSP aims to inspire Harrovians of all ages to support sustainability and environmental protection. Through first-hand experiences, the programme will help educate them in this critically important field, presenting them with possible work experience and even future career opportunities.
The TCSP will fully fund ecological and sustainability trips for Harrovians within the UK and abroad. Parents of boys awarded places will be invited to make a donation to a Harrow-related sustainability cause.
In 2023, the TCSP is funding 40 Harrovians to undertake two key environmental trips: one to Namibia to work on the Orange River-Karoo Conservation Area (ORKCA) project and the other to Amsterdam to meet policy makers and visit key environmental projects including the world’s most sustainable building and the largest and most powerful offshore wind turbine.
“Protecting the environment and living sustainably will be central to the lives of all current and future Harrovians. The TCSP is a game-changer for Harrow as, through first-hand experiences, we will be able to educate and inspire boys in this vitally important area.”
David Morgan Head of Environmental Sustainability EducationThe Harrow Development Trust works closely with the School’s Shaftesbury Enterprise to raise funds for our partner charities, both locally and further afield.
In 2022, beneficiaries of Shaftesbury Enterprise initiatives include the Young Harrow Foundation, who in turn supports 21 charities working with young people in the borough of Harrow, and the Harrow Club, founded and designed by Old Harrovians in 1883. The club works with over 500 of the most marginalised young people in West London, helping them to maximise their life chances, enhance their personal development and fulfil their potential.
This long-standing annual sporting festival, in which all boys take part each November, and the Bike Ride in September, which is open to members of the wider Harrow community, raised a total of £225k in 2022.
£ £ £225k
During 2022, supported by the HDT, three boys in the Remove initiated a project to collect spare and unwanted sports kit, especially boots. The numerous items collected were then sent to Sierra Leone for children in need of the equipment.
Membership of the 450 Society, recognising current and former Harrow parents, Old Harrovians, staff and members of the Harrow community who have chosen to support the School’s Harrow 450 campaign, has surpassed our expectations. Over 1,200 valued members have joined the 450 Society, contributing at all levels.
Membership of the 450 Society remains open to all as we work to secure the School’s Harrow 450 legacy commitment to transform lives and build for the future. It is our ambition to attract 4,500 members by 2025.
1256 Society members
Bronze giving £450 +
Gold giving £4,500 +
All members receive a Harrow 450 commemorative lapel pin
+ name recorded in Speech Room on Harrow 450 benefactors board
name embossed in gold in Speech Room on Harrow 450 benefactors board
+ family name engraved in stone on the new Harrow 450 anniversary steps leading from the athletics track to Chapel Terrace
Silver giving £2,250 +
Platinum giving £45,000 +
Membership is open to those who make a contribution of £450 or more (£45 for current Harrovians or OHs under 25 years old).
Those donating £450 annually for five years will have their name recorded on the benefactors wall in the Speech Room; those pledging £4,500 (£75 per month) will have their name embossed in gold.
430 Old Harrovians parents
62 328 made a first time gift
boys and 58 staff have joined the 450 Society with a gift of £45 or more
All members will receive a special Harrow 450 commemorative lapel pin and have their names displayed on the virtual LCD screen in the new Science building.
Thank you to those Old Harrovians, parents, staff and friends of the School who have given generously to Harrow. Here, we recognise all those who have made a gift of any size between 1 September 2020 and the time of publication. We express deep gratitude to all of them, including those who have asked to remain anonymous or whom we may have omitted inadvertently, for which we apologise. Those who qualify for membership of the 450 Society are denoted with a 450.
Benefactors who are recently deceased are marked with
M S F Hood*
R J Pratt MBE450
R G L Taylor*450
R D Phillips450
A G Roche*450
K K Wynes*
A M Pelham Burn MBE
P A Van den Bergh450
T Gold Blyth
D H O Owen OBE450
E C O Owen450
R B B Ropner*450
Sir Richard Baker
Wilbraham Bt DL*
Professor J Hedley-Whyte
J D Cumming450
General Sir Peter de la Billiere
R M B Harland *
A W Hakim
C G D May *
J Miller CBE MA450
E J M Child Villiers*
R J Stanes
Captain P A Foxwood*
M M Lipman
W M Wasbrough
M C A Blair
J A Cecil-Williams *
T J E Lardner*
C D Massiah450
R L Phillips450
P A L Gordon450
J N Brankin-Frisby450
R A G Douglas Miller*
W G G Loughridge MD450
L G Tenison Mosse450
C R P Ward
J M Brand*
C N McCorquodale450
J H Proctor OBE*450
H J Sims-Hilditch
The Hon B J Alexander
A J Anderson KC450
D J Caldecott-Smith450
P G D Cooke-Priest*
R I Dick*
F C Minoprio
J D C Vargas
