Including programs from
You will emerge from our programs armed with tools you can use, invigorated and inspired. Equip yourself to tackle current issues while rediscovering strengths and unlocking your leadership potential.
No matter your role or where you are from, you will connect with peers who face similar problems of practice. Surrounded by this diverse group, you will have space to voice concerns, share insights, and work through solutions. In the process, you will build a professional network that will support you throughout your career.
Learning as a Team Educators who participate as a team increase the impact of their learning both during the program and in their daily practice. Team members who support each other and work collectively on a shared vision for moving forward are better prepared to implement a plan and support each other in their local context. Many of our programs are designed especially for teams. Groups of various sizes as well as individuals are welcome to apply. Please consult a specific program’s webpage for more information about who should attend.
Success in today’s preK–12 education landscape demands proven strategies, new ways of thinking, and the support of others who care deeply about improving outcomes for students. Our participants return to their work feeling transformed, with leadership vision and a renewed passion for changing lives through education.
No other professional education experience offers such direct access to the teaching, research, and faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The strategies you will learn here are backed by rigorous research from one of the world’s finest universities.
We know your time and resources are precious. That’s why our ultimate goal as educators — improving lives — is embedded in every program. We help people from around the world teach and lead more effectively, so they can make a difference for others. Making this investment in yourself is an investment in your students’ future.
Our Faculty With programs chaired by members of the faculty of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, our professional education is built on the latest thinking in the field and evidence of what works. Learn from scholars whose research has redefined the way we think about learning and development, and from practitioners and policymakers who have been on the front lines of education. At HGSE, the foremost minds in education are deeply connected to the issues facing the field, actively working to improve lives worldwide.
Pamela Mason, senior lecturer on education, HGSE
A Program for Your Needs Our offerings are designed to inspire and equip educators for success at the classroom, school, or district levels. Find the programs that fit your needs, or search all our offerings by a particular professional role at gse.harvard.edu/ppe/2016.
If you are a superintendent or other district leader seeking to ensure high-quality outcomes for all students, our portfolio of programs tailored for system-level leadership can help you navigate challenges, improve performance, and implement sustainable change.
Principals, assistant or vice principals, and other school leaders seeking to make a greater impact can choose from programs designed to strengthen leadership skills. New school leaders and veterans alike will find inspiration from peers facing similar challenges, develop practical solutions, and build supportive networks.
Our programs for teachers are designed to support you in improving instruction. Harness new technology, deepen your understanding of how students learn, and take away research-driven strategies to help refine your teaching practice and elevate student achievement.
Onsite Programs Coming to campus allows for an immersive learning experience away from day-to-day distraction. Work closely with HGSE faculty and your peers to gain new perspectives and skills you can take back to your work and put into practice immediately.
Women in Education Leadership
Harvard Institute for Superintendents and District Leaders
MAR 3 – 5 | $2,515 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/WIL
MAY 15 – 18 | $2,725 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/HIS
Identify the unique challenges and opportunities facing women leaders, connect with peers, and strengthen skills for both personal and organizational success.
Gain strategies for improving your district amidst competing agendas and changing contexts of expectations and accountability.
Scaling for Impact: Strategies to Enhance and Expand What Works in Education DL SL MAR 9 – 11 | $2,000 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/SFI Education entrepreneurs with a proven program, product, or service will learn strategies for “scaling up” — taking successful ventures and expanding, adapting, and sustaining them to achieve greater impact.
New and Aspiring School Leaders
Learning Environments for Tomorrow: Next Practices for Educators and Architects DL SL MAY 17 – 19 | $2,400 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/LEFT Understand best practices in teaching, learning, and space design, and develop a prototype for school redesign that supports learning in the 21st century.
Think Tank on Global Education
MAR 20 – 23 OR NOV 6 – 9 | $2,550 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/ASL Join other aspiring principals and those in their first or second years in examining the challenges of leadership from the ground up, clarifying your vision of an effective school and your role in leading it. A program from The Principals’ Center.
MAY 18 – 20 | $1,300 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/TGE Global education is increasingly important in our interconnected world. In this blended program you will learn how to help students develop intercultural awareness, knowledge of global issues, and multilingualism. Enrollment in this program includes the online component, Making the Case and Planning for Global Education.
