February 2019 DecemDecember ber 2019 2018
All t h e t op even t s an d Th eubu f eat r essin iness Oscar #Her t ss season begin s in #Her t s
Ch am ber aw ar ds w in n er s t ak e a bow
What's on in #Herts
HERTS CC WIN AWARD FOR CHALLENGE Cou n t y su ccess f or su st ain able t r avel sch em e
THOR WHAT A STAR! Fir e pu ppy on par ade
KEEPING IT IN THE FAM ILY Ash bou r n e su ppor t in g local bu sin ess
WHAT'S HOT New n am es at Th e Hor n
Win Cin ew or ld t ick et s
You n g people w in plau dit s at aw ar ds
#Herts magazine
Cash boost for #Herts domestic abuse helpline A Hertfordshire-based domestic abuse helpline has received a donation from a regional housebuilder to help it cover high running costs. Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline has received £1,000 from Persimmon Homes North London through the Community Champions scheme. Each month the housebuilder donates up to £1,000 each to two groups or individuals in the area. The confidential and anonymous helpline provides a free service for anyone suffering from or affected by domestic abuse in Hertfordshire. It receives 2,000 calls per year from victims, concerned friends, family members and work colleagues, and helps callers take the next step in seeking help. Christine Roach, who applied for the funding on behalf of Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline, said: ?The service needs £32,000 per year to stay operational. After funding from Hertfordshire County Council and other donations, the service is still short by £8,850. We are very grateful to Persimmon Homes as their donation will go towards our operational costs. ?The service we provide performs an important function in Hertfordshire, acting as the funnel to a wide range of domestic abuse services.?
Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline can be contacted on freephone 08 088 088 088 from 9am-9pm Monday to Friday and 9am-4pm at weekends. Rachel Faulkner, sales director for Persimmon Homes North London, said: ?We are delighted to be able to support such a worthwhile service. ?Herts Domestic Abuse Helpline provides a helping hand to anyone going through domestic abuse. It is essential that services such as these get the support they need and continue to benefit the local community. ?If people were unsuccessful last month, we urge them to visit the Persimmon Homes website and to try again and hopefully they will become our next Community Champion.? To find out more information Community Champions, or to nominate a charity group, visit https://www.persimmonhomes.com/ community-champions.
#Herts magazine
Enter Thor - our new fire investigation puppy Hertfordshire?s new fire investigation puppy took to Twitter to announce his official name.
Thor is already attending fire scenes alongside Reqs so he can get used to the environment that he will be working in. This will continue until he is fully trained and can take over the role as our next fire investigation dog, allowing eight-year-old Reqs to retire in the summer of next year.
It?s been a stormy few weeks without a public name, but followers of Reqs, the fire service?s current fire investigation dog, were treated to a special announcement video to reveal his young apprentice?s official name: Thor. Computacenter, sponsors of Hertfordshire?s fire investigation dogs, held a staff competition to suggest names for the pup, which were then voted on by a judging panel. Clare Rafferty, Head of Corporate Events at Computacenter, said: ?Thor is a great choice for the new Fire Investigation Dog. Thor, a superhero, was known to protect both gods and humans against the forces of evil using his deadly weapon the iron hammer, but in this case, Thor will be using his nose! ?We at Computacenter are very proud of our long-standing partnership with the fire and rescue service and can?t wait to watch Thor grow in to our very own superhero.? Nikki Harvey, Fire Investigation Dog Handler and Fire Investigation Support Officer at Hertfordshire
Fire and Rescue Service, looks after Thor and Reqs at home and at work. ?From what I have seen in the short period of time that Thor?s been with us, the name suits his character perfectly. It?s amazing to hear that Computacenter see our fire investigation dogs as superheroes. ?Five-month-old Thor?s training is going well and he is already showing all the traits of becoming an amazing search dog. He certainly loves a tennis ball just as much as Reqs. Like Reqs, he will have to learn how to search for, locate and indicate on traces of ignitable liquids to assist us with our fire investigations to enable us to determine if a fire is deliberate or accidental.?
