Harwood Summer Art Camp 2021 Activity Book

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Harwood Art Center www.harwoodartcenter.org

t h i s b o o k b e lo n g s to :

COVER: Art Camp student work, 2016





The scapula is a flat bone on your back. Here is a picture of the scapula. Color in the scapulae using whichever colors you would like.

See if you can reach around and touch your scapula. Try and feel the edges of your scapula. Put your right hand on your left scapula. Imagine that your fingers are markers. Draw circles around yourself in the air using the fingertips on your left hand. Then, try it with your right arm. See if you can feel how your scapulae are moving. Write action or descriptive words that tell how it feels to move your scapulae:

Some example words might be: slide, glide, pull, push, lift, pinch, squeeze 8


Your pelvis is made up of your hip bones and the bottom of your spine. Use whichever colors you would like to color in the pelvis:

Stand up. Imagine that your pelvis is a bowl full of soup or water. Tip your bowl forward, back, left, and right so that the liquid in your bowl spills out in different directions. Try moving faster and slower. Lift one leg at a time, trying to balance your pelvis so that the liquid in your bowl does not spill. Write action or descriptive words that tell how you can move your pelvis:

Some example words are: twist, shake, drop, tilt, tip, push


In dance, improvisation means making up the moves as you go. One technique, or tool, that you can use for improvising is choosing a word that inspires your movement. You can choose an adjective (a descriptive word), such as sparkly, gloomy, spooky, or wavy. You can choose a verb (an action word) , such as spin, twist, pull, or push. You can also choose an adverb (a word that describes an action), such quickly, quietly, softly. Put on a song that you enjoy. Pick one of the words listed above, and dance to the song with that word in your head. For example, if you choose “spin,” your dancing might include lots of spinning! Write your word here: ______________________ Try again with a new song and a new word. Write your word here: _____________________________ Now, try a third time, choose a word that is not on this paper. Write your word here: ________________________________ Draw a picture of yourself dancing to your chosen word:


Comics -SCRIPT! Take this passage and split it up into five panels of script based on the requirements: Shortly after, Mark and Courtney met at the iron gates in the front of the empty Sherwood house. They silently walked around to the side and climbed the tree to get over the high stone wall that surrounded the spooky, abandoned estate. Once over, Mark held the fireplace poker out in front of him, ready to ward off a rampaging quig. Mark’s hand was shaking like warm Jell-o, so Courtney gently took the weapon from him. If either of them had a chance of fighting off a charging quig, it would be Courtney.


Comics - SKETCHING! Take this passage and sketch out 3 ideas for what you think your panels could look like from your script:


Comics - INKING & COLORING! Take your favorite sketch from each panel from the last exercise and draw it with more detail here with pencil, once you’re finsihed you can ink it with pen or marker then color!


What is a Pattern? A pattern is anything with repetition. Patterns can be created by drawing lines using a pencil, crayon, marker, paintbrush, or glitter glue in the same direction at regular spacing. (Really anything that can make a mark can be used hereso explore possibilities!)


What is an Accessory? In this class the definition of an accessory is something that you may or may not wear that is part of an outfit but is not the main outfit. A good example of winter accessories are gloves and hats. Your coat would not be an accessory. Your pets accessories may be a collar and leash. Design your favorite accessorices below and add some patterns from the previous page!

Map Maze! Find your way from the town at the bottom left corner to the boat waitingon the shore at the top. When you’ve found the solution, feel free to color the map!


Mapmaking Journal Prompts Draw of write your answer to as many of these questions as you’d like.

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?

How have you used maps before in your life?

What do you like and dislike about traveling?

What is your favorite place that you have traveled to?


Erasure - Poetry Activity Find a page of text from a magazine, an old book, a recipe online, any text even someone else’s poem! You will be a physical copy. Paste it here and black out the words with a sharpie, whiteout or even artwork so that the remaining words from a poem.


Paint Swatch Poetry Next time you are at Wal Mart or Home Depot, snag some paint swatches in colors that inspire you. Then use a pen to write metaphors/similies or “(the color) is ______” statements. Examples: Blue is where the sky disappears into the ocean. Slight and quite yellow, like a pulpy aftermath of a fresh-squeezed lemon. Red like the surge of tears, sweat, and prickly sensation when you fall and scrape your knee.


Synonyms to Keep in Your Back Pocket Here are some overused words in the English language. Try and find synonyms for all of the words and write them next each word. Next time you write a poem and it contains one of these words you can swap it out for a more tantalizing word!














Paper Mache Masks Use the spaces below to brainstorm / draw four ideas for a mask you would like to make:


Now pick your favorite mask idea and redraw it here, using the space below. Add color and a lot of details!