Making Caring Common: Cultivating Kindness and Preventing Bullying in Schools SL
School Turnaround Leaders
APR 27 – 29 | $1,675 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/MCC
Develop a theory of action for turning around underperforming schools, and learn strategies for successful implementation.
Bullying, disrespect, and conflict are all too common in schools. Learn how to use data from your school to improve its climate and promote essential social and emotional learning skills.
Transformative Power of Teacher Teams
JUN 6 – 10 | $2,900 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/STL
A program from The Principals’ Center.
Books, Movies, and Civic Engagement: Learning Through Transmedia Storytelling TL
MAY 1 – 3 | $1,650 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/TT
JUN 20 – 24 | $2,900 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/BMC
Are teams in place at your school, and if so, are they getting results? Join teachers, principals, and other leaders to learn concrete steps for developing and sustaining effective teacher teams.
Learn how transmedia storytelling — telling a single story across multiple media platforms — can help students engage with challenging cultural issues of civic responsibility, diversity, and social justice.
Instructional Rounds
Data Wise Leadership Institute (onsite)
JUN 20 – 24 | $3,675 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/DW
Adapted from the medical rounds model, teams investigate a problem of practice, observe and learn within real classrooms in Boston-area schools, and adopt powerful practices and protocols for improving instruction at scale.
Become skilled in a step-by-step process for using data — from daily class work to annual standardized tests — to improve student outcomes. This program is also offered online Aug 1–3. See online programs.
Educating Immigrant Students: Attending to Individuals and Their Communities DL SL MAY 5 – 7 | $1,475 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/EIS Understand and address the needs of immigrant students and learn to promote positive intercultural relations that enable success in school and beyond.
National Institute for Urban School Leaders
JUN 20 – 25 | $3,040 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/USL Explore strategies for improving student achievement and leading successful urban schools. A program from The Principals’ Center.
Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership
Family Engagement in Education: Creating Effective Home and School Partnerships for Student Success DL SL TL
JUL 25 – 28 | $2,250 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/FAM
Expand your understanding of leadership and explore multiple approaches for addressing leadership challenges. Develop leadership skills to support teacher development and student achievement.
Establish a culture and practices that promote family engagement as an element of successful whole-school reform.
A program from The Principals’ Center.
The Future of Learning Institute at Project Zero DL SL TL
Closing the Achievement Gap: Strategies for Excellence with Equity DL SL TL
JUL 26 – 28 | $2,400 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/FOL Understand how our global, digital, and knowledge-rich societies call for new education practice and learn innovative ways to promote students’ relevant, deep, and engaged learning.
JUN 27 – JUL 1 | $2,575 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/CAG Learn how to raise achievement levels for all of your students — while narrowing the gaps between groups.
Leadership: An Evolving Vision
The Arts and Passion-Driven Learning TL AUG 1 – 3 | $1,450 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/APL
JUL 10 – 16 | $4,090 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/LEV Strengthen your ability to lead and manage effectively and revitalize your personal vision of leadership in this program for experienced school leaders. A program from The Principals’ Center.
Universal Design for Learning: Leading Inclusive Education for All Students DL SL TL JUL 11 – 15 | $3,150 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/UDL Strengthen your ability to lead and manage the implementation of UDL at the district and school levels. Focus on improving educational outcomes for all students, including students with disabilities.
Deepen your understanding of how learning takes place in and through the arts. Examine the role of passion in learning and the unique capacity of the arts to inspire passion-driven learning and meaningful connections to ourselves, our community, and the world around us.
Leading Education Systems Towards Relevance and Deeper Learning in the 21st Century DL AUG 1 – 4 & OCT 3 – 6 | $6,000 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/LES Designed for ministers of education and advanced systems-level leaders, this program will help you strengthen the impact of education policy and practice at district, regional, and national levels. Jointly designed by HGSE and the National Institute of Education, Singapore, this program includes onsite sessions in Cambridge, Massachusetts and Singapore, and online preparation.
Project Zero Classroom SL TL JUL 18 – 22 | $2,950 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/PZC Explore the nature of intelligence, understanding, thinking, and creativity. Learn to create classrooms, materials, and out-of-school environments that promote engaging learning experiences.
Online Programs With our online programs, educators everywhere can access and benefit from the transformative learning experiences provided by HGSE. Through these programs you will develop leadership skills, pedagogical practices, and the perspective to do your work at a higher level. Leveraging a sustained learning model focused on practical application, our programs support you in active experimentation to improve your practice over time.
