Report sop ou rescue forina

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By FORINA (Indonesia Orangutan Forum) Report for

Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue Summary One of the program and action need to be done written in the Orangutan Indonesia Conservation Strategies and Action Plan (P.53/MenhutIV/2007) concerning habitat protection inside and outside of designated conservation zones areas is development of SOPs for handling and protection of orangutans and their habitat including first-aid/rescue activities. A lot of rescues and translocations have been done but we have not monitored, analyzed and evaluated the results of the activity. The lack of legal technical guidelines standardization for orangutan rescue lead FORINA to take opportunity to improve the guidelines which is still in revision process by collecting information from rescue team in different region of orangutan distribution through a workshop. The workshop held 29-30 October 2012 in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. We invited all the stakeholders that work for orangutan rescue to share their experiences (success, problems, failure) in rescue activities (see appendix 1). There were 33 participants from 20 institutions (NGOs, Wildlife and Nature body, expert and University) (see appendix 2). We analyze the information and use it for the input to the national guideline. We believe that with better guidelines on orangutan rescue we will be able to achieve the 2017 target with the best quality for the sake of in-situ orangutan support. Introduction The biggest threat to orangutans is the destruction of their natural habitat by forest conversion for agriculture, plantations, mining and settlement. These factors have dramatically increased incidences of direct conflict between orangutans and humans.

(1) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

The conflict is occurring as a consequence of habitat loss and fragmentation, contributing to a rapid reduction in orangutan numbers. One of the steps that may be taken to mitigate potential conflicts is by relocating orangutans to new, safer locations with the potential to guarantee the sustainability of orangutan populations living within their boundaries. Such a relocation demands great investment for the rescue activities, rehabilitation processes, search for suitable locations, and finally the transportation of orangutans to the new location. For this reason, all stakeholders must be willing to cooperate in order to anticipate and solve human-orangutan conflicts. The most important message in this respect is that the conflict can be avoided and prevented through responsible land management practices that pay adequate attention to ecological issues and orangutan behavior (Yuwono etal, 2007; MoF 2007). Through appropriate management measures, such as zoning system according to the lines of natural boundaries, establishment of habitat-connecting corridors, and habitat enrichment, the stakeholders can push relocation down as a last-ditch option in the attempt to resolve humanorangutan conflicts. For further information on the appropriate courses of action, the relevant authorities (local governments, logging, plantations, and mining concerns) in the areas of conflict may refer to Minister of Forestry Regulation concerning The Guideline of Conflict Resolution P.48/Menhut-II/2008 (MoF 2007).

(2) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

A lot of rescues and translocations have been done but we have not monitored, analyzed and evaluated the results of the activity. The lack of legal technical guidelines standardization for orangutan rescue lead FORINA to take opportunity to improve the guidelines which is still in revision process by collecting information from rescue team in different region of orangutan distribution through a workshop.

This event was attended by 33 participants including 7 women and 26 men. They represented local NGO, International NGO, University, expert and Wildlife-Nature body (BKSDA). Method of the workshop 1. Presentation from NGO, expert and Wildlife-Nature body. Each of presentation contained share experience and lesson learn from unsuccessful (less experience) to successful rescue both in Sumatra and Kalimantan. 2. Forum group discussion (working group) took big part of this process based on SOP draft made by BOSF which were distributed 2 weeks before. This process to make sure all participants could learn from each other and enrich the knowledge as well as to measure their understanding on specific issue on rescue process. Group 1 focused on policy issues (scientific term, operational term, networking, logistic, facility and finding support). Group 2 focused on management issues (information channel, organization structure-working channel, qualification-standardized-capacity building and flow chart).