N M Bolingbroke-Kent450
J W Harris FSA450
G W Paul MBE DL*450
D C Wallace*450
Lt Col C I P Webb
R J Hermon-Taylor
P de F Hicks Jr
J C R Dennis OBE450
H K Leventis450
P H Seed450
Sir Hugh Stevenson
G St E C Lofts450
T R de Zoete MCIOB
I H Angus
M T Brookes
R F de Robeck450
J G W Feggetter MB BS
P D A F Matthiesen
M E Richards450
J P Swain450
E R A Travis450
D J L Fitzwilliams
N W D Foster450
W K Moores
R B Powell450
R A Bates FCA450
A B K Dubash450
G P Gray OBE*
M J B Green450
Colonel C M S Kaye OBE450
M M Mollet
Dr P T G Phillips450
R H Dudley
S Kassum450
G E W Macfarlane450
R Miller
R H Woolley
Professor I H Maitland
The Rev’d A F Anderson BD
A de Grunwald450
R C A Walker450
P M Beckwith OBE
R F Foster RP450
H N McCorquodale
G Meakin450
K F Morgan
P D Tuckett DL450
J M St J Harris450
C W Ingram
P H Radcliffe450
Dr D A N Kassum
I H T Roberts
D A Sinclair-Scott450
S W Bois
D A Cameron of Lochiel450
His Honour Judge
A M Darroch
A C G Mackie450
P T Streeter450
J G Tregoning450
R R C Wilkins
A P K Boyle OBE450
Dr C J D Catto450
J H Cook450
E A C Crump450
N Forrest450
J P A Readman450
E C D Sixsmith450
W E Whitehouse-Vaux450
Sir John Beckwith CBE450
Colonel S A StJ Miller450
R E S S Baden-Powell
I F M Ellvers450
M K Whitelock
M J T Chamberlayne450
T G Dahl FRSA450
S D Pollock-Hill450
N G Stafford Allen450
A P J Wilson*
W J Babtie
M G Copeland450
P R W Hensman OBE DL450
T A F Kemp450
Cllr H W V Meares450
R N Readman
S J Richards
N B Q Back450
T C B Dehn450
R J Goodhew
M J Keenan450
J E Lesser
H R T Summerson PhD
Sir George White Bt450
J Bliss450
D C M Blackburn450
Professor B J Carr450
D N Reilly CBE450
A P Webster450
Dr A O Wilson450
E N S Allen
M S Hunter
P Ingham
L D M Seligman450
R A Harrison450
P J R Snowball450
H H F Summerson
R M Davies450
A B Graham450
J N Green450
R K J Bruce
N A F Gent
E J W Houghton
Lt Col J R D Kaye JP DL450
C D Makey450
N E McCorquodale
R W Pleydell-Bouverie450
J H de D Richardson450
A H van Straubenzee450
J M L Lea MC450
G R J McDonald
J R Whitcombe
G R M Cruddas450
N H Olesen
J H Ben450
S D Eadon450
E S Griswold
P V F S Manduca450
G C W Marshall450
G R G Nicholson450
A H Roberts450
D M Salisbury MA
W F C Simmonds450
Professor J F Bion
R J Foster450
A A M Lowe
J R G Traill450
Colonel P R C Flach MBE
W E Mocatta450
G D Unwin
P B Yarrow450
A J Cator
D R L Cleave
D W Dennis450
J J Dickinson
G J M Downes
J C P Herrtage450
H A R Sutcliffe-Smith
T E Olesen
W G S Massey KC450
F Nicholson DL
R H C Phillips
R C Abrams450
W S Johnston
J R B McBeath450
G D C Paterson450
J B Steel KC450
The Rev’d H K Symes-Thompson450
E T Whitley450
Lord Grimthorpe45
Sir Charles Bracewell-Smith Bt450
J L Dearth450
Dr R R Newman
N C Du Sautoy450
M W Hall450
G R Elliott450
S A Fosh450
J K S Morgan450
Col. M N D Turner MBE450
G L T D Kronsten450
The Duke of Marlborough
M I Mitchell
Prof R Raja Rayan OBE450
Major K V B Day
J P M Baron
J F R Birkin
F P M P de Lisle
A P R Steinthal*450
R C Compton DL450
J F Davis450
D O Phillips
J A Stuart-Grumbar450
R R Thayer
D H Woolley
M K Fosh
Dr M P Seed450
C G T Stonehill450
A I R Stuttaford
P N C Talbot
C R Whiddington
D C Edward
R P M Hartley
A M Sinclair
C W P Thwaites
T D C Woolland450
J P Batting450
D A Colver450
W P Ledward *
C P Sewell450
J A Smouha450
D F T Wright
C W A Bott450
J D S Fricker
C H Gallagher450
C G Hoyer Millar450
T C Marsden-Smedley
F J McMullen450
D W E Orr450
R M Tindall
W R Wieloch
M D Astaire450
P D C Wigan
P C Ashton450
Lt Col C N Black MBE450
M W Cottingham
J B Fosh450
A D W Fothergill CBE450
D H Moss
A Wilson450
L B E Ash450
C W N Bankes
W A H Crewdson
R J Dent450
C P Latilla-Campbell450
C W Reynard450
D P Wiggin450
M C J Baddeley
C G Hamilton-Stubber
D E C Lewis-Barclay
J R Owen
W N G Taylor
D H W Dashwood450
G W J Goodfellow KC450
D S Levy
J C R Pitcairn
Major Gen M L RiddellWebster CBE DSO450
The Hon Sam Adams450
A B Dick-Cleland450
D R Gammon450
J J S Payne I T Tower
R W Parsonson450
S A O Phillips
J Wyn-Evans
A R E Ash
C S Farr
C N F MacInnes450
S B Phillips KC450
J I R Charatan450
N P Mehta450
J Miller450
T W Riddell-Webster450
M H Thompson450
N H Moss
W A M Oswald
C E Partridge450
A G Wauchope450
H G Williams MBA450
M J de R Richardson450
A R Varley450
R T G Winter CBE450
A D Hart450
J B Neame DL450
T R Ward450
S B B Bailey
A G Douglas-Miller450
J G Emus
P-C Lehrell
C H Warren450
J M Warren450
S E Munir450
L R L Phillips450
D A Carden
R L S Churchill
R P Douglas-Miller OBE 450
W M Emus TD450
J P J Glover450
P J Haigney
W J F Landale450
The Hon A C Millett450
M F Morley-Fletcher
S R Galway450
R J M Keatley
R M C Veale450
S M Levy
H C S McLean450
T P Barrow450
M J Dancer
D J Dinan
N H B Malcomson450
I J F Royle450
H J Wickham450
C T G Williams
Sir Euan Anstruther-Gough
Calthorpe Bt450
C Bonomi
H J P Farr
N R B Bullock450
J H F Cleeve
C C K Priebe
A W F Black
G M Fox450
J Kennedy450
A B Treherne Pollock450
A J Wills450
J L McCurrach450
J M Amies450
A Bance
R T Brankin-Frisby450
The Hon Andrew Butler
J A C Campbell-Johnston450
J E de B de B de BroëFerguson450
S G Denison-Smith
S D C Harman
T W H Lloyd-Jones
A W Sexton
G A Chambers
J E Connell450
M P B Gibson450
B J Kirkland450