Certificate in Advanced Education Leadership (CAEL)
Leading for Understanding
FEB 8 – MAY 8 | $1,299/$449 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/LFU
Comprising four online modules led by HGSE faculty, this new certificate program is designed to help current and aspiring system-level leaders enhance their skills and make their transformational vision a reality. Choose from four start dates per year.
Develop your skill in leading a community focused on teaching and learning for your students, teachers, and staff.
Differentiating Instruction for English Language Learners
FEB 8 – MAY 8 | $1,299/$449 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/DIELL Discover how to identify students’ language learning needs and target their strengths, and learn how to plan differentiated lessons and units.
Leading Learning
FEB 15 – MAY 7 | $2,250 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/CAEL-LL Explore what it means to focus a school-system and your own leadership activities on learning as the core business of the system. Analyze learning at multiple layers of the system, beginning with classrooms and consider what adult learning needs to look like to support the learning of all children. This program is a CAEL module.
Cultures of Thinking: Learning to Leverage the Eight Forces that Shape the Culture of Groups, Classrooms, and Schools SL TL
Thinking and Learning in the Maker-Centered Classroom
Discover how opportunities for students to build, hack, redesign, and tinker with a variety of materials cultivate critical skills such as adaptability, collaborative thinking, and risk-taking. Teams of 3+ only.
Learn practical ways to create a culture that supports students’ development as thinkers and learners capable of deep understanding. Teams of 3+ only.
Data Wise Leadership Institute (online) Making Learning Visible: The Power of Group Learning and Documentation in Classrooms and Communities TL FEB, MAY, OR SEP | $499 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/MLV Unlock the potential of group learning with the Making Learning Visible framework, and see how documenting both what and how students learn can guide future teaching practice. Teams of 3+ only.
Teaching for Understanding: Educating for the Unknown
FEB, MAY, OR SEP | $499 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/TFU Using the Teaching for Understanding framework, learn how to help students apply their knowledge and skills in situations that they have never encountered before. Teams of 3+ only.
Visible Thinking
AUG 1 – 5 | $2,575 (4+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/DWO Become skilled in a step-by-step process for using data — from daily class work to annual standardized tests — to improve student outcomes. This program is also offered onsite Jun 20–24. See onsite programs.
Data Wise in Action
AUG 15 – DEC 15 | $1,995 (4+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/DWIA After you have completed the Data Wise Leadership Institute, implement a full cycle of the Data Wise Improvement Process at your school with help from live online conferences and a dedicated coach.
Driving Change
FEB, MAY, OR SEP | $499 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/VT Understand a research-based approach to helping students think more critically and creatively across subject areas, and learn to implement Visible Thinking routines in your classroom. Teams of 3+ only.
Including Ourselves in the Change Equation: Personal Learning for Organizational Performance DL SL TL FEB OR SEP | $599/$499 (10+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/IOCE Learn a proven method for undertaking personal change that can contribute to important transformations in your classroom, school, district, or organization.
Making the Case and Planning for Global Education
APR 25 – JUN 15 | $300 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/MCGE Understand the dimensions of preparing students to live in a highly interdependent world, and learn how to make the case for global education programs in your school or district. This online module of Think Tank on Global Education can also be taken as a stand-alone program.
Managing Evidence
Examine what we know about the change process in schools. Learn how to communicate effectively and build consensus around your organization’s vision, mission, and change agendas. You will align beliefs and actions, and learn how to benchmark for excellence and continuously evaluate effectiveness. This program is a CAEL module.
Leading for Excellence and Equity
JAN 29 – APR 22, 2017 | $1,525 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/CAEL-LEE Develop and sustain standards of excellence with inclusive, equity-focused schools and systems. Learn best practices and develop leadership strategies that build the capacity of teachers and principals to recognize the potential and ability in all children and to promote their success at high levels. This program is a CAEL module.
Leading Change in Education Systems: Effective Policy and Practice for Improving Outcomes DL GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/LCES Examine the challenges of developing and implementing effective policy and practice in order to provide a quality education for all students. Visit website for program dates and pricing.
MAY 8 – JUL 30 | $2,250 | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/CAEL-ME Develop your ability to draw on multiple sources of evidence to inform policy and programmatic decisions. Gain an understanding of key concepts needed to become a skilled consumer of education research and qualitative and quantitative data from your own organization. This program is a CAEL module.