(3) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

Outcomes: 1. It is agreed that rescue and translocation should be the latest step on humanorangutan conflict mitigation, due to high life risk for orangutan and great investment for the rescue activities. For this respect the conflict should be avoided and prevented through law enforcement and responsible land management practices (BMP) that pay adequate attention to ecological issues and orangutan behavior. 2. The draft should finalize and printed by early next year. 3. The urgent need on rescue team field training including investigation knowledge by the experienced successful team. 4. Network between participant keep continue after the workshop. 5. Understanding on orangutan function in ecosystem and avoiding conflict should be more socialized in public (especially in media) to get their support on orangutan conservation. 6. The need of support from ISPO (Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil) to not open or land clearing HCVF area. 7. Need more research on human-orangutan conflict mitigation.

References Yuwono EH. 2005. Panduan Rescue (SOP Penyelamatan) Orangutan Liar di Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit. Yayasan Penyelamatan Orangutan Borneo (BOSF) Nyaru Menteng, Kalimantan Tengah. Yuwono, E.H., Susanto, P., Saleh, C., Andayani, N., Prasetyo, D., and Utami-Atmoko, S.S. 2007. Guidelines for the Better Management Practices on Avoidance, Mitigation and Management of Human-Orangutan Conflict In and Around Oil Palm Plantations. WWF Indonesia, Jakarta. Soehartono, T.R., Susilo, H.D., Andayani, N., Utami Atmoko, S.S., Sihite, J., Saleh, C., and Sutrisno, A. 2007. Strategi dan rencana aksi konservasi orang-utan Indonesia 2007-2017. Dirjen PHKA, Departemen Kehutanan, Indonesia.

(4) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

Appendix 1. Agenda Time 29 October 2012 08.00-08.30 08.30-09.00



Coffee break Presentation: share experience Sumatra

09.15-10.00 10.00-10.45 10.45-11.30

11.30-12.30 12.30-13.30 13.00-17.00 30 October 2012 08.00-08.30 08.30-10.30 10.30-11.30 11.30-12.00


Registration Welcome and opening remarks

Dir. FORINA (Herry Djoko Susilo)

SOCP-YEL (Ian Singleton, PhD) Central Kalimantan and medical Eko Yuwono, DVM aspect West Kalimantan BKSDA-IAR (Niken Wulandari, MSi and Karmele Sanchez, DVM) Discussion Moderator Lunch break Working group SOP rescue Facilitator

Registration Working group SOP (continue) Finalization SOP rescue Closing

rescue Facilitator Facilitator Dir. FORINA

(5) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

Appendix 2. Participant No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Name drh. Prima Anggara Sigit Hendra Masrun Aschta Tajudin drh. Agus Irwanto Tigor P.Nainggolan drh. Zulfiqri Niken Wuri H Nandang Hermawan Eko Hari Yuwono Suhendra (Kriezna) drh. Ricko Laino Jaya Gail Campbell-Smith Tito P. Indrawan Hery Susanto Karmele Llano Argitoe Ranting Rondang Siregar Diky Wahyudi Didik Nuraeli Jarot Jaka M Ade Suharso Ian Singleton Ir. Tri Siswo, M.Si Julius Paolo Siregar Glaudy Perdanahardja Aldrianto Priadjati Hasudungan Pakpahan Wayan Dirgayusa Made Wedana Herry Djoko Susilo Sri Suci Utami Atmoko Ike N. Nayasilana Moh. Arif Rifqi

Institution OFI Universitas Mulawarman BOSF - Samboja Lestari BOSF - Samboja Lestari OF-UK OF-UK BKSDA Kalbar BKSDA Kalteng Expert YOSL-OIC YOSL-OIC Yayasan palung Yayasan palung COP IAR Indonesia IAR Indonesia IAR Indonesia UNAS UNAS BKSDA Kaltim Pasca Anitop UI-BKSDA Kalteng Paneco-YEL-SOCP BKSDA Jambi FZS Jambi UNESCO Jakarta PT. RHOI KOBUS Facilitator Moderator FORINA FORINA FORINA FORINA

(6) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

(7) Report-GRASP funding by FORINA 2012 Workshop on mitigation of orangutan-human conflict through SOP Rescue

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