Volume 11, Issue 1 Undergraduate Program Newsletter
October 18‐ Withdrawal Deadline (Registrar)
Secondary Field Pe
on for March Grads (Registrar)
November 5‐Junior essay dra s DUE (Tutors only)
Final‐term Seniors theses DUE (Undergrad Program)
Department Website
STUDENT PUBLICATIONS The Harvard Advocate The Harvard Book Review
LUMINA‐‐ the literary journal of Sarah Lawrence College—announces the kickoff of its annu‐ al submissions period! From September 1st ‐ November 15th, we will consider original works of fic on, nonfic on, and poetry for publica on in our 10th Anniversary Edi on, to be released in April, 2011. Vol‐ ume X will also feature the results of our Nonfic on Contest, judged by the esteemed writer and cri c, Vivian Gornick. First, second, and third place contest winners will receive cash prizes! Submission guidelines and contest informa on are available at our website: h p://pages.slc.edu/~lumina/contest/ We will only consider submissions that adhere to the stated rules and restric ons. Please direct your inquiries to lumina@gm.slc.edu.
The Harvard Crimson The Journal of Medieval Studies
The Harvard Lampoon
The Gamut
10.13.10 WEDNESDAY Careers in Public Service Dinner* 6:00–8:00pm, IOP, Taubman Building: 79 JFK Street 10.14.10 THURSDAY
DUS Dan Donoghue — Barker 208 dgd@wjh.harvard.edu
Creative Writing Bret Johnston—Barker Center 067
Intern in Germany Informa on Mee ng 4:00–5:00pm, OCS Conference Room: 54 Dunster Street Microfinance Panel 4:30–6:00pm, OCS Reading Room: 54 Dunster Street Design by Derek McLane (with the Office for the Arts at Harvard) 7:00pm, New College Theatre: 10‐12 Holyoke Street 10.15.10 FRIDAY AMP EXPO: Adver sing, Marke ng, and Public Rela ons
Life Sciences Research Fair Thursday, October 14, 2pm – 5pm Loker Commons, Queen's Head Pub The purpose of this fair is to provide undergraduates (especially freshmen and sophomores) with informa on about the range of research opportuni es available to them and give them a chance to meet people from a variety of labs at Harvard. We have invited all faculty who have hosted undergraduates in their labs in the life sciences at Harvard (and their post‐docs and graduate students) to join us for an a ernoon poster session to present their lab’s research to students; essen ally an opportunity for students to “visit” several labs and for the faculty to meet and recruit stu‐ dents. The Fair is jointly sponsored by the Life Sciences Educa on Office and HCURA. STUDY ABROAD 101 Thursday, October 21, 3pm ‐ 4pm OIP Resource Room Study Abroad 101 introduces students to the breadth of study abroad programs available for Harvard credit, both semester and summer me. Programs in 71 countries are available to all concentra ons, both in English and in for‐ eign languages. Financial aid for semester programs and grant funding for summer programs will be discussed. Pembroke/Kings Summer Study Abroad Program Info Mtg Tue, October 26, 4:00pm – 5:30pm OCS Reading Room (54 Dunster Street) Informa on Mee ng with Nick Godfrey of Pembroke College, Cambridge, about the 8‐week "PKP" summer program. Includes discussion of the Thouron Scholarship for study at Pembroke with returned Thouron Scholars. Academic Programs Abroad in Paris: Info Mtg Thu, October 28, 4pm – 5pm OCS Reading Room, 54 Dunster Street (map)