J F Mitchell450
C P Theobald450
T W Falcon
R C Gaussen450
G B Hughes
B E Kryca450
M T Liddiard
D C Manasseh
R B Piepenstock
C D Pycraft450
A C W Snow450
A R L Banks450
J T Blackwood
M J Morgan
Sir Alexander Skipwith Bt450
J M P D Stroyan450
H Boralessa450
C O Bridgeman
L A Kunzig IV450
S D Martle450
R D Nelson
R P Trotter
H T Wong450
J R Barkes450
S R S Dugal
J A T Hulbert450
S G G Witheridge
R W K Poon
R C R SagarMusgrave450
B F R Bradkin450
M C Bruno
S R Daniel450
J A D de Labilliere DSO and Bar MBE450
K S B Duffy450
B W Entwistle450
V K Hirdaramani
S J Hunt450
A D J May *
C J A Virgin450
M C Wallace450
K M Wilkins450
R L J Arnott
H J R Bond Gunning
A J D Eynon450
R G Mackenzie450
C R Bain
J M Barkes450
J T Blake
M E Davidson
J W A England450
J L Pool
J J Raymond450
T Sood
N Suma450
P C G Witheridge
The Hon W B Hotham450
B R Ingram450
A J Leventis
H L S Bloomfield
J P Cope450
G R Hartley
R S Keigwin
J G A Luck450
Mrs R D Marchant
J A E Rous450
J A Stabb
A G Stirling450
T A H Streeter
D A G Tait450
C W Tan450
P T-A Wong
C L Keey450
B L K Aggrey Orleans450
C J A Bearman450
R M Edye450
Q M J Ings-Chambers
A M Thomas450
A C C Wong450
R J Tren
J R B Brooke
C E Gray
M C P Hammond
S N K Hirdaramani
R P R Hoffen
C T Hussey450
G J A Keith
K M Lyman450
P A Mosimann
J R J Muirie450
M C L Parkinson450
T J Paton-Smith
B A P Regnard-Weinrabe450
C H Roundell450
J P B Thompson450
G M Winters
Q J S G Baker
J G A S Churchill OBE
M G Hatcher
D’V C Jacobs
H Kemble-Clarkson450
A D Lane450
D R Martin
P H Master450
T S Montgomery
G H R Munton
K R Nazeri450
A W Stewart450
S A Stock450
M T Wood450
Dr J P O Lindemann450
A Y Fang450
M A Mosimann
A J D Murray450
A T Nehorai450
R D C R Pollock-Hill450
Count G T Revedin di
San Martino
D C A Titchener-Barrett
M S Wisskirchen450
Tunku M Alauddin
J L Bourne-Arton
E J R Cable
R G A Garnett450
W A T Gillions
H C Guest450
J F M Newall450
G R Schaad-Jackson450
M E J Thomas450
A C Alban-Moore
C A M Boileau450
S N Dadlani
T M Dalton450
G L Duder
C F R Hayes450
J E Prentice
C A M Watenphul
S C-C Zee450
H B I I Cheape
S M Connell
T A T Davies
G E Donald
L C L Fitzwilliams
J A R Freeman
F N G Jones
W J L Matthews
J G B Taylor
C D M Thorburn
C J R Wilson
C R D Arthy
J D A Baldwin
A E C Gray
B I A Maclean
T L Richards
E A D Santa Barbara450
W M Scawn
G B D Armitage
W B Bryan450
J B Goodhew450
E H W Macfarlane
E N Poulter
G R Streeter
T A van Straubenzee
T W B Forman Hardy
The Earl of Haddo
D E Lan450
C T Lochotinan450
D D A Ponniah
S F D Ponniah
M R P Ruoff
E S Seligman
H R G Syms450
T W V French
S Patel
T B Rogers
J D O R Schneider450
J D I Skeggs
D C H Soon
N H von Loeper
N G S Allen
G W Dennis450
Father B M Eadon450
N G A Edge450
M F Goodliffe450
J C R MacLeod450
M S Marks450
W R Orr-Ewing
S M C Ponniah
H T F Woolley
G F J Yarrow450
G R Allen
W J B Davies450
J Wigley450
B T Allen450
A P J Cater450
A Chandris450
B O French450
G J George
C H T Morris450
J A B Orr-Ewing
J C Poole
J J B Snow450
F L Streeter
A C M Wolf Galimberti450
P L S I Ali-Noor450
Haycock D T K Ho450
J J B Ponniah
R G J Simpson450
A van Straubenzee450
N E M Wingfield Digby450
J W B Anderson450
C E G Bailey450
A G Johnson450
W A Martin450
F C McClure
S S Sayeed
O F A Ayodeji
M E J Baddeley
T C Batting450
L H Compton
M Habib
W H L Munro Ferguson
M W R Z Szymanski
C I A Walsh
C M Davies450
D J H Draper450
D J O’Sullivan
J Shah450
J G Thomas450
S F Lawrence
W K Michele
C W Waldron
K N Pittalis
R Misra
S G Myers
A Selvan450
S G Hardy450
B G J Parfit
G Pernas Chamorro
J E Sturgess-Smith
W T G Douglas-Miller
W N E Seex450
J M Stephens
D Bernardi450
M C Chan
P K Gajland450
G O M Hart
J W Lane
E S McGovern450
F F C Reding-Reuter
A O Seriki
A Watson450
M J F Berry
F T Gaba450
O W Gardiner450
D A X Holden
C R T Jenkins
C D McLean450
T R Moy450
O A A Amuludun450
D H Anadkat
H M C Collins450
O C Acar
G O Adebiyi450
K A A Amaan450
R A Babaoye
G C Barry
L H F Berry
O T Brankin-Frisby450
A R Bullen
O L B Chalmers
H G Fry
Q Q Gaba450
P J Gallagher450
N L Gardner450
G C T Grassly
G P T Gray
F G Hall
C E G Hart
J P Herron
K M I Kandour
T Y Keeble
A L Kenda450
K C Krause
J J Kyd450
W O Latham450
H A Lee-Clarke
J E Leof450
G Y Lim
A D Masri
A Rahman
J Shanahan
S G T Tallis
M Tasker
G O Watson450
A J Work
P Yeh450
G C R Warmback450
L C Acar
J B Bailey450
N J F Berry
A K Bhatnagar
C S Boland450
T P T Chan
D P Cook
J J Cullimore
M H G Evans-Tovey450
T H D M Franck450
J F M Larard
T E Latham450
J Middlemass450
H F L Potter450
M T Powell
D D Shortt
H A Stephenson
W J F Tallentire
C F T Tallis
W R J Blunt450
C P T Davidson
B D T Davies
M E Dismont Robinson450
J A M Donohugh450
G C N Ho
M J S Holden
E P A Josserand
T M Khan
J E Langston450
K T K Lee450
A J Leung450
J M Linares450
B B Moses-Taiga450
A W A Moses-Taiga450
A D Moses-Taiga450
N M Nasim450
L H Ng
K F B Oludoyi450
E G S Prim450
H Qureshi450
A Shumeyko450
T W C Tang450
J X Wang450
S Aben450
S M W Ackroyd450
J K K Bedu-Addo
J H Brankin-Frisby450
T M Y T Cheah450
H M A Farquhar450
N D O T Franklyn450
B S Harrison450
M S Harrison450
H A Y K-S Hammad450
Y Jiang450
A E A Josserand
S A A Malde450
S Moon450
P Peganov
G H I Phillips
