February 2019 December 2018
M ay 2019
All t h e t op even t s an d Th eubu f eat r essin iness Oscar #Her t ss season begin s in #Her t s
What's on in #Herts
SUPER SCHOOLS Eco cr eden t ials #Her t s
FINALISTS ANNOUNCED We r epr in t t h e f u ll list of In spir e Her t s 2019 f in alist s
PUB IN THE PARK Tom Ker r idge is back !
THE PERFECT EASTER AT AUBREY PARK HOTEL Th e ideal ven u e in #Her t s f or you r East er an d beyon d
ASHBOURNE SUCCESS Bu sin ess h it t h e sh or t list
Win Cin ew or ld t ick et s
We pu t t h e spot ligh t on Kim pt on M ay Fest ival
Herts County Council pollinator plan approved for bees
Don't worry, bees will be happy in #Herts
Hertfordshire County Council is spearheading a Pollinator Action Plan to address the sharp decline in bees and pollinating insects. The council is working with
landowners, district and borough councils and environmental groups to develop a county-wide commitment to sustainable and environmentally-friendly
farming and land management techniques. Plans include increasing pollinator-friendly habitats by planting more wildflowers and other bee-friendly plants, as
well as verge management, pollinator-friendly cutting cycles and reducing the use of pesticides. A motion, agreed by Full County Council on Tuesday, came on the day scientists revealed that British insects such as bees and hoverflies have drastically decreased by a third over the last three decades across the UK. The scientific review, published in the journal Nature Communications, revealed that if current trends continue some species of bees and hoverflies which pollinate food crops and other plants will be lost from Britain altogether. Sass Pledger, Hertfordshire County Council?s Assistant Director (Property) said: ?As a responsible landowner, Hertfordshire County Council is committed to preserving the delicate eco-systems and habitats our insect populations depend on. ?Residents of Hertfordshire can be assured that this council has and will continue to support a
positive approach to a sustainable and diverse flora-rich environment to ensure that our pollinators have the right food sources to flourish.?
?Support has also been given to many of our district and borough councils to establish and manage grassland and wetland nature reserves across the county.?
She added: ?The Rural Estates team has worked to enable the farming community, including county council tenants, to secure environmental scheme aid to help them deliver a range of wildlife benefits. These include the provision of nectar-source crops and wildflower field margins.
The council?s action is in line with the government?s Implementation Plan 2019-21 for its National Pollinator Strategy, requiring the county council as a landowner to participate in this UK-wide initiative.
Exploding the myth of the 'silent' 999 calls
Hert fordshire resident s reminded of t he Silent 999 call facilit y ? a lifeline for t hose in immediat e danger Hert fordshire resident s are being alert ed t o an emergency call service ? Make Yourself Heard - which enables callers in danger t o silent ly raise t he alarm. The Silent Solut ion syst em prompt s 999 callers t o press 55 on t heir mobile phones t o signify t o t he operat or t hat t hey are unable t o t alk for fear of being overheard by t heir pot ent ial at t ackers. Alt hough t he syst em has been in operat ion since 2002, it is not well known, prompt ing an awareness drive t his week. Welcoming t his st ep is Hert fordshire Count y Council?s Chief Fire Officer, Darryl Keen who has been involved in developing t he UK?s 999 operat ing syst em t o provide t he most effect ive and efficient service possible for t he public. Darryl, who chairs t he 999 Liaison Commit t ee (999LC) which oversees t he relat ionship bet ween t he UK emergency services and BT, said: ?The 999 Silent Solut ion is provided by t he Met ropolit an Police and alt hough it is not new, it is one of t he UK?s best kept secret s. ?The service provides an aut omat ed process whereby a specific set of inst ruct ions are
provided t o callers who are ot herwise unable t o make a sound when t hey dial 999. This could be due t o t he pot ent ial vict im being wit hin earshot of a possible at t acker, enabling t hem t o raise a silent alarm. ?My direct involvement , as chair of t he 999LC is t o ensure t hat t his, and a range of ot her syst ems and capabilit ies, provides people in t he UK wit h t he emergency response t hat t hey need.? Ot her recent improvement s t o t he 999 syst em include Advanced Mobile Locat ion which t akes t he GPS coordinat es from mobile phones and provides t hese direct ly t o emergency service cont rol rooms t o provide much improved accuracy of caller locat ions. Also highlight ing t he Silent 999 Call service is Hert fordshire Count y Council?s Part nership Manager for Domest ic Abuse, Sarah Taylor, who said: ?We would like t o urge anyone in Hert fordshire affect ed by domest ic abuse and needing emergency police assist ance but unable t o speak, t o Make Yourself Heard by dialling 999, list ening t o t he operat or and responding by coughing or t apping t he handset . ?If unable t o do t his, make sure you press 55 when prompt ed so t hat t he operat or knows t he call is genuine and can ensure your call get s t hrough t o t he
police. ?The Hert fordshire Domest ic Abuse Part nership fully support s #MakeYourselfHeard, raising awareness of t he #Silent Solut ion syst em for mobile phones, in what is also Nat ional St alking Awareness Week. The part nership welcomes any init iat ive which helps t o improve responses and provide bet t er support t o anyone in need, reducing harm and pot ent ially saving lives.?