BUREAU OF STUDY COUNSEL h p://www.bsc.harvard.edu/index.html Procras na on Group with Diane Weinstein Three sessions: Tuesdays, Oct. 19, Oct. 26, & Nov. 2, 4:15‐5:30 p.m. Through discussion and prac cal exercises, this group works on understanding the experience of procras na on and on freeing one’s self to use one’s crea ve processes in moments when one feels resistant, blocked or paralyzed. Pre‐group consulta on required. Time Management Workshop with Claire Shindler One session: Wednesday, Oct. 20, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.—or—Friday, Oct. 29, 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. Through exercises and discussion, this workshop offers students an opportunity to build and develop me management strategies and to work towards understanding the priori es in their lives in order to make me for what is important to them. To register, email (cshindler@bsc.harvard.edu). Maximizing Your Approach to Learning with Jennifer Page and Claire Shindler One session: Wednesday, November 3, 1:00‐2:30 p.m. We all have different learning styles ‐ characteris c strengths and preferences in the way we take in and process informa on. This workshop focuses on helping students iden fy their learning styles and develop learning strategies that work for them. To register,
FIVE MINUTES WITH THE EDITORS: LO‐ CATING YOUR VOICE IN THE LITERARY ZEITGEIST Wednesday, October 13, 5:00pm An Editors’ Chat with Jennifer Flescher (Tuesday: An Art Project) and Robert Casper (Jubilat) Two cu ng‐edge literary magazine editors offer a unique overview of the shi ing terrain and terminologies of the contemporary po‐ e c landscape. The goal of this interac ve dialogue is to provide par cipants with an insider’s view of the submission process: to see how a poem goes from slush‐pile to publica on. The editors will also help to situate their magazines within a larger framework of oth‐ er dynamic journals and publica ons that are ac vely shaping our literary zeitgeist. The event will be facilitated by Chris na Davis and Zachary Sifuentes (of Bow & Arrow Press). Woodberry Poetry Room, Lamont Library, Room 330 Free and open to the public. BEYOND THE POETRY ROOM Thursday, October 14, 6:00pm STRATIS HAVIARAS POETRY READING: Lucie Brock‐Broido The English Department presents a reading by Lucie Brock‐Broido, whose poetry collec ons include The Master Le ers and Trouble in Mind. The recipient of numerous awards for her poetry, including two Na onal Endowment for the Arts fellowships, the Wi er‐ Bynner Prize for Poetry and the Harvard Phi Beta Kappa Teaching Award, she is the Director of Poetry in the MFA program at Colum‐ bia University. Sever Hall: Sever Hall, Room 113, Harvard University Free and open to the public. A POETICS OF DIFFICULTY: Hosted by Professor Amy Hollywood Friday, October 15, 2:00‐4:00pm
EVENTS & MORE ON‐CAMPUS EVENTS "WHY BOOKS?" October 28–29, 2010 "Why Books?" probes the form and func on of the book in a rapidly changing media ecology. Speakers will examine the public‐policy im‐ plica ons of new media forms and explore some of the major func‐ ons that we iden fy with books today. The Friday conference will be preceded by a series of Thursday a er‐ noon workshops which will take speakers and preregistered par ci‐ pants on “site visits” to various local ins tu ons, including a prin ng press, a conserva on lab, a digital humani es center, and special col‐
Friday, October 15 Book Talk Co‐sponsored by the Davis Center Outreach Program “The Possessed: Adventures with Russian Books and the People Who Read Them” Elif Batuman, Author; PhD in Compara ve Literature, Stanford University; Harvard College ’99 1737 Cambridge Street, 3rd Floor, Room K354 4:00‐6:00 p.m. If you would like paper copies of the a ached flyer for distribu on or postering, please contact Cris Mar n at clmar n@fas.harvard.edu. The Morris Gray Lecture with John Irving John Irving won a Na onal Book Award in 1980, for the novel The World According to Garp. A Prayer for Owen Meany was published in 1989. In 1992, Mr. Irving was inducted into the Na onal Wrestling Hall of Fame in S llwater, Oklahoma. In 2000, he won the Oscar for Best Adapted Screenplay for The Cider House Rules–a film with seven Academy Award nomina ons. Wednesday, October 20th, 6:00 pm Harvard University Arthur M. Sackler Museum Sackler Lecture Hall 485 Broadway Street Cambridge, MA 02138 This event is free and open to the public.