F C M Prickett450
R G R Pringle450
J P C Smith450
F A Strange450
W A C Wallace450
C M T Yip
D L Zhang
A O F Ajibola450
J P O Barley450
E J B Blunt450
B C F Chang450
B B Coldicott
J L C Hedley450
E A Herwegh Vonk450
A Y Jeong
G A G Lambert450
S J T Phillips450
S A A Quist450
I Qureshi450
M C Shirvell
T J Shirvell
M H Tung
A A Wilkins450
D K Z Winward450
J W Artis450
A F Da Silveira Pinheiro 450
F N D M J A De Robert
M Y Ding450
D E Eldridge450
T M C Emery450
H F Han450
T C K Haworth450
M C Kantaris450
O O M Kolawol450
H W W McCreanor450
M A Mohd Zakhir Siddiqy
P H A V Nguyen450
R C Ponniah450
H J Ridley450
L W J Rienow450
H W W Rowntree
A C Y Wong
K Au-Yeung450
M J R Bloomfield450
C H Chau450
C P Elliott450
H J L Emerson450
J W Everall
M D Farah450
D C Fitzherbert450
M F Hotham450
E Hu450
O T E Jones450
D D Kainth450
M A Leof450
B Leong450
H A Maclean450
R J N McCorquodale
A P Newman450
S L Phillips450
V Puri
M R K Quist450
V Y Song450
A C Anyanwu450
H L J Chan450
B C K Chang450
J Dolby450
F G C Emery450
G F Hamblin450
A E O Jones450
J W Lam450
E L Latham450
H Li450
R L Lubbe450
C P McDowell450
S Moon450
A J Moore450
J N Pedersen450
A E Saville Masciono450
S A Winters450
A C T Wong
O D Aiyeola450
J E Amankrah450
D S Apabhai450
Y S Apabhai450
S H J H Al-Thani450
K Berk450
V S Bhaika450
S M Bruinette450
L A Fitzherbert450
J D Ford450
H T Gray450
B E P Hufford Hall450
W Leong450
T M Linares450
M S R Veluvali450
L Wang450
J Z-X Winward450
H Zhang450
D Moore450
E M G de Venecia 450
Parents and Friends
Mr A Abenov & Mrs A Temirtas450
Mr & Mrs D R C Abrams
Mr & Mrs K Abualsaud450
Mr & Mrs B Acar
Mr & Mrs R Ackah450
Dr & Mrs A M Ackermann450
Mr A Adams & Ms M Burgess450
Mr & Mrs F Addati
Mrs O Adebiyi450
Mr & Mrs O Adetula450
Mr & Mrs D K T Adomakoh450
Mr A Ait El Caid & Ms C Caponi450
Mr & Mrs M Aiyeola450
Mr & Mrs A Ajibola
Mr & Mrs T Akindele
Mrs C Alabi
Mrs M Alaka450
Mr M Aldridge450
Mr J Al-Kanani
Mr & Mrs J W E Allday
Lt Col & Mrs P Allen450
Mr & Mrs E N S Allen
Mr & Mrs R Amaan450
Mr & Mrs E E Amankrah
Miss A Amihyia450
Mr & Mrs E Amissah450
Mr & Mrs C Anantaprakorn450
Dr & Mrs S H C Anderson450
Mr & Mrs D I S Anderson
The Rev’d & Mrs A F Anderson
Mr & Mrs A E Anenih450
Mr & Mrs I H Angus
Dr & Mrs M Apabhai450
Mrs L M Arnison
Mr & Mrs D K Arthur450
Ms G Ashkenazi450
Mr & Mrs S A Ashley450
Mr P C Ashton450
Mr & Mrs P J C Ashworth
Mr K I Asokan & Mrs E Bala
Mr & Mrs A Au-Yeung450
Mr T-J Aw & Dr N Chauvidul-Aw
Mr & Mrs A Awolesi450
Mrs R L Ayliffe450
Mr & Mrs G E I Ayoub450
Mr & Mrs M C J Baddeley
Mr & Ms R E S S Baden-Powell
Mr H Bai & Mrs C L Wong
Mr & Mrs S B B Bailey
Sir Richard* & Lady Baker Wilbraham
Mrs L H A Balagova Kandour & Dr M Kandour
Mr & Mrs C J Ball450
Mr & Mrs C D Banfield450
Mr & Dr C W N Bankes450
Mr & Mrs P J C Barley450
Mr & Mrs B T Barrett
Mr & Mrs R Barry
Mr & Mrs Z S Basak450
Mr & Mrs T A Basran450
Mr G W Bater & Ms K M E Hudson450
Mr R A Bates FCA450
Mr & Mrs J P Battin450
Ms Z Bavakunji450
Mr & Mrs C J A Bearman450
Sir John Beckwith450
Mr & Mrs K A Bedu-Addo450
Mr & Mrs I D S Beer450
Mr & Mrs Y Berk450
Mr & Mrs R Bernardi450
Mr & Mrs Berraquero-Font450
Mr & Mrs J C H Berry
Mr & Mrs J S Bhaika450
Mr & Mrs G Bhatnagar
Mr & Mrs N Bibolat450
Ms D Biles
Mr & Mrs M N Black
Mr & Mrs J T Blackwood
Mr & Mrs M R J Blake McGrath
Mr & Mrs J Bliss450
Mr & Mrs H L S Bloomfield
Mr & Mrs R C Blunt450
Mr & Mrs J Boegh-Nielsen450
Ms J Bojko
Mr & Mrs B Bokan450
Mr & Mrs S N Boland450
Mr S J Boreham & Ms E J Crawford450
Mr & Mrs J L Bourne-Arton
Mr & Mrs J A R Bovell450
Mr & Mrs P M J Bradley 450
Miss S L Bradshaw450
Mr & Mrs J N Brankin-Frisby450
Mr & Mrs R T Brankin-Frisby450
Mr & Mrs G Breeze450
Mr & Mrs P A Brewster
Mr & Mrs P Brindley450
Mr & Mrs D M Brocklebank450
Mr & Mrs D W J Brounger450
Mr & Mrs R D Brown450
Mr & Mrs H M P Bruinette
Mr & Mrs N F Bullen450
Mrs M Burston
Mr & Mrs R Burt450
The Hon Andrew & Mrs Butler450
Mr & Mrs J P Byrne450
Mr & Mrs D A Cameron of Lochiel450
Mr & Mrs J Campbell450
Mr & Mrs J A C Campbell-Johnston450
Mr & Mrs D A Carden
Mr & Mrs P H Casely-Hayford450
Mr P Cashmore450
Mr J Castellano La Chica & Mrs C Burguera Arienza450
Mr A J Cator
Mr & Mrs R Chalmers
Mr & Mrs T S R Chalmers
Mr & Mrs G A Chambers
Dr & Mrs R Chan450
Dr A W F Chan & Dr W S W Ho450
Mr C L Chan & Mrs S L Ma450
Mr K C A Chan & Ms H K J Tin
Mr Y S Chan & Ms P S Wan450
Mr K B S Chang & Ms M W J Chow450
Mr & Mrs J I R Charatan450
Mr & Mrs R N Chatwin
Mr & Mrs K M Chau
Mr & Mrs C K M Cheah450
Mr & Mrs K J-T Chen450
Mr A T Chen & Mr X Fan
Mr H Chen & Mrs X Hu450
Mr L R Chen & Ms S X Ding450
Mr Y H Chen & Ms M C Luk450
Mr RL Cheng & Mrs H Zhang450
Ms L Chernukhin450
Mr E Cherpion & Mrs I Vander Elst450
Mrs P J Chetwynd-Talbot
Mr F S Y Cheuk & Mrs K S K Cheuk-Wong450
Mr Y C Cheung & Ms H M Wang
Mrs T Chiimba450
Mr & Mrs E J M Child Villiers
Mr W S D Chin & Ms K C Wong
Mr C S Ching & Ms Y Y Tsang450
Mr & Mrs A Chisnall450
Mr D Chiu & Mrs Y N N So450
Mr E Choi & Ms Y Chung450
Mr D T Y Chou450
Mr J K M Chow & Ms N M A Chan450
Mr & Mrs A Classen
Mr & The Hon B C Clayton-Bennett450
Mr & Mrs J H F Cleeve
Mr A K J Codrington450
Mrs J L Codrington