Chief Fire Officer and Director of Community Protection at Hertfordshire County Council, Darryl Keen, said: ?We?re delighted to continue working with Computacenter, who have sponsored our fire investigation dogs since 2000. Fire investigation dogs work with officers to help us understand how a fire has started, providing valuable evidence for police investigations in the case of arson. ?We?re excited to welcome Thor on board full time once he?s completed his training under the watchful eye of Reqs, who has supported fire investigations at a number of high profile incidents both in Hertfordshire and over the border with colleagues in other fire and rescue services.? You can follow for updates from Thor and Reqs on Twitter www.twitter.com/reqsfiredog and on Thor?s brand new Instagram www.instagram.com/ThorFireDog
Slam Dunk Hatfield 2020
Slam Dunk Hatfield 2020
Showing no signs of slowing down, Slam Dunk Fest ival cont inues t o cement t heir alt ernat ive st anding, revealing punk st alwart s Sum 41 as co-headliners wit h Don Broco, t he ret urn of Punk In Drublic led by NOFX, t he t ransat lant ic powerhouse billing of Billy Talent , The Used, The St ory So Far, t he world-exclusive reunion of We Are The In Crowd and homegrown t alent wit h Basement alongside t he reunion of hardcore mob Your Demise, Dream St at e and Grayscale for t he May Bank Holiday Weekend. Lead by t he inimit able presence of front man Deryck W hibley, Sum 41 capt ured t he spirit of a generat ion wit h ant hems of ult imat e defiance spat st raight int o t he face of t he mainst ream. W it h early records ?All Killer, No Filler?and ?Does This Look Infect ed?boast ing some of t he most definit ive and influent ial songs of t he era, Sum 41proves t heir ferocit y cont inues t o run deep wit h sevent h album as ?Order In Decline?shaking up t he rock world. The Grammy-nominat ed Canadian punk-post erboys have scored mult i-plat inum albums across t he globe, embarked on eleven headline and 7 co-headline t ours spanning many cont inent s and have won count less awards from t he likes of t he Juno Awards ? making t hem more t han qualified t o appearance as a Slam Dunk Fest ival headliner. Sharing t he st at us wit h previously announced co-headliner Don Broco, t he set -t o-be iconic performances from bot h headline act s will not clash.
angst -ridden rock. St aying at t he t op of t heir game in t heir 25 year career hist ory, Billy Talent will be at Slam Dunk demonst rat ing exact ly how.
Burst ing ont o t he scene as Billy Talent wit h t heir self-t it led debut album in t he early 2000s, t he Canadian punk rock out fit has since proved t heir st aying power wit h a remarkable mult i-plat inum discography and unrivalled live experience feat uring Benjamin?s Kowalewicz?s st andout vocals against t heir jagged
Having only performed at Slam Dunk once in 2011 before t heir hiat us, grunge-rock out fit Basement will ret urn in 2020, promising modern melodic empat hy. Hailing from Ipswich, t heir lat est singles Be Here No / Are You The One sees t he band ret urn t o form following t heir 2012
St anding as t rue pioneers of emo, The Used will bring t heir genre-defining spect acular t o Slam Dunk for t he first t ime next year. Achieving plat inum success wit h t heir self-t it led debut and follow up in ?In Love and Deat h?, The Used?s longevit y is t he product of t heir baying honest y and unrelent ing passion, promising an emphat ic display when t hey perform hit s such as ?The Tast e of Ink?, ?Pret t y Handsome Awkward?or ?I Caught Fire?. Following a raucous punk-part y-st art ing debut at last year?s Slam Dunk Fest ival, NOFX are set t o bring Punk In Drublic t o bot h Leeds and Hat field for anot her year, alongside Californian punk kings Pennywise t hat will grace t he covet ed slot . W it h act s st ill t o be announced, t he curat ion by Fat Mike promises t o be t he only place t o cat ch punk royalt y. One of t he most visible pop-punk bands on t he scene, The St ory So Far are a band following t heir own pat h. Incorporat ing element s of hardcore int o t heir bouncy verses, t he Californian act have been relent lessly writ ing and t ouring since t he release of Under Soil And Dirt in 2011. Releasing t heir lat est Proper Dose last Sept ember, The St ory So Far?s energet ic ret urn t o Slam Dunk Fest ival will be an unforget t able moment .
album Colourmeinkindness. In a world exclusive especially for Slam Dunk Fest ival 2020, We Are The In Crowd will reunit e for what is set t o be a whirlwind celebrat ion of t heir lat e 2000s pop-punk prest ige. Signed by Hopeless Records aft er news of t he bands Myspace page hacking, punchy vocals from Tay Jardine and Jordan Eckes and upbeat at t it ude won over audiences in t he st at es and beyond. Recording wit h Zack Odom and Kennet h Mount (All Time Low, Jimmy Eat World, Mayday Parade) WATIC?s records Best Int ent ions and Weird Kids are a t ime capsule t o a golden era of pop punk. A rit e of passage for lovers of t he alt ernat ive, Slam Dunk ret urns once again as a key dat e in t he fest ival calendar. Slam Dunk Fest ival Nort h will t ake place on Sat urday 23rd May 2020 at Temple Newsam and Slam Dunk Sout h will t ake place on Sunday 24t h May 2020 at Hat field Park. Ticket s are on sale now. In a monument al move, last year saw Slam Dunk operat e as a fully green field fest ival, shift ing away from it s urban beginnings as Slam Dunk Nort h made it s debut at Leeds Temple Newsam sit e, joining Slam Dunk Sout h in a park locat ion as it enjoyed it s second year at Hat field Park. Celebrat ing t en years since t he first Slam Dunk Sout h dat e, 2020?s May Bank Holiday weekend is t he only place t o cat ch t he world?s very best alt ernat ive music. TICKET INFORMATION Limit ed early bird t icket s are st ill available for ÂŁ64 + booking fees, wit h t he price rising t o ÂŁ69 + booking fees for general admission t icket s soon. For more informat ion or t o purchase t icket s, please visit www.slamdunkfest ival.com.
