Hasan Hamdan | Portfolio

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HASAN HAMDAN MA. Architecture and Urban design Selected Works


Table of content; 00 . introduction


01 . Academic : Masters Thesis as a Publication.


01.01 One Square Mile City [Speculative Realism].


01.02 Object Plan [Machine learning as the Author of Architecture].


01.03 Boullée Blocks. [Objects of the Internet].


02 . Academic : Bachelors degree Selected work.


02.01 Amman Downtown media center [Under the wing].


02.02 Cancer Treatment hospital.


02.03 Primary School.


03. Professional : List of reference projects.


03.01 Maisch Wolf Architects, Munich, Germany.


03.02 The German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan.


03.03 Yes Architecture, Munich, Germany.


Introduction; The follow is a Portfolio, although I have spent sometime trying to resist producing a portfolio in the classical sense, the wide range in the meaning of portfolio makes this task even more difficult, infact maybe “A thin flat case used for carrying documents, drawings, etc.” Can serve here to describe the following collection of objects, And it is very important to notify that this collection doesn’t suit architects who don’t know how read, and of course it is not directed towards architecture fundamentalists, the following thin flat case is philosophical, theoretical, metaphorical, fictional, speculative, and formalist. The content here is purely architecture. I use the word speculative here with intension, to say that the content here is mainly disciplinary and cultural, and I do not claim being experimental hint scientific. Chapters; This Thin Flat case, is some sort of a collective book, the content of this collection is an attempt to tell a story, the book is broken into three autonomous yet interrelated chapters, they are meant to describe deferent stages of Architect’s, designer and thinker project.

Towards a Speculative Realist Architecture, The Sublime object.


Chapter 01 ; This chapter is architecture for architects, it is an attempt to communicate briefly the work that has been developed during my post-graduate masters degree at Staedelschule architecture class, the content of this chapter meditates on architecture and philosophy, attempts on rethinking authorship in the time of hyperobjects, and artificial intelligence, to imagine a world of late capitalism. This chapter is inspired by writing of the philosopher Graham Harman on Object-Oriented ontology, and Timothy Morton’s Hyper-Object. This chapter will be made as a magazine publication to make the work accessible through drawings, essays, and images. 02


Speculative Realism in Architecture

Academic Project. MA. Staedelschule Architecture Class [SAC]. Supervisor | Peter Trummer Projects Reviewers | Faculty Reviewers; Prof. Johan Bettum. Dr. Theodore Spyropolous. Beatriz Colomina. Hélène Frichot. Mark Wigley. Yara Fegahli Guest Reviewers; Thom Mayne. [Morphosis Architects]. Mirco Becker. [informance-design] Sophie Prix. [Coophimmel b(L)au] Daniel Norell [Norell/Rodhe]

Towards speculative realist architecture

One Square Mile City There is no city without architecture and there is no architecture without the city. The city is the birthplace of the theatre, the temple, the hall of justice, the parliament, the gymnasium, the bath, the bazar, the stadium, the Colosseum, the church, the museum, the library, the prison, the hospital, the psychiatric clinic, the hotel, the casino, the high-rise, the World Trade Center, and it is currently also the place of data centers and pencil towers to store financial capital. The city hosts the largest artifact we know. The city is not only the artifact of a collection of historical buildings but also the place where new forms of architecture emerge and are produced. The city is the object of our spatial culture. The city is the author of its architecture. The object exhibited here, is a “real” City. It is based on the architecture of the contemporary city of New York, which was studied, analysed, and finally designed in an analytic modular system.


2018 - 2019

The gigantic non-human factory - Space of production. The gridded mat-building - Space of consumption. The flat horizontal floor - Space of labor. The hotel - Space of inhabitation. The housing slab - Space of Bio-politics. The pencil towers - Space of financial capital.

03 MA. One Square Mile city

The exhibition object equals exactly the size of contemporary city developments, like the Hudson Yard Project around Penn Station, and contains one square mile of floor area. The distribution of each function equals proportionally the amount of square miles of floor area that these functions occupy within a contemporary city, like New York.

The following photographs are taken of the actual model, that inhabited the licht-halle at Staedelschule rundgang, the model here is 3m x 3m x 3m.