Ms F H Coldicott
Mr & Mrs J R Collier-Wright
Mr & Mrs A M Collins450
Mr & Mrs R C Compton450
Mr & Mrs J E Connell450
Dr & Mrs R E Cook
Mr & Dr J Corsellis
Mr & Mrs J E H Cowlrick450
Mrs L A Cross
Mr & Mrs M D Curtis
Mrs C Curtis450
Mr & Mrs H P B Cutler450
Mr & Mrs M N Cutts450
Mr & Mrs F Da Silveira Pinheiro450
Mr & Mrs B D’Angelin450
Sir Edward & Lady Dashwood
Mr & Mrs M E Davidson
Mr & Mrs N M Davies
Mr & Mrs R M Davies450
Mr & Mrs J E de B de B de
Mr & Mrs R de Hemptinne450
General Sir Peter & Lady de la Billiere450
Mr & Mrs J A D de Labilliere450
Mr & Mrs F P M P de Lisle
Mr & Mrs M de Venecia450
Mr N Deane
Mr & Mrs R K Debrah450
Mr & Mrs S G Denison-Smith
Mr & Mrs K Denman450
Mr & Mrs D W Dennis450
Mr & Mrs R J Dent450
Mr & Dr C Desai450
Mr F S Dewotor & Ms E Panshina450
Mr* & Mrs R I Dick
Mr & Mrs A B Dick-Cleland450
Mr J J Dickinson
Sheriff R H Dickson
Mr & Mrs D J Dinan
Mr X Ding & Mrs Y Zhang450
Dr F J Dolby
Mr & Mrs M C Doros450
Mrs L Doughty450
Mr & Mrs R A G Douglas Miller
Mr A G Douglas-Miller450
Mr & Mrs R P Douglas-Miller450
Dr I Dove-Edwin & Professor P Ellis450
Mr & Mrs B Dreesmann
Mr C Du Roy De Blicquy & Mrs M L N De Brouwer450
Mr & Mrs N C Du Sautoy450
Mr & Mrs H J Du Toit450
Ms L Dubash450
Mr & Mrs A P Dunn450
Mr & Mrs S D Eadon450
Mr & Mrs O Edu
Mr N J Ekpenyong & Ms N E Xenofontova450
Mr & Mrs M R Eldridge450
Mr & Mrs P Eledan
Mr & Dr M K Elliott450
Mr & Mrs I F M Ellvers450
Mr & Mrs M C Emerson
Mr & Mrs J M Emery450
Mr & Mrs W M Emus450
Mrs A P Engelen
Mr & Mrs D Epton
Mr & Mrs J P Esposito450
Mr S Eu
Ms E R Evans
Mr & Mrs J Evans-Tovey
Mr & Mrs A J Everall450
Mr & Mrs T W Falcon
Mr M Fan & Mrs F Y Zhang450
Mrs E V Farah
Mr & Mrs E P H Farquhar
Mr & Mrs C S Farr
Mr & Mrs H J P Farr
Mr & Mrs M Fasinro450
Mrs A C Felton
Mr & Mrs H M Fenwick
Mr & Mrs S Ferneyhough
Ms A C Filotico450
Mr & Mrs P Finch
Mr & Mrs T J Fitzherbert450
Colonel & Mrs P R C Flach
Mr J L Fontana & Mrs P Satrustegui
Mr J S Ford & Ms S M Huang450
Mr & Mrs N Forrest450
Mr & Mrs R Forrest450
Mr & Mrs S L Foster
Miss H R M Fox450
Mr & Mrs S C Francis450
Dr & Mrs J O P Franklyn
Mr & Mrs J D S Fricker
Mr W Fu & Ms L Yuan450
Mr & Mrs J S P Fulford450
Mr & Mrs J S Gallagher450
Mr C H Gallagher450
Mr S R Galway450
Dr M R Gardner & Dr M A Sahra-Naward450
Mr A Gardner & Mrs A Mac-Crohon Gardner450
Mr K Gaw & Mrs P Tung-Gaw450
Ms R Gaw450
Mr & Mrs I R Gethin450
Mr & Mrs S Ghersi450
Mr G S L Gianasso450
Mrs L J Gianasso
Mr & Mrs M G Gibson450
Mr & Mrs J M S Gisborne450
Mr E S Gleason & Ms P J Robinson
Mr & Mrs J P J Glover450
Mr & Ms T Gold Blyth
Mr & Mrs H C Goldberg450
Mr G W J Goodfellow & Dr M R Saif450
Mr & Mrs R J Goodhew
Mr & Mrs A A Gosden450
Mr C P J Gower & Ms R G Johannes
Mr & Mrs E Grant450
Mr & Mrs R C Grassly
Mr & Mrs C E Gray
Mr & Mrs G P Gray
Mr & Mrs J R Gray450
Mr & Mrs P D Gray450
Mr & Mrs J N Green450
Mr M A J Gregory
Mr J T Griffin & Ms K M H Cole450
Mr J Griffiths
Mr C Gu & Mrs W Jiang450
Mr M Gujadhur & Ms H S Gujadhur Bell450
Mr C Guo & Mrs M L Wang450
Mr Z Guo & Ms S Wang
Mr & Mrs G Gupta
Mr & Mrs M Haimes450
Mr & Mrs G Hall
Mrs A E Hall-Williams
Mr & Mrs R H Hamblin450
Mr & Mrs A Hammad450
Mr P Hancock450
Mr P Handley450
Mr & Mrs C P Hargreaves
Mr & Mrs J W Harris450
Dr & Mrs S A Harrison450
Mr & Mrs J D Harrison450
Mr & Mrs P Harrison
Mr & Mrs A D Hart450
Ms X Hawken450
Mr & Mrs J B Hawkins450
Mr J G Hawley
Mr & Mrs P A Haworth450
Mr & Mrs C A E Hedley
Mr & Mrs O Hemsley
Mr M L Henry & Mrs D K Finnegan450
Mr & Mrs P R W Hensman450
Mr & Mrs M L Herron
Mr & Mrs U R W Herschel450
Mr & Mrs M P Hersee450
Dr F Higuchi450
Mr & Mrs C E Hill450
Mr & Mrs T P J Hill
Mr & Mrs R Hinduja450
Mr & Mrs V K Hirdaramani
Mr L S H Ho & Ms P S D Li450
Mr & Mrs T Hobbs
Mr & Mrs A J Hoggett450
Mr H M Hong & Ms K W Ma
Mrs Y Hong & Mr J M Xu450
Mr & Mrs T W Hopkins
Mr & Mrs N Hoshi450
The Hon & Mrs W B Hotham450
Mr E J W Houghton
Mr G Howes & Ms F Milligan
Mr D Hu & Mrs L Yang450
Mr W H Hu & Ms H Chen450
Mr J Huang & Mrs Y Tao
Mr J G Hufford & Mrs S J Hall450
Mr & Mrs S J Hunt450
Dr J Hyun & Dr Y Ra
Mr & Mrs C W Ingram
Mr & Ms M T Inpan450
Dr & Dr T Ishikawa450
Ms N Ivancev450
Mr M Jang & Mrs G Lim
Mr H D Jeong & Ms N Yi
Mr H Jiang & Ms W Zhou450
Mr & Mrs W A Jodrell
Mr & Mrs W S Johnston
Mr & Mrs A M Jokosenumi
Dr & Dr B Jones450
Mr & Mrs T A Jones450
Mr D Joshi & Mrs A Tiwari
Mrs T Josserand450
Mr & Mrs J R Joyce450
Mr J Kain & Ms L Ban450
Mr S T Kainth & Ms R K Mehmi450
Mr N F A Kamil450
Dr & Mrs M Kandour
Mrs M Kantaria450
Mr & Dr C Kantaris
Mr & Dr S Karri450
Mr & Mrs R R Kawkabani
Colonel & Mrs C M S Kaye450
Lt Col J R D Kaye JP DL450
Mr & Mrs T Keaveney450
Mr & Mrs M P Keeble
Mr & Mrs C L Keey450
Mr & Mrs J L Keffer450
Mr & Mrs R S Keigwin
Mr & Mrs G J A Keith
Mr & Mrs M S Kelsey450
Dr L Kenda & Ms T Detiuk
Mr T A J Khan & Ms S V Gibaud-Khan
Mr & Mrs A Kingsley450
Mr & Mrs B J Kirkland450
Mr S Kohli & Mrs S Sood-Kohli
Mr & Mrs A Kolawole450
Mr T C T Kong & Ms W R Xing
Mrs L Krause
Mr & Mrs B E Kryca450
Mr B Ku & Mrs J Kim450
Mr & Mrs T Kuner450
Mr & Mrs Y Kunitomo450
Vice Admiral & Dr J P Kyd450
Mr & Mrs J B G Laing450
Dr & Mrs T Y D Lam450
Mr & Mrs A Lam450
