The Curatorial Issue

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TheCur at or i alI s s ue I ns i de : Lo ng Awa i t e dOpe ni ng s

11.13.14 VOL. XLVI, NO. 8 CONTENTS FORUM 3 Are We Dancer? 4 Zoboomadoomed NEWS 5 Sheep After All? ARTS: SPECIAL 6 Harvard Art Museums! 7 Harvard Art Museums! 8 Harvard Art Museums! 9 Harvard Art Museums! SPORTS 10 The Columbia Blues 11 The Columbia Blues

As Harvard College's weekly undergraduate newsmagazine, the Harvard Independent provides in-depth, critical coverage of issues and events of interest to the Harvard College community. The Independent has no political affiliation, instead offering diverse commentary on news, arts, sports, and student life. For publication information and general inquiries, contact President Albert Murzakhanov ( Letters to the Editor and comments regarding the content of the publication should be addressed to Editor-in-Chief Sean Frazzette (editorinchief@ For email subscriptions please email The Harvard Independent is published weekly during the academic year, except during vacations, by The Harvard Independent, Inc., Student Organization Center at Hilles, Box 201, 59 Shepard Street, Cambridge, MA 02138. Copyright Š 2014 by The Harvard Independent. All rights reserved.

The Indy is amused.


The Curatorial Issue

Cover design by Anna Papp

Inside: Long-Awaited Openings

President Albert Murzakhanov '16 Editor-in-Chief Sean Frazzette '16 Director of Production Anna Papp '16 News Editor Forum Editor Arts Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor Associate Forum Editor Associate Arts Editor

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Whitney Gao '16 Manik Bhatia '16 Terilyn Chen '16 Yuqi Hou '15 Chloe Li '16 Dominique Luongo '17 Orlea Miller '16 Albert Murzhakanov '16 Carlos Schmidt '15 Frank Tamberino '16 Jackie Leong '16 Andrew Lin '17 Madi Taylor '16 Shreya Vardhan '17 Peyton Fine '17 Michael Luo '16 Eloise Lynton '17 Caroline Cronin '18 Hannah Kates '18 Chris Riley '18



Human After All

Some thoughts before concentration declaration. By CHRIS RILEY


have a confession to make: I am not an English concentrator because it “teaches me how to read, write, and speak well.” It does, but that in itself is not enough to make me want to spend my nights reading literature and my classes discussing it. I am not an English concentrator because it will set me up for success in all sorts of fields — law, business, teaching — without being a pre-career track. Hopefully it will, but that misses the point. I am an English concentrator because it teaches me about people and about myself. And therein lies the essence of studying the humanities as an undergraduate. As we get closer and closer to the deadline for sophomores to declare concentration, more people ask me why on Earth I would study English and not something “practical.” Unwilling to explain what I will try to now, I usually just say that I either want to teach or go into law, and that what I learn as an English concentrator will serve me well in either field. Somehow, though, that never ends up satisfying inquisitive engineers and I get a dismissive “mhm” coupled with the kind of look an elementary schooler who can barely add correctly gets when he tells his teacher that he wants to be an astronaut. I think that I have now comet to grips with the fact that a simplistic answer is not enough to justify studying something in college with no equivalent in professional life (“Hey, I’m Chris. I want to be a professional English when I graduate). In a very unscientific study (I sampled like four people, whatever), I found that the reasons for the general disdain for the humanities seem to be practicality, subjectivity, and (perceived) lack of rigor. My roommate (that nerd is an engineer) joked on a rainy day last week when I said that I was off to my English section that I was going to “get comfortable under a blanket with a cup of cocoa and talk about flowers and bunnies.” Amazing as that sounds and jokingly as it was said, it seems that that stereotype for English majors has replaced the stereotype of tweed jacket-wearing, pipe-smoking intellectuals discussing the meaning of life. The Harvard Independent • 11.13.14