#Herts magazine
#Herts magazine
Photo page 8: Jack Smits, Commercial Account Handler, 3rd Generation Family to work at Ashbourne Insurance photo above: Matthew Hunt, Commercial SalesDirector (Jack?s Uncle), Peter Smits, Managing Director (Jack?sfather), Sarah Smits (Jack?s mother) and Jack Smits Matthew Hunt, Commercial Sales Director at Ashbourne said, ?We have been experiencing increased demand for our impartial advice to support local Small to Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the county over the past twelve months so it is with great pleasure that we have been able to appoint Jack Smits to the role of Commercial Accounts Handler. There is a tremendous amount to learn about the insurance industry and the high levels of regulation we work within, and already Jack has gone above and beyond during his training period to support me and colleagues. Clients have also commented that is good to see the team has grown as this gives them confidence to ask for more complex
insurances like cyber Liability, fleet and multiple premises.? Amalia Brightley-Gillott, Managing Director of Family Business Place said, ?This is fantastic news for Ashbourne Insurance, its staff, clients and of course family ? Congratulations Jack! We have had the pleasure of working with Sarah, Peter and Matt over the past seven years ever since they scooped two awards at our National Family Business Awards (previously known as the Red Ribbon Awards) and our experience of working with a host of family businesses means we know how hard and rewarding it is when working in a family business, let alone the competitive insurance industry. Some of the UK?s biggest and most successful companies are family-owned such as Cobra Beer, Timpsons, Reed Recruitment and Warburtons; so I think Hertfordshire could see Ashbourne Insurance become a household brand in the years to come. Well done Jack and to all the family!? Richard and Brenda Hunt, Ashbourne Insurance Founders commented, ?It is with immense
pride that we have seen our family take over the management and growth of Ashbourne Insurance over the past ten years since our retirement. Jack?s appointment is a further source of pride as we never thought the business we started nearly 40 years ago would grow to such an extent that it would support our many members of staff, hundreds of local businesses, the community with all the fundraising support and now the third generation of our family. We are confident that Jack will succeed in his new role as he has a first class work ethic, and understands how hard his family have worked to ensure Ashbourne continues to thrive.? Multi award-winning, third generation, family-run Ashbourne Insurance offers a wide range of business and personal insurance along with a claims advisory service. It is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Ashbourne employ a team of over 17 insurance professionals, many of whom have been with the company for over ten years.
#Herts magazine
Care and compassion at the heart of Maria Mallaband Care Group Now recruit ing care and nursing st af f at Monread Lodge Nursing Home Are you caring and compassionate?Are you an experienced nurse, a newly qualified nurse, experienced carer or looking to start a career within a care homes? We?d love to invite you to take a tour of our home and meet us in person! We have opportunities for staff to join us as nurses, nurse associates, senior carers, and care assistants. Are you interested? We can offer full time, part time or casual opportunities, training & support, some of the best pay rates in the area, and great employee benefits. Care is at the heart of what we do here at Maria Mallaband Care Group. We're an established family-run care provider, and we deliver care to over 3,500 residents across our 80+ care homes nationwide. Our mission is to be the best quality; most highly regarded Care Provider in the United Kingdom and our vision is to create a home from home environment for both residents and staff. We are committed to being an Investors in People employer, which means that we continually invest in your personal training and development. MMCG is a place where your career truly starts to grow For more informat ion about our roles on offer please give us a call on 01438 518310, email us at recruit ment @mmcg.co.uk or visit mmcg.co.uk/careers
#Herts magazine
#Herts magazine
Advice issued for driving in cold weather Drivers have been urged to get their vehicles ready for winter or face uncomfortable ? and even dangerous ? journeys in the cold.
vehicles during the winter months, so motorists should regularly check safety essentials like brakes and windscreen wipers.
Motoring experts from LeaseVan.co.uk have released seven guidelines for UK car and van drivers to winter-proof their vehicles, inside and out.
4. Clear vision:
Driving on British roads from November onwards can be rough but doing a little extra preparation and having useful items to hand will make travelling during the winter more pleasant. A reassured, comfortable and focussed motorist will drive better and safer; a prepared driver owner won?t need to panic in the event of bad weather. Tim Alcock from LeaseVan.co.uk said: ?In the run up to Christmas, it?s easy to get distracted and forget to prepare your vehicle for winter driving ? but doing so means you?ll face uncomfortable, miserable and potentially dangerous journeys. ?We?ve put together some advice that any driver can use to avoid discomfort and distraction when driving in bad weather.? 1. Good wheels: Ensure there is sufficient grip on every tyre to see the vehicle through winter journeys on slippery roads and have accessible wheel chains if travelling through the snow is necessary. 2. Tools: It?s recommended that drivers keep a snow shovel in their vehicle in case the car or van gets stuck. A pair of sturdy walking boots is also a good idea, if shelter must be sought on foot. 3. Maint enance: Extra care needs to be taken over the condition of
Leaving a vehicle parked anywhere during the winter months is an open invitation for a frozen windscreen, so make sure you have a can of de-icer to hand as well as a suitable scraper. It?s also a good idea to pack a cloth or old rag to wipe the glass from the inside, as having the heater on full blast will lead to condensation when the warmth meets the cold air from outside. 5. Keep fuelled: It?s even more vital to keep on top of filling up with petrol or diesel in the winter, to avoid being left stranded in the cold ? so aim to always have a quarter of the tank full. Keeping yourself fuelled is equally as important and precautions should be taken in case of delays of breakdowns; keep a bottle of water in the car or van, hide an energy-filled snack such as a chocolate bar in the glovebox for emergencies, and on long journeys take a flask. 6. Warm clot hes: All drivers could be vulnerable to forgetfulness on a cold morning, so prepare for the worst weather by making sure there are gloves, a scarf, a hat and a thick pair of socks tucked away in your vehicle. Should the heating or vehicle itself break down, it is also advisable to have a spare jumper, thermal blanket or chemical heat packs in the boot. 7. Accessories: The best prepared British motorists will have their vehicle well stocked with useful items to see them through the winter. A full portable phone charger is a glovebox essential in case of breakdown, an old-fashioned paper map is always an advisable back up to a sat-nav and tissues is a must to avoid distraction on the roads.