Mr & Mrs J K W Lam
Mr Y L J Lam & Ms S H M Chan450
Dr C M Lambert & Dr J Ives
Mr & Mrs G B Langston450
Mr & Mrs P Lanni450
Mr & Mrs A Latham450
Mr N Lathwood
Mrs L Law450
Ms E A Lawless450
Mr L Lawrence-Ojo & Miss A Ogunbayo
Mr & Mrs N J A Lawson450
Dr & Mrs A Lee
Dr K Y Lee & Ms H C Lai
Mr S Y Lee & Mrs Y Y Li
Mrs S Lee-Clarke
Mr & Mrs P-C Lehrell
Mr & Mrs J J Leney450
Mr & Mrs B Leonard450
Mr & Mrs G Leong
Dr & Mrs C B Lesesne450
Mr & Mrs J Leung450
Mr K Leung & Ms J Ng
Mr & Mrs H K Leventis450
Miss F Li
Mr Z Li & Ms N Xu
Mr J Lian & Mrs S Hsueh
Mr & Mrs M T N Liddiard450
Mr K C H Lin & Mrs M Koshiba Lin450
Mr & Mrs J M Linares450
Professor & Mrs C Liu450
Mr & Mrs E K Y Lo450
Mr & Mrs J A Lozinski
Dr & Dr R Lubbe450
Mr & Mrs F C R Ludlam450
Mr H C L Ma & Dr G Y S Leung
Mr & Mrs J V Macdonald450
Mr & G E W Macfarlane450
Mr & Mrs C I C MacGregor
Mr & Mrs R A C Mackay450
Mr & Mrs A C G Mackie450
Mr & Mrs A J H Maclean450
Mr T M Macleod & Ms C E Wei450
Mr A C Maia & Ms T Stalker
Mr K Maidment & Mrs S Pesel
Mr G Majed & Mrs C Gale450
Dr A N Majumdar & Mrs I R Carvigan450
Mr & Mrs P V F S Manduca450
The Duke and Duchess of Marlborough
Mr & Mrs O Marre
Mr S C Martin & Dr L Lakasing450
Mr & Mrs M J Martins450
Mr & Mrs J Masri
Mr & Mrs W G S Massey450
Mrs M May450
Dr & Mrs W Mazrani
Mr & Mrs J W E McCorquodale450
Mr & Mrs N E McCorquodale
Mr & Mrs P A McCreanor450
Mr & Mrs P J McCullagh450
Mr & Mrs S C McDermid450
Mr & Mrs R S McDowell450
Mr & Mrs T J McDowell450
Mrs J McDowell450
Mr & Mrs K McGuinness
Mr & Mrs H C S McLean450
Mr & Mrs F J McMullen450
Mr M P McPhail & Ms J A Saville450
Mr & Mrs S McWilliam
Mr & Mrs G Meakin450
Mr & Mrs J Mendicino450
Mr R Menezes450
Mr & Mrs J Miall
Mr & Mrs R A R Middle
Mr & Mrs K Middlemass
Mr & Mrs D P Miell450
Mr & Mrs J Miller450
Mr G Miller450
The Hon Andrew & Dr Millett450
Mr & Mrs J Mills
Mr & Mrs B Mingay
Mr & Mrs F C Minoprio
Mr N Mishin & Dr K Rubina450
Mr J F Mistry & Mrs J D Cambatta-Mistry450
Mr T Mitchell & Ms T L Falk-Mitchell450
Mr J I Moon & Mrs J Park450
Mr S Moon & Mrs S Minjung450
Mr & Mrs C D Moore
Mr & Mrs D G Morgan
Mr & Mrs D Morgan
Mr & Mrs M F Morley-Fletcher
Mr & Mrs C E S Morrison450
Mr & Mrs A S W Mould
Mr A Mugica
Mr A A Müller & Mrs S L Foster450
Mr & Mrs S E Munir450
Mr & Mrs N Munro-Peebles
Mr & Mrs A J Murley
Mr J R Murray
Mr K Myers & Mrs C Harrington
Mr & Ms A Nanda
Mrs K Nekrasova
Mr & Mrs R D Nelson
Mr & Mrs P J G Newman
Mr W L Ng & Mrs F H Ng Leung
Dr & Dr T H Nguyen
Mr & Mrs F Nicholson
Mr T W J North450
Mr & Mrs W Nsouli
Mr & Mrs O Obatoyinbo450
Mr & Mrs M O’Brien450
Mrs K O’Callaghan450
Mr & Mrs J A Odofin450
Mr & Mrs A O Odunsi450
Mr & Mrs R J Oelhafen450
Mr & Mrs N O’Hara
Mr & Mrs A Ojomo450
Mr & Mrs O J Olaigbe450
Mr D L Older & Mrs C R Gut450
Mr & Mrs T E Olesen
Dr K & Dr A Olowe
Mr & Mrs J M Olugbodi
Dr A Ordonez Espana & Dr A M Velasco Bolanos
Mr & Mrs U Orji450
Dr E Otuseso450
Mr & Mrs J Ovia
Dr & Mrs C Owens450
Mr & Mrs A M Oyegade450
Mr & Mrs P Paintal450
Mr & Mrs V Palasuntheram
Mr U Palazzo & Mrs G Tancredi-Palazzo450
Mr D Pan & Mrs Y Cheng450
Mr H Pang & Ms K Y K Leung450
Mr H Parker
Mr & Mrs J B G Parry-George450
Dr K Parsons450
Dr C Pase450
Mr & Mrs A Patel
Mr & Mrs T J Paton-Smith
Mr & Mrs G W Paul450
Mr & Mrs M A Pearce
Mr J J H Pedersen & Ms J Tsar450
Mrs A M Pelham Green
Dr A Pereira Coutinho
Viscount & Viscountess Petersham450
Mr & Mrs L R L Phillips450
Mr & Mrs R C D Phillips
Mr & Mrs R D Phillips450
Mr & Mrs S A O Phillips
Mr Simon & The Hon Mrs Sophia Phillips450
Mr R H C Phillips
Mr & Mrs N Piranditta
Mr & Mrs R W Pleydell-Bouverie450
Mr F Polese450
Mr & Mrs S D Pollock-Hill450
Dr R Ponniah & Dr R Menon-Ponniah450
Mr & Mrs A D Ponniah450
Mr & Mrs N Porter
Mr & Mrs I H F Potter450
Mr & Mrs R C Powell
The Rev’d & Mrs J E Power450
Mr R J Pratt450
Mr S R Pringle450
Mr A R Procter450
Mrs M Procter450
Mr & Mrs J H Proctor450
Mr & Mrs J Puri450
Mr & Mrs V Puri450
Mr & Mrs S V O Quist
Mr & Mrs M Rahman
Mrs N Rahman
Mr & Mrs S Raithatha450
Mr N Ramchandani
Mr & Mrs T Ramus450
Mr U U Rashid & Ms T M U Rehman450
Mrs F Redknapp450
Mr & Mrs B A P Regnard-Weinrabe450
Mr & Mrs B J Reid450
Mr & Mrs R S Revill450
Mr & Mrs C W Reynard450
Mr & Mrs C M Rezek450
Mr & Mrs S J Richards
Mr M E Richards450
Mr & Mrs J H de D Richardson450
Mr & Mrs M J de R Richardson450
Major Gen & Mrs M L Riddell-Webster450
Mr & Dr T W Riddell-Webster450
Mr & Mrs A W Riddick 450
Mr G H Ridley & Mrs J C Bone-
Mr & Mrs J G Rienow
Mr J Ro
Mr I H T Roberts
Mr & Mrs A H Roberts450
Mr & Mrs M T Robinson
Mrs C Robu & Mr M Malaure
Ms C Rodriquez
Mr C E Rogberg & Dr A F H Welin
Mr W P Rollason & Ms C E Artis450
Mr & Mrs R B B Ropner450
Mr & Mrs I A J Ross450
Mr & Mrs S R C Rowntree450
Mr & Mrs I J F Royle450
Ms A Rudman & Mr D Shorthouse
Mr D Safronov & Mr M Madden450
Mr & Mrs L Samonas
Mr & Mrs S Santhamoorthy450
Dr M Sarno
Baron & Baroness P C W Schell450
Mr & Mrs G M Scott450
Mr & Mrs L D M Seligman450
Mr & Mrs C Selvan450
Mr & Mrs R Sethi
Mr & Mrs J Sevaux450
Mr & Mrs C P Sewell450
Mr E Shampansky
Mr & Mrs J Shanahan
Mrs V S Sharron450
Mr M Sheng & Mrs X Wang450
Mr & Mrs A V Sheopuri
