3 Mistakes You Must Avoid While Developing Beacon App In 2015, iBeacon Technology was a new and trending name in the market. Many new Beacon App Development Companies were formed because of this technology. The rise of beacons has led to a revolutionary change in IOT technology. If you are a Beacon App Developer, or a Beacon app development company, here are some tips for you. Below are 3 mistakes that you must avoid while developing a Beacon app.
1.Failure to provide transparency related to Privacy Settings: In today’s world of the web, Privacy is a major concern of the customers. Thus, most companies in the world spend a lot of money, resources, efforts and time on improving the security and privacy features of their product. It is a major concern of a Beacon App Development Company to stop getting their
consumer’s data into the hands of the wrong person and to prevent malicious attacks. Since Beacon apps involve highly private data like the location of the customer, what have they bought, what are they looking at, etc, it is a very private matter. Thus, the risk is very high. Most customers are unaware of this, and share their private data happily, without any worry of their privacy. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the Beacon App Development Company to assure them security and guard their privacy. Most companies, in lieu of sales, forget this critical issue. This mistake should be avoided. The Privacy Policy should be transparent.
2. Failure to use the utilities offered by Bluetooth Off conditions: As a Beacon App Development Company, you should be aware of the fact that users do not have their bluetooth ON, always. Most beacon apps request the users to turn their bluetooth on during the onboarding process, however they fail to reengage the user in the same after the first usage. This is a very critical error, mostly because the bluetooth off states can prove to be marvellous opportunities for app based on Beacons, so as to let the users know about the features that they are missing out on.
3. Confusion regarding Beacon Background modes: This is also a major mistake that Beacon App Development Companies or Developers make while creating an app. The lack of clear understanding regarding background modes, that allows a smartphone to constantly search for beacons, even if the app is not being used. This gets registered as bad UX as the above stated lack does not let the developer to visualize the way users will deal with the lockscreen notifications. This problem persists in both, iOS and Android. Thus, you should have a clear understanding of Background modes and the way beacon apps can function in the background.
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