#Herts magazine
Aubrey Park - a stunning backdrop for Tipi weddings and events Text
Tipi Conferences & Event s Packages The demand for experiential conferencing and events in Hertfordshire is becoming more and more apparent. We wanted to go beyond a solution, to innovate with a fresh, new and exciting events space for all our corporate clients. With the flexibility to design any layout you desire; we can create anything from exciting product launches to motivational meetings or surprise gala dinners following a hard day at work. Tipi Wedding Packages Imagine your own Tipi wedding suitable for all English weathers, with heaters and fire pits as the temperatures drop, or embracing nature in the
summer when the sun is shining. Either way, enjoy one of the most eclectic wedding venues Hertfordshire has to offer. Tipi weddings at Aubrey Park have been designed to give you various options for your dream
day. To book one of our Tipi events, give us a call on 01582 792105 or email us: events@aubreypark.co.uk www.aubreypark.co.uk/tipis
#Herts magazine
Amazing youngsters are honoured at Young People's Awards
Remarkable young people have been recognised for their outstanding achievements at
Hertfordshire County Council?s YC Hertfordshire's Young People?s Awards.
Held in County Hall, Hertford, on Wednesday (November 6), the event took place during National
#Herts magazine
Youth Work Week and highlighted the impact that youth work has in helping young people overcome barriers and fulfil their potential. The annual awards highlight the range of support provided by YC Hertfordshire which provides targeted prevention and early intervention work in local communities, schools, hospitals, colleges and other settings. Praising the county?s inspiring winners, Director of Children?s Services, Jenny Coles said: ?What they have achieved has been remarkable. None of us should underestimate the huge challenge it has been for many of them to get to this point and we are really proud of their outstanding achievements.? Young people were nominated by their peers and their youth workers, with this year?s winners including: - Tylia,17, from Stevenage, who has transformed her life since attending a YC Hertfordshire emotional wellbeing project. She has shown sheer determination in turning her life around and is also a great support to her peers.
- Georgia, 21, from Welwyn Garden
City, was awarded for showing selflessness and perseverance while facing many challenges. This year, she helped to organise a programme of motivational events during ?Feeling Good Week?, to help other young people.
- Georgia, 17, from Watford, has volunteered weekly at the YC Hertfordshire Empathy Project at Watford General Hospital for the last year. She offers unconditional support to young people in the most difficult of situations ? always putting others first and being a positive role model to those around her. - Caitlin, 16, from Hemel Hempstead, attends an emotional wellbeing and resilience project in Dacorum and received an award for the great progress she has made. She has achieved the goals she set herself and inspired others with her achievements. - Jay,18, from Stevenage, has transformed since attending the YC Hertfordshire Identity project, gaining new-found confidence and self-assurance.
- Shane, 22, from Welwyn Garden City, showed determination and perseverance as he worked with YC Hertfordshire to focus on his goal of working with animals. After successfully completing a college course, he completed work experience and voluntary work before securing a job working on a farm. - Nikkie,14, from Watford, was awarded for the huge progress she has made in her relationships with family and friends following personal development sessions with YC Hertfordshire. - Jamie,16, from Welwyn Garden City, has gone from being a shy young person who would engage only with his immediate friends, to someone who engages with the whole group and in all activities as well as encouraging others to participate. He acts as a mentor to new young people who join the group, making sure they have friends to talk to and helping them make the most of the sessions.