To be honest, both of those stereotypes have some merit to them: English is a cozier major than, say, engineering and you do engage in intellectual discussion about meaning (of texts, of life, of literary movements, etc.). So why do I really want to spend hours reading and discussing the great works of literature? And, by extrapolation, why do others want to study history? Or classics? The best answer that I have been able to

into your own mind. When I read Faulkner or Hemingway, I do not think of myself as living in the Reconstruction-era South or in Europe post-World War I, but I do read about human interaction and humans dealing with change and transformation. And something about that resonates with me. While I cannot speak from experience with, say, History or Classics, I imagine that those students undergo similar processes. Reading about the successes and failures of historical figures and parsing out why they happened or translating some of the seminal works of antiquity is bound to reveal aspects of humanity that everyone can (should?) learn from. So yeah, I hope that my English degree makes me a good lawyer. I am even optimistic that it will. But the humanities forsake worrying about your starting salary at your first job out of Harvard, and they worry instead about your personal development and moral existence (#personification). This is not to belittle the sciences or to argue that the humanities are inherently superior; I would hate to need to pay an arm and a leg to see the only doctor within 20 miles because everyone was discussing literature or philosophy. But I would say that, for those who do not feel drawn to a science or something with a more pre-career sense to it, the humanities are worthwhile. Because you can be a perfectly successful lawyer or financial consultant, so why not learn a little something about yourself while your at it. So if you feel drawn to the humanities, go for it; don’t turn your concentration choice into some utilitarian calculus that will get you the highest starting salary. And if you feel drawn to the sciences, don’t fulfill your A&I requirement with the class with the easiest Q-score. For humanities sake (get it, come up with is that the humanities teach like “humanity’s”…because of being a good you something about being a person (…a person), find a class where you read a good human??) and about doing it well. A high book. school teacher once described literature as a window into more than one mind; you Chris Riley ’17 (criley01@college) speaks English, learn about the author and you learn about thus making his major sooooo much easier than any the characters. I would posit that you also science ever. Right? get to look through a different window



Remembering a Childhood Legend The Life of Jovian, Lemur Star of Zobomafoo. By CAROLINE GENTILE


ovian the lemur passed away on November 11, 2014 at the Duke Lemur Center. The Coquerel’s sifaka lemur host of Zobomafoo was 20 years old. Born in 1994 at the Duke Lemur Center, Jovian was always athletic, constantly bounding about his enclosure. This athleticism is what gave him his big break. Since Zobomafoo was a kid’s show, its star had to be as high-energy and enthusiastic as its viewers. Jovian, and his parents, Nigel and Flavia, were ideal candidates. All three of them were featured in the show, but Jovian was the star. From 1999 to 2001, the show delighted many children across America, and even when it was cancelled, episodes ran until about 2004. Fans of Zoboomafoo may take comfort in knowing that the children’s TV icon lived longer than most lemurs do in the wild. At the age of 20, he certainly outlived the typical life expectancy of 15 years old. He was generally in good health, until this year when his keepers noticed that he was not as vibrant as usual. His health began to decline, until eventually, kidney failure resulted in his demise. Jovian is survived by his 7 living children and 4 grandchildren. Now, you may ask why I am writing an obituary about a lemur that hosted a show that was cancelled over a decade ago. But Jovian — Zoboomafoo — was more than just a lemur, and more than just a TV show host. He was a representation of childhood for many American children, including me. And his death is a reminder that that childhood is gone. When I was younger, Saturday mornings were a time to eat mini blueberry muffins and watch Zoboomafoo. I had no psets, no papers, no meetings, and no hangover. It was just me, my muffins, and an adorable lemur teaching me about wildlife. I don’t remember the exact facts about wildlife that I learned, but I remember always being enthusiastic and excited whenever Zoboomafoo came on. In fact, I remember trying to be a lemur by bouncing around the living room and jumping between pieces of 4

