The unique digital magazine for Stevenage promoted by social media
March 2019
Can't talk, won't talk East Herts leader Linda refuses to discuss her plan to build 600 homes You know what it's like when you want to build more than 600 homes - virtually on the land of another council. Tensions will be high, keeping residents informed
comment on the plans.
to protest against the
and happy is crucial, right?
Indeed she confirmed she
scheme with infrastructure
Well not according to East
will be staying quiet on the
issues in the town flagged up
Herts Council Leader Linda
Gresley Park proposal for a
as a major concern.
few more months at least.
Inside we take a look at the
When we spoke to her she
In Stevenage more than
current state of the major
flatly refused to make any
1,000 have already signed up
building project.
Gresley Park - a classic case where we're kept in the dark by councils Text
M y #St even age by Dar r en Ist ed If it's not dog poo or litter then nothing is more guaranteed to get a public reaction than large housing developments. In the good old days these would also be as one-way as the debates over the dreaded dog mess - and campaigns would be set up to fight all the way to the beaches and the landing stages. With recent housing developments there has been a slight and subtle change of late. The need for housing (note not 'new' but definitely 'affordable') has increased rapidly and there are more and more people who feel that a pay-off may now need to be made to house future generations. That of course is little comfort to those living nearby or those who fear that roads will be swamped, schools oversubscribed and health facilities stretched. The Gresley Park planning application to the east of Stevenage has put even more issues in the mix, not only do we have a few voices in support and a Borough Council that haven't exactly taken up the cudgels on behalf of the no campaign - but to confuse matters even more it is actually sponsored and backed by East Herts Council as the land which it is on is just on their side of the border. So potentially 600 houses and all the required infrastructure will bleed its issues into Stevenage while the council tax revenue will head to East Herts. We need new houses - of course we do. But what
annoys me, and many of those campaigning is that politicians and planning officers backing these (or not standing against them) simply do not inform people of the full implications of their plans. Linda Haysey, leader of East Herts Council claimed she 'can't' comment on a live planning application. Nonsense. I'm sure the people of Stevenage would welcome her views now, when they need to hear them on the implications of massive development, not afterwards when the diggers are already in. But then that's always the way, we're mushrooms to these planners - keep 'em in the dark, feed 'em on dog poo...
1,100 ask can infrastructure cope with Gresley Park? Gresley Park is a proposed development on the eastern fringe of Stevenage which angers both Stevenage residents and local villagers Residents fear that the site, which lies within, and is promoted by East Herts Council (EHDC) will put further strain on Stevenage?s already stretched public services. The District Council is currently consulting on the developer, Pigeon Land Ltd's planning application which seeks detailed planning permission to build the site?s service roads with three new traffic light-controlled access roads leading onto a 700m stretch of Gresley Way between Lanterns Lane and the B1037 roundabout. It also seeks outline permission to erect 618 homes, a new primary and pre-school, an elderly person?s home,
an assisted living facility and a neighbourhood hub with shops and community facilities. East Herts also wish to make provision to locate a Showman?s Guild family and their equipment to the north of the site adjacent to the Walkern/ Stevenage road roundabout. EHDC has received some 1,110 responses to the planning application including a damming letter sent to the council by Stevenage MP, Stephen McPartland. Another from CPRE (Hertfordshire) challenges the process adopted by the council. Over 99% of the 1,110 who live either side of the Stevenage and East Herts boundary registered an objection. Several issues were raised. Most, however, focus on the impact that building three new traffic light-controlled junctions will have on residents and traffic movement in, and around Stevenage and the adjacent villages of Aston and Walkern. Residents fear
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that The White Way (Chells Manor) will become a dangerous rat-run, as many of the 16,000 vehicles using Gresley Way each day might divert along it to avoid delays caused by the traffic lights at the Uplands junction, a new pedestrian crossing and the roundabout beyond.
Stephen Sypula, Convenor to PACE, Aston End PACE (Protecting Aston?s [wider] Community Existence) fought to save ?Gresley Park?from development and retain it as green belt. It was one of the leading parties that asked the Secretary of State to call in the East Herts District Plan.
Incensed by East Herts Council?s proposal, residents at a recent public meeting in Stevenage asked their local councillors to create a petition addressed to Stevenage Borough Council asking them to reflect resident?s concerns when responding to EHDC. The Council listened. Not only did they issue a Press Release containing the Planning Officer?s report within days of the petition being launched it also and exceptionally put in on the Agenda for the Full Council to consider.
Mr Sypula commented ?We are absolutely delighted by the response from residents on both sides of the Stevenage and East Herts boundaries. We believe that comments and objections made on the planning application should encourage East Herts Council to refuse the application and ask the developer to submit a revised application that better achieves its, and the Council?s objectives and better satisfies the interests and concerns of those most affected.?
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Drug operation closes property Four people have been arrest ed and a propert y closed following an int elligence led policing operat ion in t he t own. Officers from t he St evenage Operat ion Scorpion Team execut ed a drugs warrant at an address in Torquay Crescent , following complaint s from local resident s about drug relat ed crime in t he area. Three men and one woman were subsequent ly arrest ed and a quant it y of cash and Class A drugs were seized. Working in part nership wit h St evenage Borough Council, officers from t he St evenage Safer Neighbourhood Team successfully applied for a closure order on t he address t he following day. Under t he Ant i-Social Behaviour Crime and Polcing Act 2014, t he propert y in Torquay Crescent will be closed for t hree mont hs. Those arrest ed are all from St evenage and have been released under invest igat ion.
Nearby residents objecting to Gresley Park must know they also live on former farmland The Gresley Park development - in East Herts - has proved a major debating point in Stevenage rather than the District Council in which it is situated, writesRic Euteneuer. The debate has been fairly one sided against the development as a whole, and in particular some aspects of the same - the Travelling Showman Caravan Park, and concerns about the effects on schools, roads and the local health services. Objections to the development as a whole have been mainly along the lines of ?destruction of the countryside/Stevenage?s green lungs?. Whilst one can understand a wish to protect the countryside, this is not a large scale development, and Stevenage residents objecting - particularly those from the Aston Vale development off Gresley Way - should be acutely aware that their homes themselves were actually built on recently used farmland - as indeed was almost all of Stevenage.
Like Stevenage, East Herts has government set targets to meet to build new homes for our expanding population, and little or no ?brownfield? sites to do so. Arguments about infrastructure can be addressed by the developer promising funds for schools, roads and health infrastructure - so called s106 or CIL payments. There is an argument to be had about the ?civic morality?of councils discharging their duties by building right up to another council?s border, but the cost of building a development ?in the middle of nowhere?and providing services to it would be astronomical, and the costs of bringing services to it would ensure it would remain unaffordable to all but a few. This development will at least have some low cost and social rented housing. If we reject schemes like these, we run the risk of becoming Bananas - "build absolutely nothing anywhere near anything?and failing to provide homes for future generations.
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What's on in
#Stevenage We have had a busy February and clearly lotshasbeen going on in #Stevenage both in termsof the newsand also among our businesses. PICTURE THIS Gr eat Br en dan im ages
M AKE IT THE M ARKET Focu s on t h e in door m ar k et
HELLO HIGH STREET Br illian t bu sin esses
Inside this month's#Stevenage you'll find all the latest on the Gresley Park development and also a look at the Barclay School saga. We are also delighted to highlight the work of the Foodshed food bank, Stevenage Festival and North HertsCollege. We are also proud to have joined the Stevenage Old Town Business and Community Partnership - inside thisedition you will find a spread not just on the new SOTBCP map and businessesbut also a feature on the Stevenage Indoor Market. So if you have a story you think that we should tell then don't forget to contact usat the addresses below. And of course if you are a businesswhich islooking to really get your name out there through the powerful medium of digital and social media then make sure that you advertise with usand see uspromote your products and services to the people of #Stevenage. Digital allows people to read about you on the go - on their mobiles for instance, and they are also just a click away #STEVENAGE - THE UNIQUE DIGITAL M AGAZINE GOT A STORY TO TELL US? St or ies an d f eat u r es: dar r en @spit f irText epr .com WANT TO ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS OR EVENT?