Mr & Mrs G J Shepard
Mr & Mrs R S M Shepherd
Dr C Shi & Dr Y Tao450
Mrs J Shin450
Mr & Mrs W Shirvell450
Mr D Shorthouse & Ms A Rudman450
Mrs E A Shortland-Jones*
Mr & Mrs D Shortt450
Mr & Mrs N A Shryane450
Mr & Mrs A Shumeyko
Mr & Mrs W F C Simmonds450
Mr & Mrs H T Simpson
Mrs A Sims-Hilditch450
Capt. S Singh
Mr & Mrs E C D Sixsmith450
Mr & Mrs P R G Smith450
Mr D Smith & Ms L Letcher450
Mr M J Smith450
Mrs Y Smith450
Sir Kevin Smith CBE
Mr & Mrs A C W Snow450
Mr P J R Snowball450
Mr B So & Ms D Li450
Mr & Mrs S S Sohal450
Dr J H Song & Dr S K Oh450
Mr F Song & Mrs X Xu450
Mr X Song & Ms Y Ding450
Mr T Sotir & Ms T Cleminshaw450
Mrs & Mr A Soyemi450
Mr & Mrs J A Stabb
Mr & Mrs N G Stafford Allen450
Mr A C Maia & Ms T Stalker
Mr & Mrs R J Stanes
Mrs J S Stebbings
Mr & Mrs T J Stephenson
Dr & Mrs H Stockmeier
Mr & Mrs G S Storey
Mr & Mrs E A Strange450
Mr & Mrs B Stratton450
Mr & Mrs O M Stratton450
Mr & Mrs P T Streeter450
Mr J M P D & Lady Henrietta Stroyan450
Miss M H Stubinski450
Mr & Dr J Sule450
Dr A H Sumathipala450
Dr S Sumathipala & Ms I Bourne450
Mr L Sun & Mrs F Huang450
Mr & Mrs R St. J B Sutherland450
The Rev’d & Mrs H K Symes-Thompson450
Mr & Mrs P D Tack
Chief & Mrs M Taiga450
Mr & Mrs D A G Tait450
Mrs N M V Tallentire
Mr & Mrs S E J Tallis450
Mr H Tang & Mrs Q Ai450
Mr Y M Tang & Miss M C Tai
Mr Y Tang & Mrs L Li
Mr & Mrs J L Tanner
Mr F H Tarar450
Mr & Mrs A J Tasker450
Mrs M Tawfik450
Mr & Mrs D Taylor450
Mr & Mrs R G L Taylor 450
Mr & Mrs S J Taylor450
Mr & Mrs S N Taylor
Mr & Mrs V J Thayil450
Mr & Mrs C P Theobald450
Mr & Mrs J P B Thompson450
Mr & Mrs M H Thompson450
Mr & Mrs R S Timblo450
Mr P J Timlin & Ms D W Muchiri450
Dr C S T Toh450
Mr & Mrs E R A Travis450
Mr & Mrs J G Tregoning450
Mr & Mrs A B Treherne Pollock450
Mr & Mrs M J Tremlett450
Mr C P Trott & Ms A C E Dismont Trott450
Mr & Mrs L Trudel450
Mr T Tsoi & Mrs M Wang450
Mr & Mrs M Tung450
Col. M N D Turner MBE450
Mr & Mrs G M Turner
Mr J C Tyacke & Dr K B Traffa-Tyacke450
Mr & Mrs N Ul-Ghani450
Mr & Mrs A Unuigbe450
Mr C Van Aeken & Mrs K De Wulf450
Mr J Van den Berghe & Mrs E Callens
Mr & Mrs A H van Straubenzee450
Mr S R Veluvali & Mrs C Sharma
Mr W A C Verbraak & Mrs K Host-Verbraak450
Mr P Visetsuth
Mr & Mrs W J Von Kumberg450
Ms C Waddington
Mr & Mrs B J J Walker450
Mr & Mrs D C Wallace450
Mr & Mrs M C Wallace450
Mr & Mrs G C Walsh450
Mr & Mrs M C Walton450
Mr G S G Wan & Ms M Fu450
Ms P Wan450
Mr H Wang & Mrs S Xi450
Mr S Guo and Mrs M Wang450
Mr & Mrs T R Ward450
Mr & Mrs H G Watson450
Mr & Mrs A G Wauchope450
Mr & Mrs R N Weatherby
Lt Col & Mrs C I P Webb
Ms S Weena450
Mr M Wei & Ms J Wei
Mr N Welton450
Mr & Mrs C R Whiddington
Mr H F Whitbread450
Mr & Mrs W E Whitehouse-Vaux450
Miss J L Whiterod450
Mr I J Whitlock
Mr & Mrs H J Wickham450
Mr & Mrs W R Wieloch
Mr & Mrs D P Wiggin450
Mr & Mrs R Wijeratne
Mr & Mrs K M Wilkins450
Colonel C J M Williams OBE & Mrs C E Williams
Mr C T G Williams & Ms G M Lusty
Mr D H M Williams-Ellis
Mr & Mrs A J Will450
Mr W Willwong & Dr R Oliver-Willwong
Dr & Mrs A O Wilson450
Mr & Mrs A P J Wilson
Mr & Mrs G M Winters
Mr M Wiszniewski & Mrs I Minkiewicz450
Mr & Mrs S G G Witheridge
Mr & Mrs A C C Wong450
Mr N C Wong & Ms P A Mercer450
Mr P T-A Wong & Mrs S K T Fung-Wong
Mr & Mrs R H Woolley
Mr X Xiang & Ms N Fang450
Mr J M Xu & Mrs Y Hong
Mr H Yang & Mrs J Lin450
Mr P Yang & Mrs W Jia450
Dato Sri J Yap & Datin Sri N Ting450
Mr O Yaroslavskyi & Mrs M Yaroslavska450
Mr & Mrs P B Yarrow450
Mr D E Yarrow
Mr H P Yeo & Ms W Q Chen450
Mr R Yeung450
Mr T C L Yip & Ms C K M Cheung450
Mr & Mrs M E H Young
Mr K Young450
Mr & Mrs C Zampa450
Dr T Zhang & Mrs L Dai
Mr B Zhang & Mrs Y Wu
Dr N Zhu & Madam L L W Yang
Governors, Current and Former Staff
Mr & Mrs J A Ansbro
Ms L S A Ashe450
Dr T M Bailey450
Mr C E G Bailey450
Ms B Bailey450
Dr S Barke450
Mrs K Barnes450
Mr & Mrs J P M Baron
Mrs J Benwell-Froggatt450
Mr & Mrs P J Bieneman450
Mrs M s Brounger
Mr D L Collins450
Mrs J Cooper450
Dr C M C Crowe450
Mr T M Dalton450
Miss L de Guzman450
Mr P Donlevey450
Dr D J Earl450
Mr D Egan450
Mr D G Emkes450
Mr P J Evans450
Mrs S Fellows450
Mrs K Fletcher450
Miss H R M Fox450
Mr C H Gallagher450
Mr G W J Goodfellow KC450
Mr J P J Glover450
Mr E J H Gould450
Mr J P B Hall450
Miss D Hannaway450
Dr F G Hardy
Dr S A Harrison450
Mr A D Hart450
Miss E M Hetherington450
Mr E W Higgins450
Mr P D Hunter450
Mr I J H Hutchinson450
Mr & Mrs H K Johnson450
Mr S Jones450
Mr W M A Land450
Mr W J F Landale450
Dr S-C Lim450
Mr & Mrs N J Marchant450
Mr J Marsden450
Mrs C E Marshall450
Mr J McLeod450
Mr S McWilliam
Mr L J Meadows
Mrs H Mould
Mr T R Moy450
Mr J P Murrin450
Ms W Nichols
Mrs E O’Connor450
Dr C Owens450
Dr A T R P Pateman450
Dr G Patterson450
J C Poole
Mr N Porter450
The Rev’d & Mrs J E Power450
Miss S E Price450
Mr & Dr V Rawal450
Mr J R Reed450
Mr M J M Ridgway450
Mr D Rimmer450
Mr T Sakai450
Mrs C Sampson450
Mr W N E Seex450
Mr G Sharp450
Mr B J D Shaw450
Mr R C J Shaw450
Mrs C G Shaw450
Mr and Mrs N A Shryane450
Mr K Sincock450
Ms M Smith450
Mr C G T Stonehill450
Mr S N Taylor
Mrs N Till
Rev N Tivey
Mr & Mrs M J Tremlett450
Mr J D C Vargas