furniture. Zoboomafoo was carefree, and so was I. Eventually, though, I, and the rest of my generation, grew out of Zoboomafoo. Instead of tuning into PBS Kids on Saturday mornings, I had sports events. And homework. By high school, if I didn’t have a game on Saturday morning, I was trying to catch up on sleep that I had lost throughout the week. At Harvard, if I’m awake at all on Saturday, I go to meetings or try to tackle the seemingly endless mountain of assignments that are due the following week. It seems like there is no longer time to jump around the living room and pretend to be like the lemur on TV. Of course, I shouldn’t be surprised that over the years, I’ve garnered more responsibilities. Everyone has to grow up

sometime, right? Everyone has to become responsible eventually. Sometimes, though, having responsibilities makes us forget that having fun is important too. When I heard the news of Jovian’s death, it had been a long time since I had even thought about Zaboomafoo, and how much joy that show used to give me. This nostalgia caused me to reflect. Just because the generation of Zaboomafoo watchers has grown up and moved on, does not mean we should forget about the enthusiasm that Zaboomafoo brought us. Rather, we should remember this enthusiasm, harness it, and take on life, bounding from branch to branch, just like Jovian did in the Animal Junction. Caroline Gentile (cgentile@college) will be wearing black for the next month.

Coquerel’s sifaka Lemurs Range Map:

Scientific Classification:

Image credit to Chermundy on Wikipedia and IUCN Red List.

11.13.14 • The Harvard Independent


We're Not Sheep


Why you should send your kid to the Ivy League. By HANNAH KATES


few weeks ago, I tore into a package from home to find a clipping from New York Times — not an unusual occurrence in itself. This time, though, the clipped article, entitled “The Wolf Sits Down with his Flock,” was not about science or food or the Second Avenue Subway; it was about an author defending his claim, in discussions hosted by Ivy League schools, that America’s system of higher education has turned their students into meek, mindless sheep. I hadn’t had a real debate with anyone for a while at that point, and it took me a minute to identify the combative feeling that swelled up in me as I read the article. I remembered reading (and vehemently disagreeing with) “Don’t Send your Kid to the Ivy League,” an article Dersiewicz wrote for the New Republic, back in July. Dersiewicz’s claims — namely, that the current college admissions system is rife with unfair advantages for wealthier applicants — are certainly not unfounded; as the reviewer of Excellent Sheep in the New York Times Book Review wrote, “Much of his dystopian description rings true.” When Dersiewicz visited Harvard in late September of this year to discuss the book, one resident tutor “largely agreed with Deresiewicz's diagnosis of an institutional problem within higher learning”; Dean Khurana added that Dersiewicz’s fears “are legitimate, but highly exaggerated.” The problem of admissions, though, is an entirely different beast than any problems with the college experience itself, and I’d like to contend that Harvard is not the world Dersiewicz thinks it to be. First of all, let’s address the title of the original New Republic article. “Don’t Send your Kid to the Ivy League” perpetuates the idea that we, Ivy League students, are sheep: we have no agency, and it is our parents that are “sending us” here. Why not instruct students themselves to avoid the Ivy League - or, better yet, to attend a state school, the anecdote to the kind of socioeconomic and social stratification that, according to Dersiewicz, plague Harvard, Yale, and their peer institutions? “It’s partly because of the students that I’d The Harvard Independent • 11. 13.14

warn kids away from the Ivies and their ilk,” Dersiewicz wrote in “Don’t Send Your Kid to the Ivy League”. “Kids at less prestigious schools are apt to be more interesting, more curious, more open, and far less entitled and competitive.” More curious? More interesting? The people I’ve met at Harvard — a former pro soccer player from Japan, a gifted marimba player who also does improv comedy, the senior who translated Cheryl Sandberg’s Lean In into Croatian — take