Make it a special Easter at Aubrey Park Hotel
Here at Aubrey Park Hot el in Redbourn, we?ve got some excit ing East er offers for you t o discover. Bring t he family for one of our seasonal Aft ernoon Teas, served wit h lot s of East er t reat s, ranging from Roast Beef & Horseradish sandwiches t o scones served wit h Clot t ed cream and assort ment s of jams. Aft ernoon Tea is served from
12.00 unt il 4pm and is ÂŁ19.95 for adult s and ÂŁ9.95 for children. Children will also be able t o part icipat e in our very own East er Egg Hunt which will run on Sat urday 20t h April amongst our meadow and bluebells woods. If you?re looking for an East er weekend get away or visit ing friends and family t hen we have t he perfect offer for you. If you st ay for 3 Night s, you?ll only pay
t he price for 2! included in t his offer is a 3-course meal in our Brasserie on t he night of your choice and a full English Breakfast each morning. The perfect get away! Call t he event s t eam now on 01582 792105 or email event s@aubreypark.co.uk t o t ake advant age of t hese offers. We look forward t o welcoming you here t his East er period.
Ashbourne celebrate after awards final slot
For a second year running, Ashbourne Insurance of Hoddesdon have been voted by its customers as one of the most outstanding businesses across the county for delivering ?Best Customer Service?at the 2019 SME Herts Business Awards. Family-run and independent broker, Ashbourne are especially delighted to be at the 2019 awards as the finalists have been voted for purely based upon the public vote. There are eight finalists in total in the Best Customer Service category and the winner will be named at a gala black tie dinner ceremony at Hunton Park Hotel on Thursday 20th June 2019. Winners at this Hertfordshire event will go on to compete across the nation at the SME National Awards 2019 to be held at Wembley Stadium later
in the year. Ashbourne?s Emma Sibthorpe Senior Sales Advisor, upon receiving the news from company Directors said: ?The news is simply out of this world AMAZING and fantastic! I feel so very fortunate to work with an extraordinary team of professionals?delivering advice and insurance services to hundreds of appreciative customers. I was fortunate to attend the SME Herts and SME National Business Awards last year where Ashbourne scooped both winning accolades and to think we are back again is a wonderful testament to our dedicated team. A massive thanks to all those who voted for us and we look forward to continuing to serve the local community and customers.
Everything is crossed for a win at the finals and we are so very grateful for the continued recognition.? The SME Herts Business Awards offer a credible opportunity to support and help raise the profile of industrious, hardworking and enterprising small to medium enterprises in Hertfordshire. Multi-award winning Ashbourne Insurance offers a wide range of business and personal insurances along with a claims advisory service. It is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) and has been trading for over 38 years. For more information visit www.ashbourneinsurance.co.uk Follow on twitter @AshInsServices
New Athena group The newly re-established Athena business networking group of East Herts and Broxbourne has launched monthly business networking meetings in Ware and from July 2019 will also be meeting with a second group in Hertford, Hertfordshire. The Athena-Ware meetings are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month between 12noon and 2pm at the 5 star Marriott Hanbury Manor Hotel; and on Tues 25th June will be fundraising for Herts & Essex Air Ambulance to help support their life saving work. Non-members and visitors are especially encouraged to join in this meeting. Members of the Ware meeting include: Longmores Solicitors, Ashbourne Insurance, Bond Fitness, Datum Ltd, DSA Bookkeeping, HB Accountants, Anita Gray Image Consulting, Well Bean Gardening, Sincerity Personnel, Hanbury Manor Hotel, Superfoods Supplements, Powerful Changes, FM World UK, Ware Osteopathy, KPS Heating &
Plumbing and Best of Both Worlds PR. Award-winning entrepreneur and author Angela Spencer, bought the Athena franchise in January 2019 and is already expanding with a second group in Hertford from Thurs July 4th. This group will meet between 12noon and 2pm on the second Thursday of every month at The College Arms Hertford Heath where members will be encouraged to share details about their business, their aims and aspirations during the meeting. Angela Spencer commented, ?It has been an honour and pleasure to work with some outstanding businesses who have joined Athena-Ware and I am delighted to be celebrating ?Independence Day?UK Style with the launch of our Athena-Hertford Group on July 4th. As suggested by the name of the region ?East Herts and Broxbourne?we also have plans to open at least two other groups by the end of 2020. I am delighted to be contributing all of the visitor
fees at the June Athena-Ware meeting to Herts & Essex Air Ambulance aiming to fundraise in excess of ÂŁ500, for the charity.? The Athena Network provides women in business with opportunities to make strategic connections with professionals in a wide range of industry sectors. At the heart of Athena?s activities, networking groups meet each month over lunch in an outstanding venue to make new contacts, develop valuable business expertise and explore visionary ideas. The Athena network offers inspiring opportunities to engage with business owners and decision makers from diverse industry sectors. To find out more information about visiting or joining a group visit www.theathenanetwork.com/ angelaspencer/, email: angela.spencer@ theathenanetwork.com call Angela on: 07912 626118.