OFF‐CAMPUS EVENTS "Radical Minds, Radical Times: Eddy and the Alco s" This evening event will feature authors and scholars including Pulitzer‐Prize winner John Ma eson and Library fellow Lisa Stepanski. These two will give us their perspec ves on the roles Mary Baker Eddy and the Alco family played in the transforma ve years of the newly ‐formed United States of America as well as the connec on between the two. The program will also include a reenactment by Jan Turnquist, Execu ve Director of Orchard House, as Louisa May Alco . More informa on on themes to be covered as well as the presenters’ creden als is available at www.mbelibrary.org/events/programs/radical‐ mes We do hope to welcome you and your students on the 19th for an interes ng and engaging evening. Please feel free to contact us with any ques ons at librarymail@mbelibrary.org or by phone at 617‐450‐7200. The Mary Baker Eddy Library
The N30B Contest is a once‐a‐year event for all young writers, visual ar sts, photographers, performers, and filmmakers between eighteen and thirty years old. We’re looking for short stories, short shorts, essays, memoirs, photo essays, audio and video stories, graphic stories, all forms of literary nonfic on, and excerpts from longer works of both fic on and nonfic on. The editors of Narra ve have discovered and published the works of many writers who have gone on to become household names, and we con nue to look for and to encourage the best new talent to be found. Don’t miss this chance. Deadline: October 29, at midnight, PDT. See the Contest Guidelines.
Spires Intercollegiate Arts & Literary Magazine at Washington University in St. Louis is now accep ng submissions of poetry, prose, and artwork for the Fall 2010 issue. On behalf of the Spires staff I encourage you to submit your work to our publica on. We have been in print since 1995 and we're proud of what we do, but we couldn't func on if it weren't for the talent and work of crea ve students here and abroad. If you would like to heed our call and submit to our magazine, please send your wri ng in a compa ble Word document, or feel free to submit artwork as . f imag‐ es in email a achments to: spiresmagazine@gmail.com ‐ Subject: Fall 2010 Submission. In the body of the email, please state your name, year, and school. The deadline for submissions is MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15. Prose submission may not exceed 15 pages (double‐spaced), and we only accept submissions from undergraduate students. We are very eager to review your work and we look forward to hearing from you!‐ Spires Intercollegiate Arts & Literary Magazine spiresmagazine@gmail.com Job Description: Shmoop Content Associate Location: Mountain View, CA Shmoop (www.shmoop.com), an online textbook publisher, seeks an energetic, motivated, self-starting, detailed-oriented individual who thrives in a creative, customer-focused environment in the position of Content Associate. Responsibilities: Write and edit history, literature, and other humanities content to be delivered on Shmoop website and other digital platforms Provide clear and engaging explanation of, and commentary on, high school and college-level humanities subjects Collaborate with Shmoop engineers to produce, review, and launch new humanities content Requirements: Recent graduate, Masters student, or PhD student with strong academic performance in undergraduate/graduate degree (or equivalent). All majors welcome Fast, fun, clear, dynamic writing Plugged into current events, politics, history, pop culture, education Ability to make substantive revisions and copy edits to other people's writing Familiarity with publishing to the web (basic html) Highly detail-oriented Fluency with MS Office software Willingness to work hard as part of a diverse team Able to lead and manage multiple assignments and small teams Self-starting, flexible, and comfortable working in a fast-paced, dynamic, collaborative team environment Passion for and understanding of history and/or literature, as well as communicating that passion to others Preferred: Experience with teaching or tutoring humanities subjects at the high school or college level Strong familiarity with high school and college demographic groups, both academic needs and social/cultural interests Paid part-time and full-time positions are available. Compensation varies depending on candidate qualifications. Please direct inquiries and applications, including cover letter and resume, to jobs@shmoop.com.
The Johnson Society of London Essay Compe on 2010 The theme of this year’s Pembroke College Prize is Novelty. The winning essay will be awarded £500 and will be considered for publi‐ ca on in The New Rambler. Closing date: 30 October 2010. For further details go to: www.johnsonsocietyoflondon.org/Prize. UVA in Ireland: An Irish Sense of Literature, Language, Music, and the Arts www.studyabroad.virginia.edu Program Director: Prof. Elizabeth Fowler Department of English PO Box 400121 University of Virginia Charlo esville, VA 22904 fowler@virginia.edu
At a Glance… ENSP 3200 (3 credits) The course is designed for undergraduates of all levels; all are welcome to apply. Dates: January 2 ‐ 14, 2011 Cost: In‐state $ 3,495 Out‐of‐state $ 3,690
January Term January 2 ‐ 14, 2011
View the program Budget Sheet online for addi onal details. Applica on 1. View the online Educa on Abroad Workshop www.studyabroad.virginia.edu/?go=GIS 2. Apply online: www.studyabroad.virginia.edu Applica on Deadline October 1, 2010