Text Sales: h dm digit alsales@gm ail.com FIND OUT M ORE ABOUT HASHTAG DIGITAL M EDIA w w w.h ash t agdigit alm edia.co.u k Text
PROPERTY GUIDE 30 pages of pr oper t y
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Wedding vow to Cromwell Hotel Cromwell Old Stevenage is the perfect wedding venue to host your special day. The remodelled 16th century farm house offers a mix of character and contemporary style in the heart of the historic Stevenage Old Town. With a peaceful gazebo garden area and intimate or larger function rooms licensed for civil ceremonies, there?s a variety of romantic choices so you can say ?I do?in picturesque surroundings. The talented wedding and events team will assist in creating you an unforgettable and magical day with attention to every detail so you can stay calm, relaxed and enjoy every moment before spending your first evening as a married couple in one of their luxurious suites. Close to the motorway, public transport and with 77 bedrooms, your guests can make the most of the
celebrations with no need to worry about where everyone will stay or travel home. They are currently offering 25% off the ?Romeo and Juliet?package on selected dates remaining in 2019. To see why the hotel is the perfect place to celebrate your marriage, visit their wedding preview evening on Wednesday 13th March from 6pm and visit the website www.cromwellsteveange.co.uk for more details. You can also email wedding Manager, Liz at events@cromwellsteveange.co.uk
Community film offer The Independent Cinema Office (ICO) is offering community groups and centres including museums, churches and village halls in Stevenage, the opportunity to book a free screening of extraordinary archive film of their town, facilitated by the ICO Project team. Supported by Heritage Lottery Fund, this innovative film project takes place in the first four of the UK?s New Towns, using rare archive film footage to explore the shared experiences of their residents. New Towns, Our Town ? Storieson Screen seeks to increase the visibility of, and pride in, the story of the New Town movement, and the unique social history and heritage of these pioneering towns. For decades these films have been kept in various film archives with limited public access ? yet since December 2018
communities have been able to engage with the material once more. The films reveal a fascinating insight into the development of the Towns, with footage from the 1940s to present day showcasing how the physical and social landscape of these areas have changed over time, enabling residents to see their lives on screen ? and possibly spot a familiar face. Luke Doran, Project Coordinator at the ICO said: ?Our film in Stevenage got people discussing a neighbour spotted on screen and questions flew around the room about the identity of a drummer seen playing at the Bowes Lyon Centre. ?Local pride and passion for people?s towns has been in abundance at our screenings, with amazing stories from childhood being unearthed and people?s
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recollections of their personal history and that of the town being shared and enjoyed by entire audiences.? This exciting new project has also enlisted the support of 30 volunteers, highlighting the local pride and community engagement the project has already provided. Project volunteer Maria Meeham said: ?It has been very rewarding to be part of a project bringing archive film back to the communities represented on screen. People have been so generous about sharing their stories and memories and as a result screening events have been great fun.? For images or if you?re int erest ed in a screening cont act filmhubse@independent cinema office.org.uk or call 0207 636 7120.
Join the Stevenage Festival team 2019 is the 25th anniversary of the Stevenage Festival and it?s going to be bigger and better than ever. The Festival is a showcase of local talent and hundreds of people of all ages will be performing on stage at the Gordon Craig Theatre. And there will also be a vibrant fringe programme of arts and culture events, many of which
are free, taking place across the town throughout the month of June. From singing workshops
to art exhibitions ? there?s something for everyone. The whole thing kicks off on Saturday 1 June with a parade of drummers invading the town centre to celebrate the launch of the Festival. More fun follows the following weekend with the ever popular Stevenage Day, including Rock in the Park, taking place at the King George V Playing Fields. Full details of the festival programme can be found on the website www.stevenage-festival.co.uk or follow us on Facebook for the latest information.
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Chance to help Jordan's trek Jordan Dutt is currently studying at the University of Lincoln and working with the charity ?Future Sense Foundation?which is an international development charity that works to better the lives of disadvantaged people living abroad. In June, he is heading over to Thailand for three weeks to actively volunteer for the charity in an Elephant Sanctuary and within the Local Hill tribes. As part of his trip, he is required to raise a large sum of money to aid the work the charity are doing now and will continue to do in the future. For this reason, in April, he is completing a sponsored walk from Lincoln to Stevenage - 100 miles in just 4 days! Eager to find a challenging way to raise the money as well as increase the awareness of the charity, the route will pass through different
communities of the places we pass through. Commenting on the walk Jordan said: "I am very excited to be doing this fundraiser for the charity, as I know it is going to be physically and mentally tough but I can?t wait for the challenge! "It is a true privilege to be able to work with this charity, considering the amazing work they do abroad, and an even greater privilege that I have the opportunity to actively get involved in Thailand! places across the country which he hopes to get involved and intrigued in the work this wonderful charity do. All preparation for the walk is well underway, with routes and plans gradually getting finalised with lots of help from the local
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"I will be very grateful for any donations you can make, the best way to do so is via my online fundraising page https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com /JordanDutt Alternatively, you can check out his Facebook page ?Jordan?s Thailand Fundraising?or send an email."
The Foodshed is a store of food organised by the Stevenage Vineyard Church that gives directly to people that are referred to us across Stevenage. Donations that we receive go directly to people who are put in contact with us through various organisations across Stevenage, those who are homeless and many other local Stevenage based charities. We have found that it?s not just food that we give away, but relief and respite from a challenging situation, a sense of value to people and hope to those that are
Helping to give at The Foodshed in need of having their day brightened. As people access the foodshed we offer practical and emotional support as they either work their way out of a difficult situation or look to make changes to improve their lives. There are lots of
reasons people find themselves in need that include bereavement and redundancy to problems navigating the benefit system with lots of other reasons in between. We ensure that anyone who accesses the Foodshed is receiving support from other agencies across the town. We do this because we want to enable people as much as possible to work their way out of the difficult situation they are in where they are struggling to provide food. We also work closely with CAP (Christians Against Poverty) that works to get people out of debt and on to a stable financial footing. This service is free of charge and provided by CAP in partnership. Kind donations across the area from businesses, organisations and the residents of Stevenage enable us to do this. We love to be able to offer hope and kindness when people need it most.?
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Report gives full backing to college leadership team Ch ief execu t ive Kit Davies
A report by the education commissioner has shown that there is confidence in the team heading North Hertfordshire College to lead it to long term stability. After struggling with what was termed by the commissioner as a 'financial crisis' in the past three years, the report noted that there was confidence that 'the current chief executive can deliver the financial recovery.' A spokesperson for North Hertfordshire College said; "Despite our financial challenges, which we are addressing as a priority, we are really proud of our achievements and the positive culture at the college. Everyone from the leadership team down works immensely hard for our
students, the communities we serve and the businesses we work with.
studies provision and traineeship employability programme judged Outstanding."
"During the last month three of our catering students reached the finals of a national cooking competition for the second year running, one of whom has been offered a job at a two star Michelin restaurant in Cambridge. We have successes like these day in day out which demonstrate the huge contribution colleges make to provide an enriching educational experience for students, and give them the skills that they will need for the workplace.
In other areas of the report it was concluded that Chief executive Kit Davies ?has been well-received by the staff and is highly visible and approachable.?It was also stated that, ?The ESFA appreciate the openness and style of the current chief executive and appreciate that he has inherited a difficult situation. The chief executive?s focus is on teaching and learning.?