Use this page to complete your mindful drawing:



Use the space below to create your neurographic line drawing:









Make your Pasta Picture Here!




Nature Watch Can you collect a rainbow? Color in the circles with the colors of your found plants then paste the plants next to the circles!


Textures & Shapes in Nature Scavenger Hunt Directions: Go outside and begin looking for as many items on this page as you can! (It’s okay if you don’t find them all, collect your own treausres and draw & color them here too! Color in the items next to the item names or collect them in an empty egg carton. Ready? Set! GO FIND YOUR NATURE TREASURES!

pine cone



flowers rocks


Explore flowers and plants in a new, fun way with this simple activity! This reusable cardboard vase takes just a few minutes to set up and can be enjoyed throughout the spring and Eco-Art Worksheet 4: is DIYfun Spring Flower Threading and Board summer! This activity for kids of Pot/Vase all ages, interests, abilities. If you have multiple Instructor: Katherine children, you can make Hunt-Monro one board for each child or encourage teamwork and have them share Class Title: Eco-Friendly Found Object Art-Making

the same vase board.


Supplies: Flowers Paper punch OR a sharpened pencil to poke holes in the cardboard (parents please help younger kids with this one!) Cardboard- take sides from an old box! Scissors if you want to cut out a specific pot/vase or heart or other shape in your cardboard (parents please help younger kids with this one as well!) Black marker or other colored markers if you wish to color your pot and/or vase with Here’s How To Make Your Spring Flower Boards: Step 1: Make your flower board. Using your black marker or any color marker you desire, draw a flower pot and/or vase on your cardboard or if you’d like to make a shape to cut out, draw the heart or circle shape with the marker then cut it out using scissors or an Exacto knife if parents are there to help! Remember your drawing and/or cutout shape doesn’t need to be perfect because it will be covered in flowers! Step 2: Poke holes with a pencil for threading the stems. Step 3: Head outside and walk around your yard to check out your current flower situation. Look at the different colors that are currently blooming (such as Dandelions in the Spring!) and decide which ones to thread onto your board. Look for yellow, purple, white, green flowers and any more you can find! Step 4: Take the flowers you want to use and thread the stems through your board so the stem goes through the holes and the flower head rests against the cardboard. Step 5: Put your beautiful flower bouquet in a window or wherever you’d like to look at it! Re-use your board over and over all summer long! As the flowers dry in your board, replace them with new flowers that pop up! New Mexico sunflowers are especially nice! 43

Design your pots and collect your flowers!


Put your handprints here!


ABOUT HARWOOD ART CENTER & ESCUELA DEL SOL MONTESSORI Harwood, the outreach program of Escuela del Sol Montessori, is a creative center for community and the arts. We believe that equitable access to the arts and opportunities for creative expression are integral to inspired, passionate individuals and to healthy, vibrant communities. Participating at a grassroots level, we recognize and engage the arts as a catalyst for lifelong learning, social change and community development. We provide art education for all ages; community outreach projects and events; teaching and apprenticeship opportunities; and studios, exhibitions and professional development programs for both emerging and established artists. For 50 years, Escuela del Sol, an independent Montessori school, has nurtured self-discovery, social responsibility and passion for learning in our students. Each day Escuela supports students from ages 18 months to 13 years on their real-world quests to excel academically and to develop the skills they need for meaningful, happy and successful futures. Harwood and Escuela are dedicated to instilling a passion for lifelong learning, creative expression and positive impact on our world.



Summer Art Camp offers one week sessions throughout June and July online.

Each session will focus on a specific topic, theme or project with lessons taught by our exceptional Summer Art Camp Teaching Artists.

Campers experience a range of exciting activities in a positive, supportive

atmosphere. From paper sculpture, upcycling found materials, drawing and painting, to animation, dance and movement, imaginations are unleashed!

Virtual Summer Art Camp opens doors to new experiences and creative innovation,

engaging students in the visual and performing arts. It is an adventure your children will remember for years to come!

While this year’s Art Camp has been adapted for an online format, your Harwood Art Camp Activity Book can be completed alongside or separate from the week-long sessions. Draw, create, and color your way through the summer with activities you can complete anywhere. Special thanks to this summer’s teaching artists: Abby Butler, Kate Hunt Monro, Norah Solorzano, Isabella Carrozza, Harley Kirschner, Marlena Livingston, Hollis Moore, Kate Overton Miller, Julianna Massa, Jessica Krichels, and Harwood’s Associate Director of Engagement, Jordyn Bernicke, Associate Director of Opportunity, Helen Atkins and Director of Education, Dani Belvin.


WWW.HARWOODARTCENTER.ORG · 505.242.6367 · 1114 7th NW, ALBUQUERQUE, NM 87102

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