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Future Melbourne Proposal

Table of Contents Summary Introduction Target Market Situational Analysis Objectives Brochure Components Website Components Touch Screen Components iPhone Application Components Other Components Budget Outline Timeline Detailed Budget Site Map Non Disclosure Agreement Terms & Conditions Bibliography

2 3 4 5 7 8 10 11 14 16 17 18 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Appendix E

Student Information Hamish BENNIE - Student No. 6497942 Andrea CRAWFORD - Student No. 6978649 Joanne LEONG - Student No. 6721478 Harry NGUYEN - Student No. 5401046

1 page

Summary In order to combat the decrease in tourism in Australia over the past few years, and stimulate the struggling economy, our proposal is to implement a series of walking trails, providing international tourists with an interesting, simple and economical way to explore Melbourne. The walks will be based around stations not only in the city, but also in suburban areas, thus spreading the financial and other benefits of tourism out into the suburbs. Our main target audience is international tourists, especially backpackers and tourists on a budget. The secondary target audience is interstate tourists on budget holidays, and the tertiary target audience is locals. The campaign will involve five main components brochures, a website, an iPhone application, trail markings and touch screens. These elements will work together to ensure that the project receives wide exposure around the city, but also to market the concept of walking as a form of tourism. The aim is to combine these elements to make walking tourism as easy as possible, making it an attractive option for both international and domestic tourists.

2 page

Introduction Tourism accounted for 3.7% ($38.9 billion) of the GDP (Gross Domestic Product) in 2006-07, and has been decreasing steadily since 2000-01, when it made up 4.7% of the GDP. Of this, approximately 75% is contributed by domestic tourists, and 25% is from international tourists (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2008). However, due to the current economic climate, these statistics are set to change, making the future of the Australian tourism industry uncertain. Overseas visitor numbers are predicted to drop by anywhere from 5 to 15 percent in April 2009 (Brisbane Times 2009). However, domestic tourism, which lost popularity while the Australian dollar was strong, is likely to make a comeback with the decline of the Australian dollar. Generation X (born between 1961 and 1976) and the baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1961) spent the most on domestic tourism per capita between 2000 and 2006 (between $3,000 and $3,750 per trip), while Generation Y (born between 1976 and 1991) took the shortest trips and spent the least per trip (between $1,500 and $2,500), and seniors (born before 1946) took the longest trips, but had relatively low expenditure (between $1,500 and $2,000). This information suggests that, in the domestic market,

this campaign would do best if targeted at Generation X and the baby boomers. Studies have shown that cultural and heritage activity participation increases with age, but has increased in younger generations from previous years. (Tourism Research Australia 2008) According to a study on physical activity in Australia, conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics in 2004 and 2005, 70% of Australians aged 15 years and over were classified as sedentary or having low exercise levels. This statistic has changed very little in the past decade, from 69% in studies conducted in 1995 and 2001. (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006b) These statistics show just how much of a problem exercise levels have become in the past decades, and indicates that there is a real need for a campaign to promote walking for exercise. The highest proportions walking for exercise were recorded in the 5564 and 65-74 age groups (around 54%). (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2006a) Although government advertising campaigns have tried previously to encourage people to exercise, the bonus of this campaign is that the exercise is secondary to the sightseeing aspect of it, therefore disguising the fact that it is exercise at all.

3 page

Target Market Our primary target audience is visitors to Australia from overseas, mainly backpackers and tourists who like to explore and follow their own trail, as well as people on a budget. These tourists are relatively active and independent, and would tend to fall between the ages of 18 and 35, as well as a smaller portion of the 35 to 55 age group. Our secondary target audience is Australian visitors to Melbourne, possibly on a budget holiday, due to the current economic climate. These people are looking for cheap tourism options, as well as a way to see the ‘real’ Melbourne. This group contains a wide range of people, including families, couples and individuals. Our tertiary target audience is the residents of Melbourne. Because we are trying to promote walking for exercise in this group, we will target the younger generations (Generation Y and younger), rather than the older age group (55 - 74) who already walk for exercise.

4 page

Situational Analysis Currently, there are three official websites providing tourists with information about Melbourne: City of Melbourne Tourist Information, and That’s Melbourne.

attractions useful telephone numbers and a map. Each of these brochures has a theme - the series contains titles such as Secret Gardens, On the Waterfront and Arcades and Lanes.

That’s Melbourne and are similar in content, providing a wealth of information regarding getting to Melbourne and getting around Melbourne. They both include information on topics such as attractions, events, accommodation and travel information.

There are also a number of maps and brochures available at the Melbourne Visitors Centre. Of these, only the Melbourne Walks series contains walking trails, and these are based solely in the inner city. Other brochures with maps provide information mainly about shops, restaurants and popular tourist attractions.