"Our results speak for themselves. We have the best achievement rates in Hertfordshire and just over a year ago Ofsted rated the college Good, with our supported
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It was also said that, ?The staff interviewed.. had noticed positive leadership changes since the current chief executive was appointed. They described him as highly visible, giving clear direction, providing stability, and at the same time being rigorous in holding them to account.?
Book up for International Women's Day event Text
As part of International Women?s Day 2019, Stevenage Borough Council in partnership with the Women in Business Network (WIBN) and the Federation of Small Businesses are hosting an event at The Cromwell Hotel in Stevenage on the 8th March to celebrate the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women.
and leadership development to host an interactive session to inspire attendees on how they can identify their uniqueness and increase confidence, by promoting their successes and achievements. I have attached some promotional literature and an agenda, as below:
You will from hear from a number of inspirational women from business, industry and leadership. There will be opportunities for networking and a superb two-course lunch. International Women?s Day is a global day which celebrates the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call to action for accelerating gender parity. The campaign theme for International Women?s Day 2019 is #BalanceforBetter, with the aim to make a better world and will run all year providing a unified direction to guide and galvanize continuous collective action. Therefore, make International Women?s Day YOUR day and do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere. The event will include Charlotte Gatward from one of Hertfordshire?s oldest family run jewellers speaking on the challenges that have faced her professional career and how she
Agenda 12.00-12.15 Registration and Informal Networking 12.15-12.45 Charlotte Gatward ? A captivating journey behind a 250 year jewellery business
overcame them. As well as, Dr Klara Valko, DSc, FRSC who has a business based at the Business Technology Centre in Stevenage, on how she was inspired to run her own business after over 20 years of service at GSK. Dr Valko will demonstrate how she brought science to develop anti-ageing and anti-wrinkle properties products to an ever growing market. The event?s finale with come from Award Winning Coach, Jenny Garratt who will use her many years of experience in coaching
12.45 - 1.15 Dr Klara Valko, DSc, FRSC - The Science Behind Cosmetics 1.15-1.45 Lunch (2 course meal) 1.45-2.15 Jenny Garratt #IamRemarkable 2.15-2.30 Informal networking We do hope you are able to join us to celebrate your successes and achievements but also to be inspired and inspire. For tickets please visit https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/ e/international-womens-day-2019 -tickets-56408048993
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Indoor Market feature Text
Have you been t o St evenage Indoor Market recent ly? If you haven't been for some t ime you must make t he t rip - and go t o support an incredible number of St evenage based independent s.
There are new businesses opening each day here we t ake a look at just a few. Click on t he image and follow t he link t o find out more. We will be feat uring more in coming edit ions
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A meal at Mr Mulligan's At Mr Mulligan's Lost World of Golf you celebrat e any special occasion by playing a round. And along wit h a great game, you can also have a great meal t hanks t o a new cafĂŠ upgrade. They are now serving hot dogs, paninis, wraps, sharing plat es and kids meals.
You can also creat e your own sundae and creat e your milkshake. W het her it 's our 11 Thursday night Dat e Night s or a family day out for big and lit t le kids of all ages, you know t he answer, make it Mr Mulligans! For full updat ed informat ion on t his and all event s which are coming up at Mr Mulligan's Lost World of Golf head t o our Facebook page ht t ps:// www.facebook.com/
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Boro highlights Text
Febr u ay h as been a m ixed m on t h f or Bor o as t h ey 've f aced som e big m at ch es - h er e w e pr esen t t h e m on t h's m at ch h igh ligh t s Sat u r day Febr u ar y 23 EFL Lge 2
Sat u r day Febr u ar y 16 EFL Lge 2
Bor o 1 Nor t h am pt on 2
Lin coln 2 Bor o 2
Sat u r day Febr u ar y 9 EFL Lge 2 Tr an m er e 2 Bor o 0
Sat u r day Febr u ar y 2 EFL Lge 2 Bor o 1 Yeovil 0
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Signing up to support the Butterfly Choir Butterfly Choir
Happiness is love
?You matter because you are you, and you matter to the end of your life?. It?s all about opening up about mental health ? anxiety, depression, perhaps even loneliness. We all know how important relationships are at all stages of our lives, and feeling close to those that we love.
We love these words from one of the Butterflies: ?For me happiness is love, not just receiving it but also being able to give it, share it. Being with a person at the end of life is a privilege and I hope it makes a difference to their lives, as little as it may be.?
How would you feel about being alone in the last chapter of your life? What would you do if you couldn?t get to a family member or close friend in their last few days?
Helping in numbers
Charit y of t he year With this in mind, we?re delighted that our charity of the year for 2019 is the Butterfly Volunteers Service. This incredible team of specially trained volunteers are based at the Lister Hospital in Stevenage where they provide support and companionship to dying adult patients and their families. The quote above is from Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the Hospice Movement. It?s hugely poignant and synonymous with the Butterfly Service, which creates a ?hospice in hospital?environment. The Butterfly volunteers, or ?Butterflies?for short, say: ?It is recognised that in the final days and hours of a person?s life, it is not always possible for staff or family members to sit with dying patients; factors determining this include busy workloads and geographical proximity of relatives.?
Did you know that, before the Service was set up in 2016, an estimated 15-20 patients a month were dying alone at the Lister Hospital, either waiting for relatives to arrive or because they didn?t have any relatives? As heartbreaking as that number is, it?s wonderful to hear that last year the hospital?s 30 Butterflies sat with 650 patients, made over 2,000 visits and provided over 1,000 hours of emotional support. Now they?re some numbers to be proud of, and there?s no doubt the Service has made a fundamental difference to the way the Lister provides end of life care. Working as a t eam The work these volunteers do really is priceless. If you?re at the Lister Hospital and see people in purple polo shirts with butterfly logos, you?ll know what amazing work they?re doing. The Butterflies work with: ? Patients nearing the end of their life, who may feel lonely and
frightened. They might read to them, sit with them or just hold their hand ? Friends and family of the patients who may need someone to talk to, someone to give them a break from sitting by the bedside, or simply to make hot drinks or run errands to the hospital shop ? The ward staff to help free up their time to care for other patients, safe in the knowledge that there is someone providing support to patients who are dying One person helped by the Butterflies said: ?To leave Dad with a Butterfly Volunteer, who we knew would sit with him in our absence, was a great comfort to us. You helped to make a difficult time a little easier. Thank you.? Aust in?s charit able work The Butterflies need ÂŁ25,000 a year to continue their work and we aim to help them towards that target throughout 2019. Our charitable fund was set up in 2002 and it has raised over ÂŁ125,000 for community-based and local charities including the Samaritans, Stevenage Haven, Cancer Hair Care and Tracks Autism. We?re very grateful to everyone who has helped to raise money for these brilliant charities so far. To find out more about the Butterfly Volunteers Service, visit: https://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/ get-involved/volunteering/ butterfly-volunteers/
Tollers solicitors - the family law team with you every step of the way Tollers St evenage Family Law Team - W it h you every st ep of t he way.
agreement is strongly recommended, in case something you want to do is not possible or in your best interests.
Following the merriment of the festive season this time of year sees a distinct rise in the number of couples seeking legal advice in regard to separation and divorce.
Q: If I go t o a solicit or, does t hat not just mean t hat we will end up in court ? A: No. A good family solicitor will do their best to help you avoid getting caught up in contested proceedings about finances. It is the role of a good family solicitor to help you reach agreement. The majority of cases settle without any contested proceedings.