‘interesting’ to an unprecedented level. Harvard students are almost necessarily interesting; Dersiewicz himself noticed during a stint on the University of Pennsylvania admissions committee that “kids who only had the numbers and the résumé were usually rejected.” (This statement itself damages the his argument that admission to an elite college is a result of “jumping through a long series of hoops.”) Getting into Harvard entails writing an essay that is more interesting than thirty thousand other essays. In contrast, the University of California system - one that Dersiewicz would probably praise as a beacon of what public education should be - does not even

ask for an essay in its application. In the two-plus months since I’ve been at Harvard, I think I’ve heard the SAT mentioned twice. People here, in my experience, aren’t fixated on those kinds of metrics, because they’re focused instead on passionate conversations about ideas, music, even weekend plans - the furnishings of real life. I should concede that I, a student who never hired an SAT tutor or college counselor or went on a service trip to Guatemala before applying to college, might be a little biased in defending admission to Harvard as a meritocratic process. “Exceptions” like me do exist, according to Dersiewicz, but “that is all they are”: exceptions to “the heart-warming spectacle of the children of white businesspeople and professionals studying and playing alongside the children of black, Asian, and Latino businesspeople and professionals,” at an institution “where the rich send their children to learn to walk, talk, and think like the rich.” While this sweeping generalization may contain some truth, it personally offended me, as I’m sure it did some of the roughly 4,700 other Harvard students who receive some type of financial aid. It’s true that the overall makeup of the Harvard student body is unrepresentative of America as a whole, but Dersiewicz’s article showed little acknowledgement of the efforts that schools, including Harvard, are making to be more inclusive to socioeconomically diverse applicants, and of the diversity that has already resulted from these efforts. While, in the words of a Columbia student who attended Dersiewicz’s presentation there, “you need an incendiary person to keep you questioning yourself,” it feels better to be called a contributor to an institution’s ideological diversity than a mere exception in a sea of well-dressed Economics concentrators. Hannah Kates ’18 (hkates@college) hopes to write more cogently about this issue in the future.

Image courtesy of George Gastin on Wikimedia Commons.


An Atypical Night at the Museum The excitement and splendor of the Harvard Art Museums Student Opening. By HERDA XHAFERAJ


hursday, November 6th, was an atypical night for the many curious Harvard students who patiently waited in line for tickets to the Harvard Art Museum student opening. The newly renovated building assembled three pre-existing museums, namely the Fogg Museum, the Busch-Reisinger Museum, and the Arthur M. Sackler Museum. According to the Museums’ website, the collection as a whole includes a staggering 250,000 objects from every era since ancient times and objects from the Americas, Europe, North Africa, the Mediterranean, and Asia. It also includes objects of a wide variety of media, from film to decorative objects to shelves with potatoes. However, the collection was not the only art we saw; the building itself was just as astonishing. Drew Faust was certainly on point when she remarked that “Renzo Piano has designed a building that is as beautiful as the works of art it will house and as thoughtful as the people who will work and learn within it,” as quoted in a press release on the museum’s website. The first floor resembles a vibrant Italian plaza, which, on the night of the opening, buzzed with energy. While DJ duo AndrewAndrew filled the tall space with house music, bartenders made virgin cocktails on the spot and waiters served bruschetta and macaroons. After several short speeches from members of the Museums’ Student Board, museum director Thomas Lentz, and Dean Khurana, attendees had the opportunity to mingle and explore the six floors of the museum before a dance show from the Harvard Dance Project.

Walking through the museum was simultaneously exciting and overwhelming, I felt torn between my desire to see everything on display at once and that to take my time on each and every individual work of art. The first encounter was certainly a very special one. It challenged the way I had previously thought of museums, shifting them from a space to silently and reverentially appreciate and learn about art to a social space as well, fostering discussion and interaction. One exciting feature of the galleries is the drawers underneath some of the vitrines. When presented with a sleek