#Herts is getting ready to go really wild It?s a bit ironic: We love nature, we binge on TV series such as Blue Planet and Planet Earth, we recycle and reduce plastic waste, but at the same time, we?re actually spending less time than ever in nature. Our children play indoors much more than outdoors and, according to a National Trust survey from 2016, half as much as their parents did when they were young. The rise of technology over the past decades has brought up an ?indoor generation?, children are glued to screens instead of getting muddy. There is even a name for this symptom of children losing the connection to the natural world: nature deficit disorder. However, it is a long-proven fact that nature benefits children in many ways. Outdoor play can boost problem-solving skills, confidence and focus. It can help them develop social and emotional skills, enables them to cope with stress and improve cognitive functions. The great outdoors has many advantages ? from growth in confidence and independence through to improved behaviour and motivation. This is true not only for our young ones: Ask anyone over 40 about their fondest childhood memories, it will most likely involve some sort of outdoor play. Getting outdoors is evidently good for our mental health and overall well-being, it reduces our stress levels and makes us substantially happier. This is why The Wildlife Trusts are encouraging you to take part in 30 Days Wild ? a month-long, nationwide campaign to help people find their wild side. Now in its fifth year, the initiative encourages individuals, families, schools and businesses to take part and inspires them to do a
?Random Act of Wildness?each day throughout June. If you?re stuck for ideas, Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust provides all the inspiration you need. Sign up for free and receive a pack full of wild goodies. The campaign is open to everyone including individuals, families, schools and businesses with special packs for schools and businesses. It doesn?t matter what you do and
how much time you spend just head outside and discover the fantastic wildlife on your doorstep. Whether you go for a 5-minute walk in your lunchbreak or spend a whole day outside in your local nature reserve, whether you go alone or take your friends and family, whatever you do this June ? make it wild! Register for free at hertswildlifetrust.org.uk/ 30dayswild
Kimpton May Festival is the pride of #Herts Kimpton May Festival committee are preparing to deliver, yet again, the largest May Festival in Herts with a host of new and bigger events and a theme of ?Cartoons? designed to appeal to all ages across the four days. From Friday May 3 through to Monday May 6, Kimpton May Festival will play host to a diverse range of entertainment such as an art show, fun run, festival procession and music night featuring a Madness and an Oasis tribute band. The focal point of the weekend is the festival procession on the Saturday which comprises floats and walking entries and culminates in the main arena at the recreation ground where the May Queen and her attendants hold court. Commenting on the festival, chairman John Hills said: ?We are excited at the prospect of the May Festival in the village and I?m delighted that the theme should be something that will appeal to all ages. ?
Along with hosting a fantastic time for locals and those who come to visit Kimpton, the event also helps to raise much needed funds for groups that operate in and around the village. This year it is is hoped that in excess of ÂŁ15,000 will be raised for the good causes. Looking ahead to the events at Kimpton May Festival John said: ?We have always shown what
a great festival this is and this year will be no exception. We have a movie night for the Friday and along with our dog show, auction and maypole dancing - the whole weekend will be a treat for all the family.? For full details of the events scheduled or to purchase tickets for events such as the Friday wine tasting or the Kimpton Music Night, go online to www.kimptonmayfestival.co.uk Event brit e links: ht t ps:// www.event brit e.co.uk/e/ kimpt on-may -fest ival-2019-open-air-cinema-bohemian -rhapsody-t icket s-54519071009 ht t ps:// www.event brit e.co.uk/e/ kimpt on-may -fest ival-wine-t ast ing-2019-t icket s -54518972715 ht t ps:// www.event brit e.co.uk/e/ kimpt onent ert ains-2019-t icket s-54519042925 ht t ps:// www.event brit e.co.uk/e/ kimpt onmusic-night -2019-st arring-los-palmas-6liam-noel-duo-t icket s-54518509329
Schools earn the plaudits for their active and eco-friendly plans
Three primary schools in Hemel Hempstead are walking tall after receiving Modeshift STARS national awards for their active and eco-friendly travel plans. Galley Hill Primary School, Micklem Primary School and Leverstock Green C of E Primary School have all been working with Hertfordshire County to encourage walking and cycling to school. All three schools have been encouraging their pupils and families to be more active every day by swapping the car for a healthier and more environmentally friendly school run. Modeshift STARS is the national schools awards scheme which recognises schools demonstrating a healthy track record by supporting cycling, walking and other forms of sustainable travel. Galley Hill Primary School received bronze accreditation for increasing its levels of sustainable and active travel and is now embarking on its next journey to achieve a silver award.
Micklem Primary School and Leverstock Green C of E Primary School pulled out all of the stops to reach silver level for the first time by vastly increasing the numbers of pupils walking, cycling or scootering to school. Both schools dramatically reduced the amount of car travel to and from school. Hertfordshire County Council?s Assistant Director for Transport, Waste and Environmental Management, Simon Aries said: ?Travelling actively to school improves the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of children, enhancing the whole school community. ?It really does make a difference as children become healthier and more prepared for learning if they have some fresh air and
exercise before and after the school day. ?It also brings the added benefits of reducing air pollution levels around schools, creating a healthier atmosphere for everybody.? All three schools have School Crossing Patrols who encourage children to cross with them every day, helping to develop good road safety skills while helping the environment by reducing the need for unnecessary car journeys. Hertfordshire County Council works with schools across the county on a range of road safety and sustainable travel initiatives. You can find out more by emailing the team at: activeandsafertravel@ hertfordshire.gov.uk
The Main Event Great events to catch in #Herts April 10 Spring walk in t he woods Ashridge Est at e Join knowledgeable volunteers for a walk in the woods to spot the signs of spring on the Ashridge Estate in Berkhamsted on Wednesday, April 10. At this time of year, the buds on the trees are bursting into a spectrum of green and the sound of birdsong starts to fill the air. This walk is the perfect opportunity to learn more about the nature on the estate
at this special time of year. The two-hour walk starts at 10.30am and is £3 per person. No need to book ? head to the visitor centre and pay on the day. April 21 Ware Ant ique Collect ors' Fair Age Concern Hall, Ware Ware Antique and Collectors? Fair on Sunday, April 21, will be held at Age Concern Hall on Priory Street. Doors open at 10am and the event will go on until 4pm.