04 MA. One Square Mile city

One square mile city - Aerial View [Photograph]

05 MA. One Square Mile city

One square mile city - Elevation view [Photograph]

06 MA. One Square Mile city


Conceptualizing the Machine Author.

Towards speculative realist architecture


The Object Plan

Academic Project.


The Poche space of the Universal Plan;

MA. Staedelschule Architecture Class [SAC].

In Arts as Technique by Viktor Shklovsky, he provides us with a formalist reading on literature, specifically musing on works of Leo Tolstoy, where Shklovsky explains a technique or a device in which one can employ to achieve estrangement.

Lets look for the data in a Universal space, mies van der Rohe plans are in the state of ultimate universality, all the data in Mies’s drawings happens to exist a minimal industrial Poché [Black Space],

Studio | Peter Trummer Projects Reviewers | Faculty Reviewers; Prof. Johan Bettum. Dr. Theodore Spyropolous. Damjan Jovanovich. Guest Reviewers; David Ruy [Sci-Arc], [Ruy/Klein]. Adil Bokhari [ETH Zurich]. Key words | Viktor Shklovsky Estrangement. The Machine narrative. Post-human Architecture. Universal space. Poche space. Object Oriented Ontology.


Estrangement; or defamiliarization here is a process; it is the process of making objects strange and difficult; simply; the more difficult an object is, the more time one will spend perceiving this specific object.

For a machine narrator everything else has no data to work with, unlike the human perception in such a case the open space [white space] is what a human inhabits, for a machine there is a void in-fact for a machine narrator this is One device that could be employed here is [The White] is nothingness. the shift in perception, in other words Tolstoy in What a machine narrator would work Kholstomer story, narrates the story through the with here is an abstraction of the internal perception of a horse. organization of the Poché [Qualities] and the Objects inhabiting it [Objects]. Now one needs to pay attention that Architecture is communicated with drawings and images, The Plan Object; unlike that possibilities that happen to exist in literature. The question is can we employ The Plan object, is an object difficult in Shklovsky’s device conceptually on architecture? plan, and exhausted by the logic of its And yet maintain relevance to contemporary plan drawing, a plan object is simply cultural shifts? Such as the emerging concept of an extrusion of a difficult plan, what Machine vision is important to understand is that is plan is an autonomous object, which Machine Vision as the Narrator of Architecture; again means it is never exhausted by its’ relations be those relations From The magazine Robotic-tomorrow machine programmatic, contextual, or even vision : “Machine vision is usually linked with a material, it is a plan that only able to computer’s ability to see. The term, computer describe a plan drawings. vision, is used to designate the technology in which a computer digitizes an image, processes Hybrid-Plan Objects; the data, and takes some type of action.” What we have left now from the plan Let me illustrate that with an example, lets think produced are [Objects] & [Qualities], of a machine scanning a drawings, what that now in-order to produce a hybrid-plan machine would simply read are the lines, and object we exchange Qualities between hatch of this drawing, which means in other two contradicting plans a Universal words the machine here reads the solid [Poché] plan [Minimal poché] and A Poché and disregards the white [Space]. those are lines Plan [Massive poché] in order for the and hatches for us, for the machine those are flat effect to be examined through different data. extremes.

07 MA. The Object Plan

Process of the Plan Object and hybrids production

08 MA. The Object Plan

Universal Plan Object [ Pure Universal ] - Plan Drawing

Universal Plan Object - Perspective

08 MA. The Object Plan

Hybrid Plan Object [ Universal + Poche ] - Plan Drawing

Hybrid Plan Object - Perspective

09 MA. The Object Plan


Objects of the Internet

Towards speculative realist architecture

2017 - 2018

Boullée Blocks

Academic Project.


Big-data and Digital assemblages;

MA. Staedelschule Architecture Class [SAC].

During a recent interview with Peter Eisenman, he provides us with an intriguing statement, he say : “...The whole idea of why we do the work, is that it provides us with the critical climate to which we can examine culture...” In order to situate this statement within the following project, the first question to arise here is; which culture/s are being examined in this specific project?

It is obvious that Duchamps Postmodern assemblages were composed of physical found entities, using analogue tools, while the Post-digital assemblages are an attempt to engage with critical digital concept such as big data as Mario Carpo illustrated in his essay published by [Artforum], “Breaking the curve, big data and design”.

