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Harry Pickering

United States

Harry is a transdisciplinary artist, designer and media critic currently exploring notions of the 'contained-self'; relationships between the body and space, between the body and other. He is passionate about redirecting technological production and discourse towards building more harmonious relationships. A recent graduate of Vassar College, he published his thesis ‘Conversational Ecologies’ which explored human-computer-plant interfaces (HCPI) and enabling small-scale interactive environments to emerge from user input. In July 2016 he co-founded rhizobloom design lab, alongside maker and pedagogue Brontë Velez. Currently: initiating rhizobloom, a collaborative, nomadic, design lab with Brontë Velez (@rhizobloom | and working on a modular system of inflatable body-scale architectures with Ming Jing Lin (phd student at the Royal College of Art, London) email: insta: @silkensap twitter: @silkensap vimeo:
