Asia Food Journal | Jan-Feb 2020

Page 14

Peop l e

Diego Her vás, new CEO of Comexi

Diego Hervás

The appointment of Her vás, independent member of the board of the company until now, is a clear commitment to the promotion of innovation and technology

Comexi, a global supplier of solutions for the printing and f lex ible packag i ng i ndu s t r y transformation, has appointed Diego Hervás as the new CEO of Comexi from 1st January, 2020. Her vás, who was born in Barcelona and has extensive executive experience, replaces Jeroen van der Meer, who had held the position since 2014 and who will continue to be involved with Comexi to ensure a s ef f ic ient a t r a n sit ion a s possible. Comexi faces 2020 with the assurance that the commitment to a more i n nov at ive a nd technological vision will yield results, together with Intelligent Data Management and active listening with clients. In 2019, after closing the loss-making rotogravure unit in Italy, the company managed to return to profits despite the economic slowdown in the market. T he sig n s of t he f lex ible packaging sector are good, as shown by the last K Fair in Du sseldor f, held more t ha n two months ago, where Comexi closed the sale of eight machines. Talks were also established for 50 new projects with several global companies. T h roug hout t he days of the fair, as a novelty, visitors were able to directly test the operation of Smart Glasses, a 12

technology that allows real-time remote communication with the exchange of images between the customer and Comexi engineers. Another global innovation was the Comexi Cloud, the new digital platform that allows analysis of the production process, control and optimisation of costs and materials, and placing orders online for spare parts. Diego Hervás takes over the CEO role of Comexi in a context in which the market is evolving rapidly and the ability to adapt i m med iately i s essent ia l, i n order to remain a technological reference as well as a supplier with the maximum reliability. For more than a year, Hervás ha s been a n i ndependent member of the board of Comexi. This has given him a broad u nde r s t a nd i n g of b ot h t he market and of the structure and operation of the company. In addition, his professional profile is ideal for taking on the task of maximising innovation and the use of technology at Comexi. AFJ

New Head of Quality Control at Euromed Mollet del Vallès (Spain), January

2020: Euromed, a leading producer of standardised herbal extracts, has appointed Xavier Ragàs as new Head of Quality Control. Xavier has a PhD in Chemistry, covering organic and analytical chemistry, photochemistry and microbiology.

A f ter f i n i sh i ng h i s deg re e in 2010, Xavier began working as a lab technician at Bunge, a n internationa l ag ribusiness a n d f o o d c o m p a n y. H a v i n g been promoted to the position of Q u a l it y a nd Fo o d S a fe t y Manager, he was responsible for i mplement i ng new a na ly t ica l techniques, supervising internal laboratories and monitoring and adapting plant processes, in line

Xavier Ragàs

w ith ISO standards and feed safety certifications. In 2015, Xavier joined Morchem, a n ad hesive producer ma in ly focused on f lexible packaging. As Quality Manager, he led the quality control department in its transition from an old ERP to a brand new SAP system. In his new role as Head of Qua l it y Control at Eu romed, Xavier is responsible for quality and process control from the raw materials to the finished products. Euromed products begin with botanicals that are verified, grown and harvested properly to preserve pla nt i nteg rit y a nd bioac t ive profiles. Each production batch – from the herb to the final extract – undergoes several laboratory tests for identity, potency and potential impurities to guarantee t he h ig hest st a nda rd s. From botanica l macro- and microidentification and control of active principles and potential impurities to chromatographic ana lyses, t he compa ny test s bot a n ic a l raw materials exhaustively, in accordance with international regulations. AFJ

Sy nt egon Te c h n o l o g y a p p o i n t s Dr Michael Grosse as Chief Executive Officer • Dr Grosse will assume office Asia Food Journal | January-Febuary 2020

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