#Herts magazine
#Herts welcome to 14 new PCs who attend graduation cremony Meet our newest police officers ? ready to patrol the streets of Hertfordshire ? and not afraid to show their fun side! The 14 PCs ? five women and nine men ? were formally welcomed into Hertfordshire Constabulary at a special graduation ceremony earlier this month. The new constables ? including a former refuse collector, hotel receptionist, a Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) and an airport valet parking manager, who is originally from Romania ? paraded in front of their families and senior officers, including their new chief inspectors at police headquarters in Welwyn Garden City. Chief Constable Charlie Hall said: ?All of our new officers go through a vigorous recruitment process before undergoing intensive training to ensure that they are fully equipped to
deal with life on the frontline and I wish them all luck with their policing careers. ?We are recruiting to all kinds of roles: police officers, police community support officers (PCSOs) and volunteer police roles so I?d encourage people to consider a career with us. Think: ?They did you can?.? Our new recruits completed a 16-week training course at Letchworth Police Station which includes a mixture of classroom-based and practical sessions, covering a vast range of topics including law and powers, personal safety and dealing with volatile situations, first aid and safeguarding vulnerable victims. The officers have now started shifts at local stations across the county, putting into practice all they learned, with two PCs based in Borehamwood; Hemel Hempstead; North Herts; Three Rivers; and Watford; and
one in Broxbourne; Dacorum; Hertsmere; and Stevenage. Charlie added: ?Joining Hertfordshire Constabulary gives you the chance to be a part of a team that is passionate about your personal development, career progression, positively contributing to our local community and offer a welcoming, supportive workplace to people with different life experiences and backgrounds.? If you're interested in a career in policing find out more at: Police Officers ? www.hertspolicecareers.co.uk /police-officers Police Community Support Officers ? www.hertspolicepcso.co.uk Special Constables ? www.hertspolicespecials.co.uk Hertfordshire Constabulary is committed to recruiting a workforce that reflects the
#Herts magazine
communities it serves and protects. We provide advice and support, including mentoring to candidates from under-represented
backgrounds through our ?positive action?scheme, and regular advice sessions which are open to everyone.If you think you?d benefit from
positive action support through your police officer recruitment journey, you can email positiveaction@herts.pnn .police.uk to find out more
#Herts magazine
Joy at award after Active Challenge Week scheme Hertfordshire County Council has been awarded for its project to encourage Stevenage residents to walk regularly, leave the car at home and stay healthy. Working in collaboration with Stevenage Borough Council, the police and fire and rescue service, the award-winning project included an Active Challenge Week, a focused ?Be Bright, Be Safe, Be Seen? campaign, and a well-attended Walking Festival family trail. Faced with stiff competition from across the country, the county council?s Active and Safer Travel Team received a National Modeshift Award for the Best Partnership Initiative. The team was also awarded as a runner-up in the Best Project Under ÂŁ1,000 and Excellence in Walking Awards categories. Simon Aries, Hertfordshire County Council?s Assistant Director for Environment and Infrastructure said: ?We are delighted to win this award for our work with partners in Stevenage. ?With significant growth planned for Hertfordshire, it has never been more important to encourage everyone to leave the car at home when possible and walk, cycle and use public transport to their
destination. It is good for us as individuals and for the environment.? Further events organised in Stevenage by the team included supporting Older Person?s Active Learning and Safety Sessions, delivering road safety training at community play centres and working with local schools to develop and maintain travel plans. Pic caption: Lindsey Day, the Senior Road Safety Officer, Active and Safer Travel Team receiving the award at the National Modeshift Conference 2019.
An exciting project which aims to map and share the story of Welwyn Garden City in 2020, its centenary year, has won National Lottery support. Welwyn Garden City: A Town Designed for Healthy Living was launched by Hertfordshire County Council?s Archives and Local Studies (HALS) at the end of last month and has been made possible thanks to a National Lottery Heritage Fund grant of ÂŁ9,600. Throughout the year, HALS will be seeking new stories, photos and memories for the community archive website, Our Welwyn Garden City (www.ourwelwyngardencity.org.uk), and would particularly like to hear from those who moved to the town after the war. Staff will also work with volunteers to co-create an exhibition exploring the establishment of the town, changes that came with New Town designation after World War II,
Funding for project to map and share story of Welwyn GC experiences of living in the town and ideas about its future. The project will also include free local history workshops for schools, which have been devised in partnership with Welwyn Hatfield Museum Service, archive film nights, a heritage walk, outreach talks and reminiscence events in the garden city. Julie Gregson, Head of Heritage Services at Hertfordshire County Council, said: ?This project is a
great opportunity for people to learn about and share the rich heritage of Welwyn Garden City and its importance for planning and sustainable living today. We are delighted to have received this support thanks to National Lottery players.? If you would like to get involved in any aspect of the project, please email: hals.enquiries@hertfordshire. gov.uk
#Herts magazine
Residents called upon to help beat costly fraud International Fraud Awareness Week and the Shared Anti-Fraud Service (SAFS) was aimed at highlighting its vital work across Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire.
SAFS is a partnership between Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire councils which uses shared intelligence to combat fraudulent activity such as housing benefit, blue badge and council tax fraud. Since it was first established in 2015 SAFS has prevented over ÂŁ15.5m being lost to criminal
activity. It works by providing a simple, accessible way for anyone to report fraud committed against their local council ? from flagging up false benefit claims, fraudulent school admissions, illegal sub-letting and Blue Badge misuse.
Every pound lost to fraud has on knock-on impact on vital public services including schools, adult care, fire and rescue and police services, as well as council housing,
adoption, refuse collections and highway maintenance.
Residents can help us to protect their vital services from fraud by calling 0300 123 4033, visiting www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/fraud or emailing SAFS at fraud.team@hertfordshire.gov.uk For more on International Fraud Awareness Week, which runs until Saturday 23 November, follow the web link: https://www.fraudweek.com/
Hot tickets ahead for The Horn St Albans There's a busy month ahead for both The Horn at St Albans.
