5 The high-school classes have been transferred to the day-school building, to which a wing containing the science room has been added. rrhis building is heated by a steam-heating plant. Special rededicatory ser vices will probably be held in May. After ye~rs of patient waiting rm:. manuel Lutheran College now has a plant. W. H. G.
Seventy-Two! It 1s Sunday morning, 9.30, at Buffalo, New York. A Go\"ernment survey snys or this building In Its original s late: "The building Is a two-story granite structure of an lnconsltent, mixed, and wasteful type or architecture. It Is heated by sto,·es. The Three rooms in an Interior shows bo.d workmo.nshlp, Inexperienced plo.nnlng, and poor mnterlnl." old house at J efsary offices, and well-appointed classrooms for the ferson and Woodlawn are bustling with activity. college department and the seminary. About half They constitute the "chapel" of the Lutheran of the second story has been remodeled and changed Church of Our Savior. Little tots clinging to the hands of big brothers into a splendid dormitory with shower-baths for the use o.f the male students. The library, ext~nding across the entire width of the building, with its substantial furnishings, presents a most inviting appearance. While the kitchen and the diningroom remain in the basement, both now admirably serve their purpose. The chapel alone has escaped material alterations. The building is heated by steam; formerly .Administration Building, :Immanuel College, Greensboro, N. C., after being Remodeled. stoves were used. Administration Building, Immanuel College, Greensboro, N . C., before It was Remodeled.