Accurate approach for avoiding data leakage

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Accurate approach for avoiding data leakage

INTRODUCTION Today, all types of businesses are being scrutinised because the majority of them rely on cloud-based apps. Employees and third-party vendors are among the many people who have access to all of the company's data. With the pandemic shutting down all offices and the advent of the work-fromhome culture, the chances of a data breach have increased.Data leakage protection solution has always been an organization's top priority.Leaked data is a major blemish on the brand's reputation, causing not only financial losses but also distrust and unrest among loyal customers.

Do an asset inventory If you are concerned about data leaks, your first step should be to identify all of your organization's assets (hardware and software). These assets must then be classified and rated in accordance with their vulnerabilities and the threats they face. Once this step is completed, you can implement appropriate remediation methods.

Regularly monitor all network activity Before attacking a company, a hacker usually digs deep into its network for at least 6 months. As a result, an organisation must closely monitor all activity within the organisation in order to raise an alarm if any red flags are detected. To detect and track any unauthorised activity, real-time monitoring is required.

Use multiple layers of protection To protect your network, you must install multiple layers of defence, not just anti-virus software. A good data leakage protection solution will use a firewall to isolate assets and limit peer-to-peer traffic. With such a thick layer of defence in place, the attacker can only reach the network's periphery.

Encryption Encryption has proven to be one of the most dependable methods of data protection. In the event that data is stolen, encryption ensures that the attacker is unable to use it. Encrypting data at rest and in transit can prevent well-planned attacks.

Identifying vulnerabilities A vulnerability and compliance management tool enables an organisation to continuously identify and monitor all of its network's weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The security team will be able to create better remediation plans and assign appropriate staff members as a result of this.

Scheduled training sessions Employees must receive scheduled security awareness training as part of the information leakage protection strategy. Some of the topics that can be discussed here are:Any suspicious data should be reported.Using distinct passwords. A well-defined and well-documented system for terminating employees and vendors.

Conclusion Organizations must be prepared for all types of data breaches as the cyber attack landscape evolves and improves on a daily basis. All of the methods listed above can result in an effective data leakage detection solution for a company.

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