6 Things to Consider Before Hiring Wordpress Maintenance Service Wordpress is mammoth in terms of Web Development and Maintenance. Owing to Wordpress Support and Wordpress maintenance services. WordPress holds 59.1% of the market share amongst all Content Management Systems. That is a massive number of websites using Wordpress. The easy and user-friendly interface, customizability and availability of plugins can be some of the reasons of it seamless success. Having praised Wordpress excessively, it is evident that a lot of sites will use Wordpress in the future. Consequently, a lot of these sites will be hiring Wordpress Support and Wordpress Maintenance Services. In search of a proper service, you should not just hire any random wordpress development company off the book. Below are some helpful factors that you should consider while hiring a Wordpress maintenance service. Web Security: Threats on the internet come by all means. You can never be 100% secure. You should make sure that who you are hiring, is well-versed in the website security features. So many websites get hacked every day. You do not want yours to be one. Gigantic amount of revenue and data is lost because of theft. Therefore, it is advised to make sure that the Wordpress developer you are hiring knows all the security parameters that are necessary. Overall Technical Expertise: