Harry Chaiyanda's Portfolio Book

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Harry Chaiyanda

“Let’s start from here, get to know me more, looking at my design journey, and after that...”

Experiences: - Activist of KMBD organization - Freshmen leader & freshmen partner of Binusian’23 - Freshmen leader of Binusian’24 - Participant of “Beyond Reality .Virtual Exhibition” - Freelance graphic designer of TheMommy101.com - Freelance designer & copywriter of @CemaraCemana - Intern creative writer of Cuatrodia Creative

Educations: Hi! I am Harry! You can call me Har, Chai, or Achai. It’s all up to you! I am a Visual Communication Design Student who self-claimed myself as a graphic designer & copywriter. I really enjoy to explore my creativity thru’ visual and words. Currently, I’m studying in my 7th semester at Binus University.

Contact: Email: Chaiharry771@gmail.com Whatsapp/Call: 087766450008 LinkedIn: Harry Chaiyanda

2012 - 2015 SMP Swasta Tunas Baru P. Brandan 2015 - 2018 SMA Swasta Tunas Baru P. Brandan 2018 - now Binus University (Visual Communication Design - Creative Advertising)

Skills: - Adobe Illustrator - Adobe Photoshop - Adobe Premiere Pro - Adobe After Effect - Copywriting/Creative Writing/Content Writing

Table of Contents. 06.

Traveloka #JalanMenujuKemudahan Ads Campaign

23. 26.

Le Doux Branding

28. 30.

Konser Penuh Rasa Imaginary Music Concert

Movie Poster Remake Epen Cupen

Beyond Reality Virtual Exhibition Se’i Sapi - Kupang

Freelance Graphic Design

Initiative Project On Instagram

36. MOKA Youtube Ads

Sania Premium Rice Product Knowledge Video - Pitching


42. Winsan Lighting Design Content Writing

The Last One What Will It Be?





#JalanMenujuKemudahan Advertising Campaign Team: Chris Adriel • Dionisius Ardhito • Harry Chaiyanda Scoop of Work: Art Directing - Ideation - Digital Imaging - Copywriting

For the complete version of this campaign, please scan this barcode.

Company Profile Traveloka is a travel company that offers online services for flight and hotel booking. This Indonesia unicorn startup also expands their services on train ticket booking, buses, car rental, and tourist activity.

Unique Selling Point Booking all travel accomodations within one transaction

Flight Booking

Hotel Booking Airport Transfer Car Rental

Problem Our target work from 8 to 5, do their hobby/exercise on weekend, and some of them like to travel (to relieve their stress) on a long weekend. With that busy routinity, they can’t even have a proper good rest, moreover, having enough time to book all of their travel accommodations.

Key Messages Hassle free holiday within one transaction!

Target Audience’s Profile

Fear They can’t use their spare time efficiently.

Aspire They don’t want any hassle while preparing their holiday.

Solution With Traveloka, they can book all of their travel accomodations within one transaction, in one app. Hassle Free, Travel Happily!

Big Idea With the solution that Traveloka has offered, our target will be hassle free when they prepare their travel accomodations. So, we came up with “Mudah Untuk Santai” as the big idea of this campaign.

Objective & Goal This campaign is made so Traveloka can be the first travel application that comes to their target’s minds for their stress relief after this pandemic situation is over. We’d like to make people feel the “easiness” of Traveloka in real. Then, this campaign and the product itself will be glued to their mind.

Key Visual After we decided to define “Mudah Untuk Santai” as the big idea of this campaign, we processed it creatively. From various kind of ideation methods, we choose “Metaphor”. The “easiness” that Traveloka offers are metaphorized as “as easy as choosing right or left road”. So, the visual device of this campaign is “signpost”.

The Campaign The campaign itself will be divided into 5 phases; Attention, Interest, Search, Action, and Share. Each phase has its own media which will be seen by the target in their everyday life. This campaign will be held in 5 weeks from the “attention” phase to “share” phase.

The Media Attention: - Busway - MRT - Waze - Papan Jalan - Web Banner - Instagram Story - Instagram Feeds - Youtube Ads - Radio - Spotify

Interest: - KOL - Waze Search: - Instagram Feeds - Website - Search Engine

Action: - Event Share: - Instagram Feeds - Instagram Story - IGTV - Youtube

Key Visual

Phase 1 - Attention In this phase, we install traditional media at bus stop, MRT station, and some of Jakarta’s main streets. The signpost installed there aims to offer people to experience the ease of Traveloka, such like giving restaurant and places to visit recommendations (busway), or comparing the easiness there with the easiness of Traveloka.