Mrs N A Walker450
Mr M C Wallace450
Mrs G C Whitmee
Ms L Worton450
Mr W G H Young450
3D Print UK
ANS Group Ltd
ASK Charitable Trust
Bayfield Charitable Trust
Bitesize Luxury
Bristol Cellars
Catherine Matthews Interiors
Cazenove Capital Management Limited
Col W H Whitbread Trust
Cripps Pemberton Greenish
David Williams-Ellis
David Yarrow Photography
E.J. Churchill
FCR Ludlam Ltd
Goldman Sachs Gives
Hamish Mackie Sculpture
Harrow School Golf Society
Hoopers Carpets
Ian Robert Kumar MacLaren
1999 Settlement
Jam Sandwich
Joseph Warren Foundation
Keystone Tutors
KogoPAY Group
Merrill Lynch
Morgan Stanley
Orbis Investment
Peter Beckwith Harrow Trust
PKF Littlejohn
Pol Roger
Reignwood Investment UK Ltd
Rivington Street Studios
Standard Chartered
Tennis and Rackets
The A G Leventis Foundation
The Albert van den Bergh
Charitable Trust
The British Schools and Universities Foundation
The Constance Travis
Charitable Trust
The Doughty Family Foundation
The Giving Force Foundation
The Lourie Foundation
The Macquerie Group
The Safaris of Graham Jones
The Saint Paul Foundation
The Warwick Square
Watermark Foundation
The Zetland Charitable Trust
Wealmoor Limited
M S F Hood
R M B Harland
Captain P A Foxwood
J M Brand
J A Cecil-Williams
T J E Lardner
P G D Cooke-Priest R I Dick
Mrs E A
A significant number of supporters choose to provide financial gifts at a variety of levels. Every contribution is meaningful, regardless of amount. If you give regularly, your contribution, added to others, makes a significant difference to the School.
All those who make a gift of £450 or more (£45 for current Harrovians and staff), either as a single donation or by instalments, will become members of the 450 Society.
If you are a UK tax-payer, please remember to include a Gift Aid declaration as this will increase the value of your donation by 25% (25p for every £1 or £250 for every £1,000) as we can reclaim this amount from HMRC. If you are a higher-rate taxpayer, visit our website for ways in which you can reclaim tax yourself through giving.
You can continue to support Harrow’s 450 Campaign, by donating through the HDT (registered charity, no.296097), in several ways: Visit for further details and to make a tax-efficient donation online
We hope that all members of the Harrow community will get involved, and gifts of any size and frequency are welcome: participation is key. One-off donations can be set up online, by bank transfer or by cheque made payable to the Harrow Development Trust, 5A High Street, Harrow on the Hill HA1 3HP.
Bequests have been enormously important to Harrow since its earliest years.
We owe our very foundation to the bequest of John Lyon, whose original endowment and reversionary legacy paved the way for a tradition of philanthropy and giving back that has shaped the School that exists today.
As we continue to celebrate Harrow’s 450 years and refound our future, leaving a gift in your Will is your opportunity to make a lasting contribution to the School for generations.
If you inform us of your intention to remember Harrow in your will, you will invited to join our Edward Bowen Society, and receive invitations to special donor events, including a special benefactors’ lunch. In addition, your family will be invited to a memorial tree planting ceremony and your name will be recorded in the Harrow Tree Book.
Your support:
• provides life-changing support to talented boys in need of financial assistance
• enables the creation of state-of-the-art facilities and funding of capital projects
• helps establish a permanent endowment for future generations of Harrovians
• helps preserve the School’s key buildings and heritage
Anonymous legator
The HDT is a registered charity and therefore bequests from UK taxpayers are exempt from inheritance tax. This can be a substantial benefit to your estate and your inheritors.
“Even though I left Harrow in the 1990s, I have decided to include a large bequest to the School in my Will. The plain fact is that Harrow did wonders for me and I would like to give something back.”• Sinclair Hood (The Head Master’s 1930³) • Richard Michel Beckwith Harland (The Knoll 1947³) • John Cecil-Williams (West Acre 1949³) • William Ledward (Druries 1972²) • Adrian May (West Acre 1984³) All were unrestricted use apart from the May bequest which was dedicated to Bursaries. £1.58m
Jim Glover (Rendalls 19783) Chairman
John Batting (The Park 19722)
Marina Brounger
Matthew Fosh (The Head Master’s 19712)
Adam Hart (West Acre 19771)
Nikhil Hirdaramani (The Park 19883)
Patrick Wong (West Acre 19863)
Harrow Development Trust Team
Douglas Collins Chief Executive
William Landale (The Grove 19783) Director
William Young Director
Felicity Benjamin EA to the Chief Executive
Jessica Bellringer Communications Manager
James McLeod Database Management Officer
Emma Pinto Digital Communications Officer
Debbie Hannaway Finance Manager
Gregory Warmback (Newlands 20141) Development Officer (until December 2022)
Parul Jobanputra Administration Co-ordinator
The Harrow 450 Gala Dinner and Auction takes place in Hong Kong on 21 March 2023
The auction is open to all at