Entry is £1, or 50p for concessions. There is free parking, and refreshments will also be available. April 21 East er Sunday lunch at Shendish Manor Relax this Easter with Friends and Family and enjoy a delicious three course meal. Afterwards the children can then explore the beautiful Manor House gardens searching for hidden eggs! Adults at £29.50 Children at
April 15 - 22 Cadbury East er Egg Hunt at Ashridge Est at e Bring the family for our Easter trail. The Easter Bunny is throwing a big Easter party and has invited friends from all over the world. The kids will get to meet and greet his feathered party guests and answer Easter Bunny's questions to claim their chocolate prize. The trail is priced at £3 per child from Mon 15 - Thu 18 April, 10am-4pm, to encourage early visits. The price is £5 per trail for our peak time from Fri 19 ? Mon 22 April. Photos: National Trust Images/Chris Lacey & National Trust Images/John Millar
The Main Event Great events to catch in #Herts
£16.50 (aged 4 to12) To book please contact our sales team on 01442 281665 or email on enquiries@shendish-manor.com
April 24
by his latest book In my Life, Alan entertainingly tells his personal story with the help of some of the music that has sound tracked his life. Suitable for ages 16+ (aimed at adult audience) 2 hours including an interval.
An evening wit h: Alan Johnson - In my Life at Hert ford Theat re
Alan Johnson is one of the most popular politicians of recent times and now a best-selling author, his memoirs selling half a million copies to date. Inspired
Visit Website Entry Price £2.
01992 531500
April 27 Bohemian Rhapsody Open Air Cinema Lee Valley W hit e Wat er Cent re
For an open air cinema experience, head to Lee Valley White Water Centre in Waltham Cross on Saturday, April 27, where Bohemian Rhapsody (12A) will be shown on a 24ft outdoor screen. Take your blankets, picnics and chairs and enjoy the film in the open air at this Olympic venue. Entry is from 7.30pm, with the film starting at about 8.30pm, depending on the sunset. Tickets are £10 per person or £60 for a group of seven. All
The Main Event Great events to catch in #Herts
proceeds will go to The Nightingale Cancer Support Centre. To book, visit www.nightingalesupport.org.uk or call 0208 366 9674. May 1 Bat Walk at Chorleywood House Est at e Bat Walk Free Event Booking Required All ages welcome, but children must be accompanied by an adult at all times Join us for a guided walk to discover these magical creatures of the night in their natural habitat.We will have bat detectors for you to use and the Park Ranger will be on hand to help identify the bats that we see and explain their important role in the biodiversity of our green spaces. Address
Chorleywood House Estate
Murder Mystery at Tewin Bury Farm Hotel
been found slain. It?ll be for you to play detective and solve one of the greatest mysteries of the Ancient World in this classic comedy Moneypenny Murder Mystery Challenge! Revenge, betrayal and bloody death meet you at every turn? All set over a sumptuous meal. Titter ye not! It?ll truly be a night of raised thumbs.
Murder Myst ery at Tewin Bury Farm
events@tewinbury.co.uk 01438 841643
Back by popular demand!
Visit Website
Period: Roman Farce. Text The year: 87 BC. The place: Rome (and there?s a right carry on up the forum!)
Entry Price
Contact enquiries@threerivers.gov.uk 01923 776611 Visit Website Entry Price Free but booking required
Tiberius Deadius, Rome?s foremost Gladiator, has just
40 per person (3 course meal & a glass of wine) ÂŁ165 for 2 people (3 course meal, glass of wine, overnight stay & breakfast)
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Just the ticket for Tom's Pub in the Park Pub in the Park, St Albans, #Herts Sept 13-15
Pub in t he Park brings t oget her brilliant food, live music and Michelin-st arred chefs all served up in a beaut iful local park, making for t he ult imat e pub garden unlike any ot her. W het her you?re a foodie fanat ic searching t o t ast e dishes creat ed by some of t he world?s best chefs, or a music lover who can?t resist t he chance t o wat ch your favourit e music act s live, Pub in t he Park has got you covered. The pop-up pub and rest aurant
line-up include t he likes of Tom Kerridge?s The Hand & Flowers, Dylans Kings Arms, At ul Kochhar?s Hawkyns, Thompson St . Albans, Tim Allen?s Flit ch of Bacon and many more, each serving mout h-wat ering t ast ing dishes for you t o enjoy. Music act s will rock t he main st age t hroughout each session, so dust off your dancing shoes as you?re in for a t reat ! The headliners include Tom Odell, Razorlight and W ill Young alongside ot her great act s
including The Rifles, Toploader, St ereo MCs and more. Alongside all of t his (if it isn?t enough!) t here?ll be plent y of bars serving all sort s of bevs from cockt ails t o cold ones, chef demonst rat ions, mast erclasses, t ast ings and plent y of shopping from art isans and lifest yle brands! Don't miss out on t he fest ival t hat everyone's t alking about and grab your t icket s here. ht t ps:// www.pubint heparkuk .com/st -albans
Standon Calling ready for a Chic success Standon Calling, Standon, #Herts, July 25-28
TIER 3 W EEKEND TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW , STARTING FROM ÂŁ149 AT www.st andon-calling.com/t icket s After the record breaking success of 2018, Standon Calling continues to deliver and flourish as one of the essential and eclectic festival weekends of the summer. With 2019 primed to be another joyous celebration of entertainment for the whole family, there is a mammoth array of incredible talent confirmed for the July weekender. From classic hitmaking royalty to one of the most exciting and acclaimed bands of the past decade, Standon Calling 2019 boasts unmissable headliners for the summer festival season. There are very few individuals who can truly call themselves icons in the music world, but Nile Rodgers is undeniably one of them. One of the most influential artists ever to make music, Nile helped usher in the worldwide phenomenon that is disco - and across five decades he?s continued to help shape and produce some of the greatest songs of all time. From ?Le Freak?, ?Good Times?and ?Everybody Dance?with CHIC, to his star-studded work with the likes of David Bowie, Madonna, Duran Duran, Daft Punk and more -