The family Law team at Tollers Solicitors Stevenage answers some of the common questions they are asked at this time of year. Q: Can we be divorced wit hout sort ing out t he finances? A: The simple answer is Yes. However, under English law, a 'Decree Absolute?, the name for the court order that ends the marriage - does not sever the financial ties between you. However, if significant pensions are involved, you may be advised not to apply for the Decree Absolute until financial matters have been resolved. Q: W hat if we agree a financial set t lement but do not record it in a legal document ? A: The law is very clear that without a recorded financial settlement within divorce proceedings there is still scope for one or even both of you to change your mind and make a financial claim at a later date. This may happen if one of you thinks, in hindsight, that the agreement you reached between you was unfair. There are many cases where one person comes into money after the marriage has ended for example
through inheritance or even a lottery win and the former spouse has successfully claimed against those assets acquired long after the marriage has ended. Q: Is t here a t ime limit for making a financial claim aft er ?Decree Absolut e?? A: No, there is no time limit. Some limitations arise as a result of remarriage and with the passage of time there will be changes in circumstances that may reduce the chances of a successful claim but essentially there is no time limit in place, so it could be a matter of years before a claim is made.
Q: W hat will a solicit or do t o ensure our financial agreement is legally wat ert ight ? A: Your solicitor will prepare what is call a ?Consent Order?, which is a draft court order which records what has been agreed between both parties, in a format that will be acceptable to the Divorce Court. This is all done on paper, no one actually goes to court, the Consent Order is simply sent to the Court for the Judge to approve, the Court then sends out the required number of copies bearing the Court seal and that is your financial settlement finalised once and for all, with no chance of one of you being able to change their mind.
Q: How do we reach agreement on financial issues? A: There are several ways to go about this. Obviously the best way is to sort it out together, either between yourselves or with the help of an experienced mediator. Getting legal advice from a family solicitor before reaching final
If you have reached a point in your marriage where you feel there is no way to continue, Talk to Tollers? on 01438 901095 and the team will provide you with clear, concise guidance and advice on the next steps.
PAUL FRY on # St evenage
Battle of Barclay still raging for all concerned
Just when you thought it was all over, the Barclay School saga comes back with a vengeance. The forced academisation of one of Stevenage's oldest schools is the controversy that keeps on giving. And not in a good way - with all sorts of accusations and suspicions swirling around, some of them made openly. At its heart is the Conservative government's commitment to revive failing schools by bringing in private trusts, removing them from local council governance. It is a policy which has been immensely divisive across the country. Barclay was taken over by Future Academies Trust on February 1, despite a long and loud campaign by those concerned about potential changes to the curriculum, school structure and the fact they viewed the move as unnecessary, undemocratic -
and being devoid of transparency. Journalist Aditya Chakrobortty has been a vociferous opponent of academies and has been following the Barclay School saga closely. And Stevenage Council leader Sharon Taylor has called for a public inquiry, saying: ?The wishes of Barclay?s staff, parents, students and community were ignored and decisions are taken away from any local accountability. That?s not what living in a democracy should look like!? During the campaign by parents and staff to stop London-based Future Academies Trust - run by Lord John Nash who, until late 2017, was the academies minister - from taking over Barclay, Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland was lambasted for ?failing to support his constituents?. He hit back at their ?silly scaremongering?, claiming the
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protests were ?a politically-motivated campaign led by Labour Parliamentary candidate Jill Borcherds, who works at the school, and Labour county councillor Joshua Bennett Lovell?. Within a month of Future Academies taking control, Barclay?s widely-respected headteacher Mark Allchorn stepped aside to be replaced by someone with no secondary school experience; there were claims that the Hertfordshire trust that was originally in line to run the school had been elbowed aside; and then an emergency protest was held outside the school gates, organised by Mr Bennett Lovell. Ms Borcherds, who is also a National Education Union representative, said there was silence when Mr Allchorn addressed staff to tell them he was leaving. She said: ?You could hear a pin drop in the staffroom as Mark told us
PAUL FRY on # St evenage he was going.? What sparked the latest uproar were revelations that the original academy group, Herts for Learning, despite having reservations about the scale of the challenge, had been - far from wanting to step away - actually keen to sponsor the school. During the summer of 2017, the finalising of their funding deal was halted and HfL was informed that another sponsor was being sought. Mr McPartland met Future Academies Trust founder Lord Nash ? in his capacity as Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for the School System ? in June 2017 to discuss Barclay?s sponsor options. Lord Nash later wrote to Mr McPartland, thanking him for ?setting out your concerns about the proposed sponsorship of Barclay by the Herts for Learning multi-academy trust?. Lord Nash resigned from government in September 2017 and, in March 2018, his Future Academies Trust was chosen by the Department for Education (DfE) to be the sponsor for Barclay. It does not sit comfortably with many that he was a schools minister while chairing an academy chain accountable to the very government department he helped to run. Paul Smith, another former Regional Schools Commissioner, was recruited to become CEO of Future Academies when Lord Nash, who set up and chairs the trust, was a junior minister. The trust runs four schools in Westminster as well as Barclay. Dr Matthew Laban, described by Future Academies as ?a very successful principal across a range of schools in London and the south east?, was appointed to be Mr Allchorn?s successor as principal. Mr Laban is a former Tory councillor in Enfield and was a Cabinet member for housing. He has never run a secondary school. Future Academies is no stranger to controversy. In 2013, Susan
Rankin-Reid, acting head of Churchill Gardens academy, in Pimlico, agreed to leave, with colleagues and friends saying Future, forced her out. In April 2016, the chain was forced to drop controversial plans to extend the day for children as young as five after protests from parents and teachers. The National Union of Teachers said more than 20 teachers at two of Future?s London schools, Churchill Gardens and Millbank academy, threatened to resign in protest. And in May that year, it emerged that the Nashs' daughter, Jo, was hired to work unqualified and unpaid to teach history and help draw up a new curriculum, prompting concerns from parents and a teachers?union. She had no teaching qualifications though she did have a degree in history. Since 2012, academy schools have been able to hire unqualified teachers. Jo Nash had previously worked for at least three years in the office of the former Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. Lord Nash, a venture capitalist, and his wife Caroline became Tory donors in 2006 and helped finance David Davis?s 2005 Tory leadership bid. Lord Nash set up Future in 2006. One of his previous investment vehicles, Sovereign Capital, owned companies with more than ÂŁ70m of government contracts. In January 2013, he became a life peer and schools minister. Earlier this year, published accounts for Future Academies showed that a majority of the trust?s members are also trustees - meaning it is failing to meet government guidelines over good governance - and "had seemingly been allowed to expand without having to update its arrangements". The 2017 academies financial handbook ? signed off by Lord Nash when he was minister ? advises trusts that most members should be independent of the board of trustees. Of Future?s four members, three are also trustees, Schools Week reported.
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Academies, which take over one or several schools with pledges to improve standards, have not always delivered as promised. They were hailed as education?s ?great leap forward?under Labour - but there doesn?t appear to be a guaranteed benefit to a school being run by an academy chain instead of a local authority. Labour under Gordon Brown talked up its academies programme but there were only around 200 of them ? 1% of all English schools ? when it left office in 2010. It was Michael Gove, the new Tory education secretary, who turbo-charged the policy. Lord Nash was one of Mr Gove's closest allies. Professor Becky Francis, director of the Institute of Education at University College London, says Labour?s academies programme was ?focused on the revitalisation of schooling as an engine of social mobility in deprived areas?. She added: ?There are a handful of trusts achieving amazing things but a much longer tail of trusts performing really poorly?. Her analysis shows six in 10 academy chains have below-average attainment for children from disadvantaged backgrounds - the very demographic they were aimed at helping. And Lord Adonis, who developed the academies policy under Labour, lamented some of the large salaries earned by those running academies. He said: ?If I had realised that academy principals or trust chief executives were going to be paid sums in excess of ÂŁ150,000 when I was a minister, I would have intervened to stop it?.
