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Weil House & Barn Complex
As we imagine The Harvey School in the future, the most striking change will be the welcome center that we are planning for the entrance to campus.
The historic Weil House and Barn will be renovated and restored to their original beauty, and a new building will be constructed to connect the two. The Class of 2020 elected to direct their senior class gift toward the project. Their gift, combined with that of the board and alumni community, has helped us move closer to our goal. The list of donors below includes those who pledged their support between July 2019 and June 2020. We would particularly like to recognize the generosity of Frank and Denie Weil, who made a leadership gift to the project. The Weils’ gift holds particular meaning as it is a signal of their support for the renovation project and the school, which resides on the property that once was Frank’s childhood home. Thank you to all of our donors.
Margaret and Greg Anastas Kate and David Anderson Jeanie and John Baumgartner Pamela and Ross Buchmueller Lucinda Weil Bunnen Sharon and Jeffrey Cammisa Cassandra Campbell Lara Casano ’95 and Sean Gilligan Hitomi and Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Trustee Jill Ostrager-Cohen and Bruce Cohen James C. Daly, Jr. Vincent V. DeSomma III ’77 Corrinne and Joseph DiVestea Philip A. Eifert ’73 Dawn Eletto Jerri-Lynn, Trustee and Dan Galgano Virginia and Arthur Gerry Miharu and John Gill Deirdre, Trustee and James Glascott Iris and Jonathan Glass Melissa and Steven Gross Amy and Edward Hogan Elizabeth and Robert Husted Eileen Juico and
William Knauer, Head of School Kavita and Pradeep Kumar Vivien and Todd Levy Jill and John Lombardi Emily and Torsten Marshall Christin Martinez Deslyn and Anthony Martirano Massachusetts Mutual
Life Insurance Company Shelly-Ann McLaren Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88 Beth and Phil Moyles Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Michael Sakin Elizabeth and Wallace Schwartz, Trustees Lisanne Elkins and Mark Seldes Dana Shore Pamela Hakim Small ’84 and David Small Elisa and Robert Smalley Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77 Andrea Tessler, Trustee and
Michael Scarsella Judith and Derval Thomas
Tara Thorne Kathleen, Trustee and Jeremy Treat US Bancorp Foundation Margo Hotston and Jeffrey Wacksman Eileen, Trustee and Jay Walker Lara and Dan Ward Frank A. Weil ’44, Emeritus Patty and Russ Wolff