there?s nobody on the planet able to bring the party quite like Nile Rodgers & CHIC, and Standon Calling will be basking under the discoball for an almighty Sunday night headline party come July. Truly leading the way when it comes to the most celebrated bands of the modern era, Wolf Alice are ready for their defining headline moment. Rising out of Camden with their bold and potent indie sound, they?ve burst through the doors with the sort of instant power and knack for insatiable anthems that?s scooped them plaudits across the globe. After the stunning success of debut album ?My Love Is Cool?, the follow-up ?Visions Of A Life?confirmed Wolf Alice?s place as a special band playing the biggest shows of their
career and rightfully scooping the coveted 2018 Mercury Prize. With a live show that jumps between the raw and ferocious to the delicate and warm, Standon Calling will bear witness to a band who are primed to soundtrack an entire era, in a moment to tell generations to come about. Both Nile Rodgers & CHIC and Wolf Alice join the previously announced headliner Rag?n?Bone Man - making his anticipated return hot-off a busy start to the year with his Calvin Harris collaboration ?Giant?storming charts around the globe currently. One of alternative music?s most celebrated bands, Echo & The Bunnymencarry an almost mystical aura around them, with
over four decades of crafted post-punk making them clearly stand out as one of British music?s true greats. Led by the iconic figure of Ian McCulloch, expect their set at Standon Calling to be a special journey across their mesmerising catalogue. Arguably the band of 2018, Idles return to Standon Calling in 2019 after first making their mark on the Laundry Meadows stage in 2017. Thriving with punk ferocity yet compassionate and vital in every word and fibre they throw into the mix, they scooped all the plaudits last year for their earnest takes on the NHS, Samaritans and more named as BBC 6 Music?s Album Of The Year and playing the biggest shows of their career. An unmissable moment indeed, Idles will continue the revolution at Standon Calling 2019. Scooping numerous 2019 tip list nods, top Scot Lewis Capaldi is primed for a mammoth year ahead - with his immediate and enticing tales ready for the bigger venues he deserves. Following in the footsteps of breakthrough names taking to the stage at Standon Calling in the past, expect this set to be the moment where a new household favourite is crowned. Fully embracing that Standon spirit of carefree fun and technicolor silliness, The Go! Team will bring their kaleidoscopic world of swooning indie hits to this year?s festival, with the likes of ?Ladyflash?bound to be triggering smiles and celebration with ease. Also revealed today, GLOW star and indie favourite Kate Nash will head to the Hertfordshire fields, bringing a catalogue of diverse and rapturous hits with her for a trip across a staggering career that
continues to go from strength to strength. Alternative trio The Joy Formidable bring their all encompassing live show to Standon Calling, building on a critically acclaimed career that unveils something different and unique at every turn. The Mercury Prize nominated The Big Moon will be hitting Standon Calling with their ready-made festival anthems, building on the infectious hooks of debut album ?Love In The 4th Dimension?and pointing to their next exciting chapter, while revered live riffers Band Of Skulls return to Standon with the sort of high-energy and punchy set that makes them bonafide festival royalty whenever they come to town. Fun for all the family, Standon Calling is about more than simply sensational acts taking to the stage - but a true 360 degree party of fun and unmissable moments. It wouldn?t be Standon Calling without The Cuban Brothers. Consistently drawing some of the biggest crowds the festival has ever seen, their tongue-in-cheek show remains one of the most popular requests each and every year. Returning with more side-splitting energy, they?re a must-see at Standon Calling 2019. Ripping through celebratory Springsteen favourites, TheShe Street Band are sure to go down a storm as the summer sights follow ?Thunder Road?all the way to Standon, while the supergroup you never knew you needed Elvana combining the sounds of grunge?s ultimate pioneers, Nirvana - all fronted by Elvis Presley for a tribute extravaganza. Family kingpins Dick & Dom are leaving the Bungalow to set up
home at Standon Calling this summer - bringing their own DJ Battle to the fields for a laugh-out-loud gem perfect for all ages. The iconic Mr Bloom & His Band - of CBeebies fame - will be bringing all the hits from his beloved shows, gathering friends from the allotment for a singalong party, while the Jurassic will come to life with the How To Train Your Dinosaur Live Show roaring into view with a trip back to the very beginning. With a new experience at every turn, Standon Calling is the definitive festival for families and friends alike - a coming together of like-minded people all enjoying a festival firing on all cylinders. You can also expect pumping beats and tunes throughout the weekend, as thrilling electronica sits pride of place in everything Standon Calling is - bouncing across genres, eras and styles in emphatic fashion. It?s lead by Scottish electro pioneer Erol Alkan, the Phantasy Records head who stands as one of the genre?s most celebrated producers. Remixing some of the biggest artists of the past two decades, his sets are always packed to the rafters - with his turn at Standon Calling an essential sight for the weekend. He?s joined by Simian Mobile Disco the beloved electro house duo who have become a calling card for forward-thinking beats and treats, making their set at Standon Calling this summer one that?s bound to kick-start the party spirit for a memorable moment in the festival?s history. With Soho Radio bringing a catalogue of top-level DJs across the weekend (including Tasty Lopez, 4 To The Floor, Emily Dust
and Delia Te?ileanu) and the likes of Club De Fromage, Feeling Gloomy, Age Against The Machine, Bowie Disco, The Indie Kid?s Kids Disco and drum?n?bass titans Hospitality returning to Standon for sincilating takeovers, the party is guaranteed to be ringing large across the weekend. Packing an unrivalled atmosphere and a reputation for delivering unforgettable festival moments,