Bet h Row ley
Take a look and book. MARTHAGUNN / SARA / LUNASUN Tuesday, November 26, 2019 MarthaGunn are mining an eclectic mix of the 70s, indie-rock and classically-tinged pop music. LARKINS / FULL COLOUR / THE PINEAPPLE ARCADE Wednesday, November 27, 2019 ?Manchester's next arena act?? Manchester Evening News "Big bold anthems of the future" Jo Good, Radio X "Straight laced indie pop filled with anthemic choruses and heartfelt lyricisms" - The Line of Best Fit AVALANCHE PARTY / JW PARIS / RAMONA MARX Thursday, November 28, 2019 ?The most exciting rock & roll band in the UK right now?- BBC Radio 1 PEARL JAMM Saturday, November 30, 2019 Tribute to Pearl Jam BETH ROW LEY Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Brit award nominee Beth Rowley will head to The Horn in September as part of her UK tour! NEON WALTZ / THE SHANTLYS / JOYLAND
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Tribes and struck out on his own.
Lauded by the NME as ?Scotland?s coolest new gang?and The Times ?A band to get excited about?, their debut album ?Strange Hymns?was critically acclaimed on release ?Melodic Beauty ? heading ever upwards?**** Record Collector, ?Grandiose gorgeousness?DIY, ?Majestic?Gigslutz - and the band have enjoyed consistent support from 6 Music and Radio X.
JOHNNY LLOYD / APEX / ZOE PHILLIPS Wednesday, December 11, 2019 Johnny Lloyd has come a long way since 2014 when, after two top 40 albums, world tours and support slots with Pixies and The Rolling Stones, Johnny disbanded the critically and commercially beloved
Wednesday, December 18, 2019 Lady Bird are one of the most exciting upcoming punk bands in the UK right now; signed to Girl Fight Records, the new label from Slaves NEW YEARS EVE W ITH ALLERGY Tue, Dec 31, 2019 Wed, Jan 1, 2020 New Years Eve Party featuring Allergy W HOLE LOTTA DC Saturday, January 18, 2020 UK's finest AC/DC Tribute Band
Tollers help you through the dispute process To Lit igat e or Mediat e t hat is t he quest ion? Unfortunately, almost all of us will be involved in a dispute of some kind or other in our lives. You may have purchased something that is not working correctly or received a service which is not to the required standard. Tollers Solicitors Dispute Resolution team in Stevenage has a wealth of experience not only in advising clients on the merits of their claim and the court process, but also in resolving disputes through using Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Here Nicholas Phillips from the team looks at the alternative options available to you should you decide to pursue a claim.
Nicol a Hol t on ? Senior Associat e, Duncan Nichol son ? Managing Part ner , Trist an Benson ? Part ner and Head of Disput e Resol ut ion, Vict oria Graham ? Sol icit or , Nichol as Phil l ips ? Senior Associat e.
W hat are t he alt ernat ives? The most common alternatives are adjudication, mediation, arbitration or negotiation. Adjudicat ion Adjudication is widely recognised as the ?pay now, argue later?mechanism for resolving disputes. It is generally used to resolve construction disputes and is designed to protect cash flow for business, by preventing one party withholding cash payments for significant periods of time. Mediat ion Mediation is becoming the most common method of Alternative Dispute Resolution. It involves appointing a neutral independently trained mediator whose aim is to try and narrow the issues in dispute, with the ultimate view of achieving a settlement. The intervention of a third party mediator can often help the parties to take a step back and consider matters with more objectivity. Arbit rat ion During an arbitration, an impartial professional is instructed to make a decision on the dispute. The decision of the arbitrator is binding on the parties and there are limited grounds to appeal any decision. Arbitration is generally quicker than pursuing matters through the Court process.
Negot iat ion Negotiations will generally be the first port of call when trying to resolve a dispute. They can take many forms including discussion between parties, calls between instructed solicitors or even a round table meeting between the parties. Negotiation can be the quickest and cheapest means of resolving matters, however, the parties must engage with the process and be willing to compromise. W hy should you look t o resolve mat t ers t hrough alt ernat ive met hods? The main reason, as with most things, is cost. Litigating matters through to a contested trial can be a costly process and incredibly time consuming. For businesses especially, it can be very disruptive. There is an expectation from the courts that parties will engage in some form of ADR before going to trial. A failure to do this, or an unreasonable refusal can result in costly consequences for a party. In our experience, more disputes are settling these days by way of negotiation or mediation, and parties should certainly consider these options before engaging in the costly court process. Having clear advice on what the best options are for you can help to save time and costs. If you would like more information on your options ? t alk t o Tollers on 01438 901095 and Nicholas and t he t eam will be happy t o assist .