Studio | Damjan Jovanovich. Projects Reviewers | Faculty Reviewers; Prof. Johan Bettum. Prof. Peter Trummer. Dr. Theodore Spyropolous. Guest Reviewers; Daniel Norrel [Norell/Rodhe]. Adil Bokhari [ETH Zurich]. Key words | Internet culture. Image culture. Readymades. Marcel Duchamp. Surrealism. Assemblages. Object Oriented Ontology. Link

In oxford dictionary culture have several meanings ‘‘way of life’’, “art/music/literature”, “beliefs/attitudes”, in order not to extend the introduction much further, the culture that is being examined here is Cyberculture which in its own folds includes the idea of Image culture as well, and this examination is Post-digital, which is in other words is the state of being critical to digitality.

“Yesterday’s spline-dominated environment was elegant and modern; today’s data-driven design environment is messily postmodern: disconnected, broken, fragmentary, rickety, patchy, and aggregatory.” Mario Carpo.

Those concepts are mostly foreign for the reader Boullée Blocks of this work, and I will attempt to over simplify those concept in-fact even paraphrase them; is one assemblage of many possible forms of assemblages, yet what they Cyberculture, Surrealist Culture; all have in-common is, an architectural internal process, most of those objects Lets think here of labor within Cyberculture, one have an affinity to the Grid, they have can download, we use and reuse, appropriate been done through flat projections of and re-appropriate, and one can also upload plans or elevation, they are assemblages images, scripts, drawings, essays, etc...” Some of found objects of architecture, and architecture practices download furniture 3D categorized through architectural models or blocks, or families of windows, doors, categories. and any other part of a building”. Boullée as Found objects; This contemporary shift of the idea of labor brings us to mention the post-modern concept of the Readymades of Marcel Duchamp, which is the process of selecting ordinary fabricated objects, which are eventually modified or joined within various assemblages, the object then simply becomes art, by going through an artistic process. And if those found objects where to go through an architectural thinking process ?

10 MA. Boullée Blocks

What makes Boullée’s work, a subject to all of those experiments, is simply because of the inherent autonomy of his work, Boullée work is inherently a real object, as discussed by object oriented ontology, it is not exhausted by its relations, and it is a whole object, made of over whole objects.

Taxonomy of objects - Remodeled for Boullée Drawings

Search Space - Lists and categories

11 MA. Boullée Blocks

Boullée Blocks | As a Matt-building

12 MA. Boullée Blocks

Boullée Blocks | As a Matt-building - Top View

13 MA. Boullée Blocks

Boullée Blocks | As a Matt-building

14 MA. Boullée Blocks

Boullée Blocks | City as a chunk object - Cut-perspective

Boullée Blocks | City as a chunk object - Plan cut

Boullée Blocks | City as a chunk object - Sectional cut

15 MA. Boullée Blocks

02. Bachelors degree Portfolio

Selected Works; 2009 - 2014

02. Academic Projects, Undergraduate Selected works [ 2009 - 2014 ]


Projects of builtenvironment

Chapter 02 ; This Chapter is rather a classical collection of selected works that were developed during the Bachelors degree at the German Jordanian University, they depict a period in which I have developed an affinity to digital architecture aesthetics, inspired by parametric design methods, although every project in this chapter has its pragmatic attribute, those projects were a development of an early stage of my architecture education.


Under The Wing “Amman Media Centre” B. Sc. Architecture, Graduation Project, 10th Semester German Jordanian University Supervisor | Dr. Samer Ratrout Year | 2014 Location; Under the wing is located in Amman city center, neighboring the Roman Theater, surrounded by small scale buildings, on a challenging site topography. A new idea for culture; At the time that Internet culture is becoming a global influence and a new idea of labor, that requires a new idea of training and education which is being invested in this project. Under the wing is a Media hub, that houses different types of activities that are related to media production and content creation, it is an educational facility and a platform where content creators can explore their ideas, discuss them and project them to the world through the Internet. A Question of Authenticity. As shown in the pictures, showing the restoration stages applied upon the real roman ruins, showing the inauthenticity of the existing roman structure; therefore the authenticity of the Theater remains problematic. Juxtaposition. As a provocative procedure, to highlight the authenticity issue, where the proposed structure performs in general contradiction with the site characteristics, and challenges the illusion of the Roman structure, specifically in rendering its’ real time of human intellectuality and construction capabilities.