By day, expect music to touch your heart, make you think, make you mosh and make you dance. Indulge with award-winning food & drink, settle in to enjoy acclaimed comedy, or entertain the whole family with activities and performances for all ages - taking a dip into the swimming pool or witnessing the famous Standon Calling Dog Show. The options are endless. By night, Standon Calling
is one bold show-stopping beast, as world-class performers arrive in full force. Don?t miss late-night frivolities from some of the most celebrated electronic acts and DJs on the planet, leading the party right up to 4am. The perfect home for summer memories, Standon Calling is a defining beacon of the British festival experience. http://www.standon-calling .com/tickets
Just Be A Child charity set for major boost Text
A charity which has transformed lives in Africa is celebrating six years of vital work thanks to the support of business and individuals in #Herts. Just Be A Child was founded in 2013 following a visit to Kenya by Lenka McAlinden. Touched by the kindness and happiness of children whom she came into contact with, Lenka saw that although they had next to nothing they were willing to share whatever they did have. With hardly any infrastructure in place and no finances to build play facilities or buy toys or anything educational such as books, Lenka was determined to set up a charity on her return. Just Be a Child, the charity sees 2019 as a major year of change with its drive to provide support to other areas of Africa, although Kenya still remains a key focus. Lenka believes it is a good country to work in for a number of reasons: ?Working in Kenya is a lot easier. The official language is English, so our books come in handy. The closeness to the areas we work in of Kenya?s biggest port, Mombasa, makes shipment a little bit smoother. There is limited regulation or other official
obstacles to overcome. But more importantly, the children are so hungry to learn and the community so stuck in their ways that without a little bit of external intervention it is unlikely they will find a different way. Books can help them.? The aim of Just Be A Child is to create and support libraries & learning centres in poor but aspirational Kenyan communities, and to foster a culture of education and self-development. It is a target of the charity to create at least one library & learning centre every year and along with this to also build libraries on behalf of other organisations and distribute books to applicants. As more and more books have come in to the charity Just Be A Child has been reliant on the vital support of removal and storage specialist Dollimore and Christie. Based in just outside of Hitchin, the business has stepped up and offered vital storage space for the
books and equipment due to be shipped out. Each library & learning centre contains 5,000 books, learning material, many toys and games and arts and crafts material. The cost for each of these is ÂŁ15,000 and they are made out of a converted shipping container. They collect in excess of 10,000 books for readers of all ages. They also need toys, games, jigsaw puzzles, pencils and much more including furniture. The communities are chosen very carefully and with their help convert the 40ft container into a fully operational library & learning centre. Along with funds and books, there is also a demand for craft equipment which is now being sent out and used in Kenya. To find out more how you can help the charity call 07737 500 501.
Have you considered how your family will deal with a digital legacy? Your Digit al Legacy
someone to access your hardware, due to their privacy agreements and in some instances they are unable to assist as they only provide the network for your hardware to run on.
The use of social media platforms has become a common part of life, but have you made plans regarding what will happen to your social media accounts should something happen to you?
Digit al Legacy Advice
Over 3.5 billion people today have social media accounts where they store photos, videos and memories and this number is growing year on year, but what happens to a person?s social accounts when they die? Unless someone else has the passwords for their digital accounts then these cannot be accessed and will remain active. The Digital Legacy Association, launched in 2015, has recognised that this issue needs to be addressed when planning for end of life and has a website that is designed to help people deal with making arrangements for account information and passwords to be passed to family or friends after their death. For some it is important that their accounts are closed and for others it is their wish that their social accounts are maintained and regularly updated and treated as an online memorial for people to visit and post their own memories.
?People should leave clear instructions about what should happen to their social media, computer games and other online accounts after their death?? The Law Society Digit al Asset s It is not only social media that needs to be considered. What about online bank accounts, online shopping accounts, email accounts and downloaded music? Without disclosing passwords to someone that you trust, these cannot be accessed easily. Most mobile phones can only be accessed with a passcode. Is this where you store your contacts telephone numbers and addresses rather than the traditional address book? Without the passcode, your family would be unable to advise your friends and other contacts of any funeral arrangements. Manufacturers and network providers will not provide assistance to enable
We have all been advised that we should not disclose passwords to anyone or write them down but with the use of digital technology becoming more and more a part of our lives, we all now need to reconsider this advice and make the necessary arrangements for this information to be passed on to someone that we trust. For some, the realisation that their memory can be carried on is of some comfort in addressing the difficult subject of death. Tollers Solicitors Stevenage office has a dedicated team who are able to help you with all of your estate planning, including planning for your digital estate. To find out how ?Talk t o Tollers? Trust and Estates Team on 01438 901095.