The City of Melbourne site targets the residents of Melbourne, covering topics involving the political, economic, social and environmental aspects of living in Melbourne. It does contain some vital travel information for tourists such as maps, public services for tourists, and information for people with disabilities or limited mobility. However, details such as specific destinations and accommodation are left to the other two websites to cover by means of website links.

In an age when consumers expect instant results and convenience, providing easy access to clear and precise information is crucial to success. As tourists, time is limited and people want to make the most out of every second. Even if the research is done before travelling, a system that will provide a quick and simple way to create an itinerary will be of great benefit to tourists.

The That’s Melbourne site contains a series of eight Melbourne Walks brochures which provide information for self-guided walks including walking time, distance,

5 page

Situational Analysis Website

Travel Information

As our research has shown, there isnt a website dedicated entirely to self-guided walks around Melbourne. Often walks are hidden in the site, requiring multiple clicks of the mouse. It is discouraging and takes effort just to look for a map, even before the journey has started.

Another example of where improvements could be made on currently available information would be regarding information on the purchase of Metcards. As there are different kinds of Metcards offering different travelling packages for different purposes, it would be helpful if precise information on exactly which Metcards to purchase was given. While the That’s Melbourne website is helpful by stating exactly which Metcard would be practical for travellers’ needs, we can simplify things further by including visuals which instruct tourists about the purchase of Metcards at train stations, as this can be quite a complicated process.

Information on these websites is often general and focuses on scenic description. On, only the instructions to get to the destination and its address are stated. Tourists have to source a map to find the location.

Brochure Our brochures will be designed to allow tourists to have an enjoyable experience with minimal preparation. We will achieve this by mapping out pre-determined routes, which can be followed if desired, but the inclusion of a detailed map will also allow tourists to explore outside this trail if they wish. In looking at other brochures, we noticed that many of them use more text than images, which leaves the reader overwhelmed, and is unhelpful for readers with English as a second language. With this in mind, we have decided to make our brochures image-based rather than text-based, with images, rather than descriptions, of all the places on the trail.

Navigation In every self-guided tour, a navigator is needed; someone who can read maps and get people to places. Often, this is the main reason that people are discouraged from doing self-guided tours. The thought of getting lost, frustrated, or tired from attempting to navigate in unfamiliar surroundings, is an immediate turn-off for the general public, as it can spoil the enjoyment of the holiday.

6 page

Objectives We will encourage walking as an alternative form of travel, among international tourists, domestic tourists and locals. To do this, we will produce brochures containing maps, walking trails and information on the local area, allowing tourists to navigate the city easily and cheaply, without the need for a guide. For international tourists, we will include information about the transport system and buying train and tram tickets, and communicate this information through images rather than text, to make it easier for tourists with a low level of English. Our brochures will also be useful for this group of tourists because they will allow them to navigate the city as part of a self contained walking tour, eliminating the need to join a guided tour, or plan out their travel themselves. We will also increase tourism, and thus income, in suburban areas of Melbourne, with walks based around suburban railway stations, which will help draw tourists out from the centre of the city. Although we will also create one or more walking trails based in the inner city, this concept allows us to branch out to any number of suburban centres.

7 page

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Brochure Components

The brochure uses images rather than text to indicate which attractions lie along the walking trail. This makes it easier for non-English speakers to understand, as well as making it easier and more interesting for English speakers

La Cortiscilit Loreetue tetuerci blandit, si bla facin hendre vel eguerat. 147 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Ph: (03) 91443055

1 text goes here

2 text goes here

3 text goes here

4 text goes here

5 text goes here

6 text goes here

7 text goes here

8 text goes here

La Cortiscilit Loreetue tetuerci blandit, si bla facin hendre vel eguerat. 147 Elizabeth St, Melbourne Ph: (03) 91443055

Another Place 80 Flinders Ln, Melbourne Ph: (03) 99142900

4 9 text goes here

11 text goes here

10 text goes here

12 text goes here

And Another 41 Swansto Ph: (03) 912

And Another Banksy 41 Swanston St, Melbourne 1 Cocker All Ph: (03) 91235549 Ph: (03) 826



3 10

Banksy 1 Cocker Alley, Melbourne Ph: (03) 82666442

Hello 12 Degraves Ph: (03) 827

Hello 12 Degraves St. Melbourne Ph: (03) 82747111

And to you 13 Hosier Ln Ph: (03) 919

And to you 13 Hosier Ln, Melbourne Ph: (03) 91988222

Another Plac 80 Flinders L Ph: (03) 991

Another Place 80 Flinders Ln, Melbourne Ph: (03) 99142900

Another Plac 80 Flinders L Ph: (03) 991

And Another And Another 41 Swanston St, Melbourne 41 Swansto Ph: (03) 91235549 Ph: (03) 912