arcades on the other levels, almost removing intimacy from the experience. Standing on the upper levels during the event, it was interesting to look down onto the ground floor and see so many people mingling and enjoying the music below. However, the drive to stare at the people present and to inspect the geometry of the building is submerged the second you stand in front of one of the paintings, photographs, or sculptures of the galleries surrounding the central area of the building. The collection is certainly aweinspiring and what struck me most were the Mark Rothko murals, supplemented by digital projections. You could notice the evolution in Rothko’s work from the figurative to the abstract. And the spirituality related to the colors he uses was also very evident. It is such a privilege to be able to engage with paintings we have only ever learned about in art classes or seen online. Throughout the night, everyone seemed at ease. We were struck by how “grown-up” it felt to be there while looking at contemporary art, Middle-Eastern art, photographs and sculptures. “It is incredible to have a world-class art collection right on campus that all of us can visit easily,” Anna Lea Albright ’17 happily remarked to me. We all certainly felt that way. Not only do we now have free access to a remarkable art collection — both in the galleries and in the study centers, where students can make appointments to see objects up close — but we also have a space in which to share our own experiences while learning from our friends’.

"Renzo Piano has designed a building that is as beautiful as the works of art it will house and as thoughtful as the people who will work and learn within it." - Drew Faust


handle directly under a case containing art objects, viewers are encouraged to pull out the drawer and see what surprising work of art lurks inside. This feature didn’t just provide a satisfying tactile experience to the mostly visual act of observing the art. It also made me want to call over friends and strangers to make sure they didn’t miss treasures like the intricately-carved vessels hidden under the cabinet of silvers, or the playful nesting boxes in a drawer of the contemporary gallery. The architecture itself also seems to encourage social interaction and new types of observation. Standing in one area around Herda Xhaferaj ’17 (hxhaferaj@college) knows she’ll be the central hall of the building, it was very back in the museum as soon as it opens to the public on easy to spot others walking through the November 16th. 11.13.14 • The Harvard Independent

The Harvard Art Museums, showing the new addition with the south Winter Garden Gallery (September 19, 2014). Photo: © Nic Lehoux.

Harvard Art Museums A gallery at the new Harvard Art Museums, with sculptures from the collection of the Busch-Reisinger Museum (September 19, 2014). Photo: © Nic Lehoux.

The Harvard Independent • 11.13.14


The Harvard Art Museums, during renovation and expansion, showing the Calderwood Courtyard and the new glass roof (January 30, 2014). Photo: © Peter Vanderwarker.

Harvard Art Museums The Harvard Art Museums, showing the new addition with the south Winter Garden Gallery (September 19, 2014). Photo: © Nic Lehoux.


11.13.14 • The Harvard Independent

Shedding a New Light on Rothko The impressive union of art and technology in the new Harvard Art Museums’ inaugural exhibition. By CHRISTINA BIANCO


n many ways Harvard is the perfect place for innovations in interdisciplinary fields to occur. It is no wonder that such a place, with its dedication to teaching and learning, could bring together a team of curators, artists, and scientists in order to revive an old, faded, and forgotten painting. The new Mark Rothko exhibition at the Harvard Art Museum attempts to revitalize six Mark Rothko murals that have sadly received little time in the spotlight. The new exhibition uses projections in order to attempt to restore the original quality of the paintings, and this fusion of arts and sciences speaks true to the mission of the Harvard Art Museums. Discussing the project central to this exhibition, Thomas Lentz, the Museums’ director, noted that the Rothko murals are an example of a different path of teaching, learning, and experiencing art that is at the core of the goals for the Harvard Art Museums. The exhibition galleries features 38 works from Mark Rothko’s collection donated to the school, including various studies and as the centerpiece, six murals, the sixth of which is now being put on display for the first time. Five of the murals were painted for Harvard in 1962 as a commission and were displayed in the Holyoke Center for about fifteen years. However, the Holyoke Center was never the right venue for these paintings. For one, Rothko believed that the color of the walls did not complement the paintings, and additionally, the exposed nature of the room meant that paintings were constantly exposed to sunlight. The spectacular and contemplative murals consequently began to fade. They were thus removed from the Holyoke Center in the late 1970s and put into storage. In visual artwork there is always an interaction between light sources and the surface of the painting. Once the paintings began to fade, the spiritual experience of the Rothko murals also began to change, along with the entire meaning of the paintings. Rothko’s exploration of color was one of the trademarks of his works of art, and therefore with the fading of his paintings, the powerful original experience of the murals was diminished. The goal of the new conservation tool employed by the Harvard Art Museums is to give an approximation of what the color of the Rothko paintings used to look like. The hope was to revitalize the paintings for The Harvard Independent • 11.13.14