Brilliant businesses in High Street need you After our amazingly successful piece in our last edition on Middle Row and the independent shops in that area, we have turned our focus on other shops in Stevenage High Street. The shares and likes we have gained by putting these businesses in the spotlight has been amazing, so don't forget make sure if you need a product or a service which they offer head down to them and keep them in business in #Stevenage
Read, en joy an d sh ar e
Phot ography by Brendan Fal vey
If you have enjoyed t hese images of #St evenage by Brendan Falvey and would like t o find out how t o order t hem cont act on t he det ails supplied here
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Join the SportScene team There is a new radio show on the circuit that any sports fan in the area would be mad to miss. SportScene started broadcasting their weekly show earlier in August on SG1 radio, the online radio station broadcasting live from their studio in Stevenage Town Centre. Presented by Steve Watkins, Jay Drackford and Dean Thompson, there is a wealth of local sporting knowledge that has been tapped into, with the trio aiming to showcase any sport local to the area. Steve Watkins said ?It was an idea that was dreamed up by Jay, who quickly shared his thoughts with myself and Dean, and we were hooked. We went to station owner Ray Medwynter and he loved the idea, and two weeks later we were live on air! ?In the first show we were honoured to have former Arsenal goalkeeper Bob Wilson as a guest, speaking about his charity, the Welwyn Garden City based
?Willow Foundation?, and his golf tournament recently held at Hanbury Manor. ?The response has been phenomenal in the early days. We have had local clubs represented, with sports including Football, Netball, Running, Iron-Man, Cricket Rugby and Cylcling, and have even included the great work being done with the Aqualina Synchronised Swimming club. ?It has so far been a case of building relationships with the clubs, so that we can follow their fortunes in the future. But we are also keen to get involved ourselves, with Jay already running the local Park Run, and Dean is lined up to have an evening of Synchronised Swimming, which of course will be covered on the show! ?We still need to hear from any new clubs with a story to tell, whether it be news, results, fixtures or events, and we are happy to speak on the phone, get guests into the studio , or simply
read out any news from a club. The aim is to cover ANY local sport, without prejudice or bias. Where at all possible of course!? The show can be contacted at any time via email at sportscene@sg1radio.co.uk, via twitter @sg1sportscene, or on the SG1 Radio Facebook Page. The show is broadcast every Wednesday evening between 9-10pm, and can be accessed at www. sg1radio.co.uk, on mobile phones by downloading the SG1 Radio app, via tune-in radio on a smart device such as sonos or alexa, and is also now being broadcast live with video on Facebook, which has added an extra dimension, and encouraged interaction from the sportspeople of the area. Previous shows can also be played again, with links on Facebook and Twitter. For further details, contact the team at sportscene@sg1radio.co.uk
What 's on in # STEVENAGE INS: Every Friday afternoon, So Healthy, a gentle exercise class takes place from 1.30pm to 2.30pm at Bedwell Community Centre. Please contact the INS for more information on 01438 725400 or emailinfo@irishnetworkstevenage.org.ukor follow the group on Facebook or Twitter. St evenage Fl oral Art Societ y: Call Margaret 01438 880086 for more details. St evenage Liberal Synagogue: For further information phone 01438 300222 or visitstevenageliberalsynagogue@gmail.com St evenage Fibromyal gia Support Group:Meet on the second Wednesday evening, 7.30 to 9.30pm, and last Tuesday of the month, 12.30pm to 2.30pm, at Poplars Community Hall. A weekly coffee drop in from 1pm to 3pm takes place on Wednesdays at Encore Coffee House, in the foyer of the Gordon Craig Theatre. Call the helpline 0844 8872 373 or 355 for more info. All welcome. St Andrew and St George:Parish Mass on Sunday at 10am. A toddler group takes place on Wednesdays from 10am to 12pm. All welcome. For further details please email Kimcuttylanegroups@gmail.com.Morning Prayer Monday to Thursday at 9.30 am. Weekday Masses on Monday at 10am, Tuesday at 12.30pm and Thursday at 10am. Compline at 8:30 pm on Thursdays. For more information visitwww.stevenagechurch.org. Debt ors Anonymous:Meetings are held every
Tuesday evening at 8pm at The Living Room, No 15 The Glebe, Chells Way. For more information visit:www.debtorsanonymous.org.uk St evenage Corey?s Mil l Lions Cl ub:Lion are part of the world's largest community based Service Organisation and are looking for more members to assist with the work in the community as volunteers. Meetings are held on the second Monday of the month in Symonds Green starting at 7.45pm. Membership fee is nominal. To find out more call 01438 489247 or 07903 444052 or visit the group on Facebook. St arl ight Dance Academy:Adult tap dance classes, for all ages, with a fully qualified teacher take place from 1.15pm every Friday at the Community and Arts Pavilion, Roaring Meg Retail Park, Stevenage. Age Concern, St evenage:Pop in for a cuppa every Monday, 10am to 12pm, at Swingate House. Age Concerns provides bookings for Britannia Coaches,a hire service for mobility scooters and wheelchairs during opening hours. Free 20-minute appointments for benefits and legal advice, and a footcare clinic are held every Tuesday and Thursday (fee payable). Age Concern's offices are open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 3pm and Thursday 9.30am to 1.30pm, ground floor, Swingate House, Stevenage town centre.Call01438 314164 for more. St evenage Museum:St George?s Way, Stevenage, hosts a wide range of events throughout the year for families, children and adults. Open 10am to 4.30pm Wednesday to Friday, 10am to 5pm Saturday. Call 01438 218881 or emailmuseum@stevenage.gov.ukfor more. Cycl e UK St evenage:Starter cycle rides will set off from Costello?s Cafe by the Sailing Centre in Fairlands Valley Park at 10.30am every Saturday. Evening rides from the green by Springfield House Community Centre take place every Wednesday at 7.15pm. For more information go towww.stevenagectc.org.ukor call Jim on 07939 687509 or Jill on 07816 625901.
What 's on in # STEVENAGE St evenage Writ ers:Meet every Wednesday from 5.30pm to 7pm in The Snug Bar at The Dun Cow, Letchmore Road, Stevenage. Mutual support for writers at all levels, something for everyone. Next two months the group is working on getting their Annual together. For more details contact Tony Burtonponytailpoet@gmail.com. Pl ay Go:Takes place every Tuesday from 7.30pm in Letchworth or Stevenage on alternate weeks. Persons under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult. For more information, visithttp:/ / www.letchworth-go.org.uk/ letchgo St Hugh and St John's Church: Blaze Youth Club for anyone aged 7 to 14 takes place every Thursday during term-time from 5.45pm to 7.15pm. Have fun playing games, sports, making crafts, baking, cooking, and art, The first Thursday of the month is family night where families are invited to come for a meal and a short service. ÂŁ1.50 per week. Roundabout ers Count ry Dance Cl ub:English country dancing every Thursday, 8pm to 10pm, at Friends Meeting House, Cuttys Lane SG1 1UP. Newcomers are always welcome, both beginners and experienced dancers. To find out more call 01438 727239, visitwww.roundabouters.org.ukor just come along. St evenage Bridge Cl ub:New players are needed at Stevenage Bridge Club and Springfield House Friday Bridge Club. Stevenage Bridge Club meets at 7.30pm to play Duplicate Bridge at the Priory Nursery, Stanmore Road, Old Stevenage. Contact Phil Cooper on 0795 7813434. Springfield House Friday Bridge Club meet on Friday afternoons at 1.30pm to play cut-in Chicago Bridge at Springfield House. Contact Richard Bean on 01438 221517. Mol l y Vickers School of Dance:Lessons in Ballet, Tap, Freestyle and Contemporary at Bedwell Community Centre, Stevenage. For children (18 months+) and adults, first trial class is free! For more details call Lisa Holt on (01438) 723450 or Stacey Hurst on (01438) 315580. Oval Communit y Circl e:Come along to a free social
group held on the first Thursday of the month anytime between 9:30am and 11am at the Oval Community Centre, Vardon Road. For more information contactenquiries@ovalcommunity.comor 01438 359404. Love t o Dance:Fun and friendly sessions for anyone aged 50 and over take place every Friday from 1.30pm to 3.30pm at Hampson Park Community Centre, Webb Rise, Stevenage, SG1 5QU. Just ÂŁ5.50 per session. For more information call 0203 675 7215 or emailclarebellchambers@saracens.net St evenage Spirit ual Group:Meet every Sunday (except Bank Holidays) at Springfield House, Stevenage Old Town. Sunday meetings take place from 7.30pm till 9pm with a different Medium each week. All welcome. Just Sing Communit y Choir:Come along and sing every Thursday during term time from 7pm to 9pm, at Grace Community Church. Hydean Way, Stevenage. First taster session free and no auditions are required. Contact 07785568463 or visit the websitewww.justsingcc.org.uk Pil at es:Sessions take place at Datchworth Village Hall on Thursdays from 1.30pm to 2.30pm/ Beginners are recommended to attend an introductory class. Call 07732897404 for more information.