13 text goes here

15 text goes here

14 text goes here

Banksy 1 Cocker Alley, Melbourne Ph: (03) 82666442

Banksy 1 Cocker All Ph: (03) 826

Hello 12 Degraves St. Melbourne Ph: (03) 82747111

Hello 12 Degraves Ph: (03) 827

Another Place 80 Flinders Ln, Melbourne Ph: (03) 99142900

And to you 13 Hosier Ln Ph: (03) 919

16 text goes here

Ideally, a simpler style of map than this would be used for the brochures, eliminating all unnecessary information to make it as easy as possible for nonEnglish speakers to navigate.

Numbers are used to indicate the location of attractions on the map, referring back to the images on the left hand side of the brochure. Again, this makes reading the map easy and engaging for English and non-English speakers alike.

8 page

Brochure Components < Alit volore duis eummy nos ex ero odo dolore min utatue dit la consectetum zzriustrud do essim ing eu facing el erat, venibh ea consendre facidunt loborefacilit,

shes are here

re duis eummy nos ex olore min utatue dit la m zzriustrud do essim cing el erat, venibh ea e facidunt loborefacilit > 2. This is another place somewhere

< Alit volore duis eummy nos ex ero odo dolore min utatue dit la consectetum zzriustrud do essim ing eu facing el erat, venibh ea consendre facidunt loborefacilit,

re duis eummy nos ex olore min utatue dit la m zzriustrud do essim cing el erat, venibh ea e facidunt loborefacilit >

< Alit volore duis eummy nos ex ero odo dolore min utatue dit la consectetum zzriustrud do essim ing eu facing el erat, venibh ea consendre facidunt loborefacilit,

Peril del utat

Flinders St. Station

Peril del utat

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Peril del utat

Flinders St. Station

Peril del utat

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This space would be used for paid advertising, and would provide an effective way for small businesses such as restaurants and shops to advertise to an audience in the local area. These ads could also contain reference numbers or symbols relating to their location on the map.

Inner City Walking Trail

Peril del utat

Flinders St. Station

Peril del utat, si blan utpatin hent ullaorp ercipit la feu faccummodip eugiat am, quatums andionsectem zzrit in volore dit adipis aciduip endre ercipit, quisi tionsed do odolorting eliquam, qui blaorper ad

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Peril del utat

Peri del utat

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This walking trail begins at Flinders St. Station

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The brochure is colour coded and would match with the trail markings for the corresponding trail.

Peril del utat

Peri del utat

Peril del utat, si blan utpatin hent ullaorp ercipit la feu faccummodip eugiat am, quatums andionsectem zzrit in volore dit adipis aciduip endre ercipit, quisi tionsed do odolorting eliquam, qui blaorper ad

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Peril del utat

Peri del utat

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Peri del utat

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Peri del utat

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Peril del utat

Peri del utat

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Peril del utat

Peri del utat

Peril del utat, si blan utpatin hent ullaorp ercipit la feu faccummodip eugiat am, quatums andionsectem zzrit in volore dit adipis aciduip endre ercipit, quisi tionsed do odolorting eliquam, qui blaorper ad

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This panel provides extra information about the attractions shown on the other side of the panel. This provides users with the option of finding out more about the site, but doesn’t clutter the map side with this information.

9 page

Website Components Overview We will provide an interactive interface with intuitive navigation. Layouts will be uncluttered and summarised, with the focus on the interactive map and its animation.





Enter Keyword


Melbourne City Lorem ipsum

Length: Duration: First Destination: Final Destination:

Updates according to customised map

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

OTHER STATIONS Richmond Station South Melbourne & Albert Park Melbourne City

Public ratings

Maps 3D interactive map where walk routes are customisable. Events and places of interest appear as bubbles.

Prahran & South Yarra Fitzroy & Calton

Customise your route by clicking on the destinations

Port Melbourne St Kilda

Print Map

Guides and Maps Walk brochures and audio commentaries on places of interest (.mp3) are available for download. Taking the Train Pictures and concise information on the purchase of Metcards for tourists.


Prints at 100%

400% 200%

Resizes map


Translucent panel rolls out when mouse over to show additional links





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Forum Interaction and discussions on the topic of backpacking in Melbourne.