Next on social media, we use Instagram feed and Instagram story. The Instagram stories are interactive content and supported by swipe up link, so people can be directed to this campaign’s website.

In the Instagram feeds, we post three serial posts that show the easiness of Traveloka.

We also did ads placement on Waze app, which is an app related to “navigation/street”. Within this app, Traveloka will give the user shortcut when they’re on their way. Other than that, the user who chooses the shortcut thru’ this app will get Traveloka point too.

Following all of the medias earlier, there are 30s Spotify ads too. The ads is basically a conversation between three colleagues that argue about which holiday destination they will visit and how to prepare the accomodations. After that, one of them recommmend them to use “Jalan Kemudahan Traveloka” instead.

Last but not least, Youtube ads to grab people attention, especially for digitally savvy target that use Youtube at least once in one or two day(s). This ads tells a story of two friends who are hiking together. One of them chooses the normal way, meanwhile the other one chooses the easiness way of Traveloka.

Phase 2 - Interest After we get people’s attention at the “Attention” phase, we use some KOLs to make people more interested in this campaign. All KOLs chosen will upload four stories. The first and the second story will be the Traveloka PR package (safe travel kit) unboxing video. Then, in the third story, KOL will inform the audience about the information of this campaign, such as the campaign itself, the location, time, and swipe up link to this campaign website. Last, the fourth story will provide question box where the audiences can write which destination they want to visit at this campaign main event.

Phase 3 - Search Succeeding in making people interested in this campaign, we must provide them a platform to search about further information of this campaign. Here, we have website and Instagram. The website is the main platform to integrate all medias in this campaign.

Phase 4 - Action Here is the peak phase of this campaign, "Action". In this phase, we hold a big event. In this event, people can experience the real easiest travel experience thru’ VR booth and world destination installation.









Index: 1 VR booth; 2 Map and Signpost; 3 Qian Men Street, China; 4 Asakusa, Japan; 5 Nam Dae Mun, South Korea; 6 Lisse, Holland; 7 San Miguel, Mexico; 8 Eiffel Tower, France

Phase 5 - Share Last, after four phases are finished, we continue on the last phase. In this phase, people will share their experiences on the main event, at Instagram. Then, the lucky one will be given free travel experience with Traveloka. When they travel with Traveloka, Traveloka will make a documentation to post them on Traveloka’s Youtube and Instagram TV.

Konser Penuh Rasa Imaginary Music Concert Scoop of Work: Graphic Design

Promotional Items Layouting promotional items for “Konser Penuh Rasa”, a music concert that is supported by Good Day Coffee. The concert name itself is used to show the colorful and wonderful taste of Good Day Coffee.


2 3 6




1 Newspaper; 2 Magazine; 3 Wristband; 4 Billboard; 5 Umbul-umbul; 6 Banner; 7 Flyer

Le Doux Branding

Scoop of Work: Graphic Design - Branding

Merchandise of Le Doux

Branding small business which focus on baking cookies and sweet bites. Client wants the logo to have a classy and sweet looks at the same time. The logo applied at brand’s merchandises, such as sticker, hang tag, thank you card, and menu.

Movie Poster Remake Epen Cupen

Scoop of Work: Digital Imaging

Epen Cupen Remake

Remaking Epen Cupen Movie Poster for my editing class. The key of remaking this movie poster is the special effect behind the characters. I need to make some detailed explosion by myself, combined with some stock photos.

Beyond Reality Virtual Exhibition Se’i Sapi - Kupang

Scoop of Work: Illustration - Motion Graphic

Scan this barcode to watch the video

To the Exhibition! This exhibition took place in Binus Syahdan Building, November 2020. With more than 20 “Indonesian Traditional Food” themed scanable artworks, people who visit this exhibition are able to experience the virtual reality artworks with Shazam app. By scanning the artworks with Shazam, they will be played by themselves. Other than that, when the videos are played, you can hear the explanation of each food, such as the origin place till the history of it.

The Artwork This video is telling the story of Se’i Sapi within 30 seconds. Starting from mentioning the origin place of this food and the unique cooking process till the side dishes of this food. This video is supposed to inform and entertain people at the same time.

Freelance Graphic Design Scoop of Work: Graphic Design


n g i s e D c

i am r h g a t p s , In s e i r o Gra t ms r those fo gra s a n t s g i n s I e g Makin nd banner d ore. a ef , b s d d e e e n f tio n e m clients

Initiative Project On Instagram

Scoop of Work: Graphic Design - Illustration - Copywriting

Tips Kesehatan Mental We’ve been in pandemic situation for so long. People are asked to stay at home as long as they can. But, that makes people feel bored and mentally tired. So, I am inspired to share some tips for my followers about “How to take care of our mental health during #DiRumahAja”. Other than the visual, I have written the explanation of each tips too in caption.

