Tetra Pak Index 2017: Super Leaders One outstanding topic in the recently published Tetra Pak Index 2017 was that of the Super Leader influence. Libby Costin discusses this with Asia Food Journal. sia Pacific is a dynamic and rapidly growing region, particularly with regard to the digital landscape.This region alone accounted for an astounding 70 per cent of total growth in global Internet users and 62 per cent of the growth in social media users according to the recent Digital in 2017 Global Overview. These rapid growth rates urge brands and manufacturers to place stronger focus not only on product innovation, but also the strategies to communicate and engage with customers digitally. Specific to the food and beverage industry, the Libby Costin Tetra Pak Index 2017 focused on The Connected Consumer, and revealed insights on today’s digitally savvy population and how they are connecting with food and drinks brands. The index identified a group of ‘Super Leaders’, the most influential subset of the wider online community. When engaged, Super Leaders can help brands to spread messages, shape opinions and help build trust in products
Super Leaders are a diverse group, but the one thing they have in common is that they are the most active and social of all the connected consumers. Online for more than six hours a day, they are well connected and highly vocal. 80 per cent of Super Leaders read reviews/ratings on food and beverages monthly, with 68 per cent writing reviews at least monthly. Their comments are shared online, with 75 per cent on social media, and have a key role to play in today’s customer journey. Almost all those who write reviews and comments tag the relevant brands at least some of the time, which reflects their desire to be heard and their expectation of getting a response, and 78 per cent say that they expect the brand to reply. Super Leaders are a golden source of brand advocacy and influence, in an age where consumers are becoming both more vocal and more likely to listen to and trust the opinions of their peers. Super Leaders are cultural amplifiers, potent and prolific commentators who pick up and held disseminate trends.
The rise of Super Leaders
The importance of the mobile platform
The world of connected consumers is a virtual community where every voice can exert an influence, yet building trust with the consumers is becoming increasingly difficult. The credibility of institutions is constantly being questioned, and traditional engagement strategies aren’t working like they used to. Consumers want someone they can relate to, someone who has the same concerns and needs that they do. This has created a new group of elite influencers among these connected consumers: Super Leaders.
The online world is becoming increasingly mobile-centric. Providing “always-on” access and even greater functionality, the mobile platform is the main driver of connectivity today. Consumers now “pull” the contents and personalise it according to their needs and
Super Leaders: A subset of the Leader segment. Spread around the world and comprising just 7% of the online population, this is the most active and social group of all. Likely to be the earliest of adopters, the influencers and the trendsetters. 24 Asia Food Journal November-December 2017
Proper engagement with Super Leaders, who are also consumers, can be far more effective than advertising.