On the final journey Funeral t ransport : Making your last journey personal There are many sayings in life about journeys and travel. A journey is a common metaphor for life itself and they form the basis of numerous inspirational quotes. But we?re also a generation of physical globetrotters. We plot where we want to go, what we want to do; we have scratch maps to complete, bucket lists to fulfil. So the final journey we make after we?ve passed away is, surely, just as significant. By choosing a mode of transport and a route to take to the final resting place, which are personal to the deceased, a funeral can feel more about their life than their death. It?s not about going into the dark and unknown, but celebrating life and creating more memories. Our blog on personalising funerals [link to personalising funerals blog] touched on transport, but here we?ll look at it in more depth. Why is funeral transport so significant? There are two aspects to personalising funeral transport. Firstly, it allows the deceased to travel in a way that is very personal to them, whether this is
by their own planning before they pass away, or down to friends and family fulfilling their wishes on their behalf. This might be in a vehicle they owned themselves, something they loved going in, or perhaps even always wanted to experience! There was a story in the news recently of a man who?s dying wish it was to have his coffin transported in the bucket of the JCB he drove for 30 years. There are some beautiful pictures online of the JCB taking him on the short journey from his home to the funeral, followed by his family and friends on foot. (https://metro.co.uk/2019/04/24/ granddad-taken-funeralbucket-jcb-9294632/) The second aspect is about those left behind. Depending on the transport chosen, they can walk alongside, drive, or, in the case of a hand pulled bier, even carry their loved one themselves and be beside them right until the end. In some cases, following a traditional black hearse in a funeral car may feel quite distant and unfamiliar for the bereaved, perhaps even a bit stressful. It?s important to see how something as seemingly insignificant as the transport can
help our stress and mental attitude at such a difficult time. [link to funeral stress blog] A study by the Co-op revealed that more and more people want their funerals to be personal and celebratory affairs with Land Rovers and rainbow-hued vehicles to take them to their final resting places ? and companies are responding to these wishes up and down the country! W hat t ypes of t ransport are available? At Austin?s, we can arrange various modes of transport and always do our best to make your wishes happen. Aside from our traditional black hearses and limousines, we can offer? A motorbike hearse with a sidecar for the coffin A VW campervan, A variety of different model Land Rovers A 1950 vintage lorry A hand pulled coffin bier, which has been in the Austin?s family for generations A horse-drawn carriage with black or white horses
#Herts magazine
Revealed! The secret life of Mrs Tiggy-Winkle Hedgehogs live alongside people - their habitats span suburban gardens, parks and cemeteries as well as woodlands and grasslands, providing potentially easy wildlife encounters provided you?re up for a late night, as they are mostly nocturnal. These animals are natural explorers and may travel more than a mile per night. Hedgehogs are great garden helpers, happily hoovering up those pesky slugs. Also on the menu are beetles, caterpillars and earthworms that make up the majority of their diet. Sadly, hedgehogs are struggling and in the past decade alone, we have lost nearly one third of hedgehogs and there are thought to be fewer than one million left in the UK. The main causes for their decline are habitat loss and a decrease in food sources, accelerated through the use of pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers that kill their food. Our cities and towns have become more and more hedgehog-un-friendly with impermeable gardens, vanishing and over-tidy green spaces and busy roads.
need a home to spend the winter. Log and leaf piles and purpose-built hedgehog homes make great nesting places for hedgehogs. If you have a water feature or a pond, make sure that hedgehogs ? and other animals ? can get in and out. Chances are if you have a wildlife-friendly garden, you have a hedgehog-friendly garden. Remember, remember?
Your garden is the perfect place to give Hertfordshire?s hogs a helping hand. Because they are hibernators, now is the perfect time to create a hedgehog-friendly environment. Small changes can make a big difference for our prickly friends. Make sure hedgehogs can get into and out of your garden with a so-called hedgehog highway, a hole in your fence. Help them fatten up for winter ? which they urgently need to survive ? and provide food for them. Your hedgehog will also
River M im r am by Pet er Tat t on
Bonfire Night is upon us and our hedgehogs are facing the most dangerous time of year. A large pile of wood prepared in anticipation of bonfire night makes for an inviting nesting place to a hedgehog. Before setting it alight, check your bonfire to make sure that no hedgehog has snuggled up in it. Give it a good poke and a light shake so that any residents are gently encouraged to leave. If you can wait, build it up as late as possible before the fire altogether, so it won?t pose any temptation. For more information about how you can get active for hedgehogs, visit wildaboutgardens.org.uk.
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Make the most of the Unlimited Card to enjoy Cineworld benefits ENJOY UNLIMITED FILMS Watch all the films you can handle at any Cineworld for just one monthly fee SAVE ON SNACKS AND DRINKS Get 10% off all in-cinema food and drink. Plus get 10% off at Cineworld Starbucks licensed stores. ACCESS TO PREVIEWS Be the first to see a movie with special Unlimited member advance screenings SAVE ON EVENT CINEMA We don?t just show movies. You can also get selected discounts on live Opera, National Theatre, live sport and gigs PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP After a year we?ll upgrade you to a premium membership for free, giving you 25% off in-cinema food
and drink and unlimited 3D movies at no extra cost
Start enjoying Unlimited films and great offers
Unlimit ed: How t o apply in person
Unlimited members can get free months of membership when they recommend Unlimited to their friends!