Tips to personalise your funeral plans Personal ising your own f uneral There are lots of initiatives around to help people start talking about death, and part of that conversation is funerals. Most people know whether they want to be buried or cremated, but some have whole sections of their funeral planned out; from the music they want played to what they want people to wear. Who remembers the scene from Love Actually where Liam Neeson?s character is talking about his late wife?s funeral requests, one of which was he should take Claudia Schiffer as his date?! She also chose photos of herself to be shown on screen while ?Bye bye baby?by the Bay City Rollers played out as her coffin left the church. Your wishes We fully support people wanting to have a say in their own funeral. It?s a way to let your loved ones know how you want to be remembered on the day; perhaps by planning things they wouldn?t think to do in their time of grief. Personalising a funeral doesn?t have to cost the earth ? there are lots of little things you can do, even just having your photo displayed on top of the coffin. Just remember, while a bit of pre-planning can take a lot of pressure off your loved ones when the time comes, it?s nice for them to be able to add their own touches to express how much you meant to them, so perhaps don?t try and plan every last detail. Our Little Green Book could be a good starting point for you to think
about the various decisions that need to be made. You can find it at: https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ austins-funeral-guide.html
First t hings f irst Typically you would put big decisions about your death in your will. When it comes to your funeral, the most important questions your loved ones should know the answers to are: -
Do you wish to be buried or cremated? Where do you want to be buried or your ashes scattered? Do you want a religious ceremony, or one at a crematorium or woodland site etc.?
Personal t ouches Flowers or donations: Do you want a particular type of flower, or perhaps a special arrangement for your coffin? If you have been in a trade, you might want an arrangement made out of tools instead. Coffin: There are many different types of coffin from traditional wood to wicker, but it?s not all about the material. Did you see in the news recently that one dedicated primary teacher from Bath had her coffin decorated in her pupils?drawings? Transport: While it can sometimes be overlooked, the transport you choose can be hugely symbolic of your life. For instance, the families
of bikers often ask for fellow bikers to accompany the coffin in a motorcycle procession. Other symbolic modes of transport include VW campervans, vintage lorries and traditional horse and carriage. Eulogy: You can write your own eulogy in a traditional style, or perhaps as a poem. You could also select your own readings and even ask someone close to you to read them, if they are comfortable doing so. Music: For some people, music is a huge influencer in their lives. If you have a special song, or an artist you love, or have come across something that sums up you and your life, then the music you choose can add a very special touch. Photos: You may want to choose some photos of yourself for the order of service, or to be on display at the church or crematorium. We are the only funeral director in the UK to create unique films and photo slideshows that can be played during a service and kept by friends and family afterwards. https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ austins-tribute-services.html Funeral pl ans Of course, we can?t overlook cost. The average funeral costs around ÂŁ4,000 and there are many funeral plans available to pre pay for your funeral. Our Hertfordshire Funeral Plan is exclusive to us and, unlike many other plans available, customised specifically to your requirements. Find out more at: https:/ / www.austins.co.uk/ funeral-plan.html
Make the most of the Unlimited Card to enjoy Cineworld benefits ENJOY UNLIMITED FILMS Watch all the films you can handle at any Cineworld for just one monthly fee SAVE ON SNACKS AND DRINKS Get 10% off all in-cinema food and drink. Plus get 10% off at Cineworld Starbucks licensed stores. ACCESS TO PREVIEWS Be the first to see a movie with special Unlimited member advance screenings SAVE ON EVENT CINEMA We don?t just show movies. You can also get selected discounts on live Opera, National Theatre, live sport and gigs PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP After a year we?ll upgrade you to a premium membership for free, giving you 25% off in-cinema food
and drink and unlimited 3D movies at no extra cost
Start enjoying Unlimited films and great offers
Unlimit ed: How t o apply in person
Unlimited members can get free months of membership when they recommend Unlimited to their friends!
Step 1 Visit one of our Cineworld cinemas Step 2
Unlimit ed: How t o apply online Step 1 Make sure you have your bank details and a recent passport photo Step 2 Complete the easy application process and use your temporary pass straight away Step 3 We will post your Unlimited card to you Step 4
Find a member of staff or use a sign up tablet in cinema Step 3 Complete the easy application process and use your temporary pass to start enjoying Unlimited movies Step 4 Start enjoying Unlimited and related offers We are delight ed t o t eam up wit h Cineworld St evenage t o offer you t he chance t o win five pairs of 2D t icket s t o any film (subject t o availabilit y). To ent er simply t weet @hasht aghert s using t he hasht ag #Hert scineworldcomp
Phot ography by Brendan Fal vey
If you have enjoyed t hese images of #Hert s by Brendan Falvey and would like t o find out how t o order t hem cont act on t he det ails supplied here
Email: bjpfalvey@gmail.com Phone 07572681805 www.brendanfalveyimagery.co.uk
Springing into action Sow new lawnsand deal with bare patches If you are hoping for a lovely patch of green for the coming year then now is the time to sow the lawn. Seed when it is well cared for will start to grow vigorously and of course seed sown now will also help to improve bare patches. Increase the amount of water given to house plants
Th e # H er t s t eam of ex per t s gi v e you som e t op t i ps an d j obs t o do as t h e gar den com es al i v e f or Spr i n g... Start feeding citrus plants Along with others, citrus plants need a little boost at this time of year to help growth so start to feed them gradually.