18 B.Sc. Under the wing


Site Jabal Al-lweibdeh


Down Town


Jabal Amman

19 B.Sc. Under the wing


Birds Eye Perspective

20 B.Sc. Under the wing


Site Plan.

21 B.Sc. Under the wing


First Level Plan


Second Level Plan


Third Level Plan


Fourth Level Plan



22 B.Sc. Under the wing


Interior Perspective


Interior Perspective

23 B.Sc. Under the wing

Cancer Treatment Centre “Madaba Hospital” B. Sc. Architecture, 6th semester project German Jordanian University Individual project Supervisor | Dr. Yasser Al-Rajjal Year | 2012 Hospitals in Architecture, Le Corbusier’s unbuilt proposal for Venice, might be the last speculative work of Architecture engaging with Hospitals and health care facilities, Le Corbusier proposed a mat-building, design with structuralist attitude, the project operates on a structural grid, with an abstract modular system, this modular system allows courtyards to emerge for a possibility to be in a protected outdoors, The module in this project suggests an opening in the ceiling to allow excess of natural light. Location and Program, Located in between Amman and Madaba city in an area of new urban developments. The treatment center is a project with programmatic difficulty and complexity, which houses all facilities needed for the process of cancer treatment,all emergency, surgery facilities, chemotherapy facilities, radio-therapy zones, and the facilities to support the process, and inpatient facility equipped with 100 beds distributed on 5 floors. Diagrammatic method, The diagrams exhibits, another structuralist design attitude in 3D, as learned from Le Corbusier, the modular system is inescapable in such projects with high programmatic complexity, yet it allowed the possibility for maximizing openings to the outside, and for inhabitant to control the amount of exposure and light through movable exterior shutters system .

24 B.Sc. Treatment Center




25 B.Sc. Treatment Center



26 B.Sc. Treatment Center


Site Plan


Ground Floor Plan


First Floor Plan

27 B.Sc. Treatment Center


Second Floor Plan


Third Floor Plan


Fourth Floor Plan

28 B.Sc. Treatment Center





29 B.Sc. Treatment Center

Ex-introvert “Primary School” B. Sc. Architecture, 5th semester German Jordanian University Supervisor | Mohammad Khalid Group work | with Sonia Nimri Year | 2012 Location and Program; Ex-introvert is located in Amman, Dabouq neighborhood, the site topography is 4 meters difference between the highest Street level and the lowest street level Ex-introvert in terms of its programmatic attribute, is a primary school which means it is offering education to students from grade one to grade six, the program includes class-rooms organized with lowest level on the site and climbing up towards the roof garden the older the students get. Other services and facilities, such as labs, indoor gym, and cafeteria. Methods; Aldo Rossi offers us a proper reading on typologies, and the possibility to employ the critic of typology as a design method. Through analyzing the existing typologies of school in Jordan, one realizes that there are two main school components [School building + School yard], and two main types [Introverted school] where the yard becomes a courtyard inside of the school both protected and surrounded by it, and [Extroverted school] the building here is a linear organization facing the yard or in-parallel to it. Hybrids; A Hybrid aesthetic comes in opposition of the pure, and in the state of constant transformation, The project here was one speculative way to approach hybrid typologies, the building both extroverted and introverted, the courtyard both protected and accessible and escapable.

30 B.Sc. Ex-introvert


31 B.Sc. Ex-introvert


Birds-eye Perspective

A Question of Typologies; Ex-introversion is a status of hybrid-typologies, both court-yard typology and linear organization are the two common types of schools in Jordan, being an Ex-introvert building allows the court yard to be accessible and protected.

32 B.Sc. Ex-introvert



33 B.Sc. Ex-introvert

04. List of Projects

Selected Works; 2013-2020

In Offices, and architecture practices

03. Professional Projects, List of reference projects and experience outside of academic settings. [2013 - 2020]


Reference Projects List 2019 - 2020 Maisch Wolf Architects, Munich, Germany. Paul-Gerhard-Allee Residence, Munich Germany. Schnieglinger Street Residence, Nürnberg, Germany. Hiltensperger Street Residence, Munich, Germany.