the modern audience that never had the chance to experience the murals, in order to give these works their deserved place in art history. In the case of the Rothko murals, the parameters of the problem were what dictated the paintings themselves. The reason that this was the perfect project to try out this new technology is because the nature of Rothko paintings makes them incredibly challenging to restore through manual techniques, because the use of strokes and color are what give the expression and spirituality to Rothko’s paintings. Additionally, the goal of every conservator is to conserve paintings in such a way that it is reversible, and something like the flick of a switch is about as reversible as it gets. But the greatest challenge when it came to restoring the original color to the murals was to figure out how to do so accurately. The scientists, curators, and artists involved in the project used the undisplayed mural, which had no color damage, along with old images of the murals. Additionally, the team referenced a series of photographs of the five displayed murals from 1964. Although these pictures had also faded, the conservators worked with an expert who digitally restored the photographs. The restored photograph of the original was then compared to an image of the current paintings. This comparison is done by a computer which uses new software to create a “compensation image” that is sent to a digital projector, which illuminates the murals to appear as they would have looked more than 50 years ago. With help from Ramesh Raskar, a computational photography expert at MIT, and two MIT students, the new software that they developed was able to isolate the images’ colors one pixel at a time. The project culminated in each projector becoming composed of 2 million pixels, which project onto the paintings. The exhibition is also unique because it tries to give a sense of Rothko’s working process through the display of his studies on paper. Although conservators can try to return these murals to their original quality, they decided that viewers needed to understand where they came from, so they juxtaposed the large paintings with some of Rothko’s studies. And in mid-march, the studies currently on display will be swapped out for ones presently in storage.

This way, all of the studies for these works can be both experienced by viewers while in the galleries and preserved in good condition while in storage. Plus, it encourages repeated visits to the museums, as if there weren’t enough reason to go back already. But the main hope with this new exhibition is the greater impact that it may potentially have on the art world as a whole. Will this tool become the norm for restorers? And how will the greater art community react to the restored Rothko murals? Christopher Rothko, Mark Rothko’s son, was very pleased with the way that the murals turned out. He said that the new restoration technique really recreated his father’s true works. Additionally, the museum intends on turning off the lights every day from 4PM - 5PM so that viewers will be able to see the shocking differences in the paintings before and after. But one thing at the moment that seems most objectionable is the fact that the murals are only scheduled to be on display until July 26th, 2015. After that the murals will be taken down, and after that, the museum plans on reconvening based on the perceived “success” of the exhibition. This seems somewhat questionable given how much time and effort has gone into this project. If the museum really does intend on redefining the role of these Mark Rothko murals in the scheme of art history, why would they only be scheduled to be on display for less than a year? Although it seems that there are still many decisions to be made by the museum, it is interesting that they are not very clear about what the plans were for this highly influential project in the long term. Nevertheless, I would highly recommend seeing the Mark Rothko murals as soon as possible. It is so rare to be able to experience such great works of art that have been indisposed for so long, and the exhibition itself is nothing short of remarkable. The Mark Rothko murals will go on display for the public on November, 16th 2014. Christina Bianco ’17 (christinabianco@college) loves the remarkable union of art and technology.



The Columbian Conquest Four Harvard Teams Beat Columbia in Weekend Match-ups


ow does one beat Columbia? Let me recount the ways: football, men’s soccer, women’s soccer, and field hockey. This past weekend, the Columbia Lions traveled to Harvard only to leave with their tails between their legs after four different sports teams showed Columbia why Harvard is superior. In addition to recapping why Columbia is changing its mascot from the lion to the scaredy cat, the Indy will also give Crimson fans the low-down on which Harvard athletes to fan-girl over before graduation and which exciting Harvard matchups you should attend this week.

