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Book Table

Oceania the1·c· is a total Roman Catholic constitue~cy of 130,000 which is min_i tered to by 360 priests.

Roman Catholic Fo1·eign Missionai·y Staff. '.rhere are at the present time mo1·e than 15,000 Roman Catholic missionaries in foreign lands, and this number represents at least twenty dUl:ercnt nationalities. '.rhe Irish al'C in Chinn, the French in Africa, and Ainericans 'way down in Patagonia, nea1· the "land of fire." In addition to these there are 37,000 "sisters" of various orde~·s worh-ing in mission countries, helping the mi ionary priests by caring for the sick and teaching the children.


Street Preaching in America. - We believe with the exception of our Church, every church-body in .America does street preaching. We do it in India; why not use this method in .Amm·ica, especially in our larger cities, where it is always possible to gather au audience in street, square, or park? If the sects and the Roman Catholics find this an excellent means of spreading their doctrine, why should not we make use of this means to spread the glad tidings of the pure Gospel that has been entrusted to us? Are we not neglecting an opportunity offered us? Have we not 1·eason to believe that if we entered this field, God would in due time bountifully bless our labors?

China's Most Charitable Man. -Joseph Low Pa Hong is reputed to be China's most charitable man. Possibly it is no exaggeration to say that he is the most charitable Christian living. He lives in Shanghai. It is said that 2,500 to 3,000 persons are regular recipients of his bounty. He has to his credit three hospitals in Shanghai built from his own money and the endowment of many institutions. Low Pa Hong is an earnest Christian worker, teaches Sunday-school every Sunday, visits his hospitals and the other institutions which he supports, and has organized a corps of 300 native Chinese coworkers who assist him in doing missionwork. All this Low Pa Hong is doing besides taking care of his great commercial and industrial interests.

A Wide Field. -At.Marana, Ariz., is a church which has a wide field for its labors. It is the only church for twenty-five miles to the east an<;l fifty miles to the west. Marana is in the Sarita Cruz • Valley, in a desert swept by fierce sand-storms at frequent intervals. Though the church is only a year old, it already numbers fifty-three communicants.

A Great Missiona1-y Opportunity. - There is no country in the world where so many unfrersities are to be folmd as in this fond of ours, but until very 1·ecently there was among this large number not one that ,vas tmder Lutheran influence. However, since September S., 1925: the Lutheran University Association, consisting cxclusi'l"ely of members affiliated with some congregation of the Lutheran Synodical Con£ erence, has acquired possession of Valparaiso Uuh-ersity, situated at ·valparaiso, Ind. This school looks back upon a history of more than filty years and is to-day in complete running order, offering its students a Liberal Arts course, as well as comses in Law, Engineering, Pharmacy, Music, and Business. 'l'his school will meet a long-felt want, and its acquisition will be hailed with delight by thousands of our parents ·and youth. - We call attention to it here because of its great potential value as a missionary agent of our Chmch. God bless Valparaiso University and make it a means of saving thousands of our brightest young men and \vomen for our Church !


Synodical Reports of :Missouri Synod, 1925. No. 8. 2'ca:as District. Po.per:· "Der sechste Artikel der Konkordienformel :' 'Vom dritten Brauch des Gesetzes.'" (Prof. G. Eifrig.) 63 pages. Price, 40 eta. -No. O. Iotoa. District. Papers: ''Verstoesse gegen die Schriftlehre vom Beruf" (conclusion; Rev. P. T. Stephan); "The First Synod at Jerusalem" (Rev. J. IInrtmeister). 116 pages. Price, .75 eta. - No. 10. A tla.ntic District. Paper: "Our Savior's Sacerdotal Prayer.'' (Rev. John H. Volk.) 72 pages. Priee, 45 eta. Concordia. Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Das Buch des Lebens. Refero.t, geha.lten au£ der Syno• dah·erso.mmlung des Sued-Illinois-Distrikts von Pa.&tor Ernst Eckl,a.rd.t, St. Louis, Mo. 42 pages. Price, 25 cts. Concordia P'!blishing House, St. Louis, Mo.

A unique treatment of the doctrine of election. Readers will find it truly fascinating. First Things First. Talks on the Catechism. By Louia Birk. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. Price, 40 cts.

We are gratified to see that 11. second edition of this delightful booklet has become necessary. We know of no book in which religious truths have been brought into the practical life of the cl;iild so simply and convincingly ns in tl1is book by Pastor Buchheim.er. The catechist will greatly increase the "human appe'nl" of his instruction by studying this booklet. Russellism. By Kari Linsmma.nn. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, Mo. 16 pages. Price, 10 eta.; 96 eta. per dozen.

From Holy Scripture Pastor Linsemnann proves that the Russcllites nro false teachers on the Second Advent of Christ, the Resurrection of the Dead, Immortality of tl1e Soul, Hell and Eterna'l Punishment, the Holy Trinity, the Deity of Christ, the Deity of the Holy Ghost, and Jesus the Redeemer. A most useful pamphlet.

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