2016 - 2017 German Jordanian University, Amman, Jordan Ibrahim Hashim House - School of Architecture extension 2015 Personal - Competition project Tokyo Music Centre [AC/CA] 2015 - 2016 Environmental design Group e, Amman, Jordan Arab Potash company, Office building renovation. Shopping Mall, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. 2013 Yes Architecture, Munich, Germany. Yes Island Bar. Panzerhalle; lofts and offices. Harry’s home Hotel, Munich.


03.01 Maisch Wolf Architects reference projects.

2019 - 2020

03.01.01 WA.7 and WA.8 Paul-Gerhard-Allee. Maisch Wolf Architects, Munich, Germany. Residential Buildings. Competition entry - 4th Place prize.


In the capacity of an Architect for design and competitions position, responsible for conceptual design, schematic planning, and presentation. Project description; The Block WA.8, is a mixed use building, that is composed of two parts, a two story hight kindergarten, and 4 story hight elderly housing project as a linear organization, and each apartment has its balcony that over looks the neighboring public garden.

Paul-Gerhard-Allee residential project, a residential project composed of 3 main building blocks as part of a larger urban real estate project that houses 425 residential units, from one room apartments to 5 rooms apartments. WA.7 and WA.8 are three different building blocks, with the same residential program, yet with different targeted groups. WA7 buildings are 4 to 6 story buildings, designed as a courtyard typology protecting an interior garden which is surrounded by private balconies and shared roof terraces that over looks the courtyard garden. WA7 is also injected with 20 social housing units.

Paul-Gerhard-Allee WA.7 was planned to be realized through Hybrid wood and reinforced concrete construction system. WA.8 was planned to be constructed purely with wood construction system.

36 Professional Projects

List of reference Projects

2019 - 2020

03.01.02 Wohnanlage Hiltenspergerstraße.

03.01.03 Schnieglinger Street, Nürnberg, Germany.

Maisch Wolf Architects, Munich, Germany. Residential Building. Tender Documents Phase.

Maisch Wolf Architects, Munich, Germany. Residential Buildings. Concept design - Competition entry.



In the capacity of an Architect for design and competitions position, responsible for preparation of construction documents.

In the capacity of an Architect for design and competitions position, responsible for conceptual design, schematic planning, and modeling.

Project description;

Project description;

Hiltensperger street residence project is composed by 35 residential units of different type and sizes, from 3 rooms to 5 rooms apartments.

Schnieglinger Street Residential Buildings project is composed by 88 residential units of different type and sizes, as well as a commercial corner, and a student residence.

The courtyard typology of the building performs as a protective wall for the inner courtyard, with rather more solid facades meeting the high-way. Hiltensperger street residence is a 7 stories building, designed with response to existing trees on the site , the circular subtractions are employed to keep old trees that in themselves become figures that articulate the building facade.

The courtyard typology of the building performs as a protective wall for the inner courtyard, with rather more solid facades meeting the high-way. Schnieglinger Street Residential Buildings is 7 stories high, designed with multiple terraces, that cuts the building down on the 4th, 5th, 6th to produce communal roof gardens.

37 Professional Projects

03.02 GJU, List of reference projects.

2016 - 2017

03.02.01 School of Architecture and built Environment. German Jordanian University Education and research. Design Development phase. In collaboration with Yaghmour Architects.

During working at the German Jordanian University, as a teaching and research assistant, and as a part of the team of Architects and engineers responsible to document, renovate, and reuse Ibrahim Hashim’s House. Project description; From 1950’s Ibrahim Hashims House is constructed as multipliable levels, the upper street level was a big plaza and a three bay house, the lower street level used to be a series of shops along the street, the condition in which the project took its starting point from was an abandoned complex buildings, and the objective was to add minimal glass box enclosures to be used for education purposes

The intermediate level of the house were use as apartments with small openings to the street and court yards, more than half of this level is underground.

38 Professional Projects

List of reference projects.

