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Planned Gifts
The Harvey School planned gifts
These gifts include bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, real estate, or other tangible property. Depending on the donor’s circumstances, a planned gift may not only greatly benefit The Harvey School but also may provide significant tax advantages for the donor and his or her family.
Herbert Carter Legacy Society
All who have made provisions in their will for The Harvey School will be included in this list going forward. These generous bequests provide financial security and ensure the long-term health of the school.
Society Members Laurance Baschkin ’77 Pieter A. Catlow ’73 Hitomi and Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Trustee John G. Davis ’50 Peter S. Duncan ’65 Ronald W. Duncan Rowena and Barry Fenstermacher, Emeritus John French III ’47 Paul Hollos ’52 Gene S. Lasdon Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon, Emeritus Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Linda and Gerald Pollack Dawn Stuttig Christopher Wise ’62
Bequests can take many forms, including a specific dollar amount or a portion of what remains of an estate after obligations to others are fulfilled. Donors may receive generous tax reductions for themselves and their heirs by naming The Harvey School as a beneficiary of an estate or trust.
Unrestricted bequests are particularly welcomed since they provide flexibility to the school’s trustees to use the gift in whatever way is needed most. We recognize, however, that many donors have specific interests that they want to encourage and support.
Gifts for specific purposes should be described as broadly as possible. For example, a donor may want to leave a gift restricted for scholarships, faculty support, or a particular program. The donor’s attorney or estate planner as well as a Harvey School representative should be consulted to accommodate individual circumstances.
Charitable Trusts
These are two popular ways to invest in The Harvey School’s future:
» Charitable remainder trusts place assets in trust for the benefit of the school, while a fixed percentage of the trust or annuity is paid out to the donor, a family member, or other beneficiary.
The donor may choose to have income paid for the life of a beneficiary or for a certain number of years. At the end of this time, these assets are transferred to The Harvey School. » Charitable lead trusts are established by transferring cash or other assets to a trustee, who invests the amount transferred and pays income to Harvey for a period designated by the donor. When the trust terminates, the principal is transferred to a donor’s children or grandchildren at what may be significant gift and estate tax savings.
For further information, please contact:
Susie Danziger, Director of Development sdanziger@harveyschool.org or (914) 232-3161 ext. 111