Wou ld you lik e t o pr om ot e you r gr ou p or even t f or f r ee? Do you w an t t o sh ow t h e people of #St even age you r gr ou p in act ion ? Sen d you r copy an d pict u r es t o dar r en @spit f ir epr .com an d w e w ill do ou r best t o pu blish t h em in Wh at 's on in #St even age
Work doesn?t have to be hard to be productive. We?ve made our conference rooms an easy-going, inspirational space with the privacy and tranquillity you need to work in comfort. All our superbly appointed meeting rooms are located in a self-contained area on the first floor, with a range of room sizes and configurations, as well as a dedicated and experienced support team to make your event in Stevenage a success. The Ibis Forum has a total floor area of 660m2 and ideal for creating stunning exhibitions, trade fairs or public shows; with a welcome foyer for
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Visit our new websit es for more informat ion www.forumcb.co.uk and www.fairviewhot els.com/ hot els/ ibis-forum-st evenage
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Visit one of our Cineworld cinemas Step 2 Find a member of staff or use a sign up tablet in cinema Step 3 Complete the easy application process and use your temporary pass to start enjoying Unlimited movies Step 4 Start enjoying Unlimited and related offers We are delight ed t o t eam up wit h Cineworld St evenage t o offer you t he chance t o win five pairs of 2D t icket s t o any film (subject t o availabilit y). To ent er simply follow and like our Facebook page @st evenage magazine and ent er our compet it ion when post ed asking who you would t ake wit h you.
Ashr idge Est at e
# St evenage March 2019
The unique guide to property news in #Stevenage
# PROPERTY STEVENAGE Let 's f ace it - w e live in a digit al w or ld - w h en
t h e agen t s w h o ar e act in g on beh alf of bu yer s,
w as t h e last t im e you u sed pr in t t o t r y an d bu y
seller s, lan dlor ds an d t h ose look in g t o r en t .
or sell a h ou se or t o look f or a pr oper t y t o r en t .
In t h ese pages you w ill f in d live lin k s st r aigh t
Th e on lin e w or ld allow s f or qu ick an d easy
t o t h e agen t s - so h it t h eir w ebsit es n ow , em ail
con n ect ion t o all h ou ses f or sale or r en t , w it h
t h em or ar r an ge a visit - all f r om t h e com f or t
f u ll f act s at you r f in ger t ips an d in st an t lin k s t o
of you r ow n ph on e.
101 High St r eet , St even age
Tel 01438 231200 m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k
TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age
Tel 01438 219282 let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k
61-63 High St r eet ,
St even age Tel 01438 316846 w w w.pu t t er ills.co.u k
86 High St r eet ,
St even age Tel 01438 728444 h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k
A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age
Tel 01438 369173 con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k
# PROPERTY STEVENAGE 24 M ar k et Place St even age
Tel 01438 720100 geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k
19 M ar k et Place,
St even age Tel 01438 312312 st even age@w r igh t sof .com
Ow n Hom es, 2 M iddle Row , St even age
Tel 01438 367753 sales@ow n -h om es.com
Call 0800 0248 914
8 M ar k et Place, St even age
Tel 01438 728444 st even age@con n ells.co.u k
8 M ar k et Place, St even age
Tel 01438 870673 en qu ir ies@agen t h ybr id .co.u k
For a top service Text
rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173
em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k
If you are looking for a team that you can trust to deliver time after time then A-Top Property Lettings in Drapers Way, Stevenage is the one for you. A-Top, which is owned by founder Mervyn Terrett, has gained an impressive reputation as the go-to agent for all your property needs whether you are looking to rent or are a landlord seeking tenants. With a combined market experience of more than 60 years, the staff at A-Top are the most knowledgeable in the business and along with advice on the rental market, they can also provide information which allows customers to make the most informed choice possible. Over the past 33 years the team lead by Mervyn has seen the local market undergo a wide number of changes, but through them all A-Top and its experienced staff have always given the very best and most informed service. There have been plenty of changes which have altered the lettings landscape in Stevenage. Through them all however the reliability of A-Top Property Lettings has remained a constant and their portfolio of excellent landlords has increased dramatically. Commenting on the team Mervyn said: ?What once was a rarity in the UK i.e. renting, is now so common as a source of income/investment for landlords and of mobility for professional working tenants. We are delighted to be able to use our expertise to help both tenants and landlords.? For further details contact 01438 369173 or email contact@a-topletting.co.uk
For a top service Text
rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173
em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k
For a top service Text
rely on A-TOP A-Top Pr oper t y Let t in gs, 1 Dr aper s Way, St even age Tel 01438 369173
em ail con t act @a-t oplet t in g.co.u k
The agent with more than 18 years experience Text
TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 219282
em ail let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k
TLC est at es is sit uat ed in t he delight ful set t ing of St evenage Old Town. We pride ourselves on t he personal and professional services we offer t o all landlords and t enant s alike We offer very compet it ive rat es we are one of t he very few let t ing agent s only left in t he t own . W it h over 19 years of experience in t he St evenage market we are sure t o offer you t he best of services from under one roof.
Renowned for our open and honest approach ,TLC will give you t he full informat ion on t he market . Many of our landlords and t enant s have been wit h us since we opened in 2000 and we are known for our close work wit h bot h. Pop int o our Baker St reet off ice or give us a call and find out how TLC can help wit h your let t ings needs.
Providing an honest approach to lettings Text
TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 219282
em ail let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k
Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e
Providing an honest approach to lettings Text
TLC est at es, 4 Bak er St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 219282
em ail let t in gs@t lcest at es.co.u k
Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e
101 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 231200 w w w.m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k pr oper t y@m ar k sim on est at es.co.u k
Partners with vast knowledge of the local area Text
Mark Simon Estates is an established Estate Agency situated at: 101 High Street, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, SG1 3HR. Here at MarkSimon Estates, we have over 40 years combined experience of Estate Agency within Stevenage and its surrounds. Our Partners Mark Sollis & Simon Jacob both grew up in Stevenage and therefore have a vast knowledge of the area and its surrounds. This in itself, is proving an invaluable asset to prospective Vendors and Purchasers seeking a property which meets both their needs and expectations in a home.
?To Mark, Many t hanks for all your hard work selling my house for us in Jessop Road. You went t he ext ra mile in so many ways. You always kept me well informed and I knew I could t rust you t o carry out everyt hing you promised.? From H.