Game Recaps Repeat Champions: Women’s Soccer win Ivies (again) The women’s soccer team took home Ivy League honors after defeating Columbia 2-1 last Saturday. This is the fourth time the Crimson has won Ivies in its last six seasons. Harvard is currently tied with Brown as the Ivy League program with the most Ivy League Championships. Forward Margaret “Midge” Purce ‘17 was fundamental to the Crimson’s victory. She scored both of Harvard’s goals, one in each half. Purce’s efforts earned her the Ivy League Player of the Week Award. Harvard’s women’s soccer will be saying goodbye to seven seniors who have tremendously impacted the Crimson soccer program over their four years. Midfielder Laura Aguilar started five times this season and had an assist during the 5-0 LIUBrooklyn game in September. Co-Captain Meg Casscells-Hamby, a midfielder who has started every game this season, shot the winning goal in the 3-2 match against Rhode Island. Goalie Cheta Emba had an awesome shut out, making 4 saves, during the victory over Brown earlier this season. Erika Garcia has been a key contributor for the Crimson’s defense, starting in eight games. Bethany Kanten, a goalie-midfielder, had a 30-yard free kick at Rhode Island, bringing the Crimson to 3-2. Marie Margolius, co-captain and defender, set the team’s 2014 tone with an assist in Harvard’s season opener against San Francisco. Midfielder Lauren Urke scored an awesome goal during the team’s LIU-Brooklyn match in September. The seniors along with their other teammates have an automatic NCAA berth because of their Ivy League Championship win. The Crimson will take on Central Connecticut State on Saturday to start their NCAA bid.

Getting Defensive: Football’s defense key to 8-0 record The Crimson has been dominant this season with a combination of tactful defensive plays and unadulterated athleticism. After Harvard’s 45-0 gutting of Columbia last Saturday, Harvard moves to 8-0. Only Penn and Yale stand between the gold pants and the Ivy League championships. While several games this past season came close to being shutouts, Harvard’s defeat of Columbia is their first shutout of the season. This week’s win positions Harvard as just one of six unbeaten collegiate teams. Saturday’s game also marks the third year in a row that Harvard has won over Columbia. 10

All season, Harvard’s defense has been putting in work that has helped maintain the Crimson’s spotless record. This particular game highlighted how much Harvard’s defense has played a role in the Crimson’s dominance. Linebackers Matt Koran ‘16 and Connor Sheehan ‘15 turned in touchdowns on behalf of the Crimson. Fellow linebackers Eric Ryan ‘17 and Eric Medes ‘16 also had impressive performances. Ryan lead the team with 11 tackles, while a major hit from Medes allowed Sheehan to intercept the ball and score. Sheehan’s second touchdown of the day clinched him Ivy League and Sport Network best defensive player honors. Sheehan’s two touchdowns were the first time Sheehan has scored in all four years of playing with the Crimson. Freshman running back Semar Smith also nabbed rookie of the week Ivy League honors. Smith led the Crimson offense with 114 rushing yards. Smith had help from experienced running back Paul Stanton Jr. 16 who also scored a touchdown. Senior wide receiver Seitu Smith was also instrumental to Harvard’s offense by scoring a touchdown after receiving a 22-yard pass from quarterback Scott Hosch ‘16. Harvard travels to Penn’s Franklin Field next weekend in their last away game. Hopefully Penn, who is currently 1-7, 1-4 (Ivy League), will be an easy matchup for the Crimson. Harvard closes out its season on November 22nd against Yale.

