2 minute read
Southeastern Field
Peay very much. In him we ha , ·e a man well able to represent our Colored Missions before our people. A goodly number of my members came forward after the sen-ice and personnll~- expressed their appreciation to him. Our people are thankful to the
DEAR PAS'l'Olt D1mwJ~ : -
Find enclosed check .for $25 for girls' donnitory at Grccnsborn, N. C. - five dollars each from Doris and Hilda Hcinbokel, .live from Lydia Wiebusch, and ten from :i\Ir. and i\[rs. William J ostmau. May all the fund necessary for this building soon be collected by the grace of God!
We had the plea nrc oC heiuing Pastor Peay last Sunday e, ·c, in our church nncl enjoyed his lecture very much. Respectfully, WrLT.TAi\C Jo. '.l'i\L\N, Chester, Ill.
Southeastern Field.
Pastor Chas. Peay.
}\fission Board for sending such an able coloTed representative of the :i.\Iission, ancl long will they remember the eYening of Rev. Peay's nddre~s. God give us many such Peays for our Negro l\Iissions ! Fraternally, C. P. RolILOl'l!', Nashville, Ill. Dun BROTHER D1rnw.Es: -
Our colored brother, Pastor Peay, was in our midst last Sunday, and delighted our people with a very fine lecture. He is a Christian gentleman, and made a very good impression on our people. The collection amounted to $133.G0, but we may be able to increase that a little, since the people had the opportunity to hear a report at first hand . . There was only one thing wrong about the lecture : It was too short. We could have listened to Brother Peay for another hour. So the lecture was a success and ., •cry well received. And )lOW let me tell you of some of the after-effects. We had invited some of the better class of colored folks living in the vicinity, and they came. One young man ,vas so· taken with the account of the ,vork among the members of his race that he came around last night and asked if he could study to become a Lutheran preacher. He has an eight.-grade education and began the first year of high school. . . .
Fraternally yours,
H. C. SCHRECK, Chester, I}.l.
01-L\TILO'.l".l'I!, N . C. - llcv. J . W. Fuller aud wife are greatly chcetccl by the birth o.f a daughter. i\Iothcr nncl chilcl nre doing well. i\[ay the Lord keep"them both in goocl health!
A'l'LANTA, GA. - On ~unday, December 27, 1925, Rev. J olm Alston cclcbratecl his eighth anniversary as pastor of St. Mark's. In the scnice,. which was well attencled, he reviewed the work of the past eight years. He rejoi.ces in a bright outlook for the futme of his station. He is also cheered
Pastor John Alston.
by the friendly relations existing between himself and bis congregation.
WINSTON-SA.LEM, N. C. - Rev. J. Hunt writes: "On December G two children were baptized. May the Lord keep these children in their baptismal grace!"·
REV. C. R. MARCH refiurned home to Salisbury, N. C., shortly before Christmas. He had been at