2016 - 2017

Upper Street - Elevation

Lower Street - Elevation

Location and Program, The project is located in the heart of Amman, specifically Jabal Amman, the purpose was to reuse this abandoned building as both an extension for the neighboring school of Architecture and built environment, as design, film, and fabrication studios on the lower levels studios [Shops], a cafeteria in one of the new glass box structure, the house on the highest level will be the library space, finally the studios on the intermediate levels will be fully dedicated for the graduate school of business. Methods; Industrial additions ; every entity that was added to the existing structure, was meant to show the age gap between old and new. Activating the roof ; Adding bridges and new steel construction stairs, was an attempt to allow the activation of terraces for the students, and other possible events.

39 Professional Projects

03.05 Yes Architecture List of reference projects.


03.05.03 Harry’s home Hotel, Munich, Germany Yes Architecture, Munich, Germany. Hotel and shopping center. Design development.


During an exchange year [Internships Program] ,In the capacity of an Intern Architect, responsible for taking part in construction documents [facade design] Project description; Harry’s home hotel, located in Moosach area in Munich, Germany, is a multi-functional project it is mainly a Hotel, and a shopping mall, both functions are interrelated yet separated structurally. The total area of this project is 33.000 sqm housing four types of rooms suits, single rooms, double rooms. The method was to expose the circulation area to the outside with making is appear as a glass separator between two masses. Dynamic openings we an attempt to respond to the train railway passing in parallel to the opposite side of the facade exhibited in the drawing here. The concept of dynamic movement extends to inform the interior behavior of tiling and furniture, more railways emerge in the Mall area as single surface behavior and transformation.

40 Professional Projects

03.05 Yes Architecture List of reference projects.


03.05.01 Yes Island, Italy

03.05.02 Panzerhalle [Adaptive-reuse], Salzburg, Austria.

Yes Architecture, Munich, Germany. Leisure, food and beverage. Concept proposal

Yes Architecture, Munich, Germany. Offices and lofts Building, interior design project. Competition entry, 2nd Prize



During an exchange year [Internships Program] ,In the capacity of an Intern Architect, responsible for conceptual design and competitions.

During an exchange year [Internships Program] ,In the capacity of an Intern Architect, responsible for conceptual design and competitions.

Project description;

Project description;

Yes Island, is one of yes architecture leisure products, it is a floating L-Shaped piece that serves as a cafe and bar, as an additional service for a luxury seaside hotel in Garda lake, Italy. One can be taken to this location by a small boat that connects it to the land.

Panzerhalle [Panzer-halls], use to be the were warehouses to manufacture war-tanks during the second world war, the competition brief was to reuse those buildings for residential purposes, both lofts and working spaces. The project produced by Yes Architecture, was actually to capture both living and working in the same single space, the aesthetics of the place were to capture both working energy and house coziness, with minimal and movable partitions, and juxtaposition of material use.

This small space, is divided into multiple zones, sun beds facing the screen, the bar side, eating tables, and a small jacuzzi.

41 Professional Projects

Acknowledgments; The Work exhibited in this booklet would not have been achieved without the efforts and supervision of many academics, and professionals that were engaged with those projects directly or indirectly, many critics have been invited to review the work and been generous with there criticism and guidance. Professor Peter Trummer. Professor Johan Bettum. Dr. Theodore Spyropolous. Damjan Jovanovich. Thom Mayne [Morphosis]. Daniel Norell [Norell/Rodhe]. Dr. Yasser Al-Rajjal. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Yaghan. Prof. Ruth Berktold [Yes Architecture]. Maisch Wolf Architects. Dr. Farouk Yaghmour [Yaghmour Architects] .


References ; Prof. Peter Trummer Professor of Architecture at Städelschule Architecture Class. Director of Institute Urban design IOUD, University of Innsbruck. Guest Professor of Architecture at Sci-Arc, Los Angeles. Contact E-mail: peter.trummer@uibk.ac.at Dr. Theodore Spyropoulos Professor of Architecture at Städelschule Architecture Class [2017-19]. Director of Architectural Association Design Research Lab | London. Founder of Minimaforms | New York - London. Contact e-mail: theo@minimaforms.com Professor Johan Bettum Director of Architecture at Städelschule Architecture Class. Contact e-mail: Johan.bettum@staedelschule.de Professor Mohammed Yaghan Director of Architecture at Städelschule Architecture Class. Contact e-mail: Johan.bettum@staedelschule.de


Hasan Hamdan MA. Architecture and Urban design hasan.hamdan47@gmail.com +962-79-702-7521 Amman - Jordan

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