As the seasons change so the amount of water given to different plants also varies. This is especially true of houseplants so as the temperature starts to rise make sure that the amount of water given also increases.
Sow hardy annualsand herb seeds
Feed shrubsand roses
Tie climbing and rambling roses
As the weather improves so plants will want to get growing so make sure that shrubs and roses are fed to allow them to make the most of the favourable conditions.
It may not seem like they will get out of hand but pretty soon climbing and rambling roses will be tough to tackle so make sure they are tied now ready for the growth
April is a great time to start sowing hardy annuals and herb seeds and within no time you will see growth begin and great crops in later months.
to begin. Beware late frostsso protect fruit blossom The warm weather may be with us or just around the corner but late frosts can still strike so protect fruit blossom. Keep on top of weeds If seeds and plants are growing then so are weeds so make a start on them now, if you don't keep on top of them in Spring there's a Summer of hard work ahead! And don't forget asthe weather improvesand the warmer weather startsto arrive, just get out into your garden and enjoy it!
Wedding and party package Can you af f ord t o miss t he Forum's wedding package? As l ong as booking is made by t he end of t his year wit h deposit paid it can be used f or t he ent ire 2020. For a remarkabl e ÂŁ3,000 you can have excl usive use of t he f ul l suit e upst airs incl uding Fairview suit e. Incl udes: -
Room f rom 10am-midnight Cat ers up t o 500 Ful l use of t he kit chen and abil it y t o bring in booze and f ood. Incl ude securit y 1 hot el room Col our t heme upl ight ers and use of screens f or phot os
For part ies, weddings recept ions, birt hdays and charit y event s we are t he venue f or you. Book by Sept ember 30 2019 and use t his t o t he end of 2019. Part y package incl udes: -
Noon - Midnight Ext ended bar l icence on appl icat ion ÂŁ500 per room, accommodat e 200 peopl e. Can increase capacit y by booking a second room f or a 50% discount . Incl udes dance f l oor, securit y, t abl e l inen and bar st af f , upl ight er and screens.
Cal l us now on 01438 779955
And how about our amazing part y package?
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Book the best conference facilities for your business
Do you want t he very best f or your business? The Forum Conf erence and Banquet ing Suit es in St evenage of f er t he f inest f acil it ies and t he best rat es - and we now have a special booking of f er which wil l al l ow you t o book f rom now unt il April 30 2020.
Dail y Del egat e rat e - f rom just ÂŁ25 f or a minimum of 10 peopl e Every 10t h person is f ree and a bot t l e of f izz f or t he booker. Ideal meet ing space f or 20 peopl e, af t ernoon t ea cof f ee and cakes and l unch
Arrival t ea cof f ee and f resh baked past ries avail abl e Take a break wit h mid-morning t ea, cof f ee and biscuit s Af t ernoon hot and col d working buf f et l unch avail abl e Af t ernoon t ea, cof f ee and a sweet t reat f or al l del egat es Al l bookings incl ude f ul l use of st at ionery, room hire and equipment hire
Quot e Code: Forumbiz19 Cal l 01438 779955 and book now
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Wedding and party package
East er is f ast approaching and we?ve been hat ching some f un pl ans f or t he l ong weekend. There wil l be l ot s of egg-cit ing act ivit ies t o join in wit h, al ong wit h al l t he usual 360 Pl ay f un. Make sure you join us on Good Friday or over t he East er weekend f or egg decorat ing, egg rol l ing, egg and spoon races (a great way t o make sure your l it t l e one get s some eggs-ercise) and more! There?s al so l ot s of f un spring act ivit ies t o join in wit h in our messy pl ay area over t he East er hol iday. Wit h sof t pl ay and sl ides, messy pl ay, dodgems, a carousel , rol e pl ay and more, t here?s somet hing every-bunny wil l enjoy t his East er. Visit 360pl ay.co.uk t o f ind out more
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Spotlight on #Herts
Welwyn village Text
Welwyn Parish is located in central Hertfordshire and has a population of approximately 10,000. The Parish boundary follows the old Great North Road (now B197), the A1M motorway and parallel
London-York-Edinburgh railway. The parish comprises the village itself, Digswell, Oaklands and Mardley Heath. Welwyn village is home to a vibrant economy and vast number of thriving independent businesses. We stopped off in Welwyn and took a look
at this lovely village and are proud to present some of the businesses here. Simply click on the image and link straight to their website to find out more about them and to get in contact.
For r esult s t oday speak t o t he com m unicat ion exper t s at Spit f ir ePR Media rel at ions
Copy writ ing
Social media market ing
Media t raining
Market ing
Crisis management
Proud publ i sh er of #Herts @h ash tagh erts For al l your mark eti ng and soci al medi a needs: 07539 782979 w w w .spi tf i repr.com darren@spi tf i repr.com @DarrenI sted1 @h ash tagh erts
Ashr idge Est at e