1 minute read
Figure 3.12: Map showing both the sites on the banks of Sabarmati river
About Entry fee
Agreed Themes
Disagreed Themes
No proper facilities Quite peaceful A public space means free access Improved services available Categorised fee structure Beautifully maintained place Taxation
Reducing nuisance and antisocial element
Table 4.1.2 Public notion about entry fees Source: Graph generated from google form survey | 12052021
Undecided Themes
No Idea Nothing really to say
[As n no. of things can be liked or disliked in a park, so a blank slot was given in questionnaire and these are the responses which have been collected here and stated with adequate percentage]
4.1.11 What do you like about this park?
o Aview facing Gandhi Ashram-7% o Great openness-26% o Connectivity to nature/Green space-11% o Quite environment-8% o River edge development-4% o Configuration of pathways-6% o Cozy sitting areas-2% o Healthy and fresh atmosphere-12% o Cycling area-9% o Diversity of landscapes-10% o Comfortable and soothing-5%
4.1.12 What do you dislike about this park?
o Incomplete development-12% o Not proper visual access to the river due to plinth modulation-29% o Physical activities not approachable-13% o Polluted water merging into the river-9% o Lots of garbage-14% o Formation of the public crowd-23%