Upcoming Events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Current Time

For more information, please refer to the sitemap. (Appendix B)


EVENTS & ACTIVITIES privacy & disclaimer



GUIDES AND MAPS company info

contact us


10 page

Touch Screen Components

welcome to

Map of Melbourne’s train system. This is appropriate because it is unique to Melbourne, rather than simply having an image of a train for example


click here

for upcoming events

Name of station in bold because it is the most important aspect of the screen

Simple direction to ‘click here’ which stands out in red and directs you to menu of events

11 page

Touch Screen Components

Some kind of button which the tourist can click on so they know it is interactive and not just like a digital photo frame

Not so much a menu, but more a screensaver of photos capturing Melbourne. These will play whilst the touchscreen is being un-used in order to grab people’s attention. Once the screen is touched, the first menu will appear.

The red border (or whatever colour) indicates your selection

Drag the arrow to an event to find out information

Each screen will have five upcoming events displayed as the main menu, which will be updated every few months

These are also the kind of events that will be promoted on the banners so if a tourist has seen a banner that interests them, this is a secondary resource of information

12 page

Touch Screen Components

Just an example of one event - each event will have a similar layout but of course a different colour scheme

View Map Small version of map and when this is clicked on it will enlarge showing the route according to the station you are at

Information about dates, duration, location, the festival itself and what it features. - Not in too much detail, just the necessary things to know

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea. Commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. Main image to attract attention and connect the banner advertisementfor example with the touch screen, so that they relate

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Website address for ticketing details and if further information is required

Touch Zoom In and the map will go closer, and then press again for an even closer image of location/route

Zoom Out

Zoom In

3D Map which gives tourists a better perspective of the surroundings and sense of scale rather than looking at a 2D map. This is particularly important in this circumstance where tourists would have to remember the route because it is not on paper.

Information about dates, duration, location, the festival itself and what it features. - Not in too much detail, just the necessary things to know

The map will have to change depending on the location

13 page

You are here

An example of how the route will be marked out

iPhone Application Components

14 page

iPhone Application Components

15 page

Trail Markers

Other Components Banners Banners will be placed at train stations along with the touch screens and brochures. They will serve to will promote upcoming events (probably one event per banner, and therefore there will be a series of banner advertisements for different events). Each banner will be largely image based with bold type, and if tourists require more information they can either use a touch screen system or take a brochure.

We will install trail markers into the ground at each turning point of the walking trails, making it easier for tourists to follow the trails, as well as advertising the project to people on the street in a subtle but engaging way. Rather than using spray paint to mark out the trail, the post markers will preserve the pavement and therefore be an environmentally friendly option. Construction materials will consist of premium steel and will be colour coded according to the trail that has been chosen. Rather than having a metal post, our solution is for these markers to be circular discs embedded in the ground, to save both space and money. Tourists may spend any amount of time at each marker, and can use the opportunity to listen to audio descriptions or simply observe.

16 page

Budget Outline Brochures Website Trail Markings Touch Screen Kiosks Banners iPhone Application

$164,130 $119,000 $78,750 $82,750 $16,000 $10,000

please refer to Appendix A for a detailed breakdown of the budget

17 page

Timeline This project will be launched in at the beginning of spring, 2010. As well as coinciding with the improvement in weather, this will allow us to tap into the boost in the dieting and exercise market that occurs at the beginning of spring. In order to meet this deadline, initial planning will begin in January. This will include further market research and strategy, moving into detail development in February, with a focus on product development and planning of the components of each medium, as well as research and

planning of the walking routes themselves. During March, all concept and detail development will be completed, with the project moving into the initial design stages. Design for some elements will continue throughout April and May, with other elements progressing into the production stage during this period. The final three months will be dedicated to completing production of all elements, with installation of the route markers and touch screens occurring in July and August. Distribution of brochures and banners throughout August will see the project ready for launch in September.













BRIEF AND INITIAL RESEARCH Brainstorm Initial research: Business strategy User research Market research


Walk routes Brochure wireframes Website wireframes Audio Content Phone Application wireframes Public installations sketches PHASE 2

DETAIL EVALUATION FINAL PRESENTATION Walk routes finalised Audio contents finalised Initial Design: Brochure design Website design Phone application design Public installations design PRE-PRODUCTION Finalised Design:


Brochure finalised design Website finalised design Phone Application finalised design Public installations finalised design

PRODUCTION (OUT-SOURCE) Print brochures Record audio PHASE 4 Website Coding Phone application Coding Construction at stations and defined walk routes

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All Members Joanne





We are..

Hamish Bennie, Andrea Crawford, Joanne Leong & Harry Nguyen We are a four person creative team based in Melbourne, hailing from cities all over the world. We work across a range of disciplines, including communication, multimedia and interior design. We believe the role of design in today’s society is to communicate, educate, and effect change. Our aim is to create visually stimulating and thought provoking design which addresses a need and serves a purpose. For design that is more than pretty pictures, contact BluePrint creative agency.

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