Barry Magazine June 2020

Page 52


Barry Magazine

Be your own Social Media Manager I’ve been speaking to lots of small businesses over the last couple of months and it seems that everyone is in two camps.


There are those that are still promoting their businesses and those that are finding it really hard. Sometimes we go between the two on a daily basis! Here’s a few tips for promoting your business taken from my new eBook, Be Your Own Social Media Manager, which will help you carry on building your community online even when things get tough. BE YOURSELF When you’re stuck on what to say it can be tempting to look to others, but the best thing you can do on social media is be yourself and focus on what makes you and your business unique. Share something we might not know and give your audience a chance to connect with you! People buy from people so the more we feel we know the person behind the business, the more we will trust you.

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