?To MarkSimon Est at es & your t eam, Thank you for being t here t o help us. ? Mr K & Miss T
Click here for MarkSimon Twitter
?To Mike and everyone at MarkSimon Est at es, A Big t hank you for all your help selling our house, Best wishes.? The W ?s
Click here for MarkSimon Facebook
Placing the focus our customers Text
Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444
em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k
Homes and Mortgages Estate Agents are ready and waiting to help the Stevenage community with all its property needs, be it buying, selling or renting, Homes and Mortgages are committed to providing great value customer service for all our clients. Situated in the heart of the historic Old Town and set over three floors, each department provides a professional, welcoming and comfortable environment for all of our customers. We have a team of 9 full time, experienced Sales and Lettings staff on hand to deal with any property enquiry. W hat 's new? The rebranded branch and heavy investment in IT has set Homes and Mortgages up to stand out in 2017 and for the future. Our experienced and dedicated staff all share the same view in providing a fantastic customer experience and are heavily focused on the importance of transparency between ourselves and our customers. The IT software is excellent at allowing vendors and Landlords 24/7 access to information regarding their property. At the click of a button, vendors can see feedback, current interest from web portals and can track the progress of a sale online. Likewise, Landlords have the option to view property maintenance schedules and access statements. mailt o:st evenage@homesand mort gages.co.uk
Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e
Dealing with all property needs
Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444
em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k
Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e
Placing the focus on our customers Text
Hom e an d M or t gages St even age, 86 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 728444
em ail st even age@h om esan dm or t gages.co.u k
Click on t h e im ages an d lin k dir ect ly t o t h eir det ails on lin e
Putterills Stevenage - talk to the professionals Text
61-63 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 316846
Founded by Tony Putterill in 1992, with our first office in Welwyn Garden City, Putterills are now celebrating 26 years of serving the Hertfordshire community. We have grown from our original branch in Welwyn Garden City to having offices in Knebworth, Hitchin, Stevenage Old Town and St Albans, as well as a partner office in London?s Mayfair. Each of our sales offices are overseen by a Director who is actively involved in the day to day running; this helps to ensure that we are providing the highest possible levels of advice and service. All of these offices are prominently located to ensure all properties receive the best possible exposure. In addition to our network of sales offices, we have an award winning Land and New Homes department. Our specialists help landowners maximise the development opportunities for usually previously
w w w.pu t t er ills.co.u k
used land known as Brownfield, as the country struggles for space for new homes. We have always believed that our task is to provide our clients with the best, up to the minute, expert advice when dealing with what is usually their greatest asset. Our clients have a wide range of emotions and circumstances and we help guide less experienced first time buyers, provide yield information and advice to investment buyers, schooling information to families, hold the hands of those who have not moved for many years and deal sensitively and professionally with those. Over the last few years, we are proud to have won a number of national awards which we believe underline our philosophy of being Trusted Property Experts. 2017 saw Tony Putterill retire and hand the reins of the company over to Mark Shearing. Mark has been in agency in Hertfordshire since 1982
and joined Putterills in 1993. As the company moves into a new era with changing markets, advances in property marketing and the use of technology, our aim is simple - to keep at the absolute forefront of full service Estate Agency and to continue the exceptional levels of service and advice that our clients have been able to rely on over the last 26 years. Our primary purpose has always been to provide an outstanding customer experience and our core values continue to represent this: EXCEPTIONAL ? we are passionate about delivering excellence. RESPECT ? we respect and value those we work with, both our colleagues and our customers. EXPERTISE ? we deliver outstanding skills and knowledge in all we do. TRUST ? we act with honesty and integrity at all times.
Wal kern Road, Ol d Town, St evenage
Put t eril l s virt ual t ours - cl ick here t o st art t he t our
Church Lane, Ol d Town, St evenage
Put t eril l s virt ual t ours - cl ick here t o st art t he t our
Nycol l es Wood, Rect ory Lane, St evenage
Put t eril l s virt ual t ours - cl ick here t o st art t he t our
The independent local estate agent Text
2 M iddle Row , St even age Tel 01438 367753
w w w.ow n -h om es.com
St ephen Harris and Michael Not schild est ablished Own Homes in 2008, operat ing as a successful, independent local St evenage est at e agent .
Here at Own Homes, we understand that each property and sale is individual and therefore tailor our service to suit your specific requirements.
We have prominent offices ideally situated in the heart of Stevenage Old Town. One in Middle Row covering lettings and mortgages and one on the High Street to deal with sales. Our recent expansion and our double fronted office allows us the scope and ability to serve Stevenage and the surrounding residential areas.
Passionate in all we do, we pride ourselves on delivering the highest level of service. Selling and letting a property can be a stressful time, which is why we go the extra mile to make your involvement with us as enjoyable and professional as possible.
Working in Hertfordshire for the past 10 years has enabled Own Homes to develop a comprehensive understanding of residential property in the local areas of Stevenage, Hitchin and surrounds. We have an established an experienced team, on hand to work with you throughout the selling and buying process, ensuring personal contact is maintained from start to finish.
We use a number of marketing styles to ensure your property, whether you are selling or letting, gains maximum exposure and a smooth efficient sale. This includes advertising in local newspapers and glossy magazines, as well as Internet marketing. Our double fronted office also allows people to see
our properties in both windows. To arrange a free valuation, or to find out more about Own Homes and the services we provide, simply call 01438 367753 or email sales@own-homes.com. You can also visit our office. Awards In recognition of our outstanding service, we've been awarded two gold winner awards by the British Property Awards, one for being the top Estate Agent in Stevenage and another for the top Estate Agent in the South East. We're very proud of these awards as the Own Homes team has worked tirelessly to provide industry leading property services in and around the area.
The Connells team that you can trust Text
8 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 318080
w w w.con n ells.co.u k
Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are located in the Town Centre along Market Place, and within walking distance of the Train Station. We would love to help you sell or rent your home or find a property to rent or buy in and around the Stevenage area, as well as the villiages Walkern, Knebworth, Little & Great Wymondley, Gravely & Aston. Connells Estate Agents in Stevenage are managed by Gary Young. Gary has had a successful estate agency career over the last 20 years. Gary is supported by Callum Souter who is the Sales Executive with four years experience behind him, Oz Ansari who is the branch valuer, and Melanie Retberg the Branch Administrator. Our in-house Mortgage Consultant Juliet Twining, is fully trained and qualified to advise you on the right mortgage product to suit your needs. Connells Lettings would love to help you rent your property. Lettings Manager Patricia Bowden has 10 year's experience within the Lettings industry and is assisted by Trainee Lettings Negotiator Ben Brooks. With their combined experience and extensive knowledge of the area and rental market, are always happy to offer their assistance to new and experienced buy to let investors and first time landlords
alike. Whether you are looking to sell or rent your property, we offer FREE market appraisals. Please feel free to pop into the branch or call 01438 318080 (Sales) or 01438 318258 (Lettings). We offer a range of property related services all under one roof. In house Mortgage Consultant. Premium Marketing Packages available including Floorplans, Professional Photography, audio tours, and premium listings on Rightmove & Zoopla We have pioneered a dedicated service called The Property Finder
- You tell us what you are looking for and we will find it We know how the Stevenage market moves - our staff are local and extremely knowledgeable. Their in-depth and up to date local experience. Over 10 years?worth of experience and knowledge within the local market. A professional team providing services to suit all your needs including property management, accounts and high quality administration. We accompany all viewings, we believe it is really important, we?ve been trained to do it so you get really good feedback.