But Your Ocean Doesn’t Year over year, our ocean condition is getting worse. We are still not aware enough about this issue. We used to think that ocean’s waste are the waste that we threw to the ocean, turns out that land trash will end up in the ocean too. With this post, I’d like to remind people to minimize the habit of smoking, using plastic straw, and glass bottle, especially if it is only used for short-term convenience or satisfaction. By doing so, at least we can give a little change to make our ocean clean again.

MOKA Youtube Ads

Team: Cuatrodia Studio Scoop of Work: Copywriting

Scan this barcode to watch the video series

#BebasRibet Video Series Writing casual witty toned narration for Moka Youtube Ads Series (posted on Moka’s Instagram too). Within this videos series, we want to increase the amount of retails with the latest campaign of Moka, #BebasRibet. Those videos show the struggle of managing business finance, posting, and stock checking, as well as emphasizing Moka features to solve the problem.

“Bebas dari kertas catatan, bisa fokus cari cuan!”

Fainted in a big bunch of your own business finance paper? Moka is here to help you managing all of them, digitally! So, you can focus on making more money, worry-free!

“Konten promosi happening, makin banyak yang shopping!”

We all know the feeling when you have to post a plenty of catalogs to many social medias. Therefore, Moka is here to solve them all! You can post your catalog at Moka library and it’ll be posted on other integrated shopping app. Posting has never been this easy, right?

“Bebas urus stok inventori, tanpa pusing sana-sini!”

Why you should spend so much time on checking inventory stock on site when you can use Moka to check it on app. Moreover, it is real-time integrated! Thus, you don’t need to go back and forth to your storehouse.

Sania Premium Rice Product Knowledge Video - Pitching Team: Cuatrodia Studio Scoop of Work: Copywriting

Product Profile Sania is known as a great quality brand of cooking oil. But now, Sania is launching premium quality rice as their new product with the best quality of rice they can offer.

Target Profile This product is targeting on modern moms, who are tech and social media savvy; also really care about the quality of what their family will eat. In their circle of social, they really like to share “word of mouth” information of a product to each other.

Creative Approach Focusing on the product quality, we’d like to highlight one point, which is “If we are what we eat, then our nation future starts from what we eat today (High quality staple food)”

Main Idea Future Begins in Kitchens

Storyline Showing the process of “How Sania Premium Rice is produced”, from the rice field to your dining table. This video also comes with narration and supers to inform people the important information of this brand.

Narration Kualitas diri dipengaruhi oleh apa yang kita konsumsi. Untuk generasi yang lebih baik, diperlukan juga makanan yang bermutu tinggi. Seperti Sania Premium Rice. Kualitas baik yang dimulai dari sesuatu yang dirawat sepenuh hati. Seperti padi pilihan yang ditanam dan dirawat oleh para petani. Kualitas baik yang datang dari proses yang panjang dan teliti. Dengan mesin berteknologi Jepang, padi diolah menjadi beras yang bermutu tinggi. Kualitas baik yang bisa didapatkan dengan cerdas memilih. Memilih yang pasti fresh dan alami karena penyimpanan produk berbentuk padi, dan baru diolah saat ada pemesanan. Itulah Sania Premium Rice. Kualitas baik yang senantiasa kita jaga sejak awal, sampai menjadi santapan berkualitas tinggi untuk setiap generasi. Sania Premium Rice, kualitas baik untuk generasi kini dan nanti.

Winsan Lighting Design Content Writing

Team: Della Anggreny • Harry Chaiyanda Scoop of Work: Content Writing

Winsan Content Writing Writing content and caption for Winsan Lighting Design on Instagram, including soft selling, hard selling, trivia, and greetings contents.

The Last One What Will It Be?

We are here, at the end (?) of this book. Remember the first line of this book? Let me write it here. “Let’s start from here, get to know me more, looking at my design journey, and after that...” After that, what? “..., after you know me enough I hope we can share a new start, together. A new start to make something great, I mean, something marvelous, fun, and... maybe, crazy?” And, that’s all. That’s the end of my portofolio book of 2019-2021, but it’s not the end of me, or I like to call it as the finish line of mine. Cause, I’m really looking forward to working with you and your company. If you’re interested in my works, I am really open to have a talk with you! Feel free to contact me, anytime!

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