Step 1 Visit one of our Cineworld cinemas Step 2
Unlimit ed: How t o apply online Step 1 Make sure you have your bank details and a recent passport photo Step 2 Complete the easy application process and use your temporary pass straight away Step 3 We will post your Unlimited card to you Step 4
Find a member of staff or use a sign up tablet in cinema Step 3 Complete the easy application process and use your temporary pass to start enjoying Unlimited movies Step 4 Start enjoying Unlimited and related offers We are delight ed t o t eam up wit h Cineworld St evenage t o offer you t he chance t o win five pairs of 2D t icket s t o any film (subject t o availabilit y). To ent er simply t weet @hasht aghert s using t he hasht ag #Hert scineworldcomp
Phot ography by Brendan Fal vey
If you have enjoyed t hese images of #Hert s by Brendan Falvey and would like t o find out how t o order t hem cont act on t he det ails supplied here
Email: bjpfalvey@gmail.com Phone 07572681805 www.brendanfalveyimagery.co.uk
There's a chill in the air! For t hose lucky enough t o have rhubarb growing in your garden t hen now is t he t ime t o spring int o act ion t o ensurer fut ure crops. Simply divide est ablished rhubarb crowns t o creat e new plant s and you will have a plent iful supply in t he years ahead. Now is of course the time to get serious on cutting back and make sure that you trimall you can from perennials that have died down
It ?s clearly get t ing cooler now
Th e # H er t s t eam of ex per t s gi v e you som e t op t i ps an d j obs t o do as t h e gar den n eeds our at t en t i on ... t hat t he wint er mont hs are eit her upon us or close at hand, so move t ender plant s, including aquat ic ones, int o a greenhouse or conservat ory
Don?t forget for all the hard work that you have put in there is the chance to reap some benefit. So if you have fruit in your garden make sure you harvest apples, pears, grapes and nuts that are growing.
It ?s always very sat isfying t o be able t o plant seeds from plant s grown in your own garden so don;t forget t o finish collect ing seeds from t he garden t o sow next year.
It?s probably staring you in the face but there is work to be done on the lawn before the long winter ahead. This is your final chance to mow lawns and trim hedges in mild areas, and if work is needed then make sure to renovate or create new areas by laying turf.
Wedding and party package Can you af f ord t o miss t he Forum's wedding package? As l ong as booking is made by t he end of t his year wit h deposit paid it can be used f or t he ent ire 2020. For a remarkabl e ÂŁ3,000 you can have excl usive use of t he f ul l suit e upst airs incl uding Fairview suit e. Incl udes: -
Room f rom 10am-midnight Cat ers up t o 500 Ful l use of t he kit chen and abil it y t o bring in booze and f ood. Incl ude securit y 1 hot el room Col our t heme upl ight ers and use of screens f or phot os
For part ies, weddings recept ions, birt hdays and charit y event s we are t he venue f or you. Book by Sept ember 30 2019 and use t his t o t he end of 2019. Part y package incl udes: -
Noon - Midnight Ext ended bar l icence on appl icat ion ÂŁ500 per room, accommodat e 200 peopl e. Can increase capacit y by booking a second room f or a 50% discount . Incl udes dance f l oor, securit y, t abl e l inen and bar st af f , upl ight er and screens.
Cal l us now on 01438 779955
And how about our amazing part y package?
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Book the best conference facilities for your business
Do you want t he very best f or your business? The Forum Conf erence and Banquet ing Suit es in St evenage of f er t he f inest f acil it ies and t he best rat es - and we now have a special booking of f er which wil l al l ow you t o book f rom now unt il April 30 2020.
Dail y Del egat e rat e - f rom just ÂŁ25 f or a minimum of 10 peopl e Every 10t h person is f ree and a bot t l e of f izz f or t he booker. Ideal meet ing space f or 20 peopl e, af t ernoon t ea cof f ee and cakes and l unch
Arrival t ea cof f ee and f resh baked past ries avail abl e Take a break wit h mid-morning t ea, cof f ee and biscuit s Af t ernoon hot and col d working buf f et l unch avail abl e Af t ernoon t ea, cof f ee and a sweet t reat f or al l del egat es Al l bookings incl ude f ul l use of st at ionery, room hire and equipment hire
Quot e Code: Forumbiz19 Cal l 01438 779955 and book now
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Spotlight on #Herts
Welwyn village Text
Welwyn Parish is located in central Hertfordshire and has a population of approximately 10,000. The Parish boundary follows the old Great North Road (now B197), the A1M motorway and parallel
London-York-Edinburgh railway. The parish comprises the village itself, Digswell, Oaklands and Mardley Heath. Welwyn village is home to a vibrant economy and vast number of thriving independent businesses. We stopped off in Welwyn and took a look
at this lovely village and are proud to present some of the businesses here. Simply click on the image and link straight to their website to find out more about them and to get in contact.
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Proud publ i sh er of #Herts @h ash tagh erts For al l your mark eti ng and soci al medi a needs: 07539 782979 w w w .spi tf i repr.com darren@spi tf i repr.com @DarrenI sted1 @h ash tagh erts
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