Upcoming Home Games: Friday, November 14th @ 7pm Men’s Hockey versus Brown Friday, November 14th @ 7pm Men’s Basketball versus MIT (season opener) Friday, November 14th @ 7pm Women’s Volleyball versus Columbia Saturday, November 15th Women’s LW Crew Foot of the Charles Saturday November 15th @ 11am Men & Women’s Swimming & Diving (season opener) 11.13.14 • The Harvard Independent



Roaring Louder: Harvard Field Hockey end’s Columbia’s Ivies bid Columbia didn’t just lose to Harvard’s field hockey team last Saturday. The Lions also lost their chance to secure both the Ivy League Championship and NCAA tournament berth. Harvard’s awesome season-closing game against Columbia brings the team to a 10-7 record. Sophomore Marissa Balleza, a forward, scored three of Harvard’s four goals during the game. Belleza’s efforts earned her the Nov. 11 Ivy League Player of the Week award. Belleza also scored the team’s third hat trick of the season. Goalie Issy Davies ‘16 allowed only one goal during the entire match, making six impressive saves. Elizabeth Jacboson ‘16, who had her first career hat trick earlier this season, slammed in Harvard’s fourth goal. The field hockey team’s final game was an excellent parting gift for the seniors. Forward Kaitlyn Boudah, who has started in nine games this season, was a key player in the Holy Cross and UMass Lowell games among others. Catriona McDonald, a forward, scored a goal in the Yale match-up earlier this season. Veteran forward Noel Painter, who started in all ten games, scored the first goal of the 2014 season during the Crimson’s defeat of Bryant. Ten-game-starter Caitlin Rea, a midfielder, scored during the 4-0 victory over Holy Cross. The Harvard field hockey team closed out their season ranked number four in the Ivy League, right behind Columbia and Cornell who are tied for second.

Senioritis: Men’s Soccer defeats Columbia on Senior Day The Harvard men’s soccer team gifted its five seniors with a win 1-0 over Columbia. The Crimson is currently 10-4-2 and celebrated its ninth consecutive home win this past Saturday. Goalie Evan Mendez ‘16 racked up an impressive seven saves. Junior midfielder Tim Schmoll faked out Columbia’s goalie and scored the Crimson’s lone goal during a penalty kick. The Crimson’s five seniors have each contributed to the development of Harvard men’s soccer over their four years on the team. The team celebrated the leadership and sportsmanship of midfielder David Barna, defender Tyler Evans, midfielder Kyle Henderson, forward Hiroki Kobayashi, and forward Connor McCarthy. David Barna has seen action during all four years of his time at Harvard. He closes out his Harvard career with his first-ever goal against Hartford on September 19th. Tyler Evans was a key player during the team’s October 4th Yale campaign earlier this year. Kyle Henderson, co-captain of the men’s soccer team, has been a key player this 2014 season. Henderson had an explosive start this year with three goals within four games. He was also the only person to score in the George Washington and St. John’s games earlier this season. As a senior, Hiroki Kobayashi has started in every single game this season. He also scored his fifth career goal during the 4-1 win over Hartford earlier this year. Connor McCarthy, who is also a sprinter for the men’s track and field team, has started in every single game this season, in addition to scoring five shots. All five members will be clutch in the Crimson’s final match against Penn this Saturday.

Shaquilla Harrigan ‘16 (sharrigan01@college) believes that having a color for a mascot leads to more wins.

The Harvard Independent • 11.13.14

HY Harvard-Yale Ticket Pick-Up: Harvard students can pick up one free Harvard-Yale ticket with their student ID’s at the following locations/times: Thursday, November 13th 5-7pm Annenberg, Winthrop, Dunster Monday, November 17th 5-7pm: Cabot, Lowell, Pforzheimer Tuesday, November 18th 5-7pm: Annenberg, Adams, Currier Tickets can also be picked up from the Murr Center starting November 17th from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday. Indy Pro-Tip: Tickets will not be distributed on the day of The Game.


T h eHa r v a r dA r t Mu s e u ms , s h o wi n gt h en e wa d d i t i o nwi t ht h es o u t hWi n t e r Ga r d e n g a l l e r ya n dL eC o r b u s i e r ’ sr a mpe x t e n d i n gf r o mHa r v a r d ’ sC a r p e n t e r C e n t e r f o r t h e V i s u a l A r t s( S e p t e mb e r 1 8 , 2 0 1 4 ) . P h o t o : ©Ni c L e h o u x .

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