Differentiating Instruction: Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice TL MAY OR SEP | $1,299/$449 (3+) | GSE.HARVARD.EDU/PPE/DISECP Learn to identify your students’ unique needs, and design activities that allow students of all abilities to learn the same concepts in different ways.
Enrich your leadership at the nation’s first center dedicated to the support, development, and improvement of school principals and other school leaders. For more than 30 years, The Principals’ Center has attracted thousands of educators from across the globe to its professional education programs, inspiring today’s school leaders to be outstanding in their roles.
2016 Program Finder District Leadership
Onsite Programs
School Leadership
Teaching & Learning
Learn More
Women in Education Leadership
Mar 3 – 5
Scaling for Impact
Mar 9 – 11
New and Aspiring School Leaders
Mar 20 – 23 or Nov 6 – 9
Making Caring Common
Apr 27 – 29
Transformative Power of Teacher Teams
May 1 – 3
Instructional Rounds
May 2 – 6 or Dec
Educating Immigrant Students
May 5 – 7
Harvard Institute for Superintendents and District Leaders
May 15 – 18
Learning Environments for Tomorrow
May 17 – 19
Think Tank on Global Education
May 18 – 20
School Turnaround Leaders
Jun 6 – 10
Books, Movies, and Civic Engagement
Jun 20 – 24
Data Wise Leadership Institute (onsite)
Jun 20 – 24
National Institute for Urban School Leaders
Jun 20 – 25
Improving Schools: The Art of Leadership
Jun 26 – Jul 2
Closing the Achievement Gap
Jun 27 – Jul 1
Leadership: An Evolving Vision
Jul 10 – 16
Universal Design for Learning
Jul 11 – 15
Project Zero Classroom
Jul 18 – 22
Family Engagement in Education
Jul 25 – Jul 28
The Future of Learning Institute at Project Zero
Jul 26 – 28
The Arts and Passion-Driven Learning
Aug 1 – Aug 3
Leading Education Systems
Aug 1 – 4 & Oct 3 – 6
District Leadership
Online Programs
School Leadership
Teaching & Learning
Certificate in Advanced Education Leadership (CAEL)
Feb, May, Sep, and Jan 2017
$8,500 full certificate gse.harvard.edu/ppe/cael $2,250 per module
Learn More
Differentiating Instruction for English Language Learners
Feb 8 – May 8
$1,299 (individual) $449 (teams of 3+)
Leading for Understanding
Feb 8 – May 8
$1,299 (individual) $449 (teams of 3+)
CAEL: Leading Learning
Feb 15 – May 7
Cultures of Thinking
Feb, May, or Sep
$499 (teams of 3+)
Making Learning Visible
Feb, May, or Sep
$499 (teams of 3+)
Teaching for Understanding
Feb, May, or Sep
$499 (teams of 3+)
Visible Thinking
Feb, May, or Sep
$499 (teams of 3+)
Feb or Sep
$599 (individual) gse.harvard.edu/ppe/ioce $499 (teams of 10+)
Including Ourselves in the Change Equation Making the Case and Planning for Global Education
Apr 25 – Jun 15
CAEL: Managing Evidence
May 8 – Jul 30
Differentiating Instruction: Strategies for Effective Classroom Practice
May, or Sep
$1,299 (individual) $449 (teams of 3+)
gse.harvard.edu/ppe/disecp gse.harvard.edu/ppe/tl
Thinking and Learning in the Maker-Centered Classroom
May or Sep
$499 (teams of 3+)
Data Wise Leadership Institute (online)
Aug 1 – 5
$2,575 (teams of 4+) gse.harvard.edu/ppe/dwo
Data Wise in Action
Aug 15 – Dec 15
$1,995 (teams of 4+) gse.harvard.edu/ppe/dwia
CAEL: Driving Change
Sep – Dec 3
CAEL: Leading for Excellence and Equity
Jan 29 – Apr 22, 2017
See website
See website
Leading Change in Education Systems
Dates and tuition are subject to change. Please visit gse.harvard.edu/ppe for current information.
Professional Education Harvard Graduate School of Education 13 Appian Way Cambridge, MA 02138
800-545-1849 ppe@gse.harvard.edu gse.harvard.edu/ppe/2016