Portfolio - for serviced apartments in #Herts Text
Tel 0800 0248 914
Booking a holiday is possibly one of the greatest feelings and counting down the days when you?re having an awful day at work or are just desperate to get away from home can seem like a joy, but there can be a downside. Hotels. While some people may see staying in a hotel like a dream, it can actually be a nightmare if you?ll be staying there for a long time, especially if on a business trip or secondment. With that said, here are the top reasons to stop staying in hotels for your business travel trips. Limit ed Wardrobe Space Packing for a holiday or for a business trip puts you on one of two teams, you?re either naturally gifted and find it a breeze or it?s the worst part of the trip for you, but one thing unites these two camps ? limited hotel space. If you love to pack an outfit for every possible occasion you will know how difficult it can be to cram your clothes into tiny hotel wardrobes, or even worse live out of a case. Staying in a serviced apartment fixes this and means you have a home away from home and all the storage you could need. You feel like you?re t rapped Walking into a hotel room can at first glance feel wonderful, everything is conveniently within arm?s reach and for the first day you love it. Then the second day comes and the third day and by the fourth you feel like you almost can?t breathe. Hotels just aren?t feasible for long periods of time or for anyone who likes a sense of space, after all, who wants to feel trapped by the same four walls for the entire of their trip? Privacy? W hat privacy?
w w w.por t f olio-apar t m en t s.co.u k
Hotels may seem like a good idea for a romantic night away, but if you?re travelling with family or small children or even colleagues, then all sense of privacy goes straight out of the window when you?re all sharing a room just feet away from each other. Forget staring dreamily into each other?s eyes when you wake up, you?ll probably be staring at a toddler who immediately wants to play or be woken by another family member?s snoring and that?s not even mentioning the housekeeper who always turns up at the most inconvenient times! Serviced apartments let you have time to yourself no matter how many you have brought along for the trip, so you can sleep well and feel like you have privacy if you are all loved up. Money money money! Straight to the point hotels aren?t cheap. Even for the savviest of spenders and the keenest bargin hunters, you may think booking your hotel means it?s all done, dusted and paid for but you will undoubtedly end up incurring extra fees. Whether you give in to the lure of room-service with its extortionate service charges, or buy a film to keep energetic youngsters occupied, your bill when you check out can hit you like a smack in the face and leave you wanting a more affordable option. Meals on wheels Speaking of room-service, while this may seem like a decadent treat on the first night, by the time you come back from a long day of exploring and are tired, it is so easy to have a burger brought straight to door along with its crazily hiked-up price and extra delivery charges. This can not only wreak havoc on your bank account,
but also on your waist-line and by the time you leave, the only thing that will be thinner is your wallet. Serviced apartments absolutely win here, as having a fully equipped kitchen at your fingertips means it?s easy to rustle up something quick and delicious that will probably be healthier for you and will also save you money! If you want some tips on how to eat well when working away from home check out next weeks blog post, or check out our apartments to find out why it?s time to say goodbye to hotel hell and wake up to apartment heaven! Though staying in a hotel may seem like the obvious option at first, there?s no denying that a serviced apartment brings with it a number of benefits that a hotel just can?t offer. At Portfolio Serviced Apartments we specialise in providing luxury serviced apartments and temporary homes for corporate and business travellers. We offer a secure spacious base which can become a home from home for longer staying guests. Portfolio Apartments are located throughout all of Hertfordshire including Stevenage, Welwyn Garden City, St. Albans and Hatfield, whilst through our partners we have access to over 90,000 luxury apartments across the globe. So whether it?s a placement in St Albans or a secondment in San Francisco, Portfolio is consistently the favoured choice for travelling professionals. For more information,get in touch. Our team at Portfolio looks forward to helping you soon. Give our friendly team a call on 0800 024 8914 (Mon ? Fri 9-6pm) or visit our website to view our modern serviced apartments.
The personal one-to-one experience Text
74 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 870673 w w w.agen t h ybr id.co.u k
The personal one-to-one experience Text
74 High St r eet , St even age Tel 01438 870673 w w w.agen t h ybr id.co.u k
Agent Hybrid falls bet ween t radit ional and online est at e agency. Our aim is t o deliver a personal, one-t o-one est at e agency experience, whilst delivering a service of excellence. Our agent s are hand picked t o cover areas local t o t hem. Therefore, being able t o offer enviable knowledge t o prospect ive purchasers t hat may be int erest ed in your home. Upon cont act ing us, you will be appoint ed your very own local
Agent Hybrid. Your Agent Hybrid will visit you t o value your propert y, complet ely FREE of charge. They will list en t o your every need, your fut ure plans and expect at ions, before t hey discuss wit h you, how our market ing package and service will be of great benefit t o you. Your local Agent Hybrid will be your point of cont act , t hroughout t he ent ire selling process. Our market ing packages are inclusive of professional phot ography, int elligent propert y descript ions,
floor plans and immersive 3D, Mat t erport walk t hrough virt ual t ours. The new and most immersive way of showcasing your propert y t o pot ent ial buyers online! The t ours alone are proven t o improve t he qualit y of buyers t hat event ually walk t hrough your door. Bet t er st ill, as we dont have t he expensive overheads of a high st reet office t o run, we are able t o pass our savings ont o our client s. This makes us one of t he most fee compet it ive agent s available.
Making the Wrights choice
19 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 312312
Wrights is proud to be an independent estate agency with our own unique values and ethos. We have been in business in Hertfordshire for over 30 years and our experience in helping our customers to buy, sell or rent their properties is second to none. Over the years we have built a professional and enthusiastic team and we now have three branches based in the towns of Hatfield, Stevenage and Welwyn Garden City. Wrights was founded in 1983 by Melvin Wright. Melvin was an experienced estate agent who began his career working for W.H.Lee based in the village of Ware and then moved on to their Stevenage office. As he progressed in his career Melvin was asked if he would open another branch of W.H.Lee in Harlow. Whilst pondering this decision Melvin happened to see that a shop unit in Hatfield was for sale and this made up his mind ? he would start his own estate agency! He picked up the phone to the agent and said he wanted to buy the unit, and so
w w w.w r igh t sof .com
Wrights Estate Agency was born on the 15th August 1983. Due to Melvin and his team?s hard work and determination Wrights Estate Agency really took off in Hatfield. Just 10 years after Wrights first opened its doors in Hatfield Melvin made the decision to open another branch in the lovely town of Welwyn Garden City. And so in 1993 Wrights of Welwyn Garden City was founded. As the Wrights team had such a wealth of knowledge about the Hertfordshire housing market it made sense to open another branch, and because Melvin had previously worked in Stevenage he decided to based his next office in this lively town. Wrights were the first independent estate agents based in the town centre and where we led others followed - it soon became a prime location for a number of estate agencies. Independent agency, independent values When asked just what makes Wrights so successful we tell
people that it is our independent values and experience. We pride ourselves on our professionalism, our knowledge and our honesty. We really care about our customers and put them at the heart of everything we do. Our success is also built on great teamwork and our family values extend to the whole of the Wrights team. We make our offices a welcoming place to work and this is evidenced by the fact that we have team members who have been with us for over 20 years! So now you know our history let us help you plan your future in the property market. Whether you are looking to buy, sell or rent get in touch with any of our three branches and we will be happy to help you. 19 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 312312 h t t ps:/ / w w w.w r igh t sof .com / br an ch / st even age/
Geoffrey Matthew property innovators Text
24 M ar k et Place, St even age Tel 01438 720100
w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k
Geoffrey Mat t hew Est at es are a propert y business wit h offices in Harlow, St evenage and Great Ashby t hat specialise in t he sales and let t ing of resident ial propert y. Over 25 years of experience in propert y and finance give us an unparalleled insight t o t he needs and desires of sellers, purchasers, landlords and t enant s alike. W it h a dedicat ed, hardworking, innovat ive forward-t hinking t eam t hat use modern met hods and good old-fashioned cust omer service, we offer a unique bespoke service t ailored t o you. Tel 01438 720100 w w w.